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Regional Workshop on Community-Driven Development and Institutional Sustainability

Peoples Republic of China:

CDD Pilot project and Institutional Impacts

Presenter: He Liu Research team members: Prof. Zhuangkongshao He Liu Liu E Disclaimer: The views expressed in this paper are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Asian Wang Jianli Development Bank (ADB), or its Board of Governors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in
this paper and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The countries listed in this paper do not imply any view on ADB's part as to sovereignty or independent status or necessarily conform to ADB's terminology.

Preliminary Draft Not for Quotation

Project background Findings and impacts
Participation during sub-project cycle Sustainability of Participation Accountability and transparency Local government capacity building


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Program background
Project reviewed: China CDD Pilot Project Donor: Japan Social Development Fund

Launch: May, 2006. Closure: June, 2009 Funding: A US$1.9296 million grant from the World Bank. RMB30.8736 million from Chinese government. CDD Pilot sub-project: A: community small-scale infrastructure and public services. B: community natural resources management or environmental improvement. C: community development funds (CDF). Methodology: Desk review, field work (July, August in 2010)

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Findings and impacts

Participation during sub-project cycle Sustainability of participation Accountability and transparency Local government capacity building

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Participation during sub-project cycle (1)

Villagers actual participation during sub-project cycle:
Village meeting
frequent meeting with high attend rate/ sub-project design, publicity, voting

Effective separate focus group discussions:

women, poor (Jingxi project site have abundant cases to prove ) priority list showed the effectiveness

Inter-community competition
During community sub-project selection process Distribute money among communities Determine construction way (bidding or self-support) and construction team

Villager participation in the constructing process:

cast labor activity and rise funds inside the community prevalent funding managementthrough publicity disclosure Complaints (will be discussed specifically in Accountability and transparency)

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Participation during sub-project cycle (2)

Impact on Participation during sub-project cycle:
Promoted community awareness of the project information Promoted villager participation rate and participation enthusiasm Evoked grate spontaneous project input inside the community Improved community capacity on project design, competition and management

Female participation:
Background: the trend of rural China feminization Features:
High female participation rate in all sub-project process Establishment of female organizations

Case study:
Female organization in Hejiazhuo community Baishui county, Shanxi Province.

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Sustainability of participation (1)

In the sub-project level: (following view point mainly build on a field research in 2010)
Sub-project A and B CDD Pilot project completion:
Challenge after project completion: the maintenance of infrastructures and facilities already built Community Action: Some communities established Subsequent management measures spontaneously through village meeting

Sub-project C (CDF) after CDD Pilot project completion:

Governments periodic financial review helped CDF function well Reimbursement guarantee system (mutual warrant between households ) Capability sustainability:
Organizational and individual management capability of CDF Credibility of loanee

After CDD Pilot project completion, the project developed our capability which is more important than funds left----a villager from Chenjiahe community

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Sustainability of participation (2)

Expand impacts on institutional participation: (summarized from previous assessment and research)
Rised the willingness of public participation of villagers Trained community organizational capability , formed effective community organizations with sustainability. Built possitive community social capital for future community development Communities spontaneously used CDD method in other public affairs

Institutionalized participation after CDD pilot project completion combined with local culture----Miaotouchihuo in Jingxi county, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

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Accountability and transparency (1)

Actual work of supervision mechanisms in sub-project process: publicity and complaint
Designed for guaranteeing the accountability and transparency in the project Supervision mechanisms two parts: publicity and complaint Publicity
Project information: project name, CDD idea, process etc. Outcomes of sub-project selection Funds usage, sub-project process, construction team selection, CDF information, complaints and solutions ets. As previous assessment showed: villagers paid great attention to publicity of project information.

Complaints in CDD pilot project mainly focus on 3 facets:
1) Fairness 2)Quality of sub-project outcomes 3)Effectiveness of fund

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Accountability and transparency (2)

Impacts on accountability and transparency:
Community supervision guaranteed the safety of funds in communities, improved the project construction quality Improved the efficiency of funds Timely resolution of project issues to resolve community conflicts Digestion original community suspicion, mistrust and other negative factors, build new type of social capital. Promoted the ownership of villagers

More effective complaint mechanism

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Local government capacity building(1)

County level government activities:
Ascertain Funds distribution to project community Multi-department cooperation and resource coordination
Human resource Offer multi technical support (community training, supervision and management, examine and verity the qualification of construction team, feasibility inspect of project plan, construction check and acceptance.) Funds

Case study: Took the local government activities of Nanchong district, Sichuan province for example.
Funds distribution Established county CDD pilot project technical guide committee Integrated counterpart contributions from agriculture, water resource, transportation and other department. Enrollment, training and management of community facilitators

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Local government capacity building(2)

Capacity building method: Trainings, communications and studies Learning during practice CDD pilot projects impact on Capacity building:
Promoted government capacity on poverty alleviation, development and service regulation. Improved official efficiency Improved the ability to integrate social forces: partnership with NGOs Changed manner of working, reinforced local governments service providing attitude and capability

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CDD pilot project have positive impacts on Community level
Meet the demand of villagers and communities Raised their participation enthusiasm and responsibility Promoted project ownership of villagers Improved community self-development capability

CDD practice adherence to service-oriented government building idea of China

Mechanism innovation Governments role in guidance, supporting, supervision and services towards project community

CDD method can be a very useful carrier of the system of selfgovernance for villagers of China

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