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University of the Istmo

Faculty of Education and Social Sciences

Degree in psychology

Inglés I

Rosalba Bryan

Activity 1:
¿Lo que está sucediendo?

Produced by:
Yaneth Del Carmen Atencio Alvarado


9 of August of 2023
Watch the videos and write sentences about them using the present
continuous tense. Describe what is happening in each video. Write at least 3
sentences in affirmative form and 2 sentences in negative form for each
video. That means 5 sentences per video. There must be 20 sentences in
4 videos X 5 sentences = 20 sentences

Video #1
Affirmative Sentences:
➢ He is stealing the bag
➢ He is Walking near the car
➢ He is wearing dark glasees
Negative Sentences:
➢ He is not being honest
➢ He is not driving the car

Video #2
Affirmative Sentences:
➢ He is making a barbecue
➢ He is using a knife
➢ He is roasting on the charcoal
Negative Sentences:
➢ He is not roasting chicken
➢ He is not wearing gloves
Video #3
Affirmative Sentences:
➢ She is drinking coffee
➢ She is checking her cell phone
➢ They are eating salad
Negative Sentences:
➢ They are not eating dessert
➢ They are not drinking juice

Video #4
Affirmative Sentences:
➢ He is singing
➢ They are playing the guitar
➢ He is dancing
Negative Sentences:
➢ They are not playing drums
➢ the two are not singing

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