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Job Test Job Test SHL Practice Test PDF

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Job Test Job Test SHL Practice Test PDF Questions
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Question 1

A government office has eight content writers named Anne, Bonnie, Jordan, Donna, Mike, Francine,
Georgia, and Harriet. There are four potential shifts for when the content writers may go to lunch: 11:30
AM-12:00 PM, 12:00 PM-12:30 PM, 12:30 PM-1:00 PM, and 1:00 PM-1:30 PM. Anne and Donna never
want to go to lunch at the same time. Jordan never wants to go to lunch during the 1:00 PM-1:30 PM shift.
Neither Mike nor Georgia wants to join Bonnie for lunch. Francine and Harriet always want to go to lunch

In order to be able to respond to any phone calls or office needs, no more than three of the content writers
may go to lunch at once. You are responsible for scheduling when each content writer goes to lunch, and
you would like to honor everyone's requests.

If Bonnie and Donna are both scheduled to eat lunch during the 1:00 PM-1:30 PM shift, which other content
writers can be scheduled to join them?


A. Jordan or Mike only

B. Francine or Georgia only

C. No other content writers can join them

D. Mike only

Answer: C

If Bonnie and Donna are both scheduled to eat lunch during the 1:00 PM-1:30 PM shift, no other content
writers can join them. This is because Jordan never wants to go to lunch during that shift, and neither Mike
nor Georgia wants to join Bonnie for lunch. Additionally, Francine and Harriet always want to go to lunch
together, so they cannot join Bonnie and Donna either.
Job Test Job Test SHL Practice Test PDF

Question 2

Due to an increase in taxes on electronic devices, the price of a 46" LED flat TV screen has increased to
£845, which is 30% increase of the original price. What was the original price of the TV prior to the


A. £768.95

B. £676

C. £591.5

D. £515.45

E. £650

Answer: E

If the price of the TV after the increase is £845, which is a 30% increase of the original price, we can set up
the equation x + 0.3x = £845, where x represents the original price. Simplifying the equation, we get 1.3x =
£845. Dividing both sides by 1.3, we find x = £650. Therefore, the original price of the TV prior to the
increase was £650.

Question 3

? ÷ 2 = 187


A. 374

B. 378

C. 382

D. 386

E. 370

Answer: A

To find the value of the question mark in the equation ? ÷ 2 = 187, we need to multiply 2 by 187. Therefore,
the value of the question mark is 2 x 187 = 374.
Job Test Job Test SHL Practice Test PDF

Question 4

Review the facts below.

Cleo is a good dog.

Colonel is a bull.

Good dogs are fast and keep the house safe.

Bulls do not make noise.

Which statement must be true?


A. Colonel can run very fast.

B. Cleo is a quiet dog.

C. Cleo and Colonel help to keep the farm safe.

D. Cleo is a fast dog.

E. Colonel moos almost every night.

Answer: D

Based on the given facts, the only statement that must be true is "Cleo is a fast dog." This is because the
facts state that good dogs are fast, and Cleo is a good dog. Therefore, it can be inferred that Cleo is a fast

Question 5

Choose the odd one out.


A. 4+6

B. 2+4

C. 1+3

D. 5+1

E. 1+6

Answer: E
Job Test Job Test SHL Practice Test PDF

The given list of numbers represents a sequence where each number is the sum of the two previous
numbers. However, 1+6 does not follow this pattern (1+6=7, not 8). Therefore, 1+6 is the odd one out.

Question 6

Admittedly, absolute numbers of committed forces per nation in NATO are seen by some as presenting an
unfair comparison. Some analysts say that percentages of population and the gross domestic product are a
far better assessment. If the fact that the world's largest collective GDP can't handle the task is not enough,
let's take a look at the nations involved. French defence budget is 1.8 percent of GDP, the British is 2.2
percent, the U.S. is 4 percent, a lot more than the 1.2 percent of Germany."

Which country has the highest defense budget, as percent of its GDP?


A. France


C. Germany

D. Britain

Answer: B

According to the provided information, the country with the highest defense budget as a percentage of its
GDP is the USA with 4 percent.

Question 7

Choose the correct answer

Employees working within organisations have a legal obligation to monitor the content of e-mails sent to
external bodies and to eliminate potentially sensitive internal information, regardless of the perceived
importance of that information. To guarantee that employees fulfil their legal obligation and to prevent the
possible leak of exclusive information, employers have prepared mandatory contracts stipulating this
responsibility, to be signed by all employees, and additionally, have inserted a copyright section in every
external e-mail that emphasises the confidentiality of the information provided. Employee carelessness in
handling information circulated via email may result in serious punitive actions.

Providing that the information employees send via e-mail isn't important, the legislative obligation to monitor
its content doesn't apply.
Job Test Job Test SHL Practice Test PDF


A. False

B. Cannot Say

C. True

Answer: A

The legislative obligation to monitor the content of e-mails and eliminate potentially sensitive internal
information applies regardless of the perceived importance of the information. Employees have a legal
obligation to fulfill this responsibility, as stated in the provided information. Therefore, regardless of the
importance of the information, the legislative obligation still applies. Therefore, the answer is False.

Question 8

Review the following two lists of names. Mark the box, under the column that is headed with a symbol,
next to each pair of names that is similar. Mark the box in the column that is headed with an X symbol, next
to each pair of names that is different.

Word 1
Word 2

Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith




Answer: A

The question requires you to review two lists of names and mark the box next to each pair of names that is
similar. In this case, the correct answer is "TRUE" as the pair of names, "Joshua Smith" and "Joshua
Smith", are similar.
Job Test Job Test SHL Practice Test PDF

Question 9

Anne is responsible for restocking the canteen, and she's been given a budget of £30. Jar of coffee costs
£4.20, carton of milk costs £0.49, tea bags are £3.50 a box, and a kilogram of sugar is £2.10. All non-fridge
items are 15% off.

If Anne needs to buy three jars of coffee, six cartons of milk, and a kilo of sugar, how many tea boxes can
she buy?


A. 6

B. 3

C. 7

D. 5

E. 4

Answer: E

Anne needs to buy three jars of coffee, six cartons of milk, and a kilo of sugar. Non-fridge items are 15%
off. To calculate the cost of the tea boxes, we need to subtract the cost of the jars of coffee, cartons of milk,
and kilo of sugar from the given budget of £30. The cost of three jars of coffee is £4.20 x 3 = £12.60. The
cost of six cartons of milk is £0.49 x 6 = £2.94. The cost of a kilo of sugar is £2.10. Subtracting these costs
from the budget:
£30 - £12.60 - £2.94 - £2.10 = £12.36 remaining.
Since tea boxes are not on sale, she can buy £12.36 ÷ £3.50 = 3.53 tea boxes. Therefore, she can buy 3
tea boxes.

Question 10

A government office has eight content writers named Anne, Bonnie, Jordan, Donna, Mike, Francine,
Georgia, and Harriet. There are four potential shifts for when the content writers may go to lunch: 11:30
AM-12:00 PM, 12:00 PM-12:30 PM, 12:30 PM-1:00 PM, and 1:00 PM-1:30 PM. Anne and Donna never
want to go to lunch at the same time. Jordan never wants to go to lunch during the 1:00 PM-1:30 PM shift.
Neither Mike nor Georgia wants to join Bonnie for lunch. Francine and Harriet always want to go to lunch

In order to be able to respond to any phone calls or office needs, no more than three of the content writers
may go to lunch at once. You are responsible for scheduling when each content writer goes to lunch, and
you would like to honor everyone's requests.
Job Test Job Test SHL Practice Test PDF

If Bonnie and Donna are both scheduled to eat lunch during the 1:00 PM-1:30 PM shift, which other content
writers can be scheduled to join them?


A. Jordan or Mike only

B. Mike only

C. No other content writers can join them

D. Francine or Georgia only

Answer: C

If Bonnie and Donna are both scheduled to eat lunch during the 1:00 PM-1:30 PM shift, no other content
writers can be scheduled to join them. This is because Jordan never wants to go to lunch during the 1:00
PM-1:30 PM shift, and there should not be more than three content writers going to lunch at once to be
able to respond to any phone calls or office needs.

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