UCSP - Political Organization - Authority and Legitimacy

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UCSP: Political Organization / Authority and Legitimacy

What are the different noteworthy facts? Why are they noteworthy?

People/Event/ Ideas/Words/Phrases

BAND Typically compact, comprising multiple Due to the egalitarian

cohabiting families, this group relocates nature of bands, where all
in pursuit of sustenance. The equality of families are considered
all families is a defining feature, though equal, formal leadership
distinctions based on gender and age are structures are absent.
clearly delineated. Instead, individuals with
specific skills and
knowledge may assume
informal leadership roles.

TRIBE (TRIBU) Beyond the scale of a band, tribes are As the population within the
characterized by a diverse range of tribe grows, the necessity
lifestyles, having evolved beyond mere for organizational structures
survival for sustenance. These becomes apparent. This
communities have adapted to various has led to the emergence of
ways of living, extending beyond the councils, tribal leaders, and
basic necessities of food acquisition. elders, particularly in
response to the existence
Tribes consist of multiple communities, of multiple communities. To
and despite their larger size, many tribes fulfill leadership roles, a
uphold an egalitarian ethos, where Village Headman is
equality among members is a prevailing appointed, although their
principle. political authority is
constrained, ensuring that
the prevailing ethos within
the tribe largely maintains
egalitarian principles.

CHIEFDOM As societies progress, a more intricate In contrast to bands and

political organization emerges, featuring tribes, chiefdoms exhibit a
a Chief as a relatively permanent, full- more structured leadership
time leader vested with genuine authority model with a formal leader
to make significant decisions. who possesses tangible
authority to make decisions
In certain cases, multiple communities for the community. Within
are governed by a permanent paramount chiefdoms, authority is
chief, possessing supreme power, often inherited, allowing a chief
belonging to an elite family. This power is from an elite family to pass
typically inherited, establishing a down their power to their
hereditary system where leadership is successor.
passed down through familial lines.
At the apex of the chiefdom
The political structure may take the form hierarchy is the Paramount
of a Simple Chiefdom, where a single Chief, the highest and most
community is governed by a specific powerful figure. This implies
family, or a Complex Chiefdom, where that all the simple
several simple chiefdoms fall under the chiefdoms governing
jurisdiction of a single paramount chief, individual communities are
creating a hierarchical system within the ultimately subject to the
larger societal framework. overarching authority of the
supreme paramount chief.

NATIONS The concept of ethnicity is rooted in The significance of a nation

cultural elements, emphasizing factors lies not primarily in its
such as history, language, traditions, political framework but
customs, and habits. When examining rather in the shared cultural
ethnicity from a cultural perspective, the concepts that unite its
focus is on shared cultural traits and people. The emphasis is
characteristics that bind a group together. placed on cultural
This viewpoint avoids delving into the commonalities such as
political aspects and concentrates solely history, language,
on the cultural dimensions that define traditions, customs, and
and distinguish one ethnic group from habits, highlighting the
another. cultural cohesion that binds
the nation together. In this
perspective, the essence of
the nation is derived from
its cultural identity rather
than its political structure.

STATE The highest form of political organization Compared to a nation, a

is the state, characterized by a political state is more formal and
unit with a government exercising focused on politics. A state
sovereignty, which is the supreme must have a government,
authority, over a specific group of people sovereignty, people, and
within a well-defined territory. The territory; if any of these is
fundamental elements of a state include missing, it's not considered
government, sovereignty, people, and a state. Sovereignty means
territory. the government has the
power to make and enforce
The people hold a crucial role in the laws independently, without
concept of a state, as they form the being controlled by another
citizenry and contribute to the collective country.
identity and functioning of the political
entity. Internal sovereignty refers to the
state's ability to enact and enforce laws
within its borders, maintaining order and
governance. External sovereignty, on the
other hand, pertains to the state's
independence and freedom from external
control, allowing it to engage in
international relations and affairs without
undue interference.

AUTHORITY Right to command Evident when one person

can direct or command
another individual. It holds
significance because it is
the key factor in maintaining
LEGITIMACY “Value whereby something or someone is It reflects the recognition
recognized and accepted as right and and acceptance of
proper” something or someone as
being right and proper. It
highlights the importance of
acknowledgment and
approval within a certain
context or society,
indicating a shared
understanding of what is
considered appropriate or
correct. This recognition of
value contributes to the
establishment of standards,
norms, and cultural or
social expectations. It plays
a crucial role in shaping
attitudes, behaviors, and
the overall fabric of a
community or group.

Weber’s Three Types of Authority

TRADITIONAL SOURCE OF POWER: Traditional type of authority

Legitimized from well-established appoints or chooses their
customs, habits, and social leader based on its family.
structures Similar to chiefdom, their
LEADERSHIP STYLE: chiefs are chosen from elite
Historic personality families, and their authority
EXAMPLE: is passed on to their heirs.
Monarchical rule, or rule of the
elites in a chiefdom


Legitimized from the charisma of authority is based on an
the individual individual's charisma.
LEADERSHIP STYLE: People choose an individual
Dynamic personality that is oftentimes popular,
EXAMPLE: or has an impact on others
Religious leaders, or popular lives, regardless of their
icons leadership skills.

LEGAL- SOURCE OF POWER: In this type of authority, the

RATIONAL Legitimized from formal rules origin of their power comes
(bureaucratic) promulgated by the state from formal rules that are
LEADERSHIP STYLE: promoted by the state
Bureaucratic through its laws.
EXAMPLE: Most of the important
Government officials in modern decisions are taken by the
states STATE OFFICIALS, rather
than by elected
The Israel-Palestine Conflict

What are the different noteworthy facts? Why are they noteworthy?


JERUSALEM A sacred place or Holy City Jerusalem is considered a sacred

for both Islam, Judaism, place and a Holy City in Islam,
and Christianity. Judaism, and Christianity. It holds
religious significance for Muslims,
Jews, and Christians, with each
faith considering it as a central
and revered location tied to their
respective religious histories and
beliefs. The Dome of the Rock
and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are
significant in Islam, while the
Western Wall is important in
Judaism, and the Church of the
Holy Sepulchre is a key site in
Christianity. The shared
connection to Jerusalem makes it
a unique and deeply meaningful
city for these three major world

PALESTINE Made up of mostly Muslims Palestine is a region with a

predominantly Muslim population.
Islam is the major religion in the
area, and a significant majority of
the Palestinian population
adheres to the Islamic faith.
However, it's essential to note
that Palestine is also home to
diverse religious and ethnic
communities, including Christians
and various Arab and non-Arab
groups. The religious and cultural
landscape of the region is
complex, reflecting a rich history
of diverse influences.

ZIONISM Jews should unite and The idea that Jews should come
create their own nation in together and establish their own
their historic homeland — nation in their historical
Jerusalem homeland, particularly in
Jerusalem, is associated with the
Founder: Theodor Herzl concept of Zionism. Theodor
Herzl, often considered the
founder of modern political
Zionism, advocated for the
establishment of a Jewish
homeland as a response to anti-
Semitism and as a way to ensure
the security and collective identity
of the Jewish people. This vision
eventually played a significant
role in the establishment of the
State of Israel in 1948. The
connection to Jerusalem holds
particular significance for its
historical and religious
importance in Judaism.

BRITISH In 1914, there was a The British played a significant

promise of Arab role in the history of the
independence made to the Palestine-Israel conflict. The
Sheriff of Mecca if they Balfour Declaration, expressing
rebelled against the support for a Jewish national
Ottoman Empire. home in Palestine, gave hope to
the Jews, even though those
In 1916, British officials making the promise did not
made an agreement with reside in Palestine.
the French, promising to
divide Palestine between During the British Mandate, the
them after World War I. Jewish population in Palestine
increased, leading to tensions
In 1917, Arthur Balfour, the between Jews and Arabs, with
British Foreign Secretary, both sides committing crimes. In
publicly declared the an attempt to address the
Balfour Declaration. This escalating conflict, the British
proclamation expressed limited Jewish immigration, but
Britain's intention to this move sparked protests in
establish a national home Israel. Additionally, Zionist
for Jews in Palestine. militant groups carried out acts of
violence in response to these
restrictions. The actions taken by
the British during this period
contributed to the complex
dynamics that fueled the later
stages of the conflict.

UNITED Exhausted from managing In the process of dividing the

NATIONS the conflict, the British land, the partition plan allocated
handed the responsibility more than half of the territory to
to the newly established Israel, including a significant
United Nations (UN) to find portion of fertile land. This
a solution. The UN distribution left many Arabs
proposed a partition plan to dissatisfied with the outcome.
address the competing The unequal division of land
claims of Jews and Arabs contributed to heightened
in the region. tensions and further complexities
in the Palestine-Israel conflict.

ISRAEL Before the declaration of Indeed, even before Israel

INDEPENDENCE Israel's independence, declared its independence, there
extremist Zionist militias were instances where
compelled many Palestinians were forced to leave
Palestinians to leave their their homes, resulting in many
homes. In 1948, on the day becoming stateless refugees.
of Israel's declaration of
independence, Arab On the day Israel celebrated its
nations declared war independence, the festivities
against Israel, which were disrupted by the surprise
resulted in Israel winning declaration of war by Arab
the war and gaining nations.
additional territory.
Following the conflict, the In response to the events, the
remaining areas for Palestinian Liberation
Palestine were limited to Organization (PLO) made a
the West Bank and the commitment to reclaim the land
Gaza Strip. This historical they had lost. This marked the
context underscores the beginning of a prolonged and
complex and contentious complex struggle over territory
nature of the events and the rights of displaced
leading to the Palestinians.
establishment of Israel and
the subsequent
displacement of

SIX-DAY WAR In 1967, Israel captured As Israelis deliberated on the fate

the Gaza Strip, the West of the people in Gaza and the
Bank, the Egyptian Sinai West Bank, some Israeli settlers,
Peninsula, and the Golan without government permission,
Heights of Syria during the moved to the West Bank and
Six-Day War. established their lives. This act
was considered illegal.
Following the conflict,
Egypt made a contractual To address the issue, the UN
agreement with Israel to proposed dividing the land into
regain control of the Sinai three parts, but despite these
Peninsula. efforts, the Palestinian territory
continued to diminish,
With Gaza and the West contributing to the ongoing
Bank now under Israeli challenges and tensions in the
control, there were region.
decisions to be made
regarding the Arab
population in those areas.
The fate and status of the
Palestinian population in
the occupied territories
became a central issue in
the ongoing complexities of
the Israel-Palestine

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