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Business Transformation Quick Guide 020 7089 6161

What is Business Transformation?

Transformational change is Fundamentally changing what we do, how we do it, with and for whom we do it Making new assumptions Accepting a period of discontinuity Working through a period when there are no easy answers Transformational change is not Making small changes Fixing problems Adding a new process as a bolt-on Tweaking a process to improve it slightly
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Organisational Context
Transformational change is not undertaken in isolation. The portfolio of initiatives that are being undertaken across the organisation at any one time is a mixture of change objectives and execution of business as usual activities.

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What is driving transformation?

This model (Hofer Schendel model) identifies the strategy that an organisation should pursue depending on competitive position and the maturity of the products it offers and the market place into which they are sold. 020 7089 6161

Types of transformation
Invest aggressively new product launches, hiring new sales and business development staff, acquisitions Review market potential and problems reduction in cost base through changes to systems, outsourcing transactional tasks, improving flow of information across organisation by removing silos, increasing value added activities moving resources from transactional to value added tasks Invest selectively research projects to identify target acquisitions, target markets, trend analysis to identify customer demand for new products and services Market strongly increasing marketing effort through new product launches and increasing the speed that new ideas are brought to the market Divest reshaping the organisation after sale of poor performing businesses Phased withdrawal redundancy programmes, integrating staff from closed businesses into other functions
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Business transformation process

Effective business transformation

Change Management Maturity

Implementation of project outputs

Programme Management capability

Required outputs i.e. new and changed products and services

Change Management Framework

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Delivery of project outputs

Project Management capability 020 7089 6161

Change Management maturity

The maturity of the organisation to manage change and successfully deliver business transformation can be assessed using a maturity model.
For example, the Maven Change Experience Checklist assesses 8 factors which identify: The extent to which an approach to managing change is embedded within the organisation The perception that those working in or with the organisation have of the commitment to in managing change The level of motivation that exists for addressing change management as a business issue
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Programme management capability

Programme lifecycle which establishes:
Flow of information to programme team members, project team members, business change managers and the sponsor Decision points including the limits of authority that each role has for taking decisions and the information needed to support each decision

Roles and responsibilities which clearly state the expectations for:

Programme management Programme delivery Programme governance

Skills and knowledge:

Training plans that provide access to courses in programme, project, change and risk management Career development plans that encourage individuals to apply for programme, project, change and risk management opportunities
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Change Management Framework

Business change lifecycle:
Assessing the change Planning the change Implementing the change Embedding the change

Organisation structure:
Leading change senior management sponsorship Managing change business change managers Doing change change team members/change agents
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Business change lifecycle

Assessing the change
Impact of the change is understood from different perspectives Vision of the change that describes the new world has been developed Compelling stories that explain the results of the change have been developed for different audiences Activities to implement the change are identified, resourced and scheduled Activities to communicate with and engage the support of stakeholders are established Activities to make the change happen move from planning into action Change teams are formed to resource the activities Individuals experience the change and move through a range of emotions as they adapt to the change

Planning the change

Implementing the change

Embedding the change

As change is accomplished, achievements are celebrated Those still working through the changes are given support to help them make the transition to the new ways of working 020 7089 6161

Project management capability

Project lifecycle tailored to managing projects within a programme:
Clear explanation of what information is to be escalated to the programme, and what decisions are to be taken at programme level vs. project level Includes greater emphasis on liaison with change teams and activities to support the business change lifecycle

Roles and responsibilities:

Role of the project sponsor and how this aligns with the responsibilities of the programme manager The amount of authority that a project management has over the project vs. how much authority the programme manager has

Skills and knowledge:

Courses and on the job training opportunities to build technical and interpersonal project management skills
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Who is involved?
Strategic level change so must be sponsored by senior manager, preferably at board level Changes to business environment must be led by those with current operational knowledge and sufficient authority to change business as usual so senior business change managers needed, with support from their staff in change agent roles

Coordination of the effort and flows of information requires support in the form of a PMO Programme Management Office or Project Management Offices

Complex change with multiple work streams and interdependencies so requires an experienced programme manager Multiple projects within each work stream requiring many project managers and project teams

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Develop your capability

Change Management Practitioner explains the concept of change, how people react to change and the different models and techniques for implementing change. Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) explains how to manage a set of related projects that taken together will deliver strategically important benefits.

Managing Successful Programmes

Change Management Practitioner


PRINCE2 provides a flexible and adaptable approach to suit all projects. It defines the processes, roles and documentation required to manage a project.

The APMP and PMP define the skills and techniques that project managers should apply to control their project from initial requirements to successful implementation.
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Maven Training
Maven builds capability that enables our clients to realise the benefits of transformational change. We deliver practical and workable solutions that can be applied to all new programme, project and change initiatives long after we have gone. Our mission is to transfer our skills and experience and to build self-sufficiency in our clients.
For further information about Maven Training and its capability building services please contact: Melanie Franklin Telephone: 020 7403 7100 e-mail: website:
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