Lec 2 Stat

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Introduction to Statistics

Dr. Hanaa Moussa
Main Textbook:
1. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, by: Ronald E. Walpole,
Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers, and Keying Ye. Pearson

2. Elementary Statistics: A step by step approach, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill, Authors:

Allan G. Bluman.

E-learning web site:


Dr. Hanaa Moussa 2




Ogive or Cumulative Frequency Graph

An ogive displays data by using lines connecting points.

 The point on the abscissa (x-axis) represents the upper

class limit.

 The point on the ordinate (y-axis) represents the class

Cumulative Frequency.

 Ogives are useful for determining the number of values

below a particular value.

4 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

Example (4)
The following data represent the record high temperatures for
each of the 50 U.S. states.
1. Construct a grouped frequency distribution for the data with
7 classes.
2. Draw an O-give

5 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

Determine class width
 Find the range :Range =133-100=33
 Divide the range by the number of classes.
W=(33+1)/7=4.85 So the width is 5

Class limits Frequency Relative

(F) Frequency (R.F)
100-<105 2 2/50=0.04
105-<110 8 8/50=0.16
110-<115 18 18/50=0.36
115-<120 13 13/50=0.26
120-<125 7 7/50=0.14
125-<130 1 1/50=0.02
130-<135 1 1/50=0.02
Total 50 1

6 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

e.g. Recording High Temperatures

Class limits Frequency Cumulative

(F) Frequency
100-<105 2 2
105-<110 8 2+8=10
110-<115 18 28
115-<120 13 41
120-<125 7 48
125-<130 1 49
130-<135 1 50

7 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

8 Dr. Hanaa Moussa
Relative Frequency Graphs

• Relativefrequencies are useful in comparing different data

sets, such as.

 Population size is different and using frequencies will be


 Histograms could then be done using relative frequency,

and Ogives could be done using cumulative relative
frequency Relative Frequency Graphs

9 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

Relative Frequency Graphs

e.g. Recording High Temperatures

Class limits Frequency Relative

(F) Frequency (R.F)
100-<105 2 2/50=0.04
105-<110 8 8/50=0.16
110-<115 18 18/50=0.36
115-<120 13 13/50=0.26
120-<125 7 7/50=0.14
125-<130 1 1/50=0.02
130-<135 1 1/50=0.02
Total 50 1

10 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

11 Dr. Hanaa Moussa
Other Graphs

A pie graph

A Bar Graphs

A Dot plot

A stem-and-leaf plot

12 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

A pie graph

The Pie Graph Pie graphs are used extensively in statistics. The purpose of the pie graph
is to show the relationship of the parts to the whole by visually comparing the sizes of the
sections. Percentages or proportions can be used. The variable is nominal or categorical.

A pie graph:
is a circle that is divided into sections or wedges according to
the percentage of frequencies in each category of the

13 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

A pie graph


14 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

A pie graph

15 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

A pie graph

Dr. Hanaa Moussa
A pie graph

17 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

Bar Graphs

When the data are qualitative or categorical, bar graphs can be used to represent
the data. A bar graph can be drawn using either horizontal or vertical bars

A bar graph: represents the data by using vertical or horizontal

bars whose heights or lengths represent the frequencies of the

18 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

Bar Graphs


19 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

Bar Graphs


1.Draw and label the x and y axes. For the horizontal bar graph place the
frequency scale on the x axis, and for the vertical bar graph place the frequency
scale on the y axis.

2. Draw the bars corresponding to the frequencies.

20 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

Bar Graphs

21 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

A Dot plot

Steps to Create a Dot Plot

1. Order numbers from least to greatest.

2. Draw a number line.
3. Label the number line with the minimum and the
maximum then all the numbers that fall between them.
4. Put a dot above each number on the number line for
each data entry in your set.
5. Don’t forget a title and labels!

22 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

Worked Examples
In an airline training program, the students are given a test
in which they are given a set of tasks and the time it takes
them to complete the tasks is measured. The following is a
list of the time (in seconds) for a group of new trainees.
72, 73, 64, 67, 71, 61, 81, 81 61, 71, 74, 75, 77,
79, 80, 83 , 70, 71 , 74
Display the data in a dot plot.
Order numbers from least to greatest
61, 61, 64, 67, 70, 71, 71, 71, 72, 73, 74, 74, 75, 77,
79, 80, 81, 81, 83
23 Dr. Hanaa Moussa
Airline Training Program Test

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

Time in Seconds

24 Dr. Hanaa Moussa


First we arrange the data in an ascending order


64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

Dr. Hanaa Moussa

A stem-and-leaf plot


1. Split the digits in the number into right most digit called the
leaf and any remaining digits to the left called the stems

2. List all possible stem values once in increasing order

3. Draw a vertical line to the right of the stems

4. List the leaves sequentially and horizontally to the right of

the vertical line with their respective stems as often as occurs

Note: A stem value is listed once while leaves are listed as

often as they occur in a data value

Dr. Hanaa Moussa 26

Worked Examples

29 students were set a simple task. Their completion times to

the nearest second were:
47 61 53 43 46 46 68 48 72 57 48 54 41 63 49
42 58 65 45 44 43 51 45 38 46 44 52 43 47
set these data into a stem and leaf diagram

put values into preliminary diagram:

3 8

4 7 3 6 6 8 8 1 9 2 5 4 3 5 6 4 3 7

5 3 7 4 8 1 2

6 1 8 3 5

7 2
27 Dr. Hanaa Moussa
re draw diagram with leafs in numerical order:

3 8
4 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9
5 1 2 3 4 7 8
6 1 3 5 8
7 2

28 Dr. Hanaa Moussa

Example 2:

Data: 114 133 125 123 113 104 102 101 111 111 132 143 142 141 132 131

set these data into a stem and leaf diagram


10 421
11 4311
12 53
13 3221
14 321

10 124
11 1134
12 35
13 1223
14 123

29 Dr. Hanaa Moussa


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