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Alamat : Jalan Trans Kalimantan Desa Gohong Pulang Pisau (KAL-TENG)



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX
Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu, 4 Oktober 2023
Waktu : 07.15 – 09.15
Guru Pengampu : Siti Nuraini

Part 1 Multiple Choice

A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C, dan D.
1. A : Hi Syifa, I won the speech contest yesterday. I won the first prize, I’m so happy. I will join the national
speech contest. I’m so nervous
B : ….. Kaz for winning the speech contest
A : Thanks
Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik – titik adalah ....
A. Congratulations C. Wish
B. Hope D. So that

2. A : Nina, wish me luck. I will join the competition of dancing

B : Of course, good luck. I …. you will win the competition
A : Thank you so much
Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik – titik adalah ....
A. disagree C. agree
B. congratulations D. wish

3. A : Congratulation for winning the math competition

B : ….
Kalimat yang tepat untuk mengisi titik – titik adalah ....
A. I agree with you C. Thank you very much
B. I disagree with you D. I wish I won it

4. Dear My Aunt
Congratulations on giving baby birth. I hope you both will be okay. Stay happy and healthy. I’m going to visit you
and the baby tomorrow with my mom.

Love you
Your Niece

What is the purpose (tujuan) of the text above?

A. To wish her niece on giving baby birth
B. To hope her baby on birthday party
C. To congratulate the baby on getting better
D. To congratulate her aunt on giving the baby birth

5. A : Why should we study harder?

B : ….
A. To be healthy C. To get healthy lung
B. To pass the exam D. To get fresh air

6. A : What for do we take some rest when we get sick?

B : ….
A. In order to get well soon C. In order to get good score
B. In order to pass the exam D. In order to get money

7. A : Why should we eat fruits and vegetables?

B : …..
A. So that we will get much money C. So that we will have good job
B. So that we will get good score D. So that we will be healthy
8. A : They should not come late for the meeting. The others will wait them for so long because they have come
since yesterday
B : …
A. I disagree with you C. That’s not a good idea
B. Absolutely, agree D. I don’t think so

9. A : We should get vaccinated, so that we can get avoided of COVID-19

B : ….
A. I’m not sure about that C. I think so
B. I don’t think so D. I disagree with you

10. The following sentences are the expression of congratulation, except (kecuali) ...
A. I congratulate you on your success C. Nice work
B. I'm sorry to hear that D. That's great

11. Which one is the expression of hope?

A. I hope you will win the competition C. I need a nice house
B. Congratulation on your promotion D. I like your picture

12. Look at the picture and choose the best wish!

A. Congratulation on your sickness!
B. Get well soon, my friend!
C. Why are you sick!
D. Don't be sick!

13. Look at the picture and choose the best wish

A. Have a great school day my friend
B. Congratulation on your graduation
C. What a wonderful birthday!
D. Have a nice trip

14. You need to drink a lot of water so that ...

A. You will not get upset C. You will not get angry
B. You will not get hungry D. You will not get dehydrated

15. We should eat breakfast in order to ...

A. get happiness C. get energy
B. avoid thirst D. be lazy

Part II True-False (Benar-Salah)

Teks berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 16 - 20

Berikan pernyataan True (benar) atau False (salah) berdasarkan teks percakapan di atas!
16. Arman's uncle got an accident yesterday.
A. True B. False

17. Dodi's uncle was hit by a car.

A. True B. False

18. Dodi's uncle has been cared at his house.

A. True B. False
19. An ambulance took uncle to a hospital.
A. True B. False

20. Arman hopes that uncle will stay longer in the hospital.
A. True B. False

B. Berilah jawaban yang sesuai dengan pertanyaan berikut!

Text for number 1 - 3

Donita is the winner of the National Storytelling Contest. Now she’s intervied by one of Altansa Magazine crew,
Rianda : Congratulation on your success as the winner of story telling contest.
Donita : Thank you. It is an honor.
Rianda : The way you told story is very impressive.
Donita : Thanks. I practiced a lot.
Rianda : Did you do it by yourself?
Donita : I didn’t. My teacher and my trainer help me.
Rianda : You must be grateful to them.
Donita : Very much. They did great job.
Rianda : Tell us more about the story that you chose.
Donita : I told a folktale and a fairytale.
Rianda : What are they about?
Donita : Both of them are about respecting others.
Rianda : Good choices
Donita : I’d like young people learn about respecting others.
Rianda : OK. Thanks for coming, We hope you always keep studying hard and have more achievements.
Donita : My pleasure

1. How many participants are in the dialogue?

2. Who interviewed Donita?
3. What are they talking about?
4. Agnes get injured when playing bicycle. Give your advice for her!
5. What should you say when your parents want to drive a car?

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