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Some months ago I issued a paper on The A notable blank in the distribution of the
Stingless Bees (Meliponidae) of British common species Trigona (Trigona) trinida-
Guiana and Some Related Forms (1938, densis variety trinidadensis (Provancher)
Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., LXXIV, Art. has been removed through the capture of
VII, pp. 437-508, Pls. LII-LXII). In that this bee, hitherto unreported from British
paper I attempted to include all of the Guiana, on the Kuyuwini River. Another
species of British Guiana stingless bees and rarer member of the subgenus Trigona,
definitely known to occur in that country, namely, recursa Smith, proves likewise to be
with indication of their range outside of an inhabitant of the territory traversed by
British Guiana and such discussion as that river, and a much rarer form, Trigona
seemed pertinent. A key to the known (Hypotrigona) longicornis Friese, turned up
forms occurring in British Guiana was pro- along the Shudihar River. Meliponafasci-
vided. ata variety duidae, described from the Mt.
In the paper in question I expressed the Duida region of Venezuela, was located by
view that "there are probably many species the Terry-Holden Expedition on both the
in British Guiana that still await recording Kuyuwini and the Essequibo rivers.
in the literature." Recently the Terry- The number of new forms obtained by
Holden Expedition of The American Mu- the Expedition indicates how rewarding
seum of Natural History has returned from further collecting may prove to be, for the
an extensive exploration of British Guiana Expedition was concerned primarily with
and among. the insects it collected are a objects other than the collecting of bees
fair number of stingless bees. and comparatively little time could be de-
A total of twenty-two species and varie- voted to their capture. All of the stingless
ties was collected by the Expedition. Of bee specimens taken bear record of having
these, fourteen were previously known to been collected on one or another of six scat-
occur in British Guiana while eight are tered days. When consideration is given
recorded for the first time from the region. to this fact, the relatively large assemblage
Of these eight no less than four-one species of forms is all the more remarkable. The
and three varieties-are new to science. specimens were collected by W. G. Hassler
Among the stingless bees collected by the to whom I wish to express my appreciation
Expedition are several specimens of the re- as well as to Dr. William Holden, who
cently described Trigona (Tetragona) kaie- headed the Expedition and kindly made the
teurensis Schwarz, known until now only collection available.
from the holotype. In my earlier paper It is hoped that the comments in connec-
forty-two forms of Meliponidae were tion with species or varieties not hitherto
recognized from British Guiana. The new known from British Guiana may assist in
records added by the Terry-Holden Expedi- differentiating them from forms noted in
tion and a species (capitata) inadvertently my earlier key to the British Guiana Meli-
overlooked when I wrote the earlier paper ponidae. It has not seemed necessary,
increase the known stingless bee fauna of for the time being at least, to prepare an
British Guiana to fifty-one. enlarged key to include these hitherto unre-

ported forms. The bibliographic refer- Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris variety

ences have in this paper been confined to guiianae (Cockerell)
the original descriptions. A somewhat Trigona guianae COCKERELL, 1910, Annals
fuller bibliographic record will be found in and Mag. Nat. Hist., (8), VI, p. 366.
my earlier paper. BRITISH GUIANA.-Upper Essequibo
Melipona fasciata variety lateralis River, Dec. 23, 1937 (W. G. Hassler).
Melipona lateralis ERICHSON, 1848, in Schom- Trigona (Trigona) hypogea variety
burgk's "Reisen in British Guiana in den Jahren robustior, new variety
1840-1844," III, p. 592. WORKER.-Structurally like typical hypogea
BRITISH GUIANA.-Kuyuwini River, but differs by its more robust appearance and its
Nov. 22, 1937 (W. G. Hassler). greater wing length.
Width of head 2 1/2 mm. a3 against 2 mm. for
the typical variety; width of thorax about 2 1/4
Melipona fasciata variety paraensis mm. as against 1 3/4 mm. for the typical va-
(Ducke) riety; length of forewing, including tegula, about
Melipona scutellaris paraensis DUCKE, 1916, 6 3/4 mm. as against about 5 mm. in the typical
Com. de Linhas Teleg. Estrat. de Matto Grosso variety.'
ao Amazonas, Publicagao 35, Annexo 5, Hist. BRITISH GuIANA.-Upper Essequibo
Nat., Zoologia, p. 156. River, Dec. 23, 1937 (W. G. Hassler), in-
BRITISH GUIANA.-Kuyuwini River, cluding holotype; Moraballi Creek, Esse-
Nov. 22, 1937 (W. G. Hassler). quibo River, Aug. 13, 1929, and Sept. 5,
1929, some of the specimens taken on car-
Melipona fasciata variety duidae rion (Oxford University Expedition).
(Schwarz) ECUADOR.-Mera, Feb., 1923 (F. X. Wil-
Melipona fasciata subspecies cramptoni va- liams).
riety duidae SCHWARZ, 1932, Bull. Amer. Mus. PERU.-Colony of the Perene, June 5,
Nat. Hist., LXIII, Art. IV, pp. 243, 378, 379- 1920; El Campamiento, June 22-26, 1920;
382, 400, 408.
San Antonio del Rio Cotuh6. Putamayo
BRITISH GUIANA.-Kuyuwini River, District: La Chorrera, Aug. 17-20, 1920;
Nov. 22, 1937 (W. G. Hassler); Upper La Chorrera to La Sombra, Aug. 21, 1920;
Essequibo River, Dec. 23, 1937 (W. G. El Encanto, Aug. 25, 1920. (The Peruvian
Hassler). specimens were collected by the Cornell
Hitherto known only from the Mt. Duida University Expedition.)
region of Venezuela. BOLIVIA.-Huachi, Beni, August; San
The present specimens, due to the colora- Fernando Rapids, August; Santa Elena,
tion of their hairs, align themselves with August; Covendo, September. (The Bo-
duidae rather than with the very closely re- livian specimens were collected by William
lated cramptoni. The coloration of the ab- M. Mann while on the Mulford Biological
dominal tergites varies somewhat from Expedition of 1921-1922.)
specimen to specimen. As a rule all or BRAZIL.-State of Amazonas: Porto
most of the tergites are black except for the Velho, Rio Madeira (Mann and Baker).
fulvous apical bands, which is the condition State of Para: Santarem (H. H. Smith).
also in cramptoni, but in a few of the speci- State of Matto Grosso: Chapada (prob-
mens only the two basal tergites are black, ably Sant' Anna do Chapada, near Cuyaba)
the others maroon. It is only a step from collected by H. H. Smith.
this predominance of maroon to the bright Trigona hypogea Silvestri and variety
chestnut red condition represented by the robustior are readily separable from their
closely allied pseudocentris. I suspect an close relatives of the subgenus Trigona by
intergrading condition, somewhat parallel-
ing that between Melipona fasciata variety 1 The body length of robustior is 5 mm. to 6 mm.
The body length of the typical variety as given in
lateralis, of mainly dark coloration, and the Silvestri's description is 6 1/2 mm. This, it would
interlinked form of bright red abdomen seem, must represent an extreme distension of the
abdomen. In two cotypes of typical hypogea before
known as kangarumensis. me the body length is, respectively, 4 and 4 1/2 mm.

the rather narrow and very gradually other dimensions approach constancy in
widened hind tibiae of the worker, with the each of the forms here recognized.
apex of these tibiae rounded instead of
angulate or distinctly truncate. The con- Trigona (Trigona) trinidadensis
tour of the tibiae is a little like that of a variety trinidadensis (Provancher)
baseball bat in the gradual and symmetrical Melipona Trinidadenmis PROVANCHER, 1889,
expansion from base to apex. Like amal- Addit. et Correct. au Vol. II de la Faune entom.
thea this species has a notably flattened du Canada-Hym6nopteres, pp. 344-345.
clypeus, which almost invariably is more or BRITISH GuIANA.-Kuyuwini River, Nov.
less mahogany-stained. Typically there 22, 1937 (W. G. Hassler).
are two, more or less elongate, mahogany This is the first time that this common
maculations on a black or blackish surface, species has been reported from British
but sometimes the entire clypeus has a Guiana. Considerable diversity of size
reddish-brown stain. A very large num- may be noted among the specimens of
ber of the specimens here assigned to trinidadensis from region to region. The
robustior seem to be callows, with instances Central American variety silvestriana (char-
where the entire body or large parts of it acterized by the uniform low growth of
are mahogany-colored rather than black. hairs-almost plush-like in appearance-on
The series, including the holotype, from the the front, in contrast to the longer, coarser
upper Essequibo River embraces specimens and more uneven hairs on the front of
that seem to be completely colored, with typical trinidadensis) is of relatively small
black or blackish head, thorax, legs and stature but even typical trinidadensis in-
abdomen; yet even these specimens retain cludes specimens that approximate the size
the mahogany spots on the clypeus and in of silvestriana while, on the other hand, it
addition have the mandibles largely or numbers also individuals that are impres-
wholly mahogany-colored except for the sively larger. The specimens of trinidaden-
blackish teeth. In respect to the colora. sis from the Kuyuwini River are among
tion of the mandibles they are like speci- the largest specimens, both in length and
mens collected between La Chorrera and width of body and in the extension of their
La Sombra and from La Chorrera itself wings, that have come to my attention.
in Peru; but other specimens-Colony of The forewing, including the tegula, meas-
Peren6, Peru, and particularly those from ures in these specimens a little more than
localities in Bolivia-have the mandible 11 mm., being of the same length as that
colored much more nearly like that of attained by specimens from La Chorrera,
amalthea: black with a stripe of red just Peru, secured by the Cornell University
before the toothed apical end. Neverthe- Expedition Aug. 17-20, 1920. Specimens
less, I have placed these specimens in from Trinidad, from which trinidadensis
robustior because of their virtual identity in was described, have in contrast a wing
size with that variety although in the color length of only about 9.5 mm. Intergrada-
of their mandibles they approximate the tions of size in trinidadensis make a subdi-
two cotypes of typical hypogea. The vision into distinct varieties very difficult
Brazilian specimens show variability, some within this species, although variety silves-
-even from the same locality-having the triana is definitely separable.
mainly blackish, others the mainly ma- The typical variety of trinidadensis has a
hogany-colored mandible. wide distribution in South America. It is
For a long time I have hesitated separat- found abundantly in Colombia and Venezu-
ing robustior from typical hypogea, the ela. Along the west coast of South Amer-
more so as occasionally specimens are ica it occurs in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
found-a series, for instance, from Rio In Brazil it extends from Amazonas and
Negro in Bolivia and likewise from Rurrena- Acre-Territorium in the north to as far
baque on the Rio Beni in Bolivia-that are south as the states of Minas Geraes and
somewhat intermediate in size. In the Sao Paulo, and even Santa Catherina
main, however, the wing length and the (Blumenau record of Friese). According

to Ducke (1925, Zool. Jahrb. System. Feb. 16,1940 (W. Weyrauch); San Ramon,
Geogr. u. Biol., XLIX, p. 422) it does not at a puddle, male, Feb. 17, 1940 (W. Wey-
occur in those Brazilian states that border rauch); San Ramon, from a nest, including
the Atlantic Ocean and is absent from the many males, Feb. 25, 1940 (W. Weyrauch).
greater part of the State of Para. It has BOLIVIA.-Santa Elena, August; Tumu-
been assumed also that it was absent from pasa, December; Ixiamas, December; C.
the Guianas but, in addition to the present Esperanza, Beni, March. (These speci-
record from the Kuyuwini River, it is pos- mens were collected by W. M. Mann while
sible that the insect referred to by Barrere on the Mulford Biological Expedition of
as Apis Sylvestris (1741, "Essai sur l'histoire 1921-1922.)
naturelle de la France equinoxiale," pp. BRAZIL.-State of Para: Igarap6 Assui,
190-191) was trinidadensis. Barrere's de- July 15, 1919 (H. Parish); Belem, July 15,
scription is brief: "It is a species of black 1924 (J. Bequaert). Furo de Ressaco,
bees, very small, being only four or five Amazon, night of Sept. 10, 1920 (Cornell
lines at the most." Eighteen years later Univ. Expedition); Rio Japura, Amazon
F-ermin (1769, "Description de la Colonie de (Roman). State of Matto Grosso: Cha-
Surinam," II, pp. 300-301) alluded under pada (probably Sant' Anna do Chapada),
the same name to a social bee that he de- collected by H. H. Smith. Also from
scribed as half the size of the European Maruru (H. H. Smith), presumably in
honey bee, being at the most five or six Brazil.
lines in length and black. Barrere's ob- In many respects recursa is much like
servations were made in French Guiana; amalthea. Its clypeus is only a little less
those of Fermin in Dutch Guiana. The flat than that of amalthea, being barely fove-
size indicated and the coloration suggest ate at the apex. Its scape, in contrast to
trinidadensis. the fine downy covering of the scape
of amalthea, has short black bristle-like
Trigona (Trigona) recursa Smith hairs. The clypeus also has stiff erect
Trigona recursa SMITH, 1863, Trans. Entom. black hairs. While the mandibles of amal-
Soc. London, (3), I, p. 508, PI. xx, fig. 15. thea are almost always black, striped with
BRITISH GuIANA.-Kuyuwini River, Nov. red just before the apex, recursa shows,
22, 1937 (W. G. Hassler). like hypogea variety robustior, considerable
This species, too, has not hitherto been variability in this respect even among the
reported from British Guiana nor indeed specimens of a single locality, some indi-
from any of the other South American viduals having mandibles corresponding
states bordering the Caribbean. While with the coloration prevalent in amalthea,
amalthea extends throughout Central Amer- while others have largely reddish to brown-
ica and into Mexico, recursa has not been ish mandibles. The insect is smaller and
taken in that large area. It is, however, of more dainty structure than amalthea
of fairly wide distribution in South Amer- and its hind tibiae are more slender. Due
ica. In addition to British Guiana, the to the fact that the abdomen is rather more
following countries in South America are slender and elongate than the usually com-
included in its range: pact abdomen of amalthea, specimens of
ECUADOR.-Tena, Feb. 14 and Feb. 17, recursa may attain the same length as speci-
1923 (F. X. Williams); Napo, Pano River, mens of amalthea that have the abdomen
April 8, 1929 (F. X. Williams). especially contracted. However, the tho-
PERU.-Yurimaguas, April 8, 1920 (H. rax width of recursa is always less than that
Parish); La Merced, Rio Chanchamayo, of amalthea, and the two insects, when
June 17, 1920 (Cornell Univ. Expedition); placed side by side, can be differentiated
El Campamiento, Colony of the Peren6, even by the unaided eye due to their differ-
June 22-26, 1920 (Cornell Univ. Expedi- ence of stature.
tion); La Chorrera to La Sombra, Putu- By its more dainty build recursa is readily
mayo District, Aug. 21, 1920 (Cornell differentiated from ruficrus variety corvina,
Univ. Expedition); San Ramon, at meat, from which it differs furthermore in having

a less arcuate clypeus and distinctly nar- The tunnel-like structure in its entire ex-
rower hind tibiae. From both amalthea tent is 10 cm. wide and 14 cm. long. The
and ruficrus variety corvina it can further- tunnel enters into a hollow root which is
more be separated by the more hyaline used as a passage-way to the nest."
condition of its wings, the wings of the The nest was one of three located about
other two species having a distinctly deeper the base of an old tree (Oropel) in a shady
stain. Finally recursa and ruficrus variety coffee plantation. The other two nests
corvina would seem to be separated geo- were those of.bees of the subgenus Parta-
graphically, for, while recursa is known up mona.
to the present only from South America, Workers of recursa in large numbers were
ruficrus variety corvina seems to be con- attracted, according to Weyrauch, to meat
fined to Central America and Mexico.' at the market in San Ramon and a male of
The less flattened clypeus of recursa and this species was observed visiting a puddle.
its broader hind tibiae without rounded
apex separate this bee from the also rather Trigona (Trigona) williana Friese
closely related hypogea. It tends to re- Trigona williana FRIESE, 1900, Term6s.
semble hypogea in the clarity of its wings Fuzetek, XXIII, p. 388.
and in the presence often on the clypeus of BRITISH GuIANA.-Kuyuwini River,
two mahogany-colored maculations. Nov. 22, 1937 (W. G. Hassler); Upper
I have had the opportunity to examine, Essequibo River, Dec. 23, 1937 (W. G.
in addition to the type specimen of recursa Hassler).
in the British Museum, a specimen identi-
fied by Smith that is at Oxford, and a Trigona (Trigona) pallida vari.ety pallida
specimen from the Smith collection kindly (Latreille)
donated by Professor Cockerell to the Amer- Apis pallida LATREILLE, 1804, Ann. Mus.
Hist. nat., V, p. 177, PI. xiii, fig. 14.
ican Museum. All of these specimens have
quinquedentate mandibles. Smith's state- BRITISH GUIANA.-Kuyuwini River,
ment to the effect that the mandibles have Nov. 22, 1937 (W. G. Hassler).
"three or four stout acute teeth at their About one-half of the specimens col-
apex" is misleading. lected at the above mentioned locality are
In Smith's specimens the hind metatarsi assignable without hesitation to the typical
are rather wide at the apex, almost as wide variety. The remainder show varying
indeed as are the hind tibiae at their apex. degrees of obscuration of the abdomen,
This condition is shared by some of the usually beyond the first or beyond the first
specimens before me, especially those from two tergites. It is not altogether excep-
Santa Elena, Bolivia. Specimens from tional to find in typical pallida some dark-
several other localities, on the other hand, ening of the apical segments of the ab-
have rather parallel-sided, relatively nar- domen but these'specimens are unusual
row hind metatarsi. It seems doubtful
in that iii the extreme cases several of the
whether this character is sufficiently funda- tergites (and frequently likewise the ster-
mental to justify a further separation. nites) are predominantly or wholly black.
Dr. W. Weyrauch has sent me the follow- Were it not for the presence in the series of
ing description of a nest of recursa that he specimens that, in contrast, have the usual
observed at San Ramon, Peru, Feb. 25, honey-colored abdomen commonly associ-
1940: ated with typical pallida, I should be in-
"Nest in earth at the foot of an old tree. clined to regard the representatives from
A tunnel-like front structure of black the Kuyuwini River as a distinct variety.
granular resin holds fast to the ground dead Trigona (Tetragona) nigra variety
leaves that are lying about. The nest paranigra, new variety
entrance is 5 cm. wide' and 7 cm. long. WORKER.-Very close to nigra variety paupera
'What Cockerell reported (1920, Bull. Amer. but differs from that variety and is in agreement
Mus. Nat. Hist., XLII, pp. 465 and 501) from Tuma- with typical nigra in having the erect hairs (as
tumari as ruficrus variety corrina is according to my well as the appressed) of the clypeus silvery-gray
interpretation hyalinata variety hyalinata.

instead of black and the erect hairs of the front Ducke (1925, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. Geogr. u.
also silvery-gray except for a few black hairs just Biol., XLIX, p. 376) speaks of the yellow
below the ocelli. Differs from the typical
variety in having the forewings hyaline if some- maculation on the clypeus as exceptional.
what milky, especially on the apical half, and
the stigma and venation bright ferruginous ex-
cept that the costal and subcostal veins are
slightly brownish. The hairs on under side of
abdomen silvery-gray.
BRITISH GUIANA.-A sifigle specimen
from Upper Essequibo River, Dec. 23,
1937 (W. G. Hassler).
The key supplied in a previous paper on
the Stingless Bees of British Guiana
(Schwarz, 1938, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.
Hist., LXXIV, Art. VII, pp. 439-448) in-
cluded Trigona (Tetragona) nigra variety
pura (Cockerell). To distinguish that in-
sect from the present one the following key
to the workers may be of service:
1.-The forewings smoky except for their milk-
white apical tips. Sidefacial maculations
subdued to absent. Erect hairs on
clypeus and over most of front silvery-
gray ...... nigra variety nigra Cresson.
The forewings hyaline and unstained al-
though more or less milky on the apical
half. The stigma and at least the veins
of the apical half of the wing bright
ferruginous ...... 2.
2.-Clear, strongly defined yellow maculations -I..
on the middle of the clypeus, bordering s

the eyes (more or less interruptedly on

the posterior orbits), supraclypeus, scape,
pronotum, tubercles and scutellum. Hair
of thorax as well as of head pale........
......... nigra variety pura (Cockerell).
Maculations on face, if present, obsolescent;
absent on thorax. Erect hairs on at
least vertex, mesonotum and mesopleura
black ..... 3.
3.-Erect hairs on clypeus, front and under side
of abdomen black.....................
.nigra variety paupera (Provancher). B
Erect hairs on clypeus and on front (mostly),
and on under side of abdomen silvery-gray
.... nigra variety paranigra, new variety.

Trigona (Tetragona) varia

Melipona (Trigona) varia LEPELETIER, 1836,
"Hist. nat. des Insectes, Hymenop.," I, p. 433. Fig. 1.-Worker of Trigona (Tetragona)
handlir8chii Friese.-A, head; B, hind leg, with
BRITISH GUIANA.-Upper Essequibo special reference to the tibia and tarsal joints.
River, Sept. 28, 1937 (W. G. Hassler). Drawn by Mrs. Shirley H. Risser.

Trigona (Tetragona) handlirschii Friese

Trigona handlirschii FRIESE, 1900, Term6s. In the specimens before me, including one
Fuizetek, XXIII, p. 391. from Brazil identified by Friese as hand-
BRITISH GUIANA.-Upper Essequibo lirschii, the maculations are present and
River, Dec. 23, 1937 (W. G. Hassler). accord with those of Fig. 1.

Trigona (Tetragona) heideri variety about midway between the base and the apex.
heideri Friese The malar space enlarged at its outer extremity
but for most of its extent very short, at its
Trigona heideri FRIESE, 1900, Term6s. Fuze- middle not more than one-fourth the width of
tek, XXIII, pp. 389-390. the scape. The apico-lateral angles of the
BRITISH GUIANA.-Upper Essequibo
River, Dec. 23, 1937 (W. G. Hassler). I IA
Trigona (Tetragona) clavipes
Centri8 clavipes FABRICIUS, 1804, "Syst. Piez.,"
p. 359.
BRITISH GUIANA.-Upper Essequibo
River, Sept. 28, 1937 (W. G. Hassler).
Trigona (Tetragona) kaieteurensis
Trigona (Tetragona) kaieteurensis SCHWARZ,
1938, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., LXXIV, Art.
VII, pp. 445, 472-474, P1. LVI, fig. C.
BRITISH GUIANA.-Kuyuwini River, Nov.
22, 1937 (W. G. Hassler); Upper Esse-
quibo River, Dec. 23, 1937 (W. G. Hass- A
ler); Shudihar River, Dec. 29, 1937 (W. G.
The specimens differ somewhat in the ex-
tent to which the cream-colored clypeus is
invaded by black apically. In the Esse-
quibo River specimens the invasion is so
deep that it almost reaches the base, with
the result that the pale areas of the clypeus
merely frame narrowly the large black en-
closure. In the specimens, one each, from
the Kuyuwini River and the Shudihar
River, the black area is mainly along the
apex of the clypeus as depicted in the draw-
ing that accompanies the original descrip-
tion (Schwarz, 1938, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.
Hist., LXXIV, Art. VII, PI. LVI, fig. C).
Trigona (Tetragona) essequiboensis,
new species
WORKER.-Black, with black hairs. Wings
somewhat dusky in basal half, with black
venation; milky in apical half, with bright fer-
ruginous stigma and venation. Abdomen nar- Fig. 2.-Worker of Trigona (Tetragona) esse-
row and elongate, narrower than thorax. quiboensis, new species.-A, head; B, hind leg,
HEAD (Fig. 2A) only moderately shiny notwith- with special reference to the tibia and tarsal
standing its smooth chitin, broader than long, joints. Drawn by Mrs. Shirley H. Risser.
extending slightly beyond the outer rims of the
tegulae. Eyes strongly convergent below.
Clypeus arched, slightly downsloping toward the clypeus well separated from the eye by an inter-
apex but not foveate, and like the rather promi- val about one-half the width of the scape. The
nent supraclypeus raised somewhat above the mandible somewhat hourglass-shaped, its apex
level of the sides of the face, its apex broadly with two denticles on the inner one-third, the
truncate with a slight recession at each lateral innermost the larger. The middle ocellus
extremity, its sides with a very slight angulation slightly anterior to the lateral ones, which are

somewhat elevated and tilted laterad; the area progressively longer hairs, those on the apical
covered by the ocelli a trifle greater than the tergite only a little shorter than those on each of
space separating each lateral ocellus from the the ventral sternites.
eye. Flagellum a little wider than the scape Length 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 mm.; width of thorax
and about twice as long. Entirely black, ex- about 1 1/2 mm.; length of forewing, including
cept for a dull-brownish suffusion on the apical tegula, about 6 mm.
half of the mandibles and sometimes on the
flagellum beneath. Rather dull gray and incon- BRITISH GUIANA.-Upper Essequibo
spicuously pruinose on front and sides of face, a River, Dec. 23, 1937 (W. G. Hassler).
little more strongly silvery-gray pruinose on Structurally this insect is very close to
genae. The erect hairs all black. Those over Trigona (Tetragona) clavipes (Fabricius)
the entire clypeus longer than the erect black
hairs on the scape and approximating in length and it may be that, different as it is in col-
those on the front, which in turn are shorter than oration, it should be considered a variety
those on the vertex, the labrum, and fringing the of clavipes rather than a distinct species.
mandibles below; black hairs also on lower But in addition to its distinctively dark ap-
part of genae.
THORAX wholly black, moderately shiny. pearance and slightly smaller size, it has
Width of the mesonotum at its widest along the hairs of the clypeus relatively longer
the basal margin about equal to the length from than in clavipes and the innermost denticle
this basal margin to the apex of the scutellum, of the mandible rather less developed. It
which is not salient. Hair throughout exclu-
sively black and rather dense, longest on meso- seems preferable to consider it temporarily
notum anteriorly, scutellum, mesopleura and on at least-and until the unknown male is
thorax beneath. Hairs on propodeum also discovered-a distinct species. In the
black; middle or dorsal area of propodeum coloration of its chitin and of its hairs it re-
hairless and shiny.
LEGS black, with the apical tarsal joints sembles Trigona (Tetragona) nigra variety
somewhat more brownish. Hairs almost ex- paupera (Provancher) but that insect dif-
clusively black, to the inclusion of those on the fers structurally in having the malar space
coxae, trochanters and femora. Even the meta- even more vestigial and the hind tibiae
tarsal brushes predominantly black, with only a
faint copper sheen in some lights. The micro- more arched, not flattened, over their outer
scopic hairs on the raised portion of the inner face except for the extreme apex, and in ad-
surface of the hind tibiae silvery-gray. The dition has a more shiny head and thorax
hairs are shortest on the femora and on the outer and usually traces, even if dulled, of side-
face of front tibiae, and longer on the under
side of the middle tibiae than on the outer facial maculations. Superficially esse-
face of this joint, where some plumose hairs are quiboensis resembles also a member not of
intermixed with the simple hairs. The hind its own subgenus but the subgenus Trigona,
tibiae (Fig. 2B) are fringed anteriorly and for namely compressa, which is likewise black,
the most part also posteriorly with only simple
hairs but at least toward the apex of the joint with predominantly black hairs, narrow
plumose hairs appear. Long erect hairs, pre- abdomen, and, in some specimens at least,
dominantly simple, occur on the basal half of with a more or less darkened median cell
the outer face of the hind tibiae. These tibiae contrasting with the milky appearance of
clavate, much wider at the apex than at the
base but gradually, not abruptly expanded, the apical half of the wing. But the quadri-
their posterior contour convex, rounding without dentate mandible of compressa makes
angulation into the subtruncate apex; the ex- confusion between this species and esse-
terior face of the joint flattened on its apical half. quiboensis unlikely.
The hind metatarsi almost parallel-sided, a little
contracted at the base, with a posterior angula-
tion at the apex. Trigona (Tetragona) subgrisea variety
WINGS slightly darkened in the basal half, in subnigra, new variety
which the venation, in agreement with the
tegulae, is black. The apical half of the wing, WORKER.-Structurally like typical subgrisea,
in rather sharp contrast, is milky, with bright to the inclusion of the distinctive sharp thin
ferruginous stigma and venation. Number of carina that is coextensive with the ocelli and
hamuli in each lower wing 5-7, usually 5 or 6. partly overarches the lateral ones.
ABDOMEN elongate, narrower than thorax, HEAD with the hairs of the vertex black in-
black, with the hairs black. Tergite 1 with a stead of ochraceous.
few scattered microscopic hairs, largely to wholly THORAX with the hairs of the mesopleura pale
glabrous. Tergite 2 polished and hairless on as in the typical variety but with some inter-
basal half, with microscopic hairs on apical half. mixed darker hairs on the mesonotum and par-
The exposed parts of the subsequent tergites with ticularly on the scutellum in contradistinction

to the uniformly pale hairs in these parts in the Trigona (Partamona) testacea variety
typical variety. musarum (Cockerell)
LEGS with black hairs instead of pale on front
and middle tibiae, external surface of meta- Trigona musarum COCKERELL, 1917, Psyche,
tarsi and other tarsal joints, and fringing the XXIV, p. 123.
hind tibiae anteriorly and posteriorly. BRITISH GUIANA.-Shudihar River, Dec.
WINGS with the bright fulvous venation con- 29, 1937 (W. G. Hassler).
fined to the basal two-thirds. The stigma some-
what clouded, the veins in the darkened apical
part of the wing fuscous. Number of hamuli in Trigona (Partamona) testacea variety
each lower wing 5. nigrior (Cockerell)
ABDOMEN with the hairbands on tergites 3-6 Trigona cupira nigrior COCKERELL, 1925, An-
a little darker than in the typical variety, black- nals and Mag. Nat. Hist., (9), XVI, p. 627.
ish rather than fulvous to brownish.
Dimensions those of the typical variety: BRITISH GUIANA.-Kuyuwini River, Nov.
length about 4 1/2 mm.; width about 1 3/4 to 22, 1937 (W. G. Hassler).
2 mm.; length of forewing, including tegula, Although in all of these specimens the
about 5 1/2 mm.
facial maculations are feeble, only in about
BRITISH GUIANA.-Upper Essequibo one-half of them is the labrum black.
River, Dec. 13, 1937 (W. G. Hassler).
In making the above comparisons be- Trigona (Paratrigona) impunctata
tween the present variety and the typical
variety, I have had under examination the (Ducke)
holotypes of both forms. Melipona impunctata DUCKE, 1916, Com. de
Linhas Teleg. Estrat. de Matto Grosso ao Ama-
Trigona subgrisea and its variety sub- zonas, Publicag0o 35, Annexo 5, Hist. Nat.,
nigra should be placed in my estimation in Zoologia, opposite p. 28, pp. 101-103.
the subgenus Tetragona notwithstanding BRITISH GUIANA.-Upper Essequibo
the fact that their abdomen is broad in- River, Dec. 23, 1937 (W. G. Hassler).
stead of much narrowed. Like typical
Tetragona they have in the worker two Trigona (Hypotrigona) longicornis Friese
denticles on the inner end of the apex of Trigona longicornis FRIESE, 1903, Zeitschr.
the mandible, plumose hairs fringing the Hymenop. u. Dipterol., III, p. 360.
hind tibiae, and a shiny integument. The BRITISH GUIANA.-Shudihar River, Jan.
sharp thin carina that tends partly to over- 1) 1938 (W. G. Hassler).
arch the ocelli differentiates subgrisea from This is the first time this species has been
its near relatives, which include mombuca collected in British Guiana. It was de-
Smith (of which subterranea Friese is in scribed by Friese from Itaituba in the
my estimation a variety), leucogastra State of Para, Brazil (1903, Zeitschr.
Cockerell (distinguished especially by the Hymenop. u. Dipterol., III, p. 360) and
exceedingly long hairs on its scape) and has been reported by Ducke from various
fulvohirta Friese (which has the hind tibiae localities in that state and also from the
deeply emarginate apically, with a resulting Brazilian states of Amazonas and Matto
strongly tooth-like angle where the convex Grosso. It has been taken, according to
posterior contour meets the concave apical Ducke, on the confluents of the Madeira
contour). The last mentioned bee has and in the upper region of the Tapajos in
wings colored very much like those of the northern part of Matto Grosso and
subgrisea variety subnigra. likewise at Cuyuba in the middle part of
Trigona (Partamona) testacea variety the state. Finally, Ducke noted that it is
testacea (Klug) known also from the Cataract of Cupati of
Melipona testacea KLUG, 1807, Magaz. the Caqueta River in southeastern Colom-
neuesten Entdeckungen in gesam. Naturkunde bia (1916, Commisao de Linhas Tele-
(Gesells. naturf. Freunde, Berlin), I, p. 265. graphicas Estrategicas de Matto Grosso ao
BRITISH GUIANA.-Kuyuwini River, Nov. Amazonas, PublicaDAo No. 35, Annexo 5,
22, 1937 (W. G. Hassler); Upper Esse- Historia Natural, Zoologia, p. 91; 1925,
quibo River, Dec. 23, 1937 (W. G. Hass- Zool. Jahrb. System. Geogr. u. Biol.,
ler). XLIX, p. 363).

Among the six specimens of this rather duckei and of muelleri, the only queens of
rare species before me, three are from Hypotrigona that I have had an opportu-
localities in the State of Para and one is nity to examine (see Schwarz, 1938, Bull.
from British Guiana. The remaining two Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., LXXIV, Art. VII,
specimens are from countries not previously P1. LXI, figs. C and D).
listed in the range of longicornis, namely:
PERU.-Puerto Bermudez, Rio Pichis, TRIGONA (CEPHALOTRIGONA),
July 12-19, 1920 (Cornell University Expe- Type species capitata Smith.
dition). Members of this subgenus of Trigona are
BOLIVIA.-Rurrenabaque, Rio Beni, Oc- characterized in the worker (Fig. 3) by the follow-
tober (W. M. Mann, of Mulford Biological ing combination of characters: the unusual
Expedition, 1921-1922). sculpturing of the head, which is coarsely punc-
tate and shiny on the clypeus, lower part of the
The worker of this species is readily supraclypeus, and lower extremity of the sides
recognized by the following characters of the face, but densely granular and dull over

Fig. 3.-Worker of Trigona (Cephalotrigona) capitata variety capitata Smith.-A, head in front
view and mandible; A', head viewed from above; B, hind leg, with special reference to the tibia and
tarsal joints. Drawn by Mrs. Shirley H. Risser.

which separate it from the worker of other the upper part of the head; the peculiar arma-
species of the subgenus Hypotrigona: ture of the mandible with its single large tooth
at the inner extremity of the apex; the rather
Antennae very long, scape, when erect, pro- unusually large size of the head; the broad hind
jecting beyond the vertex; labrum with two tibiae fringed with simple hairs.
rather sharp prominent spines; hind tibiae very In the male, too, there is contrast-although
saw-toothed along the posterior contour and rather less emphatic than in the worker-be-
fringed with pale hairs that are as long as or tween the punctate to punctate-tessellate lower
longer than the joint is wide; stigma and vena- half of the face and the dull and granular
tion light brownish. sculpturing of the upper half. Sternite 6 of
While the length of the hairs fringing the the male has an exceptionally broad median
hind tibiae of the worker of longicornis tooth and the lateral teeth are also broad and in-
greatly exceed those of any other worker of pointing (Fig. 4).
the subgenus Hypotrigona, they are ap- In the queen (Fig. 5) there is also some con-
trast between the lower half of the face and the
proximated in length by the corresponding upper although the sculpturing of the upper
hairs on the hind tibiae of the queen of half of the head tends to be much less dense

toothed mandibles occur (Schwarz, 1938,

Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., LXXIV, Art.
VII, p. 503, P1. LXI) but the normal condi-
tion is bidentate.
Ducke (1925, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. Geogr. u.
Biol., XLIX, p. 351) places capitata Smith,
here considered the type species of Cephalo-
Fig. 4.-Male of Trigona (Cephalotrigona)
capitata variety capitata Smith.-Sixth sternite. trigona, in one of the two main subdivisions
Drawin by Mrs. Shirley H. Risser. of his Division III. In the other sub-
division of Division III he includes in-
thani in either worker or male, with shiny inter- sects that are assignable to the subgenera
spaces among the puinetures in this area. Ster- Trigona, Tetragona, Oxytrigona, and Scaura.
nite 6 has a bidentate apex, which is visible even My own feeling is that Cephalotrigona is
when the virgin queein is viewed firom above, more nearly affiliated with some of the
jutting out pronouncedly from the end of her forms of rough chitin than it is with these
rather bulbous and spherical abdomen.
The subgenus Cephalotrigona is espe-
subgenera of smooth or mainly smooth
cially differentiated from the other sub-
genera of Trigona by the characters of the
worker. Not only is the kind of contrasted Trigona (Cephalotrigona) capitata
sculpturing of the head in this caste- variety capitata Smith
and to a lesser degree in the male and queen Trigona capitata SMITH, 1854, "Catal. Hymen.
-very exceptional but the unidentate Brit. Mus.," II, p. 409.
condition of the mandible is also distinctly BRITISH GUIANA.-Kamakusa, Sept.,
unusual. The Old World subgenera Dac- 1922, including males, and Jan., 1923 (H.
tylurina and Heterotrigona, which also have Lang).
only one tooth on the man(lible of the In my earlier paper on the Stingless Bees
worker, are in other respects so utterly (Meliponidae) of British Guiana this
different from Cephalotrigona as to pre- species was unfortunately not included al-
clude the thought of close relationship. though Cockerell had reported capitata
In Hypotrigona individuals with defectively from the Berbice River (Cockerell, 1923,

Fig. 5.-Queen of Trigona (Cephalotrigona) capitata variety capitata Smith. A, head and mandible;
B, hind leg; C, last visible sternite of abdomen. Drawn by Mrs. Shirley H. Risser.

Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., (9), XI, p. type is black, and in my estimation virgilii
451). is a synonym of typical capitata rather
In erecting capitata variety virgilii, Friese than a distinct variety. There is con-
(1901, Zeitschr. Hymenop. u. Dipterol., I, siderable variability in the maculation of
p. 268) set down as one of the characters the thorax within capitata. Friese erected
the "dark black-brown" body-color. This the variety virgilii on the basis of its more
fact and the even more convincing evi- feeble thoracic maculation but numerous
dence offered by the fact that in subse- specimens identified by Friese as virgilii,
quent identifications he assigned the name including some from the type locality,
virgilii to specimens of dark abdomen some- Blumenau, seem to me to be fully as macu-
what irrespective of the extent of the lated, in some instances more extensively
thoracic maculations makes me think that maculated, than is the type specimen of
Friese perhaps interpreted capitata as a Smith's capitata. It is true that Friese
variety with reddish abdomen. Certain it in his description of virgilii indicated that
is that Ducke so interpreted capitata, sometimes the thoracic maculations are
for Ducke alluded to the "bicolored typical wholly lacking. But this condition I have
form" (Ducke, 1925, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. been able to note in none of the South
Geogr. u. Biol., XLIX, p. 390). However, American specimens before me and it would
the ground color of the abdomen in Smith's seem to be a very unusual extreme.

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