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My  name  is  Fernanda  Stefani  and  I  am  the  founder  of  100%  A mazonia.    We  are  a  100%  
Brazilian  company,  with  headquarters  in  the  heart  of  the  Amazon  r ainforest.    
Before  that,  I  had  been  w orking  in  the  supply  c hain  of  acai  berries  since  2004.        
In  2006,  we  opened  a  company  c alled  Earth  Fruits  with  US  partners,  where  I  w as    able  to  
start  practicing  ecological  and  social  sustainability,  by  empowering  the  forest    people  to  
create  alternative  income  to  the  traditional  timber  business  in  the  S tate  of  Pará.  You  can  
see  a  little  bit  of  our  story  in  the  following  link:  
In  2008,  Earth  Fruits  w as  sold  to  a  large  US  group  and  I  moved  on  to  pursue  my  dream  of  
working  free  from  any  attachments  to  the  US.  corporative  culture  and  funds.  W ith  different  
engagement  with  the  forest,  w e  set  out  to  practice  the  empowerment  of  the  locals  in  a  
different  way.    
In  2009,  100%  A mazonia  was  born.  
Through  100%  A mazonia,  w e  specialize  in  supplying  renewable  non-­‐timber  forest  products  
from  the  Amazon  r ainforest,  turning  them  into  unique  ingredients  for  the  food,  beverage  
and  c osmetics  industry.    
We  partner  with  local  co-­‐ops  to  obtain  wild-­‐harvested  fruits  and  seeds  from  the  rainforest  and  deliver  them  to  the  marketplace  in  the  finest  
quality   pulps,   purees,   powders,   juices,   oils   and   concentrates   with   minimal   processing   guaranteed.   By   establishing   key   relationships   and  
maintaining  contracts  with  processing  facilities,  we  are  able  to  process  the  fruits  within  hours  of  harvesting  for  optimal  nutrient  content,  
maximum  efficacy,  and  ideal  flavour.  
This  link  shows  our  first  short  movie,  you  can  see  a  little  bit  about  our  story.    
With  commitment  to  sustainability  and  fair  trade,  we  support  socially  responsible  programs  and  practices.  100%  Amazonia  has  created  a  
structure  that  allows  for  small  co-­‐ops  to  thrive  and  the  local  economy  to  grow  while  providing  healthful,  premium  quality  products  to  the  
global  marketplace.  
Nowadays,  we  partner  with  4  co-­‐ops  of  organic  guaraná  and  also  organic  acai  and  other  fruits  and  oils.    
We  finance  them,  pay  a  premium  price  for  the  products,  and  place  them  in  the  international  market.    
In  2013,  we  were  chosen  the  best  social  entrepreneur  in  the  State  of  Para  and  we  were  portrayed  in  the  website  of  the    
Projeto  Brasil27  (        A  video  with  English  subtitles  was  shot  and  published  in  the  largest  newspaper  in  Brazil.  (with  English  subtitles)                                     ­‐brasil-­‐27-­‐caso-­‐100-­‐amazonia.shtml  
We  believe  in  genuine  partnerships  with  companies  like  Amazonia  Australia.  We  are  delighted  to  work  with  a  like  minded  organisation.  They  
demanded  that  our  sources  were  sustainable  and  organic.  It  could  not  be  a  more  perfect  partnership!  
We   DO   NOT   believe   in   vertical   production,   nor   is   in   our   plans   to   create   the   largest   acai   company   in   the   world.   We   want   to   stay   truthful   to  
our  beliefs,  walk  our  talk,  and  not  only  having  the  organic  “stamp”.      
When  it  takes  about  wild  harvested  acai,  the  organic  certification  does  NOT  guarantee  that  the  product  is  good  and  fresh.  The  REAL  guarantee  
is  the  proximity  to  the  acai  production  areas.  Our  main  processing  partner  is  surrounded  by  the  largest  wild  harvested  area  from  our  state.  
Big  companies  are  located  around  2-­‐3  days  away  by  boat.    

That  is  the  real  taste  difference  that  you  may  feel  in  the  Amazonia  brand  and  why  the  darker  colour..
Finally,  our  work  has  been  recognized  internationally  and  a  new  video  was  shot  (still  no  English  subtitles)  showing  our  new  warehouse  and  
our  co-­‐workers,  as  a  success  case  by  the  largest  business  portal  of  the  internet:  Alibaba.      2015  -­‐  
Some  facts  about  sustainability  of  acai  the  simple  consumption  of  acai  brings:  
ü   Fair  trade  practices  happen  naturally  for  acai.  Different  than  commodities,  the  market  is  regulating  for  prices.  
ü   The  Conab  (national  program  for  minimum  values  for  agricultural  products)  indicated  acai  minimum  prices  as  BRL  0,80  per  kilo.    
ü   Market  prices  now  are  around  BRL  1,42  per  kg.  That  is  a  REAL  markup  of  77,5%!  
ü   Ecological  sustainability:  working  along  with  EMATER  and  EMBRAPA,  we  have  discovered  that  the  areas  where  the  SAFs  (agroforestry  
systems)  are  being  practiced  ,  the  forest  is  preserved  while  the  production  yields  are  higher.    
Basically,  to  achieve  a  higher  production  yield  and  be  profitable,  one  is  obliged  to  adopt  sustainable  practices  when  it  takes  to  acai  berries.  
WE  can  speak  for  hours  about  acai,  as  this  is  my  passion.  But  I  hope  you  can  enjoy  a  bowl  of  acai  while  reading  this  letter.  
Word  of  mouth  is  our  best  reputation,  the  marketing  dollars  go  to  our  partners  in  the  forest!  
Fernanda Stefani
December  2015  

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