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Name: Amador Valdez Cadena

School: Pan American School Campus Monclova

Topic: The development of artificial intelligence will help humanity.
Grade: 8*A

In Favor
Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered one of the most revolutionary developments in
human history and the world has already witnessed its transformative capabilities. It's
no surprise that AI-powered innovations are powering some of the most advanced
solutions we use in our daily lives. Today, AI enables organizations, governments, and
communities to create a successful ecosystem that serves everyone. AI programs can
combine weather and sensor data to optimize, predict and manage energy consumption
in different sectors. In other example, pharmaceutical companies use predictive
analytics to discover these candidate molecules and optimize them with multiple
iteration cycles to select the best one for drug manufacturing.

As AI grows more sophisticated and widespread, the voices warning against the
potential dangers of artificial intelligence grow louder. AI and deep learning models can
be difficult to understand, even for those who work directly with technology. This leads
to a lack of transparency about how and why AI reaches its conclusions, creating a lack
of explanation about what data AI algorithms use or why they may make biased or
dangerous decisions. AI-powered task automation is a pressing concern as the
technology is adopted in industries such as marketing, manufacturing, and healthcare.
By 2030, tasks that account for up to 30% of hours currently worked in the United
States could become an automated economy.

Sukhadeve, A. (2021, febrero 9). Artificial intelligence for good: How AI is helping
humanity. Forbes.
Thomas, M. (2023, febrero 7). 12 risks and dangers of artificial intelligence (AI). Built In.

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