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The University of the West Indies

Faculty of Medical Sciences

The UWI School of Nursing, Mona
Year III
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Adult checklist

Student’s ID: ________________________________ Date: _________________________
Scores: Satisfactory (2 points), Needs Improvement (1 point), (0 point)-omitted task

TASKS 2 1 0 Remarks
1. Verify scene safety
2. Assesses for responsiveness
 taps the victim’s shoulders.
Shouts “Are you ok?”
 Checks for eye opening,
moaning or talking
3. Calls for help, if unresponsive
 Activates the emergency
response system (via mobile
device if appropriate)

4. Checks for breathing and pulse

 Checks carotid pulse no more
than ten (10) seconds
 Visually scan the victim’s chest
no more than ten (10) seconds

5. Student verbalizes: no breathing,

no pulse, begin chest compression
 Positions client appropriately
(places client on a firm flat
surface) and exposes the chest
 Ensures proper hand placement,
places the heel of the palm on
the lower half of the sternum
with fingers interlocked.
Straighten arms and lock
elbows, (position shoulders
directly over hands)

UWISON revised 2018, 2022, 2023 1|

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) adult
TASKS 2 1 0 Remarks
 Performs 30 compressions
(pushing hard and fast)  100-
120 / min.
 Compress at a depth of (2-2.4
ins) 5-6cms allowing for chest
6. Open airway
 using head tilt chin lift or
jaw thrust manoeuvre
 Provides 2 rescue breaths
(using pocket mask) to make the
chest rise
7. Does five (5)cycles of 30:2
(compressions: breath)
8. Reassesses for breathing and pulse

9. Minimize interruptions to less

than 10 seconds.
10. Reassesses for breathing and pulse.
11. No signs of circulation; continues
30:2 cycles beginning with chest
 If patient recovers place patient in
the recovery position (verbal
12. Documents events
(Verbal report)






UWISON revised 2018, 2022, 2023 2|

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) adult

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