CDD Assessment of KALAHI-CIDSS in The Philippines

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Preliminary Draft Not for Quotation

CDD Assessment of KALAHI-CIDSS in the Philippines

Raul P. Gonzalez
21 June 2011 Jakarta, Indonesia
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this paper are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), or its Board of Governors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this paper and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The countries listed in this paper do not imply any view on ADB's part as to sovereignty or independent status or necessarily conform to ADB's terminology.

Preliminary Draft Not for Quotation

Scope of Presentation
1. The KALAHI-CIDSS Project
2. Participation during sub-project cycle

3. Participation after sub-project completion

4. Accountability and transparency

5. Local government capacity building

6. Implications for policy and practice.

Preliminary Draft Not for Quotation

Parameters of Assessment

Examine KALAHI-CIDSS contribution to service delivery and governance in beneficiary communities.


survey, focus group discussions, literature review

Locations :

Quezon (Luzon), Iloilo (Visayas), Davao Norte (Mindanao)


Sample of residents in 6 villages, Municipal and village government officials and staff, Community volunteers, KALAHI-CIDSS Staff

Preliminary Draft Not for Quotation

KALAHI-CIDSS Development Objective

Empowerment of local communities through their involvement in the design and implementation of poverty reduction projects and improved participation in local governance.

Major Components:
Community capacity building and implementation support Grants for prioritized sub-projects Monitoring and evaluation.

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Preliminary Draft Not for Quotation

Participation during Sub-Project Cycle

Significant participation of community residents, including women, ethnic minorities and the poorest
Local government officials remain influential in subproject selection Gender equity issues identified women in leadership positions inadequate recognition of womens work added burdens to women resulting from their participation in KALAHI-CIDSS.

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The Municipal Inter-Barangay Forum

Strengths Weaknesses

Communities set criteria and select village projects Element of competition motivates villages MIBF process is transparent Communities made aware of each others situations.

Rumored collusion among allied barangays Voting politicizes selection process Ranking criteria are often utilized poorly No mechanisms to address needs of nonprioritized barangays.

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Utility and Sustainability of Sub-Projects

Useful and responsive to community priority needs Positive effects on household income High quality sub-project infrastructure Satisfactory O&M arrangements for subprojects.

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Institutionalizing Participation after SubProject Completion

Residents contribute to sub-projects O&M

O&M Committee for sub-project operations

Regular reporting on sub-project operations Conduct of sustainability evaluations O&M committee membership in village development council.

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Accountability and Transparency

KALAHI-CIDSS is considered corruption-free Funds sent directly to village account Residents involved in management of KC funds Residents informed of implementation status One fund concept for sub-project funds Residents can report suspicions to KC local staff. Effectiveness of KC Grievance Redress System (GRS) based on fear of local stakeholders of DSWD sanctions

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Accountability and Transparency

Village officials generally viewed as honest in handling financial resources of the village

Residents more involved today directly and indirectly in decision-making

Decisions of village government officials today considered more reflective of community priorities compared to the past.

Preliminary Draft Not for Quotation Good Practices from MT

Local Government Capacity Building Village level (Mulanay)

Broad-based participation in the preparation of village plans (adoption of the PSA) Expansion of village development councils to include citizen representatives

Adoption of KALAHI-CIDSS implementation procedures in village projects.

Preliminary Draft Not for Quotation Good Practices from MT

Local Government Capacity Building Municipal level (Mulanay and Talaingod)

Municipal planning based on village plans Institutionalization of participatory budgeting (Mulanay) Caravan of Municipal Front-Line Services to the Villages (Talaingod) Municipal ordinance on participatory planning and budgeting (Talaingod).

Preliminary Draft Not for Quotation Lessons Learned

LGU-Led Pilot Implementation (MT)

Strong local government leadership crucial Dual roles of MCT as facilitator and advocate DSWD role as regulator and motivator More flexible deadlines, especially for completion of sub-project construction.

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Implications for Policy and Practice

CDD implementation by a national agency: Advantages: scale, long-term sustainability, ripple effects Disadvantage: threat of bureaucratic capture Challenge: insulating CDD program from debilitating policies and procedures of government bureaucracy Phased implementation facilitates incorporation of lessons learned.

Preliminary Draft Not for Quotation

Implications for Policy and Practice

Social preparation not a cost but an investment in human capital formation

Local governments will need guidance and time to adopt CDD principles and practices Need for enabling national law to scale-up CDD.

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