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ON VOL. COM-27, NO. 9 , SEPTEMBER 1979 1335

’ seen fromthe figures, Eq. (15) gives abetterapproximation

than (14) forsmall pf, but is not as good for larger pt.
AdaptiveRoutingRules in ComputerCommunicationNet-
works,” submitted for publication.
[5] T. S. Yum and M. Schwartz, “The Join-Biased-Queue (JBQ) Rule
Finally, we applythisapproximationtechniquetothe anditsApplication to RoutinginComputerCommunication
example of Section 2 . Suppose the following “static” informa- Networks,” submitted for publication.
tion about the network of Fig. l is known: p1 = .9, p2 = .5, [6] G. Foschini and J. Salz, “A Basic Dynamic Routing Problem and
p1 = 6 , p2 = 6.K = 20 for both buffers, Diffusion,” IEEE Trans. Commun., COM-26, 320-327 (1978)
A JSQ decision is t o be made at time t = 4 to routea packet [7] D. R. Cox and W. L. Smith, Queues, Chapman and Hall, London,
196 1
via either node 1 or 2 based on the most recent queue length [8] J. Keilson,“MarkovChainModels-Rarityand Exponentiality,”
information: Report No. CSS 74-01, Center for System Science, University of
Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., Sept. 1974
N,(O) = 0 [9] F. B. Hildebrand, Finite Difference Equations and Simulations,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1968
[ 101 H. Kobayashi, “Application of the Diffusion Approximation to
N2(1) = 10. QueuingNetworks 11: NonequilibriumdistributionsandAppli-
cations to Computer Modeling,”J. ACM21, 459-469 (1974)
Using the first orderapproximation(14) we find from
Fig. 3a and c

fll(4) = 3.9
iTz(4) = 2.5 Coding
Image Using

so that the decision would be to send the packet to node 2 . EDWARD J. DELP, STUDENT MEMBER, IEEE, AND
(The exact values of 3, and 3 2 would yield the same deci- 0 . ROBERT MITCHELL, MEMBER, IEEE

5 . CONCLUSIONS Abstract-A new compression

By usinga finite Markovchainmodel,an exact closed Truncation Coding (BTC)is presented and compared with transform
andothertechniques.The BTC algorithmusesatwo-level(one-bit)
form expression forthetransient behaviorof an M/M/l
nonparametric quantizer that adapts t o local properties of the image.
queue with finite storage has been derived. It has been shown The quantizer that shows greatpromise is one which preserves the local
that this expression is in a form which lends itself to simple samplemoments.Thisquantizerproducesgoodqualityimagesthat
approximationsforthedynamicbehavior of mean queue appear to be enhanced at data rates of 1.5 bitslpicture element. No
length.Toacertainextent,theresultsobtainedhere are large data storageis required, and the computation is small. The quantizer
analogous t o those obtained usingdiffusionapproximations. is comparedwithstandard (minimummean-square error and mean
Specifically, the representation (8) corresponds to the eigen- absolute error) one-bit quantizers. Modifications of the basic BTC algo-
function expansion of the solution of the diffusion equation rithm are discussed along with the performance of BTC in the presence
Ref. 10. However, diffusion
only of channel errors.
valid for p =Z 1while ourresultsarenotlimitedtothis
We have alsoillustratedhowtheapproximationscanbe Since the beginning of the use of digitaltechniquesfor
usedincertainadaptive routing schemes. The fact that the image processing, there has been a desire t o find ways of cod-
simple approximations described above have been obtained for ing images efficiently. The number of bits required to preserve
anisolated queue suggests that similarapproachesmaybe high dynamic rangeandresolutionina typical PCM picture
networks of queues. If reasonably
a simple ranges from 1O6 to 10 8 . Many, efficient image coding schemes
dynamicmodelforaqueueingnetworkwerederivedusing have evolved [ 1 1 , popular examples are the Cosine transform
theseapproaches, it wouldbe of considerable value in the of Chen and Smith [21 and predictive coding (DPCM) [ 31.
design and analysis of various network control algorithms. In this paper we will present a new technique called Block
Truncation Coding (BTC) that has been developed at Purdue
ACKNOWLEDGMENT University in the past two years [ 41 -[ 51 . This technique uses
a one bit nonparametric quantizer adaptive over local regions
The author wishes to thank Prof. D. R. Smith of Columbia of the image. The quantizer that shows great promise is one
University for calling his attention to Ref. 8.
that preserves local statistics of the image.l

Paper approved by the Editor for Data Communication Systems of
[ 1] A. Livne, “Dynamic Routing in Computer Communication Net- the IEEE Communications Society for publication after presentation at
works,”DoctoralDissertation,Dept. of ElectricalEngineering ICC’78, Toronto, Ont., Canada, June 1978. Manuscriptreceived Oc-
and Electrophysics, PINY, 1977 tober 30, 1978; revised March 22, 1979. This work was supported by
[2] C. W. Brown and M. Schwartz,“AdaptiveRouting in Central- the Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB-RADC, under Grant
izedComputerCommunicationNetworks,” h o c . ZCC, San F75C0082 covering the period fromApril 1, 1977 to October 31, 1978.
Francisco, June 1975 The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering, Purdue
[ 3 ] J. M. McQuillanand D. C.Walden,“TheARPANetwork De- University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
sign Decisions,” Computer Networks, l 243-289 (1977) At the time of presentation of our ICC paper [ 51 ,a method similar
[4] T. S. Yumand M. Schwartz,“AnalysisofaClassofLocally- to BTC was presented in Japan by Kishimotoet al. [6] -[8].

0090-6778/79/0900-1335$00.75 0 1979 IEEE


In this paper the BTC algorithm is presented and compared

with some common techniques of image compression. Modifi-
cations t o BTC arepresentedincludingsomehybridtech-
niques. The performance of BTC in the presence of channel
errors is also discussed.


For the study presented here the image will be divided into
4 X 4 pixel blocks, and the quantizer will have 2 levels. If one
uses the classical quantization design of Max [9] which mini-
mizes the meansquareerror,onemustknow, Q priori, the
probability density function of the pixels in each block. This
same knowledge is also required for the absolute error fidelity
criteria of Kassam [ I O ] . Since in general it is not possible to
find adequate density function models for typical imagery, we
haveused nonparametric quantizers for our coding schemes.
Nonparametricquantizer design that minimizes eithermean
square error (denoted MSE) or mean absolute error (denoted
MAE) will be presented in Section 111. In this section we pre-
sent the designofa nonparametricquantizerthat preserves
sample moments (denoted MP); the design of a parametric MP
quantizer is presented in [ 1 1 1 .
After dividing the picture into n X n blocks ( n = 4 for our
examples), the blocks are coded individually, each into a two
level signal. The levels for each block are chosen such that the Figure 1. Results using the basic BTC algorithm.Theoriginalimages
(top) are 256 X 256 pixels with nominal 8 bits gray level resolution.
first two sample moments are preserved. Let m = n 2 and let The coded images (bottom) have a data rate of 2 bits/pixel.
X , , X,, ... X, be the values of the pixels in a block of the
original picture.
Then the first and second sample moments and the sample Solving for a and 6 :
variance are, respectively

x = -mI r2n xi


As with the designof anyonebitquantizer, we find a

Eachblock is then described by the valuesof z,
5 andan
n X n bit planeconsistingof 1's and 0's indicatingwhether
threshold, Xth, and two output levels, a and b , such that
pixels are above or below Xth. Assigning 8 bits each to
- 3 and
u resultsinadatarateof 2 bits/pixel.The receiverrecon-
structs the image block by calculating Q and b from Equation 4
and assigningthesevalues t o pixelsin accordancewiththe
code in the bit plane. (An example of coding a 4 x 4 picture
block is presented in the Appendix.)
(2) Examples of this coding system are shown in Figure 1. The
block boundaries are not visible in the reconstructed pictures
For our first quantizer, we set Xth = 3, thisreasonable as- nor is the quantization noise visible in regions of the picture
sumption will bemodifiedinSectionIV to improveper- where there is little change in luminance. Here the levels Q and
formance. The output levels Q and b are found by solving the 1, are close together. They are widely spaced only in regions
following equations: where large changes of luminance occur; but it is well known
[ 131 that large changes of luminance mask noise. Thus BTC
Let q = number of Xi's greater than Xth(=x) encoding makes use of the masking property in human vision.
- The most noticeable improvementof the reconstructed picture
then to preserve x and X 2 is a little raggedness of sharp edges. In the next section we will
present methods for improving the image quality and reducing
m y = ( m -4)" + qb (3 1 the bit rate.
Because the calculations are relatively simple and the stor-
and age of data small, BTC is fairly easy to implement. A recent
study has shown that BTC can be realized on an integratedcir-
cuit chip [ 121.


As mentioned in Section 11, other techniques can beused to
design a one bit quantizer. Use of rate-distortion theory seems
images [ 141-[ 151. In this section we will discuss the use of
the minimum mean square error (MSE)andminimummean
absoluteerror(MAE)fidelitycriteria for one-bitnonpara-
metric quantizers.
To use the MSE fidelitycriterion,oneproceedsbyfirst
constructingahistogramofthe Xi’s (i.e., sorting the Xi’s).
< <
Let Y , , Y 2 , ... Y m be the sorted Xi’s; i.e., Y1 Y z ... Y m .
Again let q be the number of Xi’s greater than Xth. Then a and
b are found by minimizing

i=l i=m-q


Figure 2. Results using various fidelity criterion. All data rates are 2.0
l m bits/pixel.Upper left:minimummeansquareerror; Upperright:
b=- C Yi minimummeanabsoluteerror;
Lower right: minimum mean
Lowerleft: moment preserving;
square error and also assuming image
4 i=m-q
data uniformly distributed each block.

One obvious way to solve this problem is to try every possible

threshold (there are at most m - 1 thresholds) and pickthe one
with smallest JMSE. Assuming Q and b have 8-bit resolution,
this gives a data rate of 2 bits/pixel.
Theproblem o f using the MAE fidelitycriterion is very
similar to the MSE. The values Q and b are found by minimiz-


Q = median of (Y1, Yz, ..., Ym-q-1)

b = median of ( Y m W q ,--, Y m ) .

Hereagain thenonparametricquantizer is arrived at by an

exhaustive search. Results using these quantizers and BTC are
shown in Figures 2 and 3. As mentioned in Section I1 it is
possible to useaparametricquantizeronce theprobability
densityfunctionofthe pixels is known(or guessed).In
Figures 2 and 3 resultsarepresentedforaparametric MSE
quantizerwherethe pixels are assumed t o beuniformly Figure 3. These four pictures were produced as described in Figure 2
distributed over each block. Table I has the computed mean using the other original.
square error and mean absolute error measures for each image.
As anticipated the MSE quantizer has the smallest computed
meansquareerrormeasureand the MAE quantizer has the IV. BTC MODIFICATIONS
smallest computedmeanabsoluteerrormeasure.The per- In many image coding schemes it is desired to obtain data
formance ofBTC is quitegoodwhencomparedtothese rates less than 2 bits/pixel. An obvious way of achieving this
standard fidelity criteria. The advantage of using a nonpara- is t o assign less than 8 bits to and 5.Experimental evidence
metric MP quantizer is thatthequantizerformulation is has indicated that coding 7 with 6 bits and a
with 4 bits in-
available in closed f o r m ; this greatly simplifies the computa- troduces only a few perceivable errors. Now the data rate is
tional load. 1.63 bits/pixel. Better performance could be obtained byw a n -

Mean Square E r r o r Mean Absolute
b a t a from Figure 2:
Using MSE q u a n t i z e r 3.54 32.94
Using MAE q u a n t i z e r 37.13 3.28
Using BTC 40.89 3.91
parametric MSE q u a n t i z e r 44.64 4.23
and assumed uniformdensity

Datafrom Figure 3:
Using MSE q u a n t i z e r 4.39 47.14
4.10 MAE q u a n t i z e r
Using 53.22
Using BTC 58.34 4.85
parametric' MSE q u a n t i z e r 64.02 5.42
and assumed uniformdensity

tizing 2 and jointly, using 10 bits. f is assigned most bits in
blocks where 0 is small and fewest bits where 0 is large.
Additional savingscouldberealizedbyefficientlycoding
the bitplane.Entropycalculationsindicatethat 0.85 bits/
pixelwouldbesufficientfor the bitplane.Suchsmallim-
provementdoes not justify the increased complexity of the
system and the increased variability to error that efficient cod-
ing entails.
Setting the threshold of the quantizer 2, at removes a possi-
ble degree of freedom for optimizing the encoding. Allowing Figure 4. Results of BTC using third moment preserving threshold
the threshold tobea variable permitstheencodingtopre- selection. Original images are atthetop.Codedimages are atthe
serve not on1.y the first two sample moments but also the thud bottom. Data rate is 2.0 bits/pixel.
sample moment. To analyze this, we make use of the sorted
pixel-values Yi. The third moment can beexpressed as In general the value of q obtained will not be an integer,so
inpracticeitmust be roundedtothenearestinteger. An
interesting interpretation of Equation 9 is that the threshold
is nominallyset to the samplemedianandbiasedhigher or
lower depending upon the value of the third sample moment
The problem then is finding a, b, and q to preserve 2,f 2 , and which is ameasureofskewnessof the Yi's. Thisthreshold
' T3 ( q definesthethresholdsince it specifies thenumberof selectionrequires no extra computation at the receiver(de-
Xi's greater than X , , ) , Equation 3 now becomes coder), but the transmitter (encoder) does have extra process-
ing. This method of threshold selection is far easier to imple-
m X = ( m - 4)" + qb ment than are the nonparametric quantizers discussed in Sec-
tion I11 since they require an exhaustive search.
Figure 4 shows results using this threshold selection. It im-
proves subtle features (such as near edges) of the image that
are usually important in analysis of aerial photography imagery.
This improvement will be discussed in the following section.
Having the solutions
Recent studies at Purdue University have evaluated various
image coding techniques for transmitting aerial reconnaissance
imagesovernoisychannels [ 161. BTC, transform,Hybrid
[ 17] and one other technique were evaluated by professional
photo analysts.
Although BTC did not perform as well as transform coding
in the photo interpreters evaluation, it proved superior to the
other techniques. In the presence of many channel errors, BTC
was superior to all of the other techniques. Some images used
in the study are shown in Figures 5-8. In these figures BTC is
compared with the Chen and Smith [ 2 ] method of transform
coding and Hybrid coding. The computed mean square errors
and mean absolute errors are shown in Table 11. Our study has
shown that the meansquareerrorandmeanabsoluteerror
measurecannot beeasilycorrelatedwith photo analysts'
evaluations.Insome cases, imageswithlargemean square
u # 0. errors wereevaluatedhigherthan imageswithsmallermean
square errors. It should be noted that BTC requires a signifi-
Ifa=O,thena=b=X. cantly smaller computational load and much less memory than

Figure 7. Results of coding original (Figure 5) using Chen and Smith

[2] method of Cosine Transform coding. Data rate is 1.63 bits/pixel.

Figure 5 . Originalimage usedin comparison study. Image is 512 X

5 12 pixels with nominal 8 bits gray level resolution.

Figure 8. Resultsofcodingoriginal(Figure 5) using Hybridcoding

[17]. Data rate is 1.63 bits/pixel.

Figure 6 . Results of codingoriginal(Figure 5 ) using BTC with third ERROR MEASURES FOR COMPARISON IMAGES SHOWN IN
moment preserving threshold selection. Data rate is 1.63 bits/pixel. FIGURES 6-1 1 AND FIGURE 13
Mean Square E r r o r Mean Absolute E r r o r '
Figure 6 84.22 5.94
Figure 7 67.15 6.32
Figure 8 125.84 6.12
Figure 9 115.09 6.29
Figure10 115.31 7.06
Figure 11 140.33 6.67
Fisure13 74.67 5.72

Figure 9. BTC coding withchannelerrorprobability of 10-3. Data Figure 11. Hybridcodingwith channelerrorprobability of 10-3.
rate is 1.63 bits/pixel. Data rate is 1.63 bits/pixel.

Figure 12. Enlargedsection of image from Figure 6 (left) and Figure

7 (right).

channel was assumed t o be binary symmetric with the proba-

bility of a bit error of 1O - 3 .
One of the advantages of BTC is that luminance edges are
emphasized. Figure 12 shows an enlarged section of an image
coded using the Chen and Smith method and BTC. The edges
using the transform coding method are not as sharp as the BTC
As with all noninformation preserving image coding, coding
Figure 10.ChenandSmith coding withchannelerrorprobabilityof artifacts are produced in the image. It became apparent very
10-3. Data rate is 1.63 bits/pixel.
early in this study that BTCprodu,Ges artifacts that.are very
differentthantransform coding. Theyare usuallyseen in
transform or Hybrid coding. For instance, the Chen and Smith regions around edges and inlowcontrast areascontaininga
methodrequiresthetwo-dimensional Cosine transform over slopinggray level. As mentionedabove, BTC doesproduce
every 16 X 16 imageblockandalsorequiresmultiple passes sharp edges;however,theseedges do havea tendency to be
through the transform data to collect various statistics about ragged. Transformcodingusuallyproducesedgesthatare
the transform coefficients. Itshould also be mentioned that blurred and smooth. The second problem in low contrast re-
BTC requires no sophisticated error protection as do the other gions is duetoinherentquantization noisein theonebit
codingmethodsevaluated. Figures 9-1 1showtheresults of quantizer. Here sloping gray leveis can turn into false contours.
eachcodingmethodinthe presence of channel errors. The Preliminaryexperiments haveindicatedthatpre-andpost-

structed image hasartifactsquitedifferentfromthose pro-

duced by other techniques, but the resulting images are com-
parable and in some ways superior to those produced by the
most sophisticated techniques available. This method produces
a coded image that is more robust in the presence of channel
errors and requires very little error protection overhead.

The authors would like to thank Dr. John Gamble of the
Rome Air Development Center for his helpful criticism of this
work. We would also like to thank Richard P. Petroski and his
colleagues of the Rome Research Corporation whoprovided
the expert photoevaluations mentioned in Section V.
The authors would also like to thank Professor Steven Bass
of Purdue for suggesting the hybrid formulation of BTC and
Ali Tabatabai and Paul Stiling also of Purdue for providing the
transform and Hybrid coded images.

Toillustrate coding a4 X 4picture block using Block
Truncation Coding, let usquickly review the basic BTC
a) the image is divided ih small nonoverlapping blocks such
Figure 13. Results of HybridFormulation of BTC: Data rateis 1.88 as 4 X 4.
bits/pixel. b) The first andsecond sample moments are computed.
c) A bit plane is constructed such that each pixel location is
coded as a “one” or a “zero” depending on whether that pixel
processing of the image can reduce the effects of both these
artifacts while simultaneously reducing the mean square error
is greater than x.
d) The bitplane, $, and 0 are sent to thereceiver.
and mean absolute error. It should be emphasized that these
coding artifacts are problems in high resolution aefial recon-
e) The picture block is reconstructed such that and (al-a
ternatively X 2 ) are preserved. That is, pixels in the bit plane
naissance images where minute objects are important. These that afe “0” are set to “a” and the “1”’s are set to “b” in
coding artifacts usually are not visible intypical “head and Equation 4. For example, suppose a 4 X 4 picture blockis
shoulders” imagery. given by the following:

[ :z
121 114 56 47
‘BTC uses only first-order informationanddoesnot ex-
ploit the two-dimensional sturcture of the image within each 37 200 247 255
block as do most other forms of image coding. For example xij= 12 16g]
in two-dimensional transform coding thetransform coeffi-
cients contain information about variations in the picture in 251
both directions. Also BTC generally has a poor response near
the spatial frequency of 1/2 cycle per block. so
One methodto overcomethisdisadvantage is ahybrid
formulation. First a highly compressed Cosine transform
x = 98.75
coded image is subtracted from the original image. For the re- -
u = 92.95
sults presented herethetransformpicture was obtained by
taking the two-dimensional Cosine transform over 16 X 16 q=7
pixel blocks. Only the eightnon-dc coefficients in thelow
frequency section of eachblock were retained. Thiscor- and
responds to a zonalfiltering method with abitrateof
0.25 bits/pixelforthe highlycompressed image. BTC was a= 1 6 . 7 s 17
then used on this difference pictureandtherecombination
formed at the receiver. While this did increase the computa- b = 204.2 S 204
tional load, the improvement seemed to be significant enough
the bit planeis
to give this method further attention. Figure 13 presents re-
sults of this hybrid method. TableI1 has the mean square error
and mean absolute error measures for Figure 13.

A new,simple technique has beendescribedwithmodifi-
cationsto improve itsperformance.The resulting
recon- Lo o o IJ
The reconstructed block becomes Effects of Digital Demodulation on Component Coding o f
r 2 0 417 17
204 NTSC Color Signals

Abstract-Effects of nonideal filtering in the digital demodulation

of the composite NTSC signal into luminance and chrominance com-
and the sample mean and variance are preserved. ponents on the coding of the luminance component are discussed. The
residualchrominancecomponent is shown t o causedegradationin
REFERENCES prediction and/or motion detection algorithms which are based o n line
or framedifference signals. Simple techniques for reducing these effects
A. Habibi,“SurveyofAdaptiveImageCodingTechniques,” using chromiqance-band rejection filters are presented and the efficacy
IEEE Trans. on Communications, Vol.COM-25,No. 11,pp.
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1275-1284, NOV. 1977.
W-H. Chen and C. H. Smith, “Adaptive Coding of Monochrome
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TransmissionofTelevisionSignals,” BSTJ, Vol. 45,pp.689- Acommontechniqueforcoding NTSC colorsignals for
721, May-June 1966. bandwidthcompression is component coding,whereby the
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Truncation,”Purdue University-F’urdueResearch Foundation,
Record and Disclosure of Invention, dated April 8, 1977. This chrominancecomponents,andeach is codedindividually.
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S . A. Kassam, “Quantization Based on the Mean-Absolute-Error digital filtering, a residual chrominance component remains in
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267-270, Feb. 1978.
E. J. Delp and 0. R. Mitchell, “Some Aspects of Moment Pre- a frame difference or line difference of this luminance signal
servingQuantizers,”in Con$ Rec., I979 IEEE International causes the residual chrominance component t o be reinforced
Conference ,012 Communications, (ICC’79),vol. I,June10-14, due to the 180‘ phase shift of the subcamer, while the lumi-
pp. 7.2.1-7.2.5. nancecomponent cancels to alarge extent,duetoline-to-
W. L. Eversole, D. J. Mayer, F. B. Frazee, an T. F. Cheek, “In-
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DefenseDocumentationCenter(DDC)underAccession No.
ADA 052903).
D. Jameson and L. M. Hurvich (editors), Handbook o f Sensory passing thedifference signal through a chrominance-band
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0. R . Mitchell, S. C. Bass, E. J. Delp, and T. W. Goeddel, “Coding Paper approved by the Editor for Data Communication Systems of
ofAerialReconnaissanceImagesforTransmissionoverNoisy the IEEE Communications Society for publication after presentation at
Channels,”issuedasRome Air DevelopmentCenter(RADC) the 9th Biennial Symposium on Communications, Queen’s University,
TechnicalReport, Griffiss Air Force Base, NY. Report No. Kingston, Ont.,Canada, August 1978. Manuscript received September8,
RADC-TR-78-210.(This report is availablefrom theNational 1978; revised April 2, 1979. This work was supported in part by the
Technical Information Service, Accession No. ADA 061539). National Research Council of Canada underGrant A0022.
A.Habibi,“HybridCoding of PictorialData,” IEEE Trans. The
author is with INRS-Telecommunications, University of
Comyun., Vol. COM-22, pp. 614-624, May 1914. Quebec, Verdun, P.Q., Canada H3E 1H6.

0090-6778/79/0900-1342 $00.75 0 1979 IEEE

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