UCSP - Political Organization - Authority and Legitimacy

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UCSP: Political Organization / Authority and Legitimacy

What are the different noteworthy facts Why are they noteworthy?

People/Event/Places Ideas/Words/Phrases

BAND Usually small; formed by SInce bands are egalitarian

several families living — all [families] are equal —
together. there is no formal FORMAL
leadership, instead those
Moves from one place to who possess special skills
another in search for food and knowledge, can be an
INFORMAL leader.
All families are equal.
However, the difference in
gender and age is well-

TRIBE (TRIBU) Larger than the band Due to the increase of

population, organization
Multiple way of living; within the tribe is needed.
evolved from surviving on Councils, tribal leaders,
food, they also find ways to elders, etc. rose due to the
find multiple ways of living presence of multiple
communities. VILLAGE
Multiple communities is HEADMAN [was appointed
present in a tribe to] perform leadership roles,
but they only have limited
Most tribes remain political power, which means
egalitarian most of the tribe remains

CHIEFDOM More defined political Chiefdom, compared to

organization band and tribe, has a
FORMAL leader, with real
Chief – more or less authority to make decisions
permanent, full time leader for their community. In
with real authority; they can chiefdom, power is inherited,
make major decisions. which means a chief from an
elite family, can pass their
Several communities are power to their heir.
ruled by permanent PARAMOUNT CHIEF is the
paramount chief—having highest, and powerful of
supreme power— from elite them all. Which means all of
family the simple chiefdoms that
rule different single
Power is inherited communities, are still under
the power of the supreme,
Simple Chiefdom – single paramount chief.
community ruled by a single
Complex Chiefdom –
Several simple chiefdoms
ruled by a single paramount

NATIONS Ethnic concept based on Political concept is not

cultural concepts such as: what’s important in a nation,
History but rather its similarity in
Language cultural concept

We do not look at the

political concept, but at the
cultural concept.

STATE Highest form of political Compared to nation, state is

organization a political concept and more
formal. A state is composed
Political unit consisting of a of government, sovereignty,
government that has people, and territory; if one
sovereignty—supreme of these elements are not
authority— over a group of present, it cannot be
people, and a well-defined considered as a state.
territory. For sovereignty, the
government should have the
Government, sovereignty, power and ability to
people, and territory is implement laws, without
present being influenced by another
country or territory.
People are the important
element of a state.

Internal sovereignty – Ability

to implement laws to its

External sovereignty -
Freedom from external

AUTHORITY Right to command Authority is observed when

an individual can command
another person. Authority is
important as it is what keeps

LEGITIMACY “Value whereby something

or someone is recognized
and accepted as right and

Weber’s Three Types of Authority

TRADITIONAL SOURCE OF POWER: Traditional type of authority

Legitimized from appoints or chooses their
well-established leader based on its family.
customs, habits, and Similar to chiefdom, their
social structures chiefs are chosen from elite
LEADERSHIP STYLE: families, and their authority
Historic personality is passed on to their heirs.
Monarchical rule, or
rule of the elites in a

CHARISMATIC SOURCE OF POWER: Charismatic type of authority

Legitimized from the is based on an individual's
charisma of the charisma. People choose an
individual individual that is oftentimes
LEADERSHIP STYLE: popular, or has an impact on
Dynamic personality others lives, regardless of
EXAMPLE: their leadership skills.
Religious leaders, or
popular icons

LEGAL-RATIONAL SOURCE OF POWER: In this type of authority, the

(bureaucratic) Legitimized from origin of their power comes
formal rules from formal rules that are
promulgated by the promoted by the state
state through its laws.
LEADERSHIP STYLE: Most of the important
Bureaucratic decisions are taken by the
Government officials than by elected
in modern states representatives.

The Israel-Palestine Conflict

What are the different noteworthy facts Why are they noteworthy?

People/Event/Places Ideas/Words/Phrases

JERUSALEM A sacred place or Holy

City for both Islam,
Judaism, and Christianity.
PALESTINE Made up of mostly

ZIONISM Jews should unite and

create their own nation in
their historic homeland —

Founder: Theodor Herzl

BRITISH In 1914, they promised It was the British who

the sheriff of mecca, arab were responsible for the
independence if they history of the Palestine-
rebel against ottoman Israel war.
empire Due to the Balfour
declaration, the jews were
In 1916, british officials given hope of land. Hope
promised french that that was given by those
divided between them LIVE IN PALESTINE.
after the war
Under this British
In 1917, foreign secretary mandate, the number of
Arthur Balfour, publicly jews in Palestine
proclaimed that BRITAIN multiplied, which caused
aimed to establish a tension between the jews
NATIONAL HOME to the and Arabs, resulting in
jews, in PALESTINE; this both sides commiting
is the BALFOUR crimes.
Due to the rising tension
between both parties, the
british tried to fix it by
limiting jews immigration,
but it also backfired; it
resulted in israel protest,
and a zionist militant
group committed their
own acts of violence.

UNITED NATIONS The British were In dividing the lands, more

exhausted from handling than half of the land was
the situation, entrusted given to the Israeli, and
the newly formed UN to most of it was the fertile
solve the problem. land. In return, the Arabs
were not happy about it.
To accommodate both
Jews and Arabs, they
proposed a partition plan

ISRAEL BEFORE the declaration Even before Israel

INDEPENDENCE of independence day of declared their
Israel, extreme zionist independence, they
militias forced already forced
Palestinians to leave their Palestinians to leave their
homes. home and become
stateless refugees.
In 1948, the day of
independence, Arab On the day that the Israeli
declared a war, wherein were celebrating their
Israel won, and seized independence, they were
more land. What’s left surprised by the war
with Palestine is the West declaration of the Arab.
Bank, and the Gaza strip
With this, the Palestinian
Liberation Organization
vowed to take back the
land that they lost.

SIX-DAY WAR In 1967, Israel captured As the Israelis were

Gaza strip, the west bank, deciding as to what to do
egyptian sinai peninsula, with the people in Gaza
and golan height of syria. and West Bank, some
Israeli settlers moved to
Egyptian made a contract the west bank, and
with Israel to return their started their lives. This act
land was illegal because they
did not have permission
With Gaza, and the West from the government.
Bank in their possession,
they were deciding on To solve this problem, the
what to do with the Arabs UN divided the land into
in the stated places. three, but still, the land of
Palestinians continued to

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