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We live in an urbanized place which is already very crowded. Thousands of

people try to fit in a small area of land, resulting to problems in order and neatness. This

caused other creatures to dwell among us and our dirty surrounding and one of them are


Cockroaches can usually be found on crevices and cracks around the corner of the

kitchen or the bathroom as they prefer living on dark, warm, and humid places (Britanica,

2019). They feed on all sort of food, from leftovers to paper, fabric, and dead insects.

Cockroaches can last up to one moth without food and only a week without water (Pest

World, 2019).

Cockroaches bring harmful germs and bacteria causing diseases on the people in

the household. They can cause diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, leprosy, typhoid fever and

viral diseases such as poliomyelitis (World Health Organization, 2019).

Banana blossom is a purplish red, tear drop shape blossom hanging on banana

trees. It is abundant in south and south East Asian countries as an ingredient on many

local delicacies. Banana blossom is known to as a nutritious food as it contains

Manganese, Copper, Iron, and Potassium. It also helps in infection, diabetes, anemia,

improves lactation, menstrual problems, Reduce Anxiety, Gastrointestinal health (Health

Benefits times, 2017).

This study can be beneficial to the community in maintaining its cleanliness.

Since most of us live in such a crowded area that it is already becoming unsanitary

causing pests like cockroaches to linger around our homes. It can also help our local

banana farmers that supply the market with banana blossom, thus, helping to boost our

economy. This can help the community to be cleaner and avoid diseases caused by

cockroaches. It also aims to determine if banana blossom (Musa sp. L.) extract can be

used as a cockroach repellent and if there is a significant difference between the

experimental group and control group.


A. Research Design

The study made used of comparative experimental research design since it

aimed to find out if the banana blossom extract can be used as an alternative

cockroach repellent. The variables used in the study were shown in table 1.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable Constant Variable

 Amount of Banana  Number of cockroaches  Species of

blossom extract cockroach
Table 1 Table of Variables

B.1 Set- ups

The researcher prepared two set- ups as shown in Figure 1. The controlled

group, Set- up A is composed of two untreated boxes. The experimental group Set- up

B is composed of one box treated with banana blossom extract and water with a ratio

of 15 mL: 15 mL respectively and an untreated box.

Figure 1 Set- ups used in the first set of experiments

B.2 Set- ups

The researcher prepared two set- ups as shown in Figure 1. The controlled

group, Set- up A is composed of two untreated boxes. The experimental group Set- up

B is composed of one box treated with banana blossom extract and with a ratio of 15

mL: 15 mL respectively and an untreated box.

Figure 2 Set- ups used in the second set of experiments.

C. Materials

The materials used in the experiments are shown in figure 2.

banana blossom spray bottle Pipettor

1mL capacity

Test tube 10 mL capacity Petri dish Spatula

Filter paper Plastic Boxes

Figure 3 Materials used in the experiment

D. General Procedures

D.1 Procedures for the first set of experiments


The banana blossom was brought to the Bureau of Plant Industry for


Preparation of Banana Blossom

The banana blossom used in the study was brought from a local market. It was

washed and cleaned thoroughly to prepare it for extraction.

Crude Extraction of Banana Blossom

The researcher brought the banana blossom (Musa sp. L.) to a laboratory for crude


Formulation of Solution

After receiving the banana blossom (Musa sp. L.) crude extract, the solution was

prepared by mixing 20g of banana blossom extract and 5 mL of distilled water. Then, it

was sent to a laboratory to test its repellency against cockroaches.


The samples were sent to a laboratory to determine the percent rate of repellency

of banana blossom extract against cockroaches using choice box method.

D.2 Procedures made by the researchers

Preparation of Banana Blossom

A kilo of banana blossom was washed thoroughly. Then, it was sun dried for 6


Crude Extraction of Banana Blossom

The dried banana blossom was placed in a jar with 750 mL of alcohol solution

with an alcohol per volume (ABV) of 40% for three days. Then, the banana blossom and

the alcohol solution were separated. The banana blossom was divided into small batches

and placed in a cheese cloth to be extracted. The gathered extract was passed into a filter

paper with a beaker underneath to remove dirt and other impurities. The resulting extract

was placed in a beaker and was left for 18 hours to let the alcohol evaporate.

Formulation of Solution

Using the graduated cylinder, the researcher measured 15 mL banana blossom

extract and 15 mL of distilled water. Then it was combined to create a solution with a

ratio of 50: 50.


For the second testing, the banana blossom solution was tested against German

cockroach (Blatella germanica) using choice box method. The researcher used four pairs

of boxes that have a tube that connects both boxes. For set- up A, two filter papers were

brushed with water and was lined in the boxes. For set up B, one box was treated with the

banana blossom extract solution with a ratio of 50:50. For set- up C, one box was treated

with the banana blossom extract solution with a ratio of 70:30. And for set- up D, one

box was treated with the banana blossom extract solution with a ratio of 80:20. Ten

pieces of German cockroaches (Blatella germanica) were placed in each set- up. The

number of cockroaches in each box was observed in the first four hours and the next three



Based on the repellency testing conducted at a laboratory and the researcher, the

banana blossom crude extract has a higher repellency than the control group.

Table 2 Repellency effect of banana blossom (Musa sp. L.) repellent against adult male

German cockroaches (Blatella germanica) cockroaches from the first set of experiments.

Table 2 presents the % Rate of repellency of the banana blossom (Musa sp. L.)

extract solution and the untreated control. It shows that the repellency of the Musa sp. L.

extract solution is100% in 4 hours and72.5% in day 5.

Experimental Group Critical t-Value Computed t-Value

1 2.024 at 0.05 level 17.35

Table 3 t-test Results of the Repellency Rate from the first set of experiments.

Table 3 presents the computed t-Value of 17.35 with a critical t-Value of 2.024 at

0.05 level. There is a significant difference between the first experimental group and the

control group based on the t-test results.

100 92.5 90
Repellency Rate %

80 72.5

42.5 40
40 32.5

4H Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Time interval

Experimental Group Control Group

Figure 4 Repellency effect of formulated cockroach repellent against adult male German

cockroaches (Blatella germanica) cockroaches from the first set of experiments.

Figure 3 presents a line graph that illustrates the repellency rate of the

experimental group and the control group. It shows that the repellency of the

experimental group is highest in 4 hours and lowest in day 5 and the control group is

highest in day 1 and lowest in day 5.

Table 4 Repellency effect of banana blossom (Musa sp. L.) repellent against adult male

German cockroaches (Blatella germanica ) cockroaches from the second set of


Table 4 presents the % Rate of Repellency of the control set-up and experimental

set-up. It shows that the repellency of the Musa sp. L. extract solution is highest in 4

hours and lowest in day 5, since both the solution showed 100% repellency rate at the

first 4 hours and 80 and 70 at day 1.

Table Groupof the Repellency
5 t-test Results Critical
Ratet-Value Computed t-Value
from second set of experiments.

1 2.024 at 0.05 level 2.19

2 2.024 at 0.05 level 1.70

Table 5 presents the computed t-Value of 2.19 and 1.70 and the critical t-Value of

2.024 at 0.05 level.



Repellency Rate %
60 60
50 50
30 30


4H Day 1 Day 2 Day 3


Repellency Rate % Experimental Group (70:30) Repellency Rate % Experimental Group (50:50)
Repellency Rate % Controlled Group

Figure 5 Repellency effect of formulated cockroach repellent against adult male German

cockroaches (Blatella germanica) cockroaches from the second set of researchers.

Figure 4 presents a line graph that illustrates the repellency rate of the

experimental group and the control group. It shows that the repellency of the

experimental group is highest in 4 hours and lowest in day 3 and the control group is

highest in day 1 and lowest in day 3.


Based on the repellency testing conducted at a laboratory, it was found out that

banana blossom crude extract has a higher repellency than the control group. It was

shown in the results that adding distilled water in the solution does not affect the % rate

of repellency of the solution. These results were further confirmed by the computed t-test

of independent means. The computed t-value from the first set of experiments is 17.35

which is greater than the critical value of 2.024 at 0.05 level and the computed t-Value

from the second set of experiments are 2.19 and 1.70 at a critical t-Value of 2.024 at 0.05

level, this means that the null hypothesis is rejected and there is a significant difference

between the experimental group and the control group.

It also presents that after the first 4 hours of treatment, the rate of repellency is

100% and after 24 hours of treatment, the rate of repellency is 92.5%. Since the solution

showed 100% repellency rate at the first 4 hours and 92.5% at day 1, then it can be used

as an insect repellant. In the second set of experiment, table 4 presents the % Rate of

Repellency of the control set-up and experimental set-up. It shows that the repellency of

the Musa sp. L. extract solution is highest in 4 hours and lowest in day 5, since both the

solution showed 100% repellency rate at the first 4 hours and 80% and 70% at day 1.

Figure 5 presents a line graph that illustrates the repellency rate of the experimental group

and the control group. It can be drawn that adding distilled water to the solution does not

affect the % rate of repellency It shows that the repellency of the experimental group is

highest in 4 hours and lowest in day 3 and the control group is highest in day 1 and

lowest in day 3. The % rate of repellency of all the solutions decreases as time pass by

because the researchers did not add a preservative to the solution.

These results agree with the results of the study conducted by Iowa State

University about Natural Insect Repellents: Activity against Mosquitoes and

Cockroaches. According to the researcher, natural insecticides are much better to use

compared to DEET (N-Diethyl-metoluamide) which is an active component to

commercialized insecticides. This means natural insecticides are much preferable to use.

(Schultz Gretchen, Peterson Chris, Coats Joel, 2006). The repellency rate of the banana

blossom extract solution is highest in the first 4 hours and lowest after 5 days. Therefore,

the researcher finds out that there is a significant difference between the experimental

group and the control group in terms of % rate of repellency and banana blossom (Musa

sp. L.) extract can be used as a cockroach repellent.


Based on the results from both first and second set of experiments, the researcher

concluded that:

1. The banana blossom (Musa sp. L.) extract can be used as an alternative cockroach


2. There is a significant difference between the banana blossom extract and the

control group in terms of its percent rate of repellency.


In line with the conclusions drawn, the researcher recommends the use of other

species of cockroaches for the testing. It is also recommended to use preservatives to

prolong the shelf life of the insecticide and use varied proportions of the banana blossom

(Musa sp. L.) extract to collect more data.


Asian or tropical vegetable, banana flower is known as banana blossoms or banana

heart. Available at

banana-flower/(Accessed August 15, 2019).

Cockroach insect habitat. Available at (Accessed August

8, 2019)

10 Fascinating Cockroach Facts. Available at

hub/pest-articles/fascinating-cockroach-facts/ (Accessed August 15, 2019)

Unhygienic scavengers in human settlements Available at

(Accessed August 15, 2019)

Schultz Gretchen, Peterson Chris, Coats Joel ,2006. Natural Insect Repellents:

Activity against Mosquitoes and Cockroaches by Iowa State University. Available



#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3Dewn28ksp8PMJ (Accessed August 16, 2019)


This research has been a true privilege to the researcher with a lot of memorable

moments. Being a part of something like this will always be grateful, and he would like

to thank the people who inspired and motivated him for this opportunity.

First, to his researcher adviser, Mrs. Marylene Salvatera. She motivated him

in her own personal way for the best. Next, to his parents, who helped

with his financial problems for the testing and extracting.

Then, Arabina Eynid Dueñas. If she didn’t help him out, the researcher

wouldn’t have come this far.

The researcher would like to thank Department of Science and Technology- Industrial

Technology Development Institute for helping him out in testing his product.

Also to the Science Department Head, Mrs. Rowena Reyes. With her knowledge

and inspiration, she made him strive to be better.

Lastly, God. With his glory and guidance, he had faith and hope in times of trouble, and

giving him the courage and strength to go on with research.


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