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Module V Physical and Functional Diagnosis

1. Clinical examination in general and detection of movement dysfunction.

2. Principles of pathological investigations and imaging techniques related to
neuromusculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary disorders with interpretation.


Imaging of the nervous system encompasses a wide variety of modalities that have
undergone rapid evolution in the past few decades.
Commonly used neuroimaging techniques are:

 X-ray of skull and spine

 Magnetic resonance imaging
 Computerised tomography scan
 Neuroangiography
 Lumbar puncture

 Lumbar puncture: CSF study

 Hematological tests
 Nerve and muscle biopsy
Standard views used are:

 Posteroanterior(PA)
 Anteroposterior(AP)
 Lateral Towne’s (half-axial) Base
Skull radiographs are used to detect:

 Bone erosion- Multiple myeloma

 Bone hyperostosis: Meningioma , Paget’s disease
 Neoplasm: lymphoma
 Developmental abnormalities: craniosynostosis (premature suture closure)
 Trauma: facial fractures
Spinal disease:

 Lateral and AP views commonly used.

 Cervical spine fracture: flexion/compression injury
 Degenerative diseases: AS,RA
 Metastatic tumours
 Congenital abnormalities: SPINA BIFIDA
It is used to investigate intracranial pathology and now routinely used for spine and

 Patients with implanted devices like cardiac pacemakers, spinal stimulators, or

with other ferromagnetic foreign bodies, which are not suitable for MRI.
 Acute fracture of calvarium, skull base and spine
 Hydrocephalus- dilatation of ventricles
Appearance of tissues on CT-scan:

 Air- Black
 Fat- Black
 CSF-Black
 Brain tissue- Grey
 Blood- White
 Bone-White

 A highly collimated pencil-like (1-10mm) X-ray beam is directed through the

patient. The patient is placed in the CT-gantry and the X-ray beam travels in a
circular path around the patient.
 Detectors are arranged in a complete circle around the beam and images are
reconstructed using a computer algorithm.

 Wider availability
 Easier to perform in ventilated patients
 Allows differentiation of solid organs from each other
 Extremely sensitive to the presence of minute amounts of fat, calcium or
contrast material.

 Use of ionizing radiations

 Hazards of intravenous contrast
 Lack of portable equipments
 High cost
 Large areas are poorly imaged by CT
 Can’t be used for spine because it is mostly limited to transverse plane.
Gorter is given credit for origin of the concept of NMR, which is the basis of MRI.
T1 Film T2 Film

 CSF – Dark (T1) Lighter(T2)

 Bone – Dark(T1) Dark(T2)
 White matter – Light(T1) Dark(T2)
 Fat – Light(T1) Dark(T2)

 Improved soft tissue contrast resolution

 Image can be obtained in axial , saggittal or any plane
 3D images can also be reconstructed
It is the study of CNS and related cervicocerebral vasculature using radiographs.

 A catheter is inserted via the femoral artery into the aortic arch. It is then
manipulated into the relevant cranial/neck artery. Then a contrast medium is
injected with simultaneous radiographic filming of appropriate vessels.
 Instead of femoral artery, axillary, brachial/direct cervical approaches may be
 Common arteries to be examined:
 Anterior cerebral, middle cerebral, posterior cerebral arteries Internal carotid ,
vertebral, basilar arteries
To Detect:

 Cerebral ischemia
 Vessel occlusion/stenosis / plaque formation
 Aneurysm
 AV Malformation
 Vessel displacement/compression

 The pressure that is exerted on the brain tissue by external forces,like CSF and
blood is k/a intracranial pressure. The normal ICP is 5-10mmHg. If it rises
above 20mmHg, it suggests impaired CSF absorption and need for drainage
operation. It is an invasive technique, in which a catheter is inserted into the
lateral ventricle and the pressure is measured.

 Hydrocephalus
 Traumatic hematoma
 Infections like meningitis
 Cerebral edema
 Neoplam/metastatic tumors

 Can be performed by a needle or as an open procedure.

 The former is less invasive and allows multiple samples with better assessment
of tissue architecture.
 Staining techniques allow seperation of different fiber types like atrophied and
normal fibers. Commonly used stains are methylene blue, H&E stain.

 Myopathy
 Muscular dystrophy
 Myasthenia gravis
 Motor neuron disease

 To diagnose and classify peripheral nerve injuries. Sural nerve is commonly

chosen because it is commonly affected in peripheral neuropathy.
 The biopsy shows Nodes of Ranvier and Schwann cells. The internodal length
and thickness of myelin sheath can be calculated.

 Peripheral neuropathy
 Vasculitis
 Acute and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies
 Metabolic encephalopathies
 Guillain Barre syndrome
 Nerve disorders like mononeuropathy,peripheral nerve injury,etc.
Used for:

 Acquisition of CSF for analysis

 CSF drainage and pressure reduction

 POSITIONING: Patient in side lying position with hip-knee flexed. By doing
this, the intervertebral space gets opened up and fluid can be obtained.
 SITE: L3-L4 intervertebral space, at the level of iliac crests. Clean the area,
apply local anaesthesia. Insert the needle at a slight angle towards the head so
that it is parallel to the spinous process. Withdraw CSF.
Contraindications of lumbar puncture:

 If there is raised intracranial pressure

 If platelet count<40,000
Appearance Clear and colourless

 CSF Pressure - 60-150 mm of water

 Cells - 0-4 Lymphocytes/ml
 Proteins - 15-45 mg/dl
 Glucose - 50-80 mg/dl
 Bacteriology – Sterile

 Meningitis
 Encephalitis
 Malignacy
 Tuberculous infection
 Neurosyphillis
 Multiple sclerosis

 Transien headache
 Epidural haemorrhage
Pathological investigations and imaging techniques play a crucial role in diagnosing
and managing cardiopulmonary disorders. Here are some principles and commonly
used methods in these areas:

Principles of Pathological Investigations:


 Histopathology involves the examination of tissue samples (biopsies) under a

microscope to identify cellular and structural changes. In the context of
cardiopulmonary disorders, this can help identify conditions like myocardial
infarction, pulmonary fibrosis, or lung cancer.

 Cytology focuses on the study of individual cells obtained through techniques
such as sputum cytology for diagnosing lung cancer.

Molecular Pathology:

 This involves analyzing DNA, RNA, and protein markers to detect genetic
mutations or abnormal gene expression related to cardiopulmonary diseases. For
example, molecular tests can identify specific mutations in genes associated
with cardiomyopathies.


 Post-mortem examinations, or autopsies, can provide valuable insights into the

cause of death and underlying cardiopulmonary conditions.


 This technique uses antibodies to detect specific proteins in tissue sections and
is useful in identifying specific markers, such as cancer-related proteins or
inflammation markers.

Imaging Techniques for Cardiopulmonary Disorders:

Chest X-rays:

 X-rays are commonly used to assess the lungs and heart. They can reveal
abnormalities like pulmonary congestion, pleural effusion, or cardiac

CT Scans (Computed Tomography):

 CT scans provide detailed cross-sectional images of the heart and lungs. They
are useful in identifying coronary artery disease, pulmonary embolism, and lung

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging):

 Cardiac MRI is especially valuable for assessing the heart's structure and
function, as it offers high-resolution images without radiation exposure. It can
be used to diagnose heart diseases, including myocarditis and cardiomyopathies.


 This non-invasive ultrasound imaging technique is used to assess the structure

and function of the heart, including ejection fraction, valve function, and the
presence of congenital heart defects.

Nuclear Imaging:

 This includes techniques like SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed

Tomography) and PET (Positron Emission Tomography), which can be used to
assess blood flow, perfusion, and metabolic activity of the heart and lungs.
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs):

 These tests measure lung function, including lung capacity, airflow, and gas
exchange, to diagnose conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) and asthma.

Cardiac Catheterization:

 Invasive procedures, such as coronary angiography, involve the insertion of a

catheter into blood vessels to assess coronary artery disease, measure pressures,
and perform interventions like angioplasty and stent placement.

EKG/ECG (Electrocardiogram):

 This is a basic tool to assess the heart's electrical activity and diagnose
arrhythmias, ischemia, and other electrical abnormalities.

Holter Monitoring:

 This involves continuous ECG monitoring over a 24-hour period to detect

intermittent arrhythmias.

Pulse Oximetry:

 This non-invasive test measures blood oxygen saturation and is useful for
monitoring respiratory function and detecting conditions like hypoxemia.
Pathological investigations and imaging techniques are often used in combination to
diagnose and manage cardiopulmonary disorders comprehensively. The choice of
method depends on the suspected condition and the clinical context, with the goal of
achieving an accurate diagnosis and guiding treatment decisions.

Developmental screening
What is developmental assessment
Developmental assessment is the process of observing and recording the work
children do and how they do it, as a basis for a variety of decisions about their
care, suitable programs and program goals, and service needs.
Developmental assessment is done everyday by attentive caregivers, but the term
usually refers to various STRUCTURED systems for observation.

Why Assess?
An assessment instrument is a decision making tool
Monitoring progress
 Individualize programs, inform parents
 Report to funders, revise programs
Screening: ‘red flags’
 Identify special need(s)
 Establish eligibility for funding or services
 Promotes early interventions for deviations from normal growth and
development in young children.
 This facilitates provision of advice to parents, clinicians and care-givers
for future planning and prevent severe disability.
 They can assist in determining a diagnosis.
 Facilitate the planning of treatment programme
 They provide valuable information about level of milestone achieved.
 They are also used to monitor progression and determine whether &
when the child has achieved goals
 One stop clinics : (OS)
 Multiple appointment clinics, Ad hoc clinics (AH)
 Developmental screening is usually a multiple appointment clinic as it
requires continuous monitoring of the child for several years of life.
 It is the term used to describe a child who has not reached
developmental milestone at the expected age, even after allowing for the
broad variation of normality.
 Developmental delay can be single domain or multi-domain.
 The domains can be conceptually categorized into 4 groups :
 Motor
 Language
 Adaptive or cognitive
 Personal or social
 Developmental Screening tests are brief assessment procedures designed
to identify children who should receive more intensive diagnosis or
 True Positive : Tests correctly identifies the person with disease as
 True Negative : Test correctly identifies the person with disease as
 False Positive : Test incorrectly identifies someone without disease as
 False Negative : Test incorrectly identifies someone with disease as
 Sensitivity : Probability of correctly identifying a diseased person
 Specificity : Probability of correctly identifying non diseased
 Reliability
 Validity
 They are classified as
◦ Norm-referenced
◦ Criterion-referenced
 Are used to compare the development of infant being assessed to
development of infants of the same age-group.
 Examples :
◦ Bayley scales of infant development ,
◦ Gesell developmental schedules
 Are design to compare the performance of the infant with external
criteria on standards for a particular domain.
 Examples :
◦ Erhardt developmental prehension assessment
 Easy & quick to administer
 Economically viable
 Acceptable to subject
 Reliable
 Valid
 Highly sensitive & specific
 Early intervention gives better prognosis
 Also, a screening test can be considered only if it diagnosis a condition of
interest before it is clinically evident, since then only it provides a benefit
to the individual & society.
 Even though the screening techniques are widely recommended, there
are a lot of constraints faced by the practitioners which causes infrequent
use of these.
 These are:
o Time constraints
o Mood, attitude and handling of child
o Vast selection criteria with little guidance about their use
o cost
 Battelle developmental inventory screening test
 Bayley infant neurodevelopmental screener
 Brigance screens
 Early screening inventory
 First STEP
 Denver developmental screening test
 Early motor pattern profile (EMPP)
 Motor quotient (MQ)
 Cognitive adaptive test (CAT)
 Slosson intelligence test
 Early language milestone scale
 Peabody picture vocabulary test
 Language developmental Survey (LDS)
 Alberta infant motor scales
 Milani comparetti developmental test
 Toddler and infant motor evaluation scales
 Eyeberg child behavior checklist
 Pediatric symptom checklist
 Strength and difficulties questionnaire
 Used by health providers to identify developmental problems in young
 Has been used and standardized in over 12 countries.
 Used to screen over 50 million children.
 Such worldwide use has lead to the revision resulting in the Denver II
 Denver II (1992) Previously the Denver Developmental Screening test,
DDST (1967)
 Used in public health clinics, private practices, and early education
 Has been translated in several language
 Standardized in over a dozen countries
 Assesses a child’s performance on various age-appropriate tasks
 Screens for possible problems
 Designed to compare a given child’s performance with the performance
of other children the same age
 What the Denver is not
Not an I.Q. test
not a diagnostic tool
 Provide an organized clinical impression of a child’s overall development
 To alert the user to potential developmental difficulties
 Used to determine how a child compares to other children
 It is not a predictor of later development
 Should be given with the parent or primary caregiver present
 Make caregiver and child comfortable to elicit most natural response
 Remove boots or shoes that might restrict the child motor movements
 Young child may sit on caregiver’s lap, older child should sit so arms can
rest upon the table
 Elbows should be level with table top
 It should be shared with parent that the tool is to determine the child’s
current developmental status and that the child is not expected to pass
all of the items.
 Items requiring less active participation should be administered first
 Items in Fine Motor-Adaptive next (items that do not require child to
 Language items next
 and last the Gross Motor items
Gross Motor requires more confidence which is gained as test progresses.
 Tasks that the child can perform easily should be administered first
 Praise child’s efforts even if they fail on an item
 Items that use the same materials may be administered consecutively.
Keeps the flow going
 Keep test kit out of sight of child. Keep only materials being used for
current activity on the table
 For infants, it is recommended that all items be administered with the
baby lying down to be tested together
 Testing should begin with items that fall completely to the left of the
child’s age line, and continue to the right
 Depends on age and ability of child
 Step 1: in each sector, administer at least three items nearest to and
totally to the left of the age line and every item that is intersected by the
age line
 Step 2: if the child is unable to perform any item in step 1 (fails, refuses,
has had no opportunity), administer additional items to left in the
appropriate sector until child passes three consecutive item
 Continue to administer items to the right of any passes in each sector
until three failures are recorded
 The child may be given up to three trials to perform each item, when
appropriate, before scoring a failure
 Ask the caregiver or parent if the results are typical of child’s
performance. Consider if the child is ill, hungry, upset, etc.
 Rescheduling may be necessary if child is not being cooperative
 P = Pass-child successfully performs item, or caregiver reports that child
does item
 F = Fail-child does not successfully perform item, or report from
caregiver is that child does not do item
 N O = No Opportunity-the child has not had the chance to perform the
item, due to restrictions from the caregiver or other reasons (May only be
used on report items)
 R = For Refusal – the child refuses to attempt the item. You can minimize
this by telling the child to do rather than asking. Report items cannot be
scored as refusals
 If child passes an item that falls completely to the right of age line, the
child’s development is considered advanced. This is an item that most
children of that age do not pass until they are older
 Advanced items are not considered for overall interpreting of test
 Child is not expected to pass items on right
 (not considered for purpose of interpreting)
 Caution when line falls between 75 and 90 percentile
 and child fails or refuses
 A delay is indicated when a child fails or refuses an item that falls
completely to the left of the age line
 Child has failed an item that that 90% of children in the standardization
sample passed at an earlier age.
 Considered for interpreting overall tests
 These items are not considered in interpretation of entire test
 Normal: No delays and a maximum of 1 caution
 Suspect: two or more Cautions and /or One or more Delays
◦ Rescreen in 1-2 weeks
 Developed by Dr. PHATAK
 54 items
 The number of items passed from the test is counted. The child scoring
number of items placed at his chronological age or less than that
considered as developmental delay.
 On the full scales assessments, the motor and mental quotient is
calculated according to the formula :
If it is < 77.5 , child should assessed for delayed development.


Motor learning is the process of acquiring and improving the ability to perform a
motor skill. It is a complex process that involves the brain, muscles, and nerves.
Motor learning theories attempt to explain how we learn and improve our motor
One of the most well-known motor learning theories is the schema theory. This
theory proposes that we store motor programs in our brains that represent the
sequence of movements required to perform a particular skill. These motor
programs are then used to control our muscles during movement.
Another important motor learning theory is the error-based learning theory.
This theory proposes that we learn by detecting and correcting errors in our
movements. When we make an error, we receive feedback from our senses that
allows us to modify our motor program and improve our performance.
Other important motor learning theories include:
Proprioceptive feedback theory:
 This theory proposes that we learn by receiving feedback from our
muscles and joints about the position and movement of our limbs.
Cognitive theory:
 This theory proposes that we learn by thinking about the movements we
are performing and developing strategies for improving our performance.
Ecological theory:
 This theory proposes that we learn by interacting with our environment
and learning to adapt our movements to the demands of the task and the
Motor learning theories are important for understanding how people learn and
improve their motor skills. This knowledge can be used to develop training
programs that are more effective and efficient.
Here are some examples of how motor learning theories can be applied to
Schema theory:
 Trainers can use this theory to design training programs that help learners
develop efficient motor programs. For example, trainers can break down a
complex skill into smaller, more manageable steps and then gradually help
learners combine these steps into a complete skill.
Error-based learning theory:
 Trainers can use this theory to design training programs that provide
learners with opportunities to make errors and receive feedback. For
example, trainers can use variable practice drills, in which learners
perform the skill under different conditions. This allows learners to
experience a variety of errors and learn how to correct them.
Proprioceptive feedback theory:
 Trainers can use this theory to design training programs that provide
learners with feedback about their body position and movement. For
example, trainers can use mirrors, force plates, and other devices to
provide learners with real-time feedback about their movements.
Cognitive theory:
 Trainers can use this theory to design training programs that help learners
develop strategies for improving their performance. For example, trainers
can teach learners how to focus their attention on key aspects of the skill
and how to use mental imagery to practice the skill in their minds.
Ecological theory:
 Trainers can use this theory to design training programs that help learners
learn to adapt their movements to the demands of the task and the
environment. For example, trainers can use drills that require learners to
perform the skill under different conditions (e.g., different
speeds, different surfaces, etc.).
Motor learning is a complex process, but by understanding the different motor
learning theories, trainers can develop more effective and efficient training
Motor Control : The ability to regulate or direct the mechanism essential to
movement. Refers to dynamic regulation of posture and movement. Our daily
activities demand both postural and movement control. Movement emerges
from the interaction of three factors i.e. Individual, Task and Environment.
Requirements of Efficient Movement
 Balance
 Postural Control
 Selective movements
 Strength and Endurance
The assessment procedure:
 History
 Functional activity
 Body structures and functions.
 Outcome Measures.
 Evaluation and documentation.
• Detailed history
I. medical history,
II. Surgical history
III. personal history
IV. drug history
V. medical examinations and tests
VI. previous treatments
• Social aspects- occupation, environment.
• International Classification of functioning , disability and health.
• Understanding patients goals, hopes and needs.
Functional Activity
find the patients degree of independence and their ability to co-operate and
interact.  Assessment can be done by :
Interview, observational analysis and hands on assessment.
To assess the patients ability to carry out ADLs.  This informs the therapist
about the patients - General condition - Functional activities ( quantity and
quality) - Use of aids
Body Functions and Structures
Assessment is by : Observation, Hands on assessment.
Assessment of :
 Stability and mobility ,Quality of movement, movement pattern.
 Sensations, perception
 Pain
 Analyse posture and movement through the alignment of key points in
relation to each other and in relation to BOS. Observation and analysis of
the patients LOG in relation to the BOS.
 Observe for symmetry/asymmetry, weight distribution.
 Note if any use of assistive devices Quality of Movement
 Analysis of movement, sequence and task performance enables us to
identify the activity limitations and determines how movement differs
from typical motor behaviour.
Gait Assessment
• Assess for the phases of gait.
• Assess for the spatial and temporal variables.
• Alignment of the body .
• Muscle activity.
• Pattern.
Sensations, Perceptions and Learned Non-use
• Sensation : touch, pain temperature, pressure, proprioception, vision,
hearing, taste and smell.
• Identify if the sensory problems are organic or perceptual.
• Learned Non-use: Patients may exhibit sensory problems as a result of
inactivity or non-use
Pain :
• May limit recovery and learning process Assess for the factors aggravating
and relieving the pain. Assess for the severity of pain.
• Muscle strength : Weakness limits recovery of motor performance.
Strength of the muscle can be assessed by observational analysis and by
Outcome Measures Body Domain  Stability :
• Postural Control and Balance Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment
Dynamic Gait Index Trunk Impairment Scale.jpeg
• Comparison of static and dynamic posturography in young and older
normal people.
• Rhomberg test Sharpened Rhomberg test Timed single leg stance test
Functional Reach tests Multidirectional Reach test Retropulsion test
Timed up and go test.
• Self-report Measures Balance Efficacy Scale Activities-Specific Balance
Gait Analysis
• Qualitative (observational techniques, scales)
• Quantitative ( stopwatch, foot switches, videography)
• Kinetic analysis ( force sensor, electric goniometer)
• Kinematic analysis (gyroscopic sensor, accelerometer, extensometer)
Functional Gait Assessment
Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment
Hauser’s Ambulatory Index Tests :
• 6 minute walk test
• 10 meter timed walk test
• Timed get up and go test
Motor function Assessment Tone –
• Initial observation of resting posture.
• Palpation - Passive motion testing
• Scales to assess spasticity : Tardieu scale Modified Ashworth Scale
• Special tests to assess tone : Head drop test Pendulousness of leg Shoulder
shaking test Arm dropping test
Voluntary Control of Movement The ability to isolate the muscle activity in a
selected pattern in response to the demands of voluntary motion or posture.
Gross testing of sensory loss
• Passive motion sense of upper limb
• Passive motion sense of lower limb
• Proprioception
• Kinaesthesia
• Sense of force
• Sense of change in velocity

Special test
• Heel shin test
• Finger- nose- finger test
• Distal proprioception test
• Contralateral join matching task

Voluntary Control Grading for UL( shoulder and elbow)

Stage 1 : No movement initiated or elicited.
Stage 2 : Synergies or components start developing. Spasticity develops.
Stage 3: Basic limb synergies or some components are performed voluntarily.
Spasticity becomes marked.
Stage 4: Spasticity begins to decrease and some movement combinations that
deviate from basic synergies become available.
• 4a : Placing the hand behind the body
• 4b : Elevation of the arm to a forward-horizontal position.
• 4c : Pronation- supination , elbows at 90º
Stage 5 : Relative independence of basic limb synergies. Spasticity decreases
• 5a : Arm raising to a horizontal side position.
• 5b : Arm raising forward and overhead.
• 5c : Pronation-supination , elbows extended.
Stage 6 : Isolated joint movements now freely performed. Co-ordination near
Speeds test
To assess spasticity in any one of the recovery stages provided there is sufficient
range of active motion to carry out the movements  Applicable from stage 4 to
6  Two movements are studied
1. Hand from lap to chin
2. Hand from lap to opposite knee  Number of strokes completed in 5 seconds
are noted.  These two tests give information concerning spasticity of the flexor
and extensor muscles of the elbow.

Voluntary Control for Hand

Stage1 : Flaccidity
Stage 2 : Little to no active finger flexion.
Stage 3 : Mass grasp; the use of hook grasp but no release; no voluntary finger
Stage 4 : Lateral prehension, release by thumb movement; semi voluntary finger
extension, small range.
Stage 5 : Palmar prehension; possibly cylindrical and spherical grasp, awkwardly
performed and with limited functional use; voluntary mass extension of fingers,
variable range.
Stage 6 : All prehensile types under control; skills improving full-range
voluntary extension of digits; individual finger movements present, less
accurate than on the opposite side.

Voluntary Control for Trunk and Lower limb

Stage 1 : Flaccidity
Stage 2 : Minimal voluntary movements of lower limb.
Stage 3 : Hip –knee-ankle flexion in sitting and standing.
Stage 4 : Sitting knee flexion beyond 90 with the foot sliding backward on the
floor. Voluntary dorsiflexion of the ankle without lifting the foot of the floor.
Stage 5 : Standing , isolated non weight bearing knee flexion with hip in
extension or nearly extended. Standing , isolated dorsiflexion of the ankle with
knee in extension.
Stage 6: Standing hip abduction beyond range obtained from elevation of the
pelvis. Sitting, reciprocal action of the inner and outer hamstring muscles,
combined with inversion and eversion

Scales to assess
• Motor Performance ( stability and mobility)
• Fugl meyer assessment scale
• Wolf motor function test
• STREAM Chedoke McMaster Stroke Scale
Muscle Strength
• Manual Muscle Testing ( MRC Grading, Oxford Grading, Kendall Scale)

Range of Motion Assessment

• Goniometers
• Electric goniometer
• Bubble Goniometer Wireless sensor devices

Functional Activity Status

• Katz index of ADL
• Barthel Index
• Functional Indipendent Measure
• Instrumental Activities Of Daily Living Scale
• SCI Independence Measure

Anthropometric measurements are those that characterize human body
dimensions (size and shape). These measurements are primarily of bone,
muscle, and adipose tissue (fat). The word combines the Greek root words
anthropos (human) and metron (measure).
• Anthropometric measurements can be used for a variety of purposes,
• Monitoring growth and development in children and adolescents
• Assessment of nutritional status
• Evaluation of body composition
• Identification of risk factors for chronic diseases
• Research of human biology and health
It involves the measurements of different aspects of body such as:
• Height: The vertical measurement from the top of the head to the ground.
It is often measured in centimeters or inches.
• Weight: The measurement of an individual's mass, typically recorded in
kilograms or pounds. It's an important parameter for assessing body mass
index (BMI).
• Body Mass Index (BMI): A calculation derived from an individual's height
and weight. It is used to categorize individuals into different weight
classes, such as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese.
• Waist Circumference: Measuring the circumference of the waist at the
level of the navel or the narrowest part of the abdomen. It is an indicator
of abdominal obesity.
• Hip Circumference: Measuring the circumference of the hips at the widest
part of the buttocks. The waist-to-hip ratio is often calculated for assessing
body shape and health risks.
• Body Fat Percentage: Estimating the proportion of an individual's body
weight that is composed of fat. This can be assessed using various
methods, including skinfold thickness measurements and bioelectrical
• Skinfold Thickness: Measuring the thickness of subcutaneous fat at
specific anatomical sites on the body using skinfold calipers. These
measurements are used to estimate body fat percentage.
• Arm Circumference: Measuring the circumference of the upper arm. It is
often used to assess muscle mass and nutritional status, especially in
• Leg Length: Measuring the length of the leg from the hip to the ankle. Leg
length can be a useful indicator of growth and development.
• Head Circumference: Measuring the circumference of the head, often
used to assess growth and development in infants and children.
• Chest Circumference: Measuring the circumference of the chest at the
level of the nipples, typically used for assessing chest development or in
some anthropometric studies.
These measurements can provide valuable information for a range of
applications, including assessing nutritional status, monitoring growth and
development, evaluating the health risks associated with obesity, and
understanding human variations across populations. Anthropometric data is
often collected in clinical settings, research studies, and sports performance
evaluations to make informed decisions regarding health, nutrition, and physical
Here are some specific examples of how anthropometric measurements
can be used:
• A pediatrician may measure a child's height and weight at each well-child
checkup to track their growth and development.
• A registered dietitian may assess a client's nutritional status by measuring
their height, weight, and waist circumference.
• A fitness trainer may measure a client's body composition by measuring
their skinfold thickness and circumferences.
• A researcher may measure the body composition of a group of people to
study the relationship between body fat and risk factors for chronic
Musculoskeletal disorders
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a group of conditions that affect the
muscles, bones, joints, and nerves. MSDs can be caused by a variety of factors,
including repetitive movements, overuse, and awkward postures. They are a
common problem, affecting millions of people worldwide.
There are a variety of evaluation methods that can be used to diagnose and assess
MSDs. Some of the most common methods include:
Clinical Assessment:
a. Medical History: The patient's medical history is vital, as it can provide
valuable insights into the onset and progression of musculoskeletal symptoms.
Information about family history, previous injuries, and lifestyle factors is also
b. Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination is performed to
assess the range of motion, strength, stability, and any deformities or
abnormalities in the affected musculoskeletal area. The clinician may also check
for pain, tenderness, swelling, or crepitus (crackling or popping sounds).
c. Functional Assessment: This involves evaluating the patient's ability to
perform various activities of daily living, such as walking, climbing stairs, and
lifting objects. Functional assessments help determine the impact of the disorder
on the patient's quality of life.
Imaging Studies:
a. X-rays: X-ray imaging is commonly used to visualize bones and joints. It can
help identify fractures, dislocations, joint degeneration, and bone abnormalities.
X-rays are quick and relatively low in cost.
b. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI is highly effective in visualizing
soft tissues, such as muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. It provides
detailed images and is useful for diagnosing conditions like ligament tears, disc
herniations, and osteoarthritis.
c. Computed Tomography (CT) Scan: CT scans are often used to provide
detailed three-dimensional images of bones and joints. They are particularly
useful for assessing complex fractures, bone tumors, and joint abnormalities.
d. Ultrasound: Ultrasound is used to examine soft tissues, including tendons
and muscles. It is commonly employed to evaluate conditions like rotator cuff
tears, carpal tunnel syndrome, and soft tissue masses.
e. Bone Scintigraphy: Also known as a bone scan, this nuclear medicine
imaging technique helps identify areas of increased or decreased bone activity. It
is valuable for diagnosing conditions like fractures, bone infections, and bone
Laboratory Tests:
a. Blood Tests: Blood tests can help identify markers of inflammation (e.g.,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein), specific antibodies (e.g.,
rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP antibodies), and markers of bone turnover (e.g.,
alkaline phosphatase, calcium, and phosphorus levels).
b. Synovial Fluid Analysis: If joint inflammation is suspected, synovial fluid
from the affected joint may be aspirated and analyzed. This can help diagnose
conditions like gout or septic arthritis.
Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS): These tests
are used to assess the function of muscles and nerves. EMG involves inserting a
needle electrode into a muscle to record electrical activity, while NCS measures
the speed and strength of electrical signals along nerves. They are often used to
diagnose conditions like peripheral neuropathy or myopathies.
Bone Density Testing: Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is commonly
used to measure bone density and assess the risk of osteoporosis. A low bone
density can indicate an increased risk of fractures.
Arthroscopy: Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure in which a
small camera is inserted into a joint to directly visualize and diagnose joint
conditions, perform minor repairs, or obtain tissue samples.
Biopsy: In cases of suspected tumors or infections involving musculoskeletal
tissues, a biopsy may be performed to obtain a tissue sample for pathological
Functional assessments: Functional assessments can be used to assess how
well a person is able to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) and work tasks.
The specific evaluation methods that are used will depend on the type of MSD
that is suspected. For example, if a person is suspected of having a carpal tunnel
syndrome, an EMG and NCV study may be ordered. If a person is suspected of
having a rotator cuff tear, an MRI may be ordered.
Once an MSD has been diagnosed, the evaluation methods can be used to assess
the severity of the disorder and to track its progress over time. This information
can be used to develop a treatment plan and to monitor the effectiveness of
Here are some of the specific evaluation methods that can be used for different
types of MSDs:
Carpal tunnel syndrome: EMG and NCV studies can be used to assess the
function of the median nerve in the wrist.
Rotator cuff tear: MRI can be used to identify any tears in the rotator cuff
Tendonitis: Ultrasound can be used to assess the inflammation of the tendons.
Bursitis: Ultrasound can be used to assess the inflammation of the bursae.
Osteoarthritis: X-rays can be used to assess the damage to the joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis: Blood tests can be used to assess the presence of
inflammation in the body.
Special test

• Adam's forward bend test
• Adductor Squeeze Test
• Adsons Test
• Agility T-Test
• Allinghams Test
• Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury
• Anterior Drawer of the Ankle
• Anterior Drawer Test of the Knee
• Anterior Drawer Test Of The Shoulder
• Apley's Test
• Apprehension Test
• Arm Squeeze Test
• Athletes with Disabilities
• Athletic Shoulder Test
• Bakody Sign
• Barlow and Ortolani Tests
• Bear Hug Test
• Beighton score
• Belly Press Test
• Belly-Off Sign
• Biceps Load II Test
• Biceps Squeeze Test
• Blood Tests
• Bounce Home Test
• Bowstring Sign
• Brachial Plexus Compression Test
• Bragard's Sign
• Brudzinski’s Sign
• Bunnell-Littler Test
• C0-C2 Axial Rotation Test
• Canadian C-Spine Rule
• Carpal Compression Test
• Cervical Distraction Test
• Cervical Flexion-Rotation Test
• Cervical Joint Position Error Test
• Cervical rotation lateral flexion test
• Chair Push-up Test
• Champagne Toast Test
• Clonus Reflex
• Clunk Test
• Codman's Test
• Costoclavicular or Military Brace or Eden’s Test
• Cozen’s Test
• Craig's Test
• Cranio‐cervical Flexion Test
• Crank Test
• Cremasteric Reflex
• Crossed Straight Leg Raise Test
• De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
• Dial Test
• Drop Arm Test
• Effusion tests of the Knee
• Ege's Test
• Elbow extension sign
• Elbow Flexion Test
• Elbow Hook Test
• Elbow Plica Impingement Test
• Elbow Quadrant Tests
• Elbow Valgus Stress
• Elbow Varus Stress
• Electrolytes
• Elson Test
• Ely's Test
• Empty Can Test
• Eversion Stress Test
• FABER Test
• FADIR (Flexion, Adduction, Internal Rotation) Test
• FAIR test
• Feagin Test
• Femoral Nerve Tension Test
• Figure of Eight Measurement of the Hand
• Figure of Eight Method of Measuring Ankle Joint Swelling
• Finkelstein Test
• Flexion Initiation Test
• Fortin Finger Test
• Four Square Step Test
• Freiberg's test
• Fulcrum Test
• Full Can Test
• Gaenslen Test
• Gerbers Test
• Golfer’s Elbow Test
• Halstead Test
• Hara Test
• Harvard Step Test
• Hawkins / Kennedy Impingement Test of the Shoulder
• Hip Quadrant Test
• Hoffa’s Test
• Hoffmann's Sign
• Homan's Sign Test
• Hoovers Sign (Neurological)
• Hoovers Sign (Pulmonary)
• Hornblower's Sign
• Impingement sign ankle
• Inferior Sulcus Test
• Infraspinatus Test
• Insall-Salvati Ratio
• Internal Rotation Lag Sign
• Inverted Supinator Test
• Ipswich Touch Test
• Jerk test
• Jobes Relocation Test
• Joint Line Tenderness of the Knee
• Kernig's Sign
• Kim test
• Kleiger's Test
• Kleinman’s shear test
• Knee to Wall Test
• Lachman Test
• Lag Sign of the Shoulder
• Lateral Scapular Slide Test
• Leg Length Test
• Leg Lowering Test
• Lever Sign Test
• Ligament Tests for the Ankle
• Load and Shift
• Long dorsal sacroiliac ligament (LDL) test
• Ludington’s Test
• Maudsley's test
• Maximal Squat Test
• McCarthy test
• McKenzie Side Glide Test
• McMurrays Test
• Mediopatellar Plica Test
• Mennell's Sign
• Metatarsal Squeeze Test
• Mill’s Test
• Moving Patellar Apprehension Test
• Moving Valgus Stress Test
• Muller's Test
• Multifidus Lift Test
• Navicular Drop Test
• Neer Test
• Noble's test
• Norwood Stress Test
• O'Briens Test
• Ottawa Ankle Rules
• Painful Arc
• Passive compression test
• Passive Knee Extension Test
• Patellar Apprehension Sign
• Patellar Grind Test
• Patellar-Pubic Percussion Test
• Paxino's test
• Peroneus Longus and Brevis Tests
• Phalen’s Test
• Piano Key Sign
• Piriformis Test
• Pivot Shift
• Polk's Test
• Posterior Drawer Test (Knee)
• Posterior Pelvic Pain Provocation Test
• Pronator Teres Syndrome Test
• Prone Anterior Drawer Test
• Prone Instability Test
• Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST)
• Renne test
• Rent Test
• Resisted Abduction Test
• Resisted AC Joint Extension Test
• Romberg Test
• Roos Stress Test
• Sacral Thrust Test
• Sacroiliac Compression Test
• Sacroiliac Distraction Test
• Scaphoid shift test
• Scapular Assistance Test
• Scapular balance angle
• Scapular Retraction Test
• Scarf Test
• Scratch Collapse Test
• Seated Flexion Test
• Serratus Anterior Strength Test or ( Punch out test )
• Sharp Purser Test
• Shoulder Special Tests
• Silfverskiold Test
• Sitting Hand Press-up Test
• Slocum's Test
• Slump Test
• Sollerman Hand Function Test
• Speeds Test
• Springing Test
• Spurling's Test
• Squeeze Test
• Standing Flexion Test
• Star Excursion Balance Test
• Steinman Test
• Stork Test
• Stork test
• Supination Lift Test
• Supine Long Sitting Test
• Sweep test
• Swing Test
• Talar tilt
• Test Diagnostics
• Test Item Cluster - Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear
• The Allen Test for Blood Flow
• The Gugging Swallowing Screen (The GUSS Test)
• Thessaly test
• Thompson Test
• Thumb CMC Grind Test
• Tinel’s Test
• Transverse Ligament Stress Test
• Trendelenburg Sign
• Trousseau's Sign
• Ulnar snuffbox test
• Upper Limb Tension Tests (ULTTs)
• Valsalva Test
• Vertebral Artery Test
• Waddell Sign
• Wartenberg's Sign
• Weber Two-Point Discrimination Test
• Whipple Test
• Wilson's Test
• Windlass Test
• Wright Test
• Wringing test for lateral epicondylitis
• Yeoman's Test
• Yergasons Test
• Yocum's Test
Visual Analog Scale (VAS):
• The VAS is a simple tool used to assess pain intensity. Patients are asked to
mark their level of pain on a 0-10 scale, with 0 being no pain and 10 being
the worst imaginable pain. It provides a subjective measure of pain
severity and can be used to monitor changes in pain over time.
Oswestry Disability Index (ODI):
• The ODI is specifically used for assessing disability in patients with lower
back pain. It consists of ten sections that assess the impact of back pain on
daily activities. Patients rate their ability to perform various activities, and
the scores are summed to determine the degree of disability.
Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire:
• Similar to the ODI, this questionnaire is used to assess disability in
patients with lower back pain. It consists of 24 yes/no questions that
evaluate the impact of back pain on daily life.
QuickDASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand):
• The QuickDASH is a questionnaire used to assess upper extremity
musculoskeletal disorders. It evaluates a patient's ability to perform daily
tasks that involve the arm, shoulder, or hand and provides a score that
reflects disability.
ASES Shoulder Score:
• The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) Shoulder Score is
used to assess shoulder function in patients with shoulder disorders. It
evaluates pain and function, and scores can range from 0 (severe
symptoms) to 100 (no symptoms).
Harris Hip Score:
• The Harris Hip Score is used to evaluate hip function and assess the
outcomes of hip surgeries. It includes questions about pain, function,
deformity, and range of motion, with higher scores indicating better hip
WOMAC (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis
• The WOMAC is a widely used scale for assessing osteoarthritis,
particularly in the knee and hip. It measures pain, stiffness, and physical
function. It provides a total score that reflects the severity of osteoarthritis
EQ-5D (EuroQol-5 Dimensions):
• The EQ-5D is a generic health-related quality of life scale used to assess
overall health and well-being. It includes five dimensions (mobility, self-
care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression) and a
visual analog scale for self-rating health.
DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand):
• The DASH is a comprehensive questionnaire used to assess upper
extremity musculoskeletal disorders. It evaluates a wide range of activities
related to the arm, shoulder, and hand and provides a score that reflects
MRC Scale (Medical Research Council Scale):
• The MRC scale is used to assess muscle strength and motor function. It
assigns a score to muscle groups ranging from 0 (no muscle contraction)
to 5 (normal strength) and is often used to evaluate conditions like
muscular dystrophy or peripheral neuropathy.
Evaluating neurological conditions typically involves a combination of clinical
assessments, medical tests, and patient history to diagnose and monitor the
condition. The specific evaluation methods can vary depending on the condition
in question, but here are some common approaches:
Clinical History and Physical Examination:
Medical History: Gather information about the patient's symptoms, family
history, and any potential risk factors.
Physical Examination: A thorough examination of the patient's neurological
status, which can include assessing motor skills, reflexes, sensation,
coordination, and cognitive function.
• MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): Provides detailed images of the
brain and spinal cord and is useful for diagnosing conditions such as
tumors, multiple sclerosis, and stroke.
• CT (Computed Tomography) Scan: Useful for identifying structural
abnormalities in the brain, such as bleeding, tumors, or fractures.
Electroencephalogram (EEG):
• Measures electrical activity in the brain and is used to diagnose conditions
like epilepsy, sleep disorders, and certain brain injuries.
Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS):
• Assess the health and function of muscles and nerves. These tests are used
in the diagnosis of conditions such as neuropathies, myopathies, and
neuromuscular junction disorders.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis:
• A lumbar puncture is performed to collect cerebrospinal fluid, which can
help diagnose conditions like infections, multiple sclerosis, and certain
neurological cancers.
Neuropsychological Testing:
• Evaluates cognitive function, memory, and emotional well-being, and is
commonly used to diagnose conditions like dementia and traumatic brain
Blood Tests:
• Blood tests may help identify markers of specific neurological conditions,
such as antibodies in autoimmune diseases or certain enzymes in
metabolic disorders.
Genetic Testing:
• In cases of suspected genetic neurological disorders, genetic testing can
identify mutations or abnormalities in a person's DNA.
Functional Imaging:
• Techniques such as PET (Positron Emission Tomography) or SPECT
(Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) scans can show brain
activity and are used in the evaluation of conditions like Alzheimer's
disease and epilepsy.
Neuropsychiatric Evaluation:
• In cases where neurological and psychiatric symptoms overlap, a
comprehensive evaluation by a neuropsychiatrist may be necessary to
differentiate between the two.
Patient Observation and Questionnaires:
• Careful observation of the patient's behavior and standardized
questionnaires can help assess psychological and psychiatric aspects of
neurological conditions.
Monitoring Devices:
• In some cases, continuous monitoring devices, such as EEG monitoring
for epilepsy or sleep studies for sleep disorders, can provide valuable data
for diagnosis and treatment planning.
• In cases of suspected nerve or muscle disorders, a tissue biopsy may be
necessary to confirm the diagnosis.
Special test
• Diplopia
• Ely's Test
• Femoral Nerve Tension Test
• Four Square Step Test
• Hoffmann's Sign
• Hoovers Sign (Neurological)
• Romberg Test
• Tardieu Scale
• Trousseau's Sign
• Weber Two-Point Discrimination Test
• Wrinkling Test
• Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS): The GCS is used to assess the level of
consciousness in patients with traumatic brain injuries or other conditions
that affect consciousness. It evaluates eye, verbal, and motor responses to
determine the severity of brain injury.
• Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE): The MMSE is a brief 30-point
questionnaire used to assess cognitive impairment and screen for
dementia, particularly Alzheimer's disease.
• Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS): The UPDRS is a
comprehensive scale used to assess the severity of Parkinson's disease. It
includes assessments of motor function, non-motor experiences of daily
living, and complications of therapy.
• Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS): The EDSS is used to assess
disability in patients with multiple sclerosis. It measures the impact of the
disease on various functional systems and assigns a score.
• Modified Rankin Scale (mRS): The mRS assesses the functional
disability or dependence in stroke patients and other neurological
conditions. It ranks patients on a scale from 0 (no symptoms) to 6 (dead).
• Huntington's Disease Rating Scale (HDRS): The HDRS is used to
assess the motor and cognitive functions of individuals with Huntington's
disease. It evaluates various aspects of the disease's progression.
• Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-
Cog): This scale is specifically designed to measure cognitive impairment
in Alzheimer's disease and is often used in clinical trials to assess the
effectiveness of potential treatments.
• Epilepsy Severity Scale: Various scales are used to evaluate the severity
and frequency of seizures in epilepsy, such as the International League
Against Epilepsy (ILAE) seizure classification system.
• Neuropathy Impairment Score (NIS): The NIS is used to assess
peripheral neuropathy, a common neurological condition. It evaluates
sensory, motor, and reflex functions in the peripheral nervous system.
• Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): The MoCA is a cognitive
screening tool used to assess mild cognitive impairment and other
cognitive disorders. It assesses various cognitive domains, including
attention, memory, language, and visuospatial skills.

The evaluation and diagnosis of cardiopulmonary disorders typically involve a
combination of medical history assessment, physical examination, laboratory
tests, and imaging studies. Here's an overview of the evaluation methods
commonly used for diagnosing and assessing cardiopulmonary disorders:
Medical History:
Gathering a detailed medical history is often the first step in evaluating a patient
with a cardiopulmonary disorder. Information about symptoms, their duration,
severity, and any relevant risk factors is important.
Physical Examination:
A comprehensive physical examination can reveal important signs and
symptoms associated with cardiopulmonary disorders. This includes listening to
the heart and lungs, checking blood pressure, and examining other relevant
parts of the body.
Laboratory Tests:
Blood Tests: These can include measuring cardiac biomarkers like troponin and
brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), as well as assessing blood gases, electrolytes,
and other markers of organ function.
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs): These tests measure lung function and are
used to diagnose conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
and asthma.
Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG): An ECG records the electrical activity of the
heart and can help diagnose arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, and other
heart conditions.
Chest X-rays: X-rays can provide information about the size and shape of the
heart and the condition of the lungs.
Imaging Studies:
Echocardiography: This is an ultrasound of the heart that can assess heart
function, identify structural abnormalities, and measure blood flow.
Stress Testing: Exercise stress tests or pharmacological stress tests can help
evaluate how the heart responds to increased demand, helping diagnose
coronary artery disease.
Cardiac CT or MRI: These imaging studies provide detailed images of the heart
and surrounding structures, helping diagnose heart conditions.
Pulmonary Imaging: CT scans or other imaging studies can assess the
structure and function of the lungs.
Cardiac Catheterization and Angiography:
• Invasive procedures like cardiac catheterization and angiography may be
necessary to directly assess the coronary arteries and diagnose coronary
artery disease.
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs):
• These tests measure lung function, including lung capacity, airflow, and
gas exchange. They are essential for diagnosing and monitoring conditions
like COPD, asthma, and interstitial lung disease.
Sleep Studies:
• Polysomnography can diagnose sleep-related breathing disorders like
sleep apnea, which can impact cardiopulmonary health.
• Certain blood biomarkers like C-reactive protein (CRP) and D-dimer can
provide information about inflammation and clotting in cardiopulmonary
• In some cases, a tissue biopsy may be necessary to diagnose certain
cardiopulmonary conditions, such as pulmonary fibrosis or
Genetic Testing:
• Genetic testing can be useful for diagnosing hereditary cardiopulmonary
disorders, such as familial hypercholesterolemia or certain
The choice of evaluation methods depends on the patient's specific symptoms,
medical history, and clinical presentation. Cardiopulmonary disorders
encompass a wide range of conditions, so a comprehensive and individualized
approach is often required for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Cardiologists, pulmonologists, and other specialized healthcare professionals are
typically involved in the evaluation and diagnosis of these disorders.
Special test
common tests used to evaluate cardiopulmonary disorders:
Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG): This test measures the electrical activity of
the heart. It is used to diagnose various heart conditions, including arrhythmias,
heart attacks, and other heart diseases.
Chest X-ray: A chest X-ray can provide images of the heart, lungs, and blood
vessels, helping diagnose conditions like heart failure, lung infections, and
pulmonary diseases.
Echocardiogram: This ultrasound test creates images of the heart's structure
and function. It's useful in diagnosing problems with the heart's valves,
chambers, and muscle.
Stress Test: A stress test, often done on a treadmill or stationary bike, assesses
how the heart responds to increased physical activity. It can help diagnose
coronary artery disease.
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs): These tests measure lung function,
including lung capacity, airflow, and gas exchange. They are essential for
diagnosing conditions like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), and pulmonary fibrosis.
Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Analysis: ABG tests measure the levels of oxygen
and carbon dioxide in the blood. They help assess lung function and can be
crucial in managing respiratory diseases.
Cardiac Catheterization: In this procedure, a catheter is inserted into the heart
to diagnose and treat various heart conditions, including coronary artery disease
and heart valve problems.
CT Scan or MRI: These imaging tests can provide detailed images of the heart
and lungs and are often used to evaluate conditions such as pulmonary
embolism or congenital heart defects.
Holter Monitor: This portable device records the heart's electrical activity over
an extended period (typically 24 to 48 hours). It helps diagnose intermittent
heart rhythm abnormalities.
Spirometry: This test measures lung function by assessing the amount and
speed of air a person can exhale. It is a common tool for diagnosing lung diseases
like asthma and COPD.
Blood Tests: Various blood tests can provide information about heart and lung
function. For example, troponin levels can indicate heart muscle damage, and D-
dimer levels can suggest blood clot-related issues.
Bronchoscopy: A bronchoscope is used to examine the airways and take tissue
samples for further analysis. It's often used to diagnose lung diseases and
Exercise Tolerance Test: Similar to a stress test, this evaluates how well the
heart and lungs function during exercise and is useful for assessing
cardiopulmonary conditions.
common scales and assessment tools used for cardiopulmonary disorders:
NYHA Functional Classification: The New York Heart Association (NYHA)
Functional Classification is used to assess the functional capacity of patients
with heart failure. It classifies patients into one of four categories, ranging from
Class I (no limitations) to Class IV (severe limitations).
Modified Borg Dyspnea Scale: This scale is often used to assess the level of
dyspnea (shortness of breath) in patients with cardiopulmonary disorders
during physical activity. It helps gauge the intensity of dyspnea on a scale from 0
to 10.
mMRC Dyspnea Scale: The Modified Medical Research Council (mMRC)
Dyspnea Scale is used to assess the severity of dyspnea in patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It ranges from 0 (no dyspnea) to 4
(severe dyspnea).
BODE Index: The Body-Mass Index, Airflow Obstruction, Dyspnea, and
Exercise Capacity (BODE) Index is a multidimensional tool used to assess the
prognosis of COPD patients. It considers body mass index, FEV1 (forced
expiratory volume in one second), mMRC score, and the 6-minute walk test.
6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT): This test measures the distance a patient with
cardiopulmonary disorders can walk in 6 minutes. It provides valuable
information about exercise capacity and is often used to assess the response to
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs): PFTs, including spirometry, measure lung
function parameters like forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory
volume (FEV1). They are essential for diagnosing and monitoring various
pulmonary disorders.
A-a Gradient: The Alveolar-arterial (A-a) gradient helps evaluate the
effectiveness of oxygen exchange in the lungs. It is often used in assessing the
severity of hypoxemia in patients with cardiopulmonary disorders.
Modified Rankin Scale: This scale is commonly used to assess the functional
status and disability in patients with cardiovascular or pulmonary disorders,
particularly after a stroke.
Heart Failure Assessment Scales: Various scales, such as the Kansas City
Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) and the Minnesota Living with Heart
Failure Questionnaire, are used to assess the quality of life, symptoms, and
functional status of patients with heart failure.
Medical Research Council (MRC) Breathlessness Scale: This scale helps
grade the severity of breathlessness in patients with respiratory disorders. It is
widely used in assessing the impact of pulmonary conditions on a patient's daily
Evaluation of aging can be done from a variety of perspectives including
biological, psychological, social and cultural.
The biological evaluation of aging involves the study of various physiological,
cellular, and molecular changes that occur as an organism grows older. Aging is a
complex process that affects all living organisms, and it is influenced by a
combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Here are some key
aspects of the biological evaluation of aging:
Telomere Shortening: Telomeres are protective caps on the ends of
chromosomes that shorten with each cell division. As cells divide, telomeres
become progressively shorter, eventually leading to cellular senescence. Telomere
shortening is associated with aging and age-related diseases.
Cellular Senescence: Senescent cells are no longer able to divide and function
properly. They accumulate with age and can contribute to tissue dysfunction and
inflammation. Senescence is often characterized by changes in gene expression
and the secretion of pro-inflammatory molecules.
DNA Damage: Accumulated DNA damage over time can lead to mutations,
genomic instability, and a decline in cellular function. DNA repair mechanisms
become less efficient with age, contributing to the aging process.
Oxidative Stress: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other free radicals can
damage cells and tissues. Aging is associated with increased oxidative stress,
which can lead to cellular damage and accelerate aging.
Mitochondrial Function: Mitochondria are the cellular powerhouses
responsible for producing energy. Mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to
decreased energy production and an increase in oxidative stress. This is a
hallmark of aging.
Epigenetic Changes: Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and
histone modifications, can change with age. These alterations can affect gene
expression and contribute to aging-related phenotypes.
Hormonal Changes: Hormone levels, such as growth hormone, insulin-like
growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and sex hormones, decline with age. These changes can
influence various aspects of aging, including muscle mass, bone density, and
Immune System Decline: The immune system becomes less effective with age,
leading to a higher susceptibility to infections and a decreased ability to respond
to new antigens. This is known as immunosenescence.
Inflammation: Chronic, low-level inflammation, often referred to as
"inflammaging," is a hallmark of aging. It is associated with various age-related
diseases, including cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and
Organ and Tissue Function: The functional decline of organs and tissues is a
defining feature of aging. This includes changes in organ size, capacity, and
regenerative abilities.
Cognitive Decline: Aging is associated with changes in cognitive function,
including declines in memory, processing speed, and problem-solving abilities.
Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, are more common in
the elderly.
Frailty: Frailty is a clinical syndrome associated with aging, characterized by
decreased physical and cognitive reserves, making individuals more vulnerable
to adverse health outcomes.
Psychological evaluation of aging is a complex and multifaceted process that
involves assessing various psychological, emotional, and cognitive changes that
occur as individuals grow older. These evaluations are typically conducted by
psychologists, gerontologists, or other healthcare professionals to better
understand and support the mental and emotional well-being of older adults.
Here are some key aspects of psychological evaluation of aging:
Cognitive Functioning: Assessing cognitive function is a crucial component of
evaluating aging. This may include tests and assessments to measure memory,
attention, executive function, and overall cognitive abilities. Evaluations can help
identify signs of cognitive decline, such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
Emotional Well-being: Evaluating an older adult's emotional well-being is
essential. This can involve assessments for depression, anxiety, and other mood
disorders, as well as evaluating an individual's overall emotional adjustment to
the aging process.
Personality and Coping: Evaluations often consider an individual's personality
and coping mechanisms. Understanding how an older adult copes with stress,
change, and life transitions can inform treatment and support strategies.
Social Relationships: Assessing an older person's social relationships and
support networks is critical. Loneliness and social isolation can have a significant
impact on mental health in old age, so evaluating an individual's social
connections is important.
Life Satisfaction and Quality of Life: Psychological evaluations may also focus
on an older adult's overall life satisfaction and quality of life. This includes
assessing an individual's perceived well-being and life goals.
Health and Functioning: Physical health and functioning play a significant
role in an individual's psychological well-being as they age. Evaluations may
assess an older person's health conditions, functional abilities, and the impact of
physical health on their mental state.
Resilience and Adaptation: Some evaluations consider an older adult's ability
to adapt to changing circumstances and the degree of resilience they
demonstrate in the face of adversity or life transitions.
Grief and Loss: Evaluations may explore how an older individual copes with
grief and loss, which can become more frequent as one ages due to the loss of
loved ones, physical abilities, or other life changes.
Self-esteem and Self-concept: Assessing an older person's self-esteem and self-
concept is important in understanding their self-perception and how they view
their own aging process.
Cultural and Ethical Considerations: Evaluators should also consider cultural
and ethical factors, as attitudes and expectations about aging can vary
significantly across different cultures and belief systems.
A social evaluation of aging involves examining the impact of the aging process
on individuals and society as a whole. This type of evaluation considers the
interactions and relationships between older adults and their social
environment, including family, communities, healthcare systems, and public
policies. Here are some key aspects of a social evaluation of aging:
Family Dynamics: Understanding the role of older adults within their families
is crucial. This involves assessing their contributions to the family,
intergenerational relationships, caregiving responsibilities, and the impact of
aging on family structures.
Community and Social Support: Evaluating the level of social support
available to older adults is essential. This includes examining the availability of
community services, support networks, and the role of community organizations
in promoting social engagement among older individuals.
Work and Retirement: Assessing the implications of retirement and the
transition from the workforce to retirement for older adults. This may include
evaluating the financial, social, and psychological aspects of retirement.
Housing and Living Arrangements: Evaluating where and how older adults
live can shed light on their quality of life. Assessing the suitability of housing
options, whether living alone, with family, or in senior living communities, is
Healthcare Access and Quality: Examining access to healthcare services and
the quality of healthcare received by older adults is critical. This includes
assessing the availability of geriatric care, long-term care options, and the impact
of healthcare policies.
Economic Well-being: Evaluating the economic well-being of older adults
involves assessing their financial security, income, savings, and the impact of
social security and pension systems on their quality of life.
Ageism and Discrimination: Assessing the prevalence of ageism and
discrimination against older individuals in various aspects of society, including
employment, healthcare, and social interactions.
Social Isolation and Loneliness: Evaluating the extent of social isolation and
loneliness among older adults is crucial for understanding the psychological and
emotional well-being of this population.
Public Policies and Aging: Examining the policies and programs in place to
support older adults, including retirement benefits, healthcare policies, and
social services. This evaluation can help identify gaps and areas for
Cultural and Ethical Considerations: Recognizing the cultural, ethical, and
societal attitudes towards aging can have a significant impact on how older
adults are treated and supported within a given society.
A cultural evaluation of aging involves an examination of how different cultures
and societies perceive and respond to the process of aging. It explores the
cultural norms, values, beliefs, and practices related to growing older and how
these impact the experiences of older individuals within a particular cultural
context. Here are key aspects of a cultural evaluation of aging:
Cultural Beliefs and Attitudes: This involves an assessment of cultural beliefs
and attitudes toward aging. It includes understanding how a culture views aging
as a natural part of life or as a burden, and how it shapes perceptions of older
Roles and Status: An evaluation of the roles and status of older individuals
within a specific culture. This can include examining the respect and authority
given to elders and their roles within the family, community, and society.
Intergenerational Relationships: Assessing the quality and nature of
relationships between generations is important. Cultural norms often play a
significant role in determining how older and younger generations interact and
support each other.
Cultural Rituals and Traditions: Understanding the cultural rituals,
ceremonies, and traditions associated with aging, such as coming-of-age
ceremonies or celebrations of older individuals, can provide insights into how a
culture values and marks the passage of time.
Caregiving and Family Support: Examining how caregiving responsibilities are
allocated within families in a cultural context. This includes the expectations and
norms related to taking care of older family members.
Language and Terminology: Evaluating the language and terminology used to
describe aging in a culture. Certain cultures may have specific words or phrases
that reflect their unique perspective on growing older.
Art, Literature, and Media: Analyzing how aging is represented in a culture's
art, literature, and media. These representations can both reflect and shape
cultural perceptions of aging.
Spirituality and Religion: Assessing the role of spirituality and religion in the
aging process. Different cultures may have distinct religious beliefs and practices
related to aging, death, and afterlife.
Eldercare and Healthcare Practices: Exploring the cultural approaches to
eldercare and healthcare. This includes traditional healing practices and the
utilization of Western medicine in the context of aging.
Social Inclusion and Age-Friendly Initiatives: Evaluating cultural efforts to
promote social inclusion and age-friendly communities. Some cultures may have
specific programs and initiatives that aim to support and engage older
Exercise ECG (Electrocardiogram) testing, often referred to as a stress test or
treadmill test, is a diagnostic procedure used to evaluate how well your heart
functions during physical exertion. This test is commonly used to diagnose and
assess various heart conditions, including coronary artery disease, arrhythmias,
and other cardiac abnormalities. Here, I'll provide a detailed overview of exercise
ECG testing and monitoring:
1. Purpose of Exercise ECG Testing:
Exercise ECG testing is primarily used to:
a. Assess Cardiovascular Health: It helps determine how well your heart
responds to stress and exercise, assessing your overall cardiovascular health.
b. Diagnose Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): It is often employed to diagnose
or confirm the presence of CAD, a condition characterized by a reduced blood
flow to the heart muscle due to narrowed or blocked coronary arteries.
c. Evaluate Exercise Tolerance: The test assesses your exercise capacity and
identifies any limitations or abnormalities that may arise during physical activity.
d. Detect Arrhythmias: Exercise ECG can uncover heart rhythm abnormalities
that may only occur during exercise.
2. Preparation:
Before the test, your healthcare provider will:
Explain the procedure and ask about your medical history, including any heart-
related symptoms or risk factors.
Check your blood pressure, heart rate, and possibly perform an ECG at rest to
establish a baseline.
Discuss any medications you should take or avoid before the test.
3. Conducting the Test:
During the exercise ECG test:
You will typically be asked to walk on a treadmill or pedal a stationary bicycle.
The intensity of the exercise will gradually increase to raise your heart rate.
Your ECG, blood pressure, and heart rate will be continuously monitored.
The test will continue until you reach a target heart rate, experience symptoms
like chest pain or shortness of breath, or if your ECG shows significant changes.
4. ECG Monitoring:
The ECG monitoring is a critical aspect of this test. The electrocardiogram
measures the electrical activity of your heart and records it on a graph. The key
elements include:
Electrode Placement: Electrodes are attached to your chest, arms, and legs to
capture the electrical signals generated by your heart during exercise.
Lead Placement: Multiple leads are used to provide a comprehensive view of
the heart's electrical activity. The standard leads used are typically the 12-lead
Continuous Recording: The ECG machine continuously records and displays
the electrical activity of your heart during exercise.
Monitoring for Changes: The ECG technician or healthcare provider will
carefully observe the ECG for any significant changes such as ST-segment
depression or elevation, arrhythmias, or irregularities.
5. Interpretation:
The results of the exercise ECG are analyzed to determine if there are any
abnormalities. Key findings may include:
ST-Segment Changes: These changes can indicate reduced blood flow to the
heart muscle and are a common sign of coronary artery disease.
Arrhythmias: Abnormal heart rhythms that occur during exercise may be
indicative of an underlying heart condition.
6. Post-Test Evaluation:
After completing the exercise, you will typically have a brief cool-down period.
Your vital signs will continue to be monitored, and any symptoms you
experienced will be assessed.
7. Follow-up:
Based on the test results, your healthcare provider will discuss the findings with
you and recommend further diagnostic tests or treatment if necessary.
Treatment may include lifestyle changes, medications, or procedures like
angiography or revascularization for coronary artery disease.
Exercise ECG testing is a valuable tool for assessing cardiac health, and it helps
guide appropriate treatment and lifestyle modifications for individuals with
heart conditions. It's important to follow your healthcare provider's
recommendations and attend regular follow-up appointments for ongoing
cardiac care.
Indications for exercise ECG testing
• Exercise ECG testing is commonly used to:
• Diagnose coronary artery disease (CAD)
• Assess the severity of CAD
• Monitor the response to treatment for CAD
• Evaluate the risk of heart attack or sudden cardiac death
• Determine the safest level of exercise for people with heart disease
• Evaluate other heart conditions, such as heart failure, arrhythmias, and
valvular heart disease
Contraindications to exercise ECG testing
 Exercise ECG testing is generally safe, but there are some situations where
it may not be recommended. These include:
 Active heart attack or unstable angina
 Severe heart failure
 Uncontrolled arrhythmias
 Severe aortic stenosis
 Recent surgery
 Uncontrolled blood pressure
Pulmonary function tests and Spirometry.

Physical disability evaluation and disability diagnosis.

Gait analysis and diagnosis.

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