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Sections 1st 2nd 3rd

1st A
2nd B
3rd D

NAME: ____________________________SURNAME: ______________________________

Time allowed: 1h.15’ (+ List: 1h. 30’)

SECTION A: Reading Comprehension

Read the text and circle the correct option, true (T) or false (F).

The Boy who was Taught to Talk by Dolphins

For young Nikki Brice, the daily swimming sessions with the dolphins in a pool in Florida
were simply part of a fun holiday with his family. But the real purpose was to see if it could
motivate him to talk.
All his life Nikki had never spoken a word, even though he had the physical ability to
speak. All the techniques the doctors tried in Britain failed, so eventually, in desperation,
Tabitha, his mother, took him to the dolphin pool in Florida to try to get him to talk.
Tabitha flew to Florida with Nikki after raising £10,500 with the help of family, friends
and celebrities. Nikki was given a combination of speech therapy and daily forty-minute
swimming sessions in a pool with a team of eight dolphins. After just three days of the
seventeen-day treatment at the Dolphin Human Therapy Centre in Miami, Nikki spoke his first
magic word.
It was one marvelous morning. Nikki’s mother was taking him out of the pool when he
firmly grabbed her hand, pointed to the dolphins in the pool and said, ‘In.’
‘He was telling us that he wanted to get back in the water,’ said Tabitha. ‘We just stood
there in shock because it was so unexpected.’ Since that first word, Nikki has spoken other
words like ‘please’ and ‘duck’.
Doctors at the centre say that they are very pleased that Nikki has spoken so soon after
starting his treatment. A speech therapist in London said that this kind of treatment would not
repair any brain damage but if a child was suffering from lack of confidence, swimming with
dolphins might help.
Before Nikki’s breakthrough, Tabitha said that they had only heard about, but not seen,
children getting better. ‘I had never expected Nikki to make such good progress so quickly. I’m
hoping that his next words will be “Hello Mum”! There is something magical that happens
between children and dolphins, something I don’t think we will ever fully understand.’
Adapted from Snapshot Pre-Intermediate SB, Longman

AACI use
1. Nikki couldn’t speak because he had a physical disability. T/F only

2. Nikki’s mum received help from his family to fly to Florida. T/F 1st

3. Nikki’s first word was ‘Please.’ T/F

4. The doctors didn’t expect him to speak so soon. T/F
5. Tabitha thinks something inexplicable happens between children and dolphins. T / F

SECTION B: Language in Use

I. Choose the best alternative. The first one has been done for you.
e.g.: They ___B___ to the Fiji Islands twice and say it’s great for a holiday.
a- went b- have been c- have gone
AACI use
1- She’d sing better if she ___________ singing classes. only
a- take b- takes c- took
2- There isn’t ___________ housework to do at home. I don’t need your help today.
a- many b- some c- much
3- A rocket ___________ to the space by NASA every year.
a- is sent b- sent c- was sent

4- I ___________ get up early tomorrow. It’s Saturday!

a- doesn’t have to b- don’t have to c- mustn’t R

5- When is ___________time of the year to visit Florida?

a- best b- the better c- the best
II. Complete the dialogue. Use the word(s) in brackets.
AACI use
e.g.: Jim: Hey Rod! 0) ___HOW ARE YOU?_______ (HOW) only
Rod: Great!
Jim: Guess what happened while we 1) ______________________________ yesterday afternoon? (FUN)
Rod: What? 2nd

Jim: Well, we were rowing in the lake and suddenly I fell into the water!
Rod: Oh no! And 2) ________________________________________________________? (WHAT)
Jim: Luckily my friend helped me get out of the water. But I’ll never do it again.
Rod: But you can try sailing. Rowing 3) ____________________________________ sailing. (THAN)
Jim: Oh, really?
Rod: Yes! I always go sailing and it’s good fun.
You 4) _________________________________________ with me some time. (SHOULD)
Jim: Let’s go next weekend!
Rod: But next weekend I can’t! I 5) ________________________________ my grandma’s birthday... (GOING)

III. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Make any necessary changes.
Dear Hakan, AACI use
Remember me? We 1) ___________ (meet) last month at that beach place near Marmaris. I
2) ___________ (just/print) my photos, and I 3) ___________ (send) this one of you as I promised.

Sorry it’s taken me so long to send it. I 4) ___________ (not be) free since I got back. After Marmaris, I 2nd

5) ___________ (take) a ferry across to Rhodes and while I 6) ___________ (travel) a man told me

some mythological stories. Then I 7) ___________ (fly) home. I’ve been home for three weeks now but
it 8) ___________ (feel) like days. In the end I couldn’t go back to Turkey but maybe I 9) ___________

(go) there again one day.

What about you? 10) ___________ (be) you in Italy?

Keep in touch.

All the best,


SECTION C: Writing
Choose one of the following and write about 70 words on it.
a) Write an email to a friend inviting him/ her to a picnic next weekend.
Say: ● Where it is ● How you will get there ● Who is going ● What she/he needs to take.

b) Write a review of a story that you recently read.

Include: ● Name of the book ● Type of book ● Some information about the story ● Reasons why you liked it or not

AACI use
__________________________________________________________________________________ only

__________________________________________________________________________________ 1st

__________________________________________________________________________________ 3rd


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