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Yan Ju† , Shan Jia† , Lipeng Ke† , Hongfei Xue† , Koki Nagano‡ , and Siwei Lyu†
2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) | 978-1-6654-9620-9/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICIP46576.2022.9897820

University at Buffalo, State University of New York


With the development of the Generative Adversarial Net-
works (GANs) and DeepFakes, AI-synthesized images are
now of such high quality that humans can hardly distinguish
them from real images. It is imperative for media forensics
to develop detectors to expose them accurately. Existing de-
tection methods have shown high performance in generated
images detection, but they tend to generalize poorly in the Fig. 1. Detectors trained with high resolution frontal face images
generated by the seen model have high accuracies. What about
real-world scenarios, where the synthetic images are usually
the images with various resolutions, objects and manipulation types
generated with unseen models using unknown source data. from unseen models?
In this work, we emphasize the importance of combining
of the methods focus on global features extracted from the en-
information from the whole image and informative patches
tire images [6, 7, 8, 9]. Inspired by the success in fine-grained
in improving the generalization ability of AI-synthesized im-
classification field, a recent work [7] brings a novel perspec-
age detection. Specifically, we design a two-branch model to
tive by taking the binary image detection as a fine-grained
combine global spatial information from the whole image and
classification task, and proposes to capture local features from
local informative features from multiple patches selected by
multiple face attentive regions.
a novel patch selection module. Multi-head attention mech-
Current detectors have provided an excellent performance
anism is further utilized to fuse the global and local features.
in a closed (i.e., intra-dataset) scenario, where the testing and
We collect a highly diverse dataset synthesized by 19 models
training images are generated by the same models trained
with various objects and resolutions to evaluate our model.
on similar source data. However, their performance tends to
Experimental results demonstrate the high accuracy and good
decrease considerably in the open-world applications, where
generalization ability of our method in detecting generated
the testing images come from a different domain, and gen-
images. Our code is available at
erated by unknown models or from unseen source data. For
example, [10] evaluates several SOTA detectors under the
Index Terms— AI-synthesized Image Detection, Image
real-world conditions, including cross-model, cross-data, and
Forensics, Feature Fusion, Attention Mechanism.
post-processing, and concludes that current detection models
1. INTRODUCTION are not yet robust enough for real applications.
Recently, the creation of realistic synthetic media has seen To improve the detection generalization, several recent
rapid developments with ever improving visual qualities and works propose to utilize new deep learning techniques, such
run time efficiencies. Notable examples of AI-synthesized as transfer learning [11], incremental learning [12], con-
media include the high-quality images synthesized by the trastive learning [13], representation learning [14], etc. Data
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [1], and videos augmentation is also a successful tool to improve the general-
with face swaps or puppetry created by the auto-encoder ization ability and robustness [6]. Wang et al. [6] demonstrate
models [2]. The synthetic images/videos have become chal- that a standard classifier can generalize well if trained with
lenging for humans to distinguish [3], and correspondingly, careful pre-/post-processing and data augmentation.
a slew of detection methods [4, 5] have been developed to However, as the manipulation methods are rapidly devel-
mitigate the potential risks posed by such AI-synthesized oped and improved, how the existing detectors will gener-
images. alize to various AI-synthesized images (as shown in Fig. 1)
Existing detection methods generally employ deep neural deserves deep investigation. On the one hand, advanced gen-
networks to automatically extract discriminative features, and eration models have made the differences between real and
then feed them into a binary classifier to tell real or fake. Most fake images more subtle and local. On the other hand, differ-

978-1-6654-9620-9/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 3465 ICIP 2022

StyleGAN-V1/2/3 [16, 1, 17], which can generate realistic
high-resolution images. Conditional GANs models such as
CycleGAN [18] often take an image as input and generate the
specific class of image with different object, style, etc. For
partially manipulated images/videos such as face swaps, pup-
petry and attributes manipulation, most methods are based
on the auto-encoder models [19]. Several large scale datasets
such as FaceForensic++ [20] and Celeb-DF [2] are proposed.
Fake Image Detection. There have been many active de-
velopments in methods to distinguish between real and syn-
thetic/manipulated images. A common approach is to train
Fig. 2. The architecture of our model. Global branch extracts a binary classification detector on whole image with deep
spatial feature and local branch extracts subtle feature from local neural network models [6, 8, 9, 7, 21]. These methods fo-
patches selected by Patch Selection Module (PSM). The Attention- cus on global feature extraction from the whole image and
based Feature Fusion Module (AFFM) fuses global and local fea- are often not sensitive to the subtle local artifacts. To obtain
tures for the classification. more generalized features for diverse fake manipulation, re-
ent types of manipulation with either global synthesis or local cent studies have emphasized the significance of informative
manipulation are increasing realistic. Thus, the methods that patches (local features) for detection and localization [22, 23,
only make use of global spatial features may not work well 24]. Specifically, the study in [22] proposes a patch-based
on the models: 1) that synthesize entire images with refined classifier with limited receptive fields and obtains excellent
global qualities and subtle artifacts in local regions; 2) that generalization on the entire face forgery datasets. The method
partially manipulate the image like swapping the face region in [23] also focuses on various facial parts and evaluate the
only in recent DeepFakes. performance on each individual part. However, this method
Inspired by the previous works [7, 15], we propose a two- puts too much emphasis on local artifacts and ignores global
branch model to combine global and local features to detect ones, which may not generalize well to both entire forgery
diverse types of AI synthesized images. The global branch fo- and partially forgery detection.
cuses on extracting overall structural features from the whole 3. METHOD
image. The local branch extracts fine-grained artifacts from 3.1. Overall Architecture
multiple patches. Instead of using random or manually pre-
The overall structure of our two-branch model is illustrated
defined patches, we design a Patch Selection Module (PSM)
in Fig. 2. Taking an image as input, the global branch gener-
to automatically select informative patches. The features from
ates a stack of global feature maps and a global feature em-
two branches are fused by an Attention-based Feature Fusion
bedding using the backbone network (e.g, ResNet50 [38]).
Module (AFFM) and fed into a binary classifier.
The Patch Selection Module (PSM) predicts the coordinates
Our main contributions can be summarized as follows:
of most informative patches that are then cropped from the
• We propose a two-branch framework to combine global
input image and fed into local branch to obtain the local fea-
features from the whole image with the local features
tures. An Attention-based Feature Fusion Module (AFFM) is
from informative patches to enhance the generalization
further designed to fuse the global and patch embeddings.
ability of AI-synthesized image detection.
• We design an attention-based patch selection module 3.2. Global Branch
to automatically select multiple patches for local sub- The global branch in the model is designed for high-level
tle artifacts extraction without any manual annotations. global spatial feature learning. It takes an image as input
This module facilities the model to locate locally ma- and employs the CNN feature extractor to obtain the global
nipulated regions more efficiently. features maps from last convolutional layer, denoted as F ∈
• We collect a large-scale and highly diverse dataset with RC×H×W with C channels and H × W spatial size. The
different resolutions, various manipulation types, and global embeddings are acquired by inputting F into average
extensive synthesis models to evaluate our method. Ex- pooling and fully connected layers. The global features con-
perimental results demonstrate the outstanding general- tain the spatial and structural information from the input im-
ization ability of our method. age.
2. RELATED WORK 3.3. Local Branch with Patch Selection Module
Fake Image Generation. The generative adversarial net- Our local branch is designed to locate the most informative
works (GANs) are usually used to synthesize entire images. patches, from which the discriminative local features are ex-
Unconditional GANs take a random vector as input and tracted. Assuming that the regions with higher energy in
no class labels are needed for generative modeling. Ex- global feature maps usually are more informative for clas-
amples of widely used unconditional GAN models include sification task, we design a Patch Selection Module (PSM)

Table 1. Details of our highly-diverse testing dataset.
Family Models # Images (Real/Fake) Object Resolution
GauGAN[25], StarGAN[26], Face & Non-face
Contiditonal GANs 19,343 (10,023/9,320) 256 × 256
CycleGAN[18], Pix2Pix[27] (bedroom,apple,winter,etc.)
ProGAN[28], StyleGAN[16],
Face & Non-face
Uncontiditonal GANs StyleGAN2[1], StyleGAN3[17], 71,750 (27,335/44,415) 160 × 160 ∼ 5k × 8k
BigGAN[29], WGAN[30], VAEGAN[31]
Perceptual Loss CRN[32], IMLE[33] 25,528 (12,764/12,764) Non-face(street) 512 × 256
Low-level Vision SITD[34], SAN[35] 798 (399/399) Face&Non-face(flower, animal, etc.) 480 × 320 ∼ 6k × 4k
DeepFakes FF++[20], Celeb-DF[2] 7,097 (3,531/3,566) Face 256 × 256 ∼ 944 × 500
Others Transformers[36], BGM[37] 3,908 (1,438/2,470) Face 256 × 256 ∼ 1024 × 1024

module to locate more useful patches from global feature 4. EXPERIMENTS

maps. The PSM module extracts the coordinates of the most 4.1. Datasets
informative patches in the input image by calculating the The training set provided in [6] was used for our model
patch scores from the global feature maps F . training. It comprises 362K real images from 20 object
To calculate the patch scores, we first estimate the activa- classes of the LSUN dataset and 362K images generated
tion map A by Paggregating the F in the channel dimension by ProGAN [28]. The spatial size of all training images is
as A(x, y) = j=1 F j (x, y). Then we calculate the average 256 × 256. For the testing dataset, we composed a dataset of
score in a window on the activate map to indicate the “infor- synthetic images generated with 19 various generation mod-
mativeness” of the corresponding patch in the input image. els based on several existing datasets [6, 9, 2], considering
Specifically, we set the windows with Hw × Ww spatial size both whole image synthesis (GANs) and partial manipula-
to slide on the activate map A and calculate the score of each tions (face swaps). We also included several recently released
window Sw as following: models such as BGM [37], StyleGAN3 [17], Transform-
PWw −1 PHw −1 ers [36], Celeb-DF [2], etc. These 19 models were further
x=0 y=0 A(x, y)
Sw = (1) divided into 6 families based on the model structures (see
Ww × Hw more details in Table 1). A total of 128, 424 images have
By sorting the scores, a fixed number of windows with been collected, with a high diversity in generation model,
higher scores are selected as our patch proposals after us- data object and image resolution. To the best of our knowl-
ing non-maximum suppression (NMS) to reduce patch redun- edge, this is the most comprehensive and diverse dataset for
dancy. Coordinates of these patch proposals are then mapped AI synthesized image detection evaluation.
back to the original input image. After patch cropping, the
4.2. Implementation Details
most informative local patches are selected, which are fed into
the CNN to extract local embeddings. Our model is implemented with Pytorch [40] and trained
with 64 batch size and 0.0001 base learning rate. The Adam
3.4. Attention-based Feature Fusion Module optimizer is used with the loss function of BCE. ResNet-
To efficiently combine the global and local features for fi- 50 [38] pre-trained with ImageNet is utilized as backbone to
nal classification, an Attention-based Feature Fusion Mod- extract global and local features. Input image is resized to
ule (AFFM) based on multi-head attention mechanism [39] 224 × 224 for our global feature extraction branch. Before
is designed. After concatenating the global embeddings resizing, 10% training samples are selected randomly in each
from global branch and several patch embedddings from training epoch and augmented with Gaussian blur with Sigma
local branch, the AFFM learns correlations among these parameter σ ∼ Uniform [0, 3] and JPEG-ed with quality ∼
embeddings and combine them as a whole feature with the Uniform {30, 31, ..., 100}. Feature maps from layer Conv5 b
learned weights for further classification. Specifically, the in ResNet-50 are inputted into PSM to guide informative
concatenated embeddings are inputted into AFFM as the patches selection. In PSM implementation, two sliding win-
query Q, the key K, and the value V. Multi-head attention dows Hw × Ww = 3 × 3 and Hw × Ww = 2 × 2 are used
with n heads is used. The ith attention head hi (i ∈ [1, n]) to capture artifacts from different resolution on activation
is computed with the scaled dot product attention as hi = map, and the sliding step is set as 1. 3 patch proposals from
window size 3 × 3 are selected and mapped into 224 × 224
sof tmax( Wi Q×(W √ i
) × Wi V V, where Wi Q , Wi K ,
d patches on the input image. Similarly, 3 patch proposals from
Wi v are parameter matrices and d is the dimension of K. window sizes 2×2 are mapped into 112×112 patches. These
The attention scores of all heads are concatenated as the input 6 patches are resized into 224 and then fed into ResNet-50
of a linear transformation to obtain the value of multi-head for local embeddings extraction. The dimension of extracted
attention as M HA(Q, K, V ) = Concat(hi )Wo (i ∈ [1, n]), global embeddings and patch embeddings is 128. In AFFM,
where Wo is also a parameter matrix. The fused one dimen- 3 attention layers with 4 heads are utilized to fuse all the
sional vector from M HA(Q, K, V ) is taken as the learned extracted features.
feature and inputted into classifier for the final prediction.

Table 2. Evaluation results on the Seen and Unseen models. We show the mAP of each family, Total mAP of all the models and Global
AP. The highest value is highlighted in black. Baselines are listed in the first three rows followed by two ablations (Our RdmCrop and
Our Rsz448). The proposed method Our PSM is listed in the last row.
Family Seen Unseen Total Global
Method Conditional Unconditional Perceptual Low-level
ProGAN DeepFakes Others mAP AP
GANs GANs Loss Vision
CNN aug[6] 100 94.782 88.100 98.374 82.027 69.576 71.846 86.389 93.578
No down[8] 100 91.294 90.438 93.820 89.853 72.033 81.445 88.063 91.593
Patch forensics[22] 94.620 89.245 69.286 99.472 69.661 57.424 57.902 73.979 70.149
Our RdmCrop 100 96.039 88.775 98.719 71.773 63.154 82.357 86.825 94.457
Our Rsz448 100 97.286 92.712 99.930 74.340 68.960 80.143 88.813 95.717
Our PSM 100 98.305 95.485 99.147 85.104 70.109 87.493 91.732 96.906

As for baselines, we use CNN aug [6], No down [8] and performance because our patch selection focuses on the most
Patch forensics [22]. We follow the settings in their paper and distinguishable patches and achieves the balance between us-
train them on our training dataset from scratch. Note that for ing all the information of image and training efficiency.
Patch forensics, we use their released weights. For metric,
we utilize average precision (AP) to evaluate our model and
the baselines following recent works [6]. We report the mean
AP (mAP) by averaging the AP scores over each family.

4.3. Evaluation for AI-synthesized Image Detection

Table 2 reports the mAP of each family of the baselines and
the proposed Our PSM. The total mAP among all the testing
models are also listed. More importantly, to accurately mea- (a) Robustness to Blurring (b) Robustness to JPEG
sure the model performances in a real-world scenario where Fig. 3. Comparison of detection robustness to post-processing.
the source of the images is unknown, we mixed up all the im-
We also evaluate the robustness of our method and the
ages in the testing dataset and reported the global AP on the
baselines on the images post-processed with Gaussian Blur
mixed dataset. All the methods achieve 100% accuracy on
and JPEG Compression. Fig. 3 shows that our model achieves
the seen ProGAN model except Patch forensics, which is lim-
good robustness to these post-processing operations even on
ited to face object detection and not works well on our testing
such a diverse unseen dataset. This indicates that data aug-
data with diverse objects. For the unseen models, compared
mentation during training process may help to improve the
with three baselines, Our-PSM achieves the best mAP values
among most families and performs slightly worse on Low- 5. CONCLUSION
level Vision and DeepFakes than the No down method. We In this work, we propose a two-branch model that fuses
conjecture that the resizing operations of our model on the global and informative local features for generalized AI-
high-resolution images in Low-level Vision and DeepFakes synthesized image detection. Global branch learns the whole
families will make the artifacts more difficult to detect. Over- image structure information, and the local branch extracts
all, Our PSM achieves the best performance in terms of Total local subtle features from the informative regions selected
mAP and Global AP. This demonstrates the better general- by the proposed PSM. Multi-head attention is finally used
ization ability of our model than the methods that only use to fuse these complementary features for a binary classifica-
whole image information or only focus on features from small tion. Our model learns to focus on the most discriminative
patches. local patches with the help of the global high-level features
To further evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed Patch in an unsupervised way, which allows us to fuse the local and
Selection Module (PSM), we also show the mAP obtained by global information more efficiently. Extensive experiments
replacing our PSM with two popular patch selection methods on the highly diverse testing dataset that contains 19 models
in the bottom 3 lines of Table 2. In Our RdmCrop, the global demonstrate that our proposed method achieves high accu-
feature extraction and AFFM stay the same except that the racy and good generalization ability. In future work, we will
PSM is replaced with random patch cropping on the input im- investigate a differentiable patch selection module so that the
age. Similarly, in Our Rsz448, we replace the PSM with re- patches can be learned more efficiently.
sizing the input image to 448 first and cropping five 224×224 Acknowledgements: This work is supported by the US
patches from four corners and center. As shown in Table 2, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Se-
Our PSM outperforms other two patch selection methods in mantic Forensic (SemaFor) program, under Contract No.
all families except in Perceptual Loss. However, consider- HR001120C0123. We thank SemaFor for providing datasets
ing the overall performance, Our PSM demonstrates the best for our training and testing.

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