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● Cane Corsos can grow up to the size of human on four legs!

● Best friend + Protector + Most Loyal Adopted Family Member= perfect pet to have!
● When I was younger, I always wanted a pet, especially a dog
● I will tell you about some of the responsibilities of having a dog as a pet.
● Owning a dog comes with the responsibilities of caring for them such as feeding them
every day and properly training them!
1. Feeding The Dog!
a. The type of dog food:
I. The type of dog (breed)
II. Brand of dog food
b. Cost of dog food:
I. Cost per week ($20-$30 dollars)
II.Benefits of kibble versus raw
III. (advocators, several departments in health and science, 2022) Bray,
Zheng, et al. dogs fed once daily had lower mean scores for health disorders.

Transition: Now that I have told you about what needs to be considered when feeding a
dog, you need to train them!

2. Training the Dog!

a. (Departments of Health and Epidemiology, Taylore and Francis Online, 2019)
Westgarth et al. facilitating “responsible dog ownership” relies on a detailed
b. Potty Training:
I. The best method (crate training)
II. Rewards
III. (Writer on a large platform, EBSCO, 2023) Schumer explained when
you're training your pet, positivity is key.
c. Tricks:
I. Connecting with your pet
II. Roll over, build trust, and learn
III.Johnson and Bruneau (wrote several articles, Science Direct, 2019)
suggested that psychotherapists can incorporate companion animals to better
understand client relationships.

1. Now that I have told you about the responsibilities of owning a dog, I hope you will think
about these before adopting your own best friend.
2. Not only will they be your best friend, but you are responsible for their health and overall
physical care.
3. Take it from a person with five dogs, they will never complain and love you no matter

Bray, E. E., Zheng, Z., Tolbert, M. K., McCoy, B. M., Kaeberlein, M., & Kerr, K. F. (2022).

Retrieved from s11357-022-00575 -7?fbclid =


Kogan, L., & Blazina, C. (Eds.). (2019). Retrieved from

SCHUMER, L. (2023). Top Training Tips. Good Housekeeping, 274(2), 109–110.

Westgarth, C., Christley, R., Marvin, G., & Perkins, E. (2019). Retrieved from

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