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Alamat : Jalan Trans Kalimantan Desa Gohong Pulang Pisau (KAL-TENG)



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VII A ( Tujuh A)
Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu, 4 Oktober 2023
Waktu : 07.15 – 09.15
Guru Pengampu : Aisyah, S.pd.I

A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C, dan D.
1. Alya : What time is it?
Budi : It is … ( 2.15 )
Alya :Oh, I have to go now. I have a piano class at 3 p.m
A. A quarter past two C. A half past two
B. A quarter past three D. A half past fifteen

2. Indra : What time do you get up every day?

Nanda : At 4 o’clock
Indra : What do you usually do after that?
Nanda : After getting up, I usually prepare for praying subuh
From the conversation we know that…
A. Nanda gets up at 4 p.m C. Nanda is diligent person
B. Nanda is a lazy person D. Nanda always gets up late in the morning

3. I have breakfast at 05.55 in the morning. We can say that it is…

A. Five past fifty five B. Five to six C. Six past five D. Five past six

4. Regina : what do usually do at nine in the morning?

Tata :…
A. I have lunch C. I have dinner
B. I study at school D. I have breakfast with my family

5. Jenny : what do usually do in the evening at home?

Raihan :…
A. I play soccer wit my team C. I have lunch
B. I watch TV with my famil D. I have breakfast

6. I never come late at school. I usually get to my school at … before the school gate closes at 7.
A. 6.30 p.m B. 6.45 a.m C. 7.01 a.m D. 7 p.m

7. Last night Rudi met Anton at seven in the restaurant when he had dinner with his wife. He said …
A. Good night B. Good evening C. Good morning D. Good afternoon

8. Teacher : what day is today?

Students ; today is Friday
Teacher : then, what day will be tomorrow?
Students : tomorrow will be …
A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Thursday

9. Yesterday was Wednesday so today is …

A. Tuesday B. Friday C. Thursday D. Sunday

10. It is Thursday. What day was yesterday?

A. Sunday B. Monday C. Tuesday D. Wednesday

11. We celebrate Kartini’s day on …

A. April 21st B. July 23rd C. November 10th D.January 1st
12. Our independence day is on …
A. July B. August C. September D. November

13. Teacher : what is the seventh month?

Student :…
A. June B. July C. August D. September

14. We celebrate new year on the …

A. Second of February C. First of January
B. Third of march D. Fourth of April

15. Andin : when were you born Nadya?

Nadya : I was born on …
Andin : it was a great day, Nadya. You were born on the heroes’ day commemoration,
weren’t you?
A. December 12th 2011 C. August 17th 2011
B. November 10th 2011 D. May 20th 2011

16 . Sisca : Can I know your name?

Rangga: Sure, ....
A. My name is Rangga C. What is your name?
B. His name is Rangga D. Your name is Sisca.

17. Lisa : Hello Randa, let me introduce you to Clara.

Randa: Hi, Clara. Pleased to meet you!
The underlined sentence shows us the expression of...
A. Introducing herself. C. . Introducing someone.
B. Introducing ourself D. Introducing oneself.

18. Lisa : Hello Randa, let me introduce you to Clara.

Randa: Hi, Clara. Pleased to meet you!
The underlined sentence shows us the expression of...
A. Greetings B. Partings C. Goodbye D Congratulations

19. Viktor: Hi, my name is Viktor, what is your name?

Metta: My name is Metta, where do you come from?
Viktor: ...
A. How do you do? C. How are you?
B. Nice to meet you D. I'm from Surabaya

20. Gangga: How old are you?

Lana : ...
What should Lana say?
A. I am 14 years old. C. . I am in the 10th grade.
B. I lived here for five years. D. My mom is 50 years old.

21. Abid: I like mobile gaming, I can express myself from that, I learn English a lot from mobile gaming.
Abid tells about his...
A. Like and dislike. B. Hobby C. Daily activity D. Leisure time.

22. Raka: Every Monday, I ... badminton with my friends.

A. Go B. Study C. Play D. Made

23. I love cooking. Does ... love it too?

A. He B. They C. You D. We

24. Budi: I live in Jalan Manggala No 9, Banjarsari. I lived there since I was 8 years old.
Budi is telling about...
A. His age B. His address C. His school D. His hobby
25. Gina: Do you have brother or sister?
Linda: Yes, I have two brothers and a sister.
Linda has...
A. Two siblings B. No sibling C. Three siblings D. Four siblings

B. Soal Uraian /Essay!

1. Write down ten colors that you know!
2. Translate the following school subjects into English!
A. Pendidikan Agama
B. Pendidikan kewarganegaraan (PKn)
C. Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA)
D. Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS)
E. Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan (PJOK)
Soal Uraian Family Tree
Hugo's Family Tree

3. Who are Hugo's parents?

4. Who are Hugo's cousins?
5. Who is Hugo’s aunt?
Answer key;
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. D
20. A
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. C

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