PTS Bahasa Inggris 7

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Alamat : Jl. Lintas Trans Kalimantan Desa Gohong Pulang Pisau



Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas : VII B
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 4 Oktober 2023
Waktu : 07.15 – 09.15 WIB
Guru Pengampu : Siti Nuraini

A. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C atau D pada jawaban yang paling benar!
1. Anna : Good morning, Lia !
Lia : .................................
A. And you ? C. Good bye
B. Very well. Thanks D. Good morning, Anna

2. “Hello, ... is Nadin.”

Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik adalah ...
A. My C. my name
B. I am D. what

3. Diana : “... your name”?

Rafi : “My name is Rafi”.
Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik adalah ...
A. What C. That
B. This D. It

4. Mary : “Nice to meet you”

Anggi : “ ... “
A. Good morning C. How are you
B. How do you do D. Nice to meet you, too

5. I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Fatya Kartika.
My nick name is Fatya.
I am 10 years old. I am a student.
I am from Bogor
The girl's nick name is ...
A. Fatya C. Kartika
B. Kartika Fatya D. Fatya kartika

6. I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Fatya Kartika.
My nick name is Fatya.
I am 10 years old. I am a student.
I am from Bogor
Fatya is ... years old.
A. seven C. eight
B. nine D. ten

7. A : "What is your hobby ?"

B : "My hobby is ...".
A. swimming
B. fishing
C. cooking
D. drawing
8. Mita likes ... story book.
A. singing
B. listening
C. reading
D. jumping

9. When we meet somebody at 7 p.m. we greet him ...

A. Good morning C. Good afternoon
B. Good evening D. Good night

10. Nana : “Rama, I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why are you late?”
Rama : “… I have a flat tire.:
A. Thanks C. No problem
B. I’m sorry D. Get well soon

11. Ghania : “Thank you for coming.”

Aisyah : . . .
A. Coming soon. C. You’re welcome
B. Let’s do it. D. Thanks.

12. When we meet somebody at 6 a.m, we greet him by saying . . .

A. Good afternoon. C. Good morning.
B. Good evening. D. Good night.

13. Joan : “..................... Erick!”

Erick : “Good bye, Joan!”
A. Good afternoon! C. Good bye!
B. How are you? D. How old are you?

14. Christy : “Wow, your house is very beautiful!

Zahra : “........................ .”
A. I apologize C. Thanks a lot
B. It's okay D. I'm sorry

15. It is 11.30 a.m. What do you say?

A. Good morning C. Good afternoon
B. Good evening D. Good day

16. What time is it?

A. It’s four ten in the morning
B. It’s ten four in the afternoon 04.10 a.m
C. It’s ten four in the night
D. It’s ten four in midday
17. Natalia : Where are you from Lidia?
Lidia :...............
A. I'm from Bandung C. You can call me Lidia
B. I'm Lidia D. I live on Jl. Kemuning

18. Father, mother, brother and sister are my ...

A. parents
B. children
C. family
D. grandparents

Text for number 19-20!

I am Gina. I have a family. There are father, mother, brother, and sister. My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bayu. My
brother is Anto and my sister is Selvi.

19. Mr. Bayu is Gina's ...

A. brother C. father
B. mother D. sister
20. Gina's sister is ...
A. Mr. Bayu C. Mrs. bayu
B. Selvi D. Anto

21. Her name is...

A. SMP Darul Falah
B. Agustin Nurwasilah
C. Perempuan

22. singing - They – like

Urutan kata supaya menjadi kalimat yang benar adalah ....
A. singing They like
B. They like singing
C. they singing like
D. like they singing

23. There are ..... months in a year

A. eleven C. twelve
B. ten D. seven

24. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is ...

A. Sunday C. Friday
B. Thursday D. Tuesday

25. The month after August is ...

A. July C. September
B. January D. December

B. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan teks di bawah ini!

Hi, my name is Andi Kurniawan.
I am thirteen years old.
I live at Jalan Jenderal S. Parman Block B number 39 Griya Candra Mas Sidoarjo.
I study at SMPN 3 Waru Sidoarjo.
I like playing soccer and swimming.
My favorite colors are red and blue.
My favorite food are fried rice and Soto.

1. What is the writer’s name?

2. How old does the writer age?
3. Where does the writer study?
4. What is are the writer hobby?
5. What are the writer favorite food?

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