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Expt.No. Page No.

Aim of he expesHiment 8
De tenmine dhe bwntace tension c7 he ligud
(Say ace tie acid) ot ro0m tempetatwe
talag mg mater method.
Arganadu& Reguied &
Iha ube stalogmometen pknometer, s0oml
beakes, distild and te 8t liquéd
his method is depends on the eqillidte
between the eight of a dop. which is
just about to fol hom the end of the
vOtical tube ond ai upWaNd fotrc dueto
Bunlace tnsion acting houd the piphoy of
the dorop rovidud the dop al ofk rom the ca
Pilory end indor thein weigkt, {rie kTom kintof
ic fötrce c dow Qomd uik Hation &. tA Aice
the arop wil depend on the dwhace tnaion
o the ligid amd the etotnal tadius gthe
Qncd Broun Bhowed that
mg l2Tf (1/vt) -- F malt
whou,'H i8 the ertonal tadius o the tube
'v'is the volume o he drop and FiZ Cortuction facor

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. 2
Page No.

depending upen
1{ the Some volune of a cairatig
capillasry and tte numbor f dtops'is detetmied
then iom em we ha ve

tebt and the traleence liqudb) my Qndl mth

masses of thein drops .3 and a are densities
J7 the volumes of the drops Ofeack
of the iquids one not gtuatly dilfent hen
E and F diller omdy ligktly we have.
Is vis the volume cf eack Aijuid cleli
Noech and n and n, ae thi numbet of dros
counted fot liquids 1 and 2 tespectivelythen
Jhub, the detmination of the mumaet
pó of a cetain Volume of the given luid
helorence liquid enables to calculat
the sunß äce dnsion of the tst liguid.pho
vided dhee buoyace tension of the tetetenc
iquid is knoun

P.T.o. ’

Teacher's Signature

Expt.No. Page No.

O Bhausoughly elean the &talagmometer and othor glo83 appat
otus uith cdi3tiled uate. Jhen tinbe them with acetone
Qnd dted phopeUr Ay. Atack a piece ofok clean tubker tube
at the toO P Of the stalagmomtor
DetUmine the meemaor of scale divi8ion& above and bel
ow the kulb o Stalogmometer cotheBponding to one dre
inst the ower end of the Stalagmo etr înto the ruforon
Ce iquid and Buck it obove the matk Qnd clamp it on
a tiist tqíd Atand
Since, the pas 0ge ot the menis cus past mark& doesnt
Renena ly coincide with the alling ok a drop , a cotnection
Fas to be appdi ed in the droP& Count
to tàl numY of dropó

Repeat the dtminotion at hast thhice . he mo of drops

in dilfeent detomination houldnot differ {tom Rach othe
by mot than 0-5 o adop.
F l the btolagmometr with the tost iguid and detor
mine the mumr of dropå fotmed hom the ied Voume
o the iguid oetwien the two mmatk& as de&otiled above

Teacher's Signature
Determination of Den&ity &
s empty PH knometor (w)
weigkt empty Pyknometen4+-water( w,)
o empy knomte + liquid («.)
Density o% he liquidf,

Substituting the valw of

Same tempetatue in equation and calculate the

Expt. No.
Page No.

Detemine the
Hoom kpecikic
O Record
mpate usingqhavity
the pyknomafr.
the liguid at the
tompetatwe of the expUiment
Jable s Recond of mumbe of
dtops counted
Líguid Nrbr of dop8 Counted
Denbity Sunlace enbion
wat (i) 75
h 72 Nm
() 76
(ii) 75

Acetie (i) 99 -2345N

Acíd (i) 93
(ii) 92

Jhe but7ace tnbion f acetic acid at room
tumplatwe is 23434L mNm1

Teacher's Signature.

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