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1. (Czy chciałabyś) ____________________ to celebrate Boxing Day with us?

2. Kiwi is the nickname used internationally for (ludzi, którzy są) ____________________ from
New Zealand.

3. (Kto jest prezydentem) ____________________ of the USA at the moment?

4. Which accent (lubisz) ____________________ more: American or British?

5. The (stolicą Walii) ____________________ is Cardiff.

6. (Czy moglibyście wskazać) ___________________ me the way to Buckingham Palace?

7. (Najwyższą górą) ____________________ of the British Isles is Ben Nevis, isn’t it?

8. Sheila visited the USA last year. (Nie smakowało jej) __________________ the food there.

9. How many states (potraficie nazwać) ____________________ ?

10. St. Patrick’s Day (jest obchodzony) ____________________ on 17th March.

11.Do you happen to know (dlaczego mężczyźni noszą) ________________ kilts in Scotland?

12. When (lecisz) ____________________ to South Africa?

13. “Sherlock Holmes” (był napisany przez) ____________________ Arthur Conan Doyle.

14. Who’s (najlepszym) ________________ Australian tennis player at the moment?

15. (Kto pracuje) ____________________ at 10 Downing Street in London?

16. Thanksgiving is celebrated on (czwarty czwartek) ____________________ of November.

17. Have you ever (brałeś udział w) ____________________ a student exchange programme?

18. Los Angeles is (takim dużym) ____________________ city.

19. (Czy ty jesteś) ____________________ a native speaker of English?

20. The (amerykańskie słowo) ____________________ for ‘a lift’ is ‘an elevator’.

1. My grandfather (use / live) …………………….……………… Australia when he was a child.

2. What (you / ask) …………………….………………….. Donald Trump if you met him tomorrow?

3. Martin and I (always / want) …………………….………………….. visit Buckingham Palace.

4. Independence Day (be / celebrate) …………………….………………….. on July 4th in the USA.

5. What (be / two) …………………….………………….. official language in Canada?

6. Everyone knows (who / work) …………………….………………….. at 10 Downing Street.

7. It’s surprising that (you / never / try) …………………….………………….. maple syrup before!

8. How many (state / be / there) …………………….………………….. the USA?

9. Mike (keep / forget) …………………….………………….. who wrote “Romeo and Juliet”.

10. Did you know that Russel Crowe (be / born) …………………….……………. in New Zealand?
11. Alan (speak / Welsh / fluent) …………………….……………. , doesn’t he?

12. My grandma always says: “(Not / count / you) …………………….………………….. before they are

13. Scotland is situated (north)…………………….………………….. part of Great Britain.

14. I learnt at school yesterday that (large) …………………….………………….. lake in the USA is called Lake

15.When (Sam / climb) …………………….……………… Ben Nevis? Was it last year?

1. How much money (you/spend) ……………………………………………….. on clothes since Saturday?

2. My mum (enjoy/find) ……………………………………………….. interesting things in the market.

3. There (be/lot) ……………………………………………….. people in town yesterday.

4. They (build) ……………………………………………….. a supermarket in our town at the moment.

5. I (buy) ……………………………………………….. a CD when I saw a friend from school.

6. While I (study/English) ……………………………………………….. the phone rang.

7. This was (difficult) ……………………………………………….. exam I have ever done.

8. We (be going to) ……………………………………………….. have a party next weekend.

9. My sister (have/three/essays) ……………………………………………….. to write for next week.

10.I (do) ……………………………………………….. two exercises since this morning.

1. The students (work/hard) ……………………………………………….. at the moment.

2. We (have/exam) ……………………………………………….. yesterday.

3. We (be going to) ……………………………………………….. visit our cousins this weekend.

4. What (you/want) ……………………………………………….. to do after school today?

5. She (never/be) ……………………………………………….. to France.

6. He (want/spend) ……………………………………………….. Christmas break somewhere hot.

7. The new stadium (be/complete) ……………………………………………….. 10 years ago.

8. Jane was such a nice girl when (I/meet/ she) ……………………………………………….. last year.

9. This bag is hers, it’s not (I) ……………………………………………….. .

10. (There/be) ……………………………………………….. 24 students in the classroom now.

1. My mother (hate/sunbathe) ……………………………………………….. . She says it’s boring.

2. Michael and Zack (sit) ……………………………………………….. at home at the moment.

3. Barbara’s brother (go) ……………………………………………….. to high school for two years. He is still in
the same school now.

4. The roof (house) ……………………………………………….. is old.

5. Is your cousin going (visit/we) ……………………………………………….. next February?

6. Yesterday I felt tired because I (work) ……………………………………………….. in the garden for five hours!

7. These three books (be/write) ……………………………………………….. by a famous film star.

8. Sammy (not be/interested) ……………………………………………….. football. He’s different than all the
other boys at his age.

9. Our new sofa (be/comfortable) ……………………………………………….. than the old one.

10.My English teacher (bring/two/dictionary) ……………………………………………….. to the classroom

today. We used them during the lesson.

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