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Lagna- Libra
Rashi- Aries

You are Born with Libra Lagna and Aries Rashi. Your Navamsa is Taurus.

Both Taurus and Libra are Ruled by venus. So the influence of Venus will be

very High on You. This will give you Good Physical Appearance and a

Pleasing personality. Libra is an Airy Sign which will make you intelligent.

Being Born in Libra you will be very much sophisticated. You will have a

charming personality. You will be able to make friendships with people

very easily. Libra will make You Soft, Polite and well behaved. Libra is the

Sign of Balance. So you know how to balance everything in life. The

Rajasic, passionate nature of Libra sign shows a desire filled personality.

Libra is also the Sign of Justice. So you will be very impartial and will not

be able to tolerate any kind of injustice.

You have the Saturn- Mars combination in the 2nd house. Saturn- Mars

conjunction in 2nd Bhava creates Speech problems, Stammering etc. In

Your chart these two planets are conjunct in exact Same degree and both

Saturn- Mars are in a Planetary war where 2nd Lord Mars Lost. Hence one

of the Significance of 2nd house which is Speech is Suffering. This created

the Speech problem and this Problem Manifested in the Dasha of Sun

which is Placed in the 2nd house of Navamsa and aspected by Saturn and

also in the Star of Ketu which is placed in the Sign of Saturn. But this

Problem will not continue and will be resolved. As 2nd Lord Mars is in the

2nd house and Saturn is also Yogakaraka Planet. Mercury is in own Sign

and also in the 11th house from 2nd Bhava. Mercury is also With Jupiter.

The 2nd House from Mercury and Moon also does not have any Malefic

planets. So this shows that the Speech problem will get resolved. After the

Starting of the Moon Dasha next year, this problem Should get resolved

Gradually and Steadily.

Sun is the 11th house Lord. The Sun shows the ambitious nature as well as

your tendency to be identified with Large groups of people. The 11th Lord in

the 11th house is good for incoming gain and Success in Life but the Sun is

Afflicted by Rahu and also aspected by Saturn. This is not Good and this

Affliction of Sun can create problems for father as it can either give Some

health issues to Father or Some Differences with Father. It can also give Lot
of Traveling to your Father or Your Father May relocate to Different Place.

But it can give You benefit from elder Siblings and Your Friends Circle and

Social Circle.

Moon is the 10th house Lord. As a benefic ruling an angle, the Moon is a

neutral planet. In Your chart the Moon is in the 7th house. The Moon is

Debilitated in Navamsa which makes the Moon Little bit Weak and also

Afflicted by Saturn in Navamsa. So this is not good for Career and

professional Life. This can also make you very Moody and Prone to

Depression. Your Mother can also Suffer from Some Chronic Illness and

Health Issues. But You will have the Ability to Concentrate and it is also

Good for Spirituality and Religiousness.

Mars is the 2nd and 7th house Lord. Mars shows that you will put a Lot of

vital energy and effort into partnerships. In your chart Mars is in the 2nd

house with Yogakaraka Saturn. The 2nd Lord in the 2nd house indicates

that You Should be born in a Good Family and You will get Financial Help

and Support from Family. This can also give you wealth through Marriage

or You will marry Someone from a Wealthy Family.

Mercury is the 9th and 12th house Lord. In Your chart Mercury is in its own

Sign with Jupiter. The Conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury is Good for

Studies and education. Mercury will give you Money and Wealth. This is
also Good for Foreign Travel. But the conjunction of 6th Lord Jupiter and

9th Lord Mercury can give Health problems to Your Father.

Jupiter is the 3rd and 6th House Lord. So Jupiter is a Functional Malefic

Planet. Jupiter is in the 12th house With 12th Lord Mercury creating

Vipreet Rajyoga which is Good Materialistic Gain. But Jupiter is Debilitated

in Navamsa. So the Gains will be Limited. 3rd Lord Jupiter in the 12th house

is Good for Foreign Travel. So it can Give Lot of Traveling in your Life.

Jupiter is also Darakaraka Planet which shows that You need a Well

educated, Honest, ethical Life Partner to feel Happy and Satisfied in Life.

Venus is the Lagna Lord as well as the 8th Lord. So Venus is a neutral

planet for you. Venus is also Your Atmakaraka Planet which will give you

Creative Skills, good Sense of Aesthetics. Venus in the 11th house will give

Financial Gain. It is Good for Success in Life.

Saturn is the 4th and 5th Lord. It is the Yogakaraka Planet and Most

Auspicious planet for you. It is the Planet of Luck, fortune and Wealth. In

your chart Saturn is in the 2nd house. Yogakaraka Planet in the 2nd house

with 2nd Lord Mars will give you Wealth and Money. You will be able to

Accumulate a Good amount of Money in your Life.

Overall Education

You will have Medium Success in Education. The 4th and 5th Lord Saturn is

Vargottama. Saturn is also in its own Nakshatra. This is Good. The 9th

Lord Mercury is also in own Sign. The Jupiter- Mercury conjunction is a

Good Yoga for Education. But the 4th Lord and 9th Lord are not conjunct. In

the Navamsa also the Mercury- Jupiter conjunction in 9th house is Good.

So Medium or Moderate Education is Promised. The Upcoming Moon Dasha

is Medium for Study and Education. 2029 to 2038 is a good period for your

Study and During this period, You will make Good Result in your Studies.

The Next Mars Dasha will be Better. So Your Results in College and

University will be Better than School.

As per your chart, Studies in the Field of Economics, Mass Communication

and Journalism, Account and Finance, Engineering or any technical Work,

Arts and Literature etc is Good for you.

Overall Career

You will be able to Achieve Good Success in professional Life. The 10th

house of Career is Ruled by Moon. The 10th Lord Moon is in the 7th house

and it is in the Star of Lagna Lord Venus. So this will give you Success in
Professional Life. The 10th Lord Moon is Moderately Strong. The

Atmakaraka Venus and Amatyakaraka Moon are in a 5-9 Relationship.

This is Good. In the D10 chart the Lagna Lord Mercury is in Lagna. The 10th

Lord of D10 chart Jupiter is in 12th house with 5th Lord Venus. This is a

Good Yoga for Success in professional Life from Foreign Countries. Saturn-

Mars conjunction in both D1 and D10 charts is Good for Professions related

to Engineering and Technical Work. The 4th house of D10 chart is aspected

by Jupiter which indicates Good Public Image. The 10th Lord of D1 chart-

Moon is conjunct with 6th Lord of D10 chart. This is Good. The conjunction

of Lagna Lord of D1 chart-Venus and 10th Lord of D10 chart- Jupiter is Good

for Professional Success. So Your D10 chart is Quite Strong. You will be able

to Achieve Good Success in Your Career. You will be Honest and Sincere in

Your Work. You will earn Good Reputation in your work. Lot of Traveling

due to work is Possible.

As Per your chart Job is better than Business or Self employment. So you

Should not go for Business and Self Employment.

Professions Related to Engineering or any Technical Work, Project

Management, Fashion Designing, Bio Technology, Academic Field Like

Teaching and Lectureship, Journalism etc are good for you.

Rahu-Venus- Sun conjunction in Leo Sign can give you interest in Media,

Photography, Entertainment Industry, Public Relationship too. So a career

in these fields will be Good as well.

You will get a Job quickly after completion of Your studies.

You can also Get a Govt Job. Your chart has Yoga for Govt Jobs. You Can get

a Govt Job in Academic Field, any Technical Work in Govt Sector, any Kind

of Research oriented work etc is Possible.

The Rahu Dasha which will start from 2041 onwards is Good for

Professional Life. Rahu will establish you in your Professional Life. So from

the Age of 26 onwards, Your Success and progress will be very Good. You

can Land a Job in 2043.

Overall Finance

Your Chart is Good for Financial Prosperity. You Should be born in a Good

Family and You will not Suffer from any Kind of Financial Problems. The

2nd Lord Mars and Yogakaraka Saturn are conjunct in the 2nd house. This

creates a Strong Yoga for Financial Prosperity. The Lagna Lord Venus in

the 11th house with the 11th Lord Sun is a Good Yoga for financial Gain. 3
Planets in the 11th house are Good for Financial Fortune. You will be able to

Earn a good amount of Money in your Life. You will not face Financial


You will have Moveable and Immoveable property. You can also inherit

from Your Parents.

You will also earn through Share Market and Stocks or Speculation.

The Rahu Dasha which will Start from 2041 onwards will be Good for you

and will provide you good financial Gain.

Overall Marriage

As per your chart, Possibility of Love Marriage is High. You will marry as

per your Wish and Desire.

You will marry Someone who will be Well Settled and Wealthy. Your Spouse

will have Higher financial Status than you and Your Fortune will improve

Significantly After Marriage. Your Spouse can be Working in a profession

related to Engineering, Business Management, Any research Oriented

Work etc.
In the Navamsa the 7th house of Navamsa is Scorpio and it is occupied by

Saturn, Mars and Moon. This will make your Partner very Independent and

Freedom Lover. He will have Strong Will Power and Determination. But He

will not be Arrogant and Impulsive. He will be able to make Adjustments

and Compromise in a Relationship. Saturn will make your Partner

Practical and Well Organised. He will be quite Disciplined. He will have a

Soft and Sensitive Heart. He will also have a Helping Nature. But he will not

express his inner feelings easily. Your Partner Can be Little bit Secretive

and express his true feelings.

Your Married Life will be Average. Some challenges and Difficulties is

Possible but the Problems will not be very Serious. The 7th house is

occupied by Moon in the Bharani Nakshatra which will Bring Love and

Romance in Your Life. The 7th Lord Mars is in its own Sign and conjunct

with Yogakaraka Saturn which will give you Financial Benefit through

Marriage. The 4th house is free from any Affliction. The 2nd House from

Upapada Lagna also does not have any Malefic Planets. In the Navamsa

the 7th house is occupied by 7th Lord Mars. Saturn is also in the 7th house

of Navamsa. The two Malefic planets Mars and Saturn in the 7th house of

Navamsa will not give you a completely Smooth Marriage. There will be

differences and disagreements. Sometimes it can also give friction and

clash too. So Lot of adjustments will be required. But both of you will have
Good Understanding and compatibility. Both of you will have Mutual Love

and Affection. So You will be able to resolve the differences and

Disagreements. Your Marriage will not break.

Foreign Travel

Lots of Traveling is indicated in Your Life. Even Foreign Traveling is also

Possible. You can travel abroad for Work. Even if You try, You can also

Settle down abroad permanently. You have Yoga for Permanent Foreign



Any Major Health Problem is not Indicated in Recent time. Your Lagna and

Lagna Lord is Strong. This is Good for Your Health. You can be prone to

Cough and Cold in the coming Moon Mahadasha. Apart from this any

Major Health issues are not indicated in the coming 9-10 Years. Some Minor

health issues are Possible during Aug 2026 to Nov 2027. Your Chart Does not

indicate any Terminal Disease. Saturn is aspecting the 8th house which

will give you a Long Life.


No remedial Measure till the Age of 13.

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