Envs Prac 1

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1.(b)The troposphere is thicker over the equator than the poles because the equator is warmer. Heat
differential on the planet’s surface causes convection currents to flow from the equator to the poles.
In the troposphere, the height generally decreases with altitude. The temperature in the troposphere
generally decreases with height. Different factors such as the amount of atmospheric water vapour,
the time of the day, the season and the latitude can affect the rate at which temperature decreases
with height. The raise of the Latitude determines the raise of the height of the troposphere as well as
it decreases. The height of the troposphere depends on the latitude.


POINT A- 10 °C

PIONT B- Temperature after ascending 500m.

DT= 10°C x 0.5


New temperature: TC -DT =10°C-5°C

POINT C: DT= 5.5°C x 1.5


New temperature: TC-DT

= 5- 8.25°C


POINT D: DT= 10°C x0.3

= 3°C

New temperature= -1.25°C+ 3°C

= 1.75°C


a. Measuring their concentration helps assess the extent of pollution and its impact on air
quality, climate change, and ecosystem. Particulates in the atmosphere can originate from
various source, including Natural sources, Anthropogenic sources, Fossil fuel combustion
burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, releases particulates like surfer’s dioxide
nitrogen dioxide.
b. Winter season-in many regions, pm 2,5 concentrations tend to be higher during the winter
season. Several factors contribute to this phenomenon. First, increased energy consumption
for heating purpose leads to higher emission from residential sources, such as wood-burning
stoves and fireplace. Winter meteorogical conditions can limit dispersion and transport of
pollutants leading to their accumulation in the air. Summer season-in some areas, pm 2.5
concentrations may be relatively low during the summer season. Factors contributing to this
trend include increased atmospheric mixing and dispersion due to stronger wind and
convective processes. Additionally, higher temperatures and increased solar radiation can
enhance pollutant breakdown and chemical reactions in the atmosphere, leading to reduced
particulate concentrations. It’s important to note that these seasonal trends are not
universal and can vary depending on local factors, climate, and geographical location. Local
emissions sources, weather patterns, topography, and regional air circulate concentrations.
Therefore, it is necessary to analyze specific regional data to understand the precise seasonal
patterns of pm 2.5 concentrations in given areas.
c. During the winter of 2021 Beijing experienced extremely high pm 2.5 levels, reaching
hazardous levels well above 500 micrograms per cubic meter. Two possible reasons for this
server pollution episode for this server pollution episode include increased in Beijing
experiences high energy demand for heating purposes. Industrial emissions Beijing and its
surrounding areas have numerous industrial facilities that emit pollutants including pm 2.5
increased industrial activity during that period, combined with weak dispersion conditions
could have contributed to the high pm 2.5 concentrations.


4= temperature: 22- 17,5

= 4,5° C
Altitude: 750- 500
= 250
Temperature lapse rate= 250÷ 4,5
= 55,55 m.a.s.l
5= temperature: 17,5- 15
= 2,5°C
Altitude: 1000- 750
= 250
Temperature lapse rate= 250÷ 2,5
= 100 m.a.s.l
6= temperature: 17,5-15
Altitude=1250- 1000
Temperature lapse rate=250÷2,5
= 100 m.a.s.l

A. A-High pressure system
B-Low pressure system

Northern hemisphere, they usually form when two air masses with different temperature and
moisture contents that flow in parallel or are stationary become coupled by a preexisting upper-level
disturbance (usually a low-pressure center) near their interface. An example is the formation of
extratropical cyclones along the interface of mid-latitude westerlies. High pressure form due to
downward motion through the troposphere, the atmospheric layer where weather occurs. Preferred
areas within a synoptic flow pattern in higher levels of the troposphere are beneath the western side
of troughs.

B. C-Low pressure system

D-High pressure system
Southern hemisphere, they both usually from when two air masses with different
temperature and moisture contents that flow in parallel or are stationary become coupled by
a preexisting upper-level disturbance near their interface.
C. High pressure system is associated with dry weather and mostly clear skies with larger
temperature changes due to greater radiation at night and greater sunshine during the day.


a. A-Cyclone low pressure

B-Anticyclone high pressure
In the southern hemisphere. System A is associated with unstable weather conditions and
heavy rainfall whereas system B is associated with stable weather conditions and light rain
b. Winter

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