Green Solvents, Potential Alternatives For Petroleum Based Products in Food Processing Industries

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Cleaner Chemical Engineering 3 (2022) 100052

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Green solvents, potential alternatives for petroleum based products in food

processing industries
Writdhama Prasad a,∗, Aakash Dadarao Wani b, Kaushik Khamrui c, Shaik Abdul Hussain a,
Yogesh Khetra a
Scientist, Dairy Technology Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 132001 (Haryana), India
M Tech Scholar, Dairy Technology Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, 132001, (Haryana), India
Principal Scientist, Dairy Technology Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, 132001, (Haryana), India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Solvent extraction is used at the industrial scale for extraction of oil, flavouring and functional compounds from
Solvent extraction the source materials. Easy availability at lower price makes petroleum based solvents (e.g., hexane, petroleum
Green solvents ether, etc.) the preferred choice for solvent extraction. However, some amount of the solvent always escapes
Oil extraction
to the environment during the extraction process and the yield product also contains some amount of residual
herbs and spices processing
solvent. This causes hazard not only to the environment and people at large, but also affects the manpower
Toxicity and environment implications
involved in the solvent extraction industry in particular. This has led to the search of alternative solvents which
have lower toxicity and are environmentally safe. Green solvents appear to be a potential candidate for this.
Solvent extraction studies performed using green solvents have revealed their equal or higher extraction efficacy
to that of petroleum based products. This review paper aims to provide comprehensive information about the
studies pertaining to the application of green solvents as a safer and their potential for replacement of petroleum
based solvents for extraction of fat soluble compounds. In addition, health and environmental aspects of greens
solvents along with their associated advantages-disadvantages has also been discussed in this paper.

1. Introduction category 2 reprotoxic and aquatic chronic toxic. Its health hazard has
also been well documented. Agata (2017) reported that long-term ex-
Solvent extraction is encountered during various processes in the posure of petroleum based solvents may result into harmful effect on
food industry, viz., oil extraction from oilseeds, flavouring and polyphe- human beings well-being by affecting their respiratory and nervous sys-
nolic compounds extraction from herbs and spices, etc. According to tem. This had led to increased concerns about the health of the work-
Cheng and Rosentrater (2017), about 80% of the cost of oil is con- ers employed in solvent extraction units and on the impact on envi-
tributed by the oilseed itself. This makes the oil extraction more im- ronmental pollution, and led to the search of an alternative to these
portant, as loss of oil in the residual meal tends to lower the economy petroleum based solvents (Perrier et al. 2017). A potential candidate
of the plant. In addition of being an economical process for fat extrac- as an alternative to these solvents could be the ‘green solvents’. For a
tion, Zhimin et al (2000) reported that solvent extraction can also be solvent to be considered as ‘green’, it should be derived from renew-
used to recover residual oil from the pressed oil cake from which oil has able feedstock which will not remain for long in the environment and
already been extracted using mechanical methods. This indicates about does not lead to the formation of hazardous products during its prepara-
the vitality of solvent extraction process in the food processing, how- tion or processing (Anastas and Kirchhoff, 2002). As these solvents are
ever, it comes with certain challenges. Solvents could be considered as prepared using bio-based materials, they are readily degraded in the en-
the heart of solvent extraction process for isolation and concentration vironment and thus are considered as environment friendly and do not
of various products (solute) such as oil, flavouring compounds, etc. Be- poses human health hazard. Examples of green solvents include ethanol,
cause of ease in availability, petroleum based solvents (such as hexane), cyclopentyl methyl ether, ethyl acetate, 2-methyl tetrahydrofuran (2-
are most commonly used in the food industries for solvent extraction. MeTHF), etc. Different studies have been conducted in the recent past
However, the European regulation ‘Registration, Evaluation, Authori- to evaluate these solvents as a potential candidate to replace the conven-
sation and Restriction of Chemicals’ (REACH) has classified hexane as tionally used petroleum based solvents in the food processing industries.

Corresponding author: Scientist, Dairy Technology Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 132001 (Haryana), India. Ph: 0184-2259247; Fax:
E-mail addresses:, (W. Prasad).
Received 1 April 2022; Received in revised form 2 July 2022; Accepted 20 July 2022
2772-7823/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
W. Prasad, A.D. Wani, K. Khamrui et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 3 (2022) 100052

Fig 1. Flow chart for solvent extraction process

However, a compiled review in this regard is rather scanty, particularly time to diffuse into the source material and efficiently extract the solute
in the oilseed, herbs and spices extraction industries. Through this pa- molecules, but higher extraction time results in high amount of non-
per, we aim to provide comprehensive information about the use of sol- solute molecules in the extract with decreased production capacity. (c)
vent extraction process in oilseed and herbs-spices industries, petroleum Solvent: source material ratio: this is important for the fact that a suit-
based solvents and their comparison with green solvents in oil, flavour able amount of solvent (with respect to source material) is required for
and functional compounds extraction. We believe that this paper would penetration and extraction of solutes. A low solvent: source material
be useful for industries involved in solvent extraction and looking for ratio have lower extraction efficacy and high solvent: source material
an alternative to petroleum based solvents. ratio results in the extraction of almost all of the solutes but requires
high energy during the de-solvation process to evaporate the solvent
2. Solvent extraction process from solute – solvent mixture. (d) Solvent permeability: this affects the
penetration ability of the solvent inside the source material. Large and
Solvent extraction is a solubility based separation process used to iso- open surface of the source material area enables rapid and permeation
late the target molecule(s) (solute) from a solid or liquid matrix (source of the solvent and thus the source material are often decompressed or
material) using a suitable solvent. The solvent used for extraction pur- crushed before solvent extraction (Gaber et al. 2018).
pose depends on the solubility/polarity of solute to dissolve rapidly in
the solvent and transfer to outside of the source material. The solvent 3. Conventional solvents used at industrial scale
from solvent-solute mixture is then separated using thermal techniques
such as desolvation, distillation, etc. (Ziaedini et al. 2010). The solvent Solvents could be considered as the heart of solvent extraction pro-
extraction process can be classified as liquid-solid and liquid-liquid ex- cess for isolation and concentration of various products (solute) such
traction process with same principle of solvent extraction. A schematic as oil, flavouring compounds, etc. at the industrial scale. Johnson and
diagram for the solvent extraction process is summarized in Fig 1. It has Lusas (1983) reported that an ideal solvent should be easily removed
higher separation selectivity and efficacy as compared to other chemical from the source material and solute, non-flammable, stable, non-
methods. Further, it has the advantages of economic in operation, large reactive with oil (solute) or meal (source material) or the equipment,
scale production, fast and continuous in operation. Factors affecting the pure, and easily available at low prices. A brief account of different
solvent extraction efficiency include: (a) Extraction temperature: it has petroleum based solvents used for these purposes have been discussed
a direct bearing with the extraction efficacy and an extraction tempera- below and provided in Table 1.
ture of 5-10°C (below the boiling point of solvent) is usually employed.
An increase in the extraction temperature results into decrease in the 3.1. Hexane
viscosity and increase in the penetration and solubility of solvent and
solute. However, too high temperature (higher than the boiling of the Hexane, a petroleum-derived solvent, has been most widely used
solvent) results in gasification (vaporization) and subsequent loss of the solvent for oil extraction from the oilseeds because of its low boiling
solvent with non-oil substances appearing in the source material. (b) Ex- point (69°C), high stability, low corrosiveness, low greasy residual ef-
traction time: this is important for ensuring that the solvent have enough fect, and an acceptable aroma and flavour profile of the extracted oil

W. Prasad, A.D. Wani, K. Khamrui et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 3 (2022) 100052

Table 1 Cheng & Rosentrater (2017), about 80% of the cost of oil is contributed
Physico-chemical attributes of some petroleum based solvents.∗ by the oilseed itself. This makes the oil extraction process more impor-
Solvent n-Hexane Isopropyl alcohol Petroleum ether tant, as loss of oil in the residual meal tends to lower the economy of the
plant. At a small scale, oil extraction from the oilseeds is performed us-
Molecular formula C6 H14 C3 H8 O C4 H10 O
ing mechanical expression, but solvent extraction is preferred at larger
Boiling point (°C) 69 82.3 34.6
Molecular weight (g/mol) 86.18 60.1 74.12 scale. Cheng (2017) reported that soyabean oil extraction is economical
Density (25°C, g/cm3 ) 0.675 0.785 0.7134 from solvent extraction using hexane as compared to mechanical ex-
Viscosity (25°C) 0.31Cp 2.038mPas 0.2448Cp pression, however, Cheng & Rosentrater (2017) reported that an annual
Flash point (°C) -23 12 -45
soybean oil production capacity of about 34.64 million kg is required

Information derived from the material safety data sheet of the respective to make the plant profitable. In addition, Zhimin et al. (2000) reported
solvent of reputed firms. that solvent extraction can also be used to recover residual oil from
the pressed oil cake from which oil has already been extracted using
mechanical methods. Gaber et al. (2018) reported that canola cake ob-
(Fine et al. 2013). It is an organic compound having six saturated carbon tained after mechanical oil expulsion contains about 10-20% oil, which
atoms. It is isolated from gasoline based upon the differences in boiling is recovered by solvent extraction using hexane. However, application
point. It is colourless and odourless liquid having high non-polar char- of this method requires a complete refining process to ensure that traces
acter. Because of easy availability and low cost, it is commonly used for of the solvents are removed to the maximum extent.
extraction of non-polar compounds. Industrial applications of hexane Hu et al. (1996) studied the oil extraction at 60°C for 10min
include formulation of glues, leather products and extraction of cooking with 3:1 (solvent: rice bran ratio) using hexane and isopropanol as
oils (Castejón, Luna, & Señoráns, 2018). the solvents, and reported that oil extraction using isopropanol re-
sulted into higher (6.4%) amount of oil as compared to hexane.
3.2. Petroleum ether Efeovbokhan et al. (2015) studied oil extraction from Moringa oleifera
seeds grown in northern and southern parts of Nigeria using hexane,
Petroleum ether is a group of aliphatic hydrocarbons having boiling IPA and petroleum ether by varying the extraction time from 2 to 12h.
point in the range of 40‒80°C. Although it is not classified as ‘ether’, The authors reported that highest yield (49.38 and 37.57%) was ob-
but the term ‘ether’ is used in its nomenclature to signify its extreme tained using petroleum ether, followed by hexane (44.94 and 34.71%)
lightness and volatility. Usually, petroleum ether is provided with a suf- and IPA (36.39 and 28.43%) for northern and southern Moringa oleifera
fix which indicates about it’s boiling range, such as petroleum ether seeds, respectively. Eganathan et al (2006) compared the oil extrac-
30–50 indicates that its boiling range is 30–50°C. Commonly available tion efficiency of hexane and petroleum ether from Salicornia brachi-
petroleum ether has suffix 30-50, 40–60, 50–70 and 60–80. This frac- ate and reported an oil extraction efficiency of 22.40% using hexane
tionation is important for increasing the selectivity of petroleum ether and 10.50% using petroleum ether. Garba et al (2017) has reviewed
as wide boiling range may result in the loss of volatile compounds hav- the different methods for rice bran oil extraction using hexane as the
ing lower boiling point. It is highly flammable and irritant in nature. It solvent. Lakkakula et al (2004) studied the effect of ohmic heating on
has been used as solvent for extraction of oil, and in varnish and rubber rice bran oil extraction efficacy using hexane. The authors observed
industry (Zhou et al., 2019; Anderson, 2019). that decreasing the frequency of alternating current resulted into an
increase in the amount of extracted oil and reported that applica-
3.3. Isopropyl alcohol (IPA)
tion of ohmic heating increased the oil extraction efficacy from 53 to
92%. Moreau et al (2003) studied the lipid extraction from ground
Isopropyl alcohol (propan-2-ol or isopropanol or 2-propanol) is a
corn kernels and rolled oats by pressurized liquid extraction at 40 and
volatile, colourless liquid with sharp musty odour. It has a boiling point
100°C temperatures using hexane, isopropanol, methylene chloride and
of 82.3°C, which helps in better extraction and solvent-solute mixture
ethanol. The authors reported that increasing the solvent polarity and
separation. It is can be prepared by two approaches, viz., combining
extraction temperature resulted into an increase in the yield of polar
water and propene (a petroleum based product) or by hydrogenation
lipids extraction. Zhang et al (2002) compared IPA at 88, 93, 95 and
of acetone. It is used as an economic solvent during cosmetics, drugs,
97% alcohol concentration with hexane for oil extraction from cotton-
shellacs and gums processing (Logsdon & Loke, 2000).
seed flakes and meat using a seven-stage counter-current extraction unit.
The authors reported that 95% alcoholic IPA had higher oil extractabil-
4. Application of solvent extraction in food processing
ity from cottonseed collects than flakes, but it was lower than hexane.
Gandhi et al. (2003) compared the soyabean oil extraction efficacy of
Extraction is a term used for a process during which the valuable
hexane, heptane, propanol, IPA and ethanol. The authors reported that
components are recovered from the source materials by firstly dissolv-
all the studied solvents were equally efficient in extracting the oil with-
ing them into a liquid (solvent) so that the target compound(s) can be
out significantly affecting the nutritional attributes (in terms of fatty
separated and recovered later from the solvent by using different de-
acid profile and micro-nutrients) of extracted soybean oil. Amarni &
solvation techniques (Siddique et al. 2020). Solvent extraction can be
Kadi (2010) compared the oil extraction efficacy of hexane from olive
encountered during the following processes in the food industry:
cake using soxhlet and microwave assisted solvent extraction method.
i Oil extraction from oilseeds (Table 2). The authors reported that in both the extraction methods, increasing
ii Extraction of flavouring and polyphenolic compounds from herbs the microwave treatment or heating time-temperature combination in-
and spices (Table 3). creased the oil extraction efficacy; however, the extraction efficacy was
higher in case of microwave assisted extraction as compared to soxh-
4.1. Studies on edible oil extraction using petroleum based solvents let extraction. Fornasari et al. (2017) compared the oil extraction effi-
ciency of petroleum ether and hexane from sunflower (Helianthus annuus
The global vegetable oil market was about US$ 96.88 billion in 2019, L.), crambe (Crambe abyssinica), peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), soybean
which is expected to grow at 3.57% CAGR and attain a value of about (Glycine max) and canola (Brassica napus L.) using soxhlet method. The
US$ 119.57 billion in 2025 ( Application of authors reported that both the solvents yielded similar oil extraction
edible oil in almost all of the cooking operations emphasizes that its efficacy (p>0.05) for soyabean (∼17.50%), sunflower (∼37.50%) and
price should be as low as possible so that it is affordable by the com- crambe seeds (∼31.00%), but higher oil extraction efficacy was obtained
mon populace and also profitable to the oilseed industries. According to from petroleum ether for peanut oil (42.44%) and hexane for canola oil

Table 2
Application of solvent extraction in oilseed processing.

W. Prasad, A.D. Wani, K. Khamrui et al.

Solute (target
Solvent(s) compounds) Source material Processing variables Findings Reference

Isopropyl Alcohol and Cottonseed oil Cottonseed flakes & meat Different concentration of alcohol Hexane had highest oil extraction efficacy, followed by 95% alcoholic Isopropyl Zhang et al. (2002)
Hexane (88, 93, 95 and 97 %) in Isopropyl Alcohol.
Hexane, Isopropanol, Corn and oat oil Ground corn kernels and rolled Pressurized extraction at 40 and Increasing the solvent polarity and extraction temperature increased the yield of Moreau et al. (2003)
Methylene chloride and oats 100°C temperatures polar lipids extraction.
Hexane Rice bran oil Rice bran Ohmic heating at differing frequency Oil extraction efficacy increased 53 to 92 % with the application of ohmic heating
extraction of alternating current Lakkakula et al. (2004)
Hexane and petroleum Salicornia brachiate Salicornia brachiate seed Seeds dried at 50 °C for 24 hrs and Seed oil had high ester (538.32 mg/g oil) and saponification value (547.52 mg/g Eganathan et al.
ether seed oil ground. oil). (2005)
Seed solvent ratio of 1: 1 Hexane had higher oil extraction efficiency (22.40 %) than petroleum ether (10.50
Hexane Olive oil Olive cake Soxhlet and microwave assisted Increasing the microwave treatment or heating time-temperature combination Amarni &
solvent extraction method increased the oil extraction efficacy. Kadi (2010)
Microwave assisted extraction had higher oil extraction efficacy than soxhlet
extraction method
N-hexane and ethanol Cottonseed oils Cottonseed Solvent: cottonseed ratio of 7:1 Higher oil extraction (68.50 %) using n-hexane as compared to ethanol (65.07 %). Saxena et al. (2011)
Ethanol Rice bran oil Rice bran Different solvent: rice bran: ratio (2.4 Oil extraction efficiency ranged from 42.7 to 99.9 %. Oliveira et al. (2012)
and 4.5: 1) and extraction Oil extraction efficiency increased with increasing extraction temperature and
temperature (60 to 90 °C) solvent: rice bran ratio.
Petroleum ether, hexane Moringa oleifera Northern and southern variety of Extraction time from 2 to 12 hrs. Seed oil yield order: petroleum ether (49.38 and 37.57 %) > hexane (44.94 and
and Isopropyl alcohol seed oil Moringa oleifera seed 34.71 %) > Isopropyl alcohol (36.39 and 28.43 %) for northern and southern Efeovbokhan et al. (2015)
Moringa oleifera seeds, respectively.
Ethyl acetate and hexane Seed oil Canola, flax, mustard and Extraction temperature: 80, 100 and Oil recovery was almost similar for both the solvents and was in the order of canola Lohani et al. (2015)
camelina seeds 120°C; > flax > mustard > camelina.
Extraction time: 40, 65 and 90 min. Optimum oil extraction temperature-time combination of 100°C for 90 minutes

using ethyl acetate.

Isopropanol, Fat extraction from Yarrowia lipolytica biomass Maceration for 30 minutes Cyclopentyl methyl ether, ethyl acetate and 2-MeTHF could be used in place of Breil et al. (2016)
d-Limonene, ethanol, Yarrowia lipolytica hexane for oil extraction.
hexane, 𝛼-pinene, ethyl biomass p-cymene, d-Limonene, ethyl lactate, 𝛼-pinene, IPA and ethanol were not suitable
acetate, ethyl lactate, for oil extraction because of lower oil solubility and economic reasons.
di-methyl carbonate,
p-cymene, 2-MeTHF, IPA
and cyclopentyl methyl
Ethanol and Isopropanol Rice bran oil Rice bran Soxhlet method Rice bran oil extracted using aqueous ethanol had 1.53% oryzanol and 769 mg/kg
tocotrienols, while absolute isopropanol extract had higher tocopherol content Capellini et al. (2017)
(98.10 mg/kg).
Petroleum ether and Sunflower oil, Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), Soxhlet method Both the solvents had similar oil extraction efficacy for soyabean (∼ 17.50 %),
Hexane crambe oil, peanut Crambe (Crambe abyssinica), sunflower (∼ 37.50 %) and crambe seeds (∼ 31.00 %). Fornasari et al. (2017)
oil, canola oil and Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), Higher peanut oil extraction efficacy (42.44 %) was obtained using petroleum ether.
soyabean oil Soybean (Glycine max) and Higher canola oil extraction efficacy (33.68 %) was obtained using hexane.

Cleaner Chemical Engineering 3 (2022) 100052

Canola (Brassica napus L.)
Hexane, dimethyl Oil extraction Litsea cubeba Soxhlet method Dimethyl carbonate and cyclopentyl methyl ether had higher oil extraction efficacy Zhuang et al. (2018)
carbonate, cyclopentyl Oil extracted using dimethyl carbonate and cyclopentyl methyl ether had similar
methyl ether, ethanol fatty acid profile and higher amount of micro-nutrients
and isopropanol.
2-MeTHF and Hexane Black soldier fly oil Black soldier fly (Hermetia Soxhlet method Oil extracted using both the solvents had similar fatty acids profile. Ravi et al. (2019)
illucens) Oil extracted using 2-MeTHF solvent had higher yield and anti-oxidant potential
(total phenolic content of 7.42 mg Gallic Acid Equivalent / gram oil).
2-MeTHF and Hexane Cactus seed oil Cactus seed (Opuntia Ficusindica Seed to solvent ratio of 1:10. Higher oil extraction yield (9.55 ± 0.12 g per 100 g cactus seed) from 2-MeTHF as Gharby et al. (2020)
extraction L.) Extraction time of 8 hrs. compared to hexane (8.86 ± 0.25 g/100 g cactus seed).
2-MeTHF extracted oil was superior in terms of physico-chemical quality indices,
such as acidity, peroxide value and sterol content.
Hexane Copra oil Copra cakes, an agro-industrial Solvent: cake ratio (4, 8 and 12: 1) Increasing the extraction temperature and solvent: cake ratio resulted into higher oil Te et al. (2020)
residue from coconut processing and an extraction temperature of 30, extraction efficacy.
40, and 50°C.
W. Prasad, A.D. Wani, K. Khamrui et al.
Table 3
Application of solvent extraction in spices and herbs processing.

Solute (target
Solvent(s) compounds) Source material Processing variables Findings Reference

Isopropanol and Hexane Vitamin E and Rice bran Different extraction temperature Increasing the extraction temperature and solvent to bran ratio increased the yield of Hu et al. (1996)
oryzanols (40–60°C) and solvent: rice bran ratio crude rice bran oil, vitamin E and oryzanol.
(2:1 and 3:1). Yield of crude oil and oryzanol was higher in case of isopropanol, and hexane extract
had higher amount of vitamin E.
Ethanol, carbon dioxide Phenolics and Origanum majorana L Soxhelt and supercritical fluid Higher phenolic compounds extraction yield was obtained using ethanol, followed by Vagi et al. (2005)
and Hexane triterpenoid extraction hexane and supercritical fluid extraction.
compounds Order of carnosol concentration in the extract was hexane > supercritical fluid
extraction > ethanol.
Methanol (50 %), Ethyl sage oil Sage Soxhlet extraction Total phenolic content in the sage oil varied from 2,830 to 21,230 mg per 100 g. Akkol et al. (2008)
acetate and Hexane Order of extraction efficacy was found to be: 50 % methanol > pure methanol > ethyl
acetate > hexane.
Ethanol and carbon Flavonoid Spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) Soxhlet and supercritical fluid Higher crude extract yield (257.67 mg/g) was obtained using Soxhlet extraction than Bimakr et al. (2011)
dioxide extraction supercritical fluid extraction (60.57 mg/g)
Extract obtained using supercritical fluid extraction had higher number of bioactive
flavonoids (# 7) in comparison to Soxhlet method (# 5).
Hexane and carbon Oleoresin Paprika Soxhlet and supercritical fluid Higher amount of pigments were obtained in hexane extract
dioxide extraction. Supercritical fluid extract had higher amount of 𝛼-tocopherol content (3846.9 mg/kg). Saponjac et al. (2014)

Hexane, Ethanol, umbelliferone and Matricaria chamomilla Soxhlet extraction using hexane, Order of umbelliferone and herniarin yield: maceration (20.85 %) > soxhlet (4.60 %) Molnar et al. (2017)
supercritical fluid and herniarin maceration using 50 % aqueous > super critical fluid extraction (1.57 %) > hydro-distillation (0.41 %).
water ethanol, super critical fluid extraction
and hydro-distillation.
Ethanol Polyphenolic Pomegranate peel Solvent: peel ratio of 15 and 60: 1 Increasing the solvent: peel ratio increased the polyphenols extraction. Sandhya et al. (2018)
compounds Ethanolic extract had higher amount of polyphenols than aqueous extract.
Petroleum ether Coffee oil Roasted coffee beans Soxhlet (200 mL and time 480 Similar yields (∼ 16 %) were obtained in both the processes; Pinto et al. (2019)
minutes) and pressured solvent Extraction using pressurized solvent system requires less amount of solvent (20 mL)
extraction (solvent 20 mL and time and time (20 minutes).
20 minutes) for 8 grams of roasted
coffee beans.
Hexane Phenolic compounds Moringa peregrine seeds Soxhlet (11hrs extraction) and Highest yield of oil extraction (53.10 %) was obtained at liquid to solid ratio of
from Moringa ultrasound-assisted extraction method 17.8 mL/g for 26.30 minutes of extraction time. Mohammadpour et al.
peregrine seeds (liquid: solid ratio 5-20 mL/g and an Oil obtained through ultrasound-assisted extraction possessed superior polyphenolic (2019)
extraction time of 5 to 30 minutes content and anti-oxidant attributes.
were studied at an ultrasound power

Cleaner Chemical Engineering 3 (2022) 100052

of 348 W and 30°C temperature).
Ethanol, Ethyl acetate Phenolics and Garlic (Allium sativum) Extraction durations: 35, 50 and 65 Methanolic extract obtained after 50 minutes of extraction time had highest amount of Awan et al. (2019)
and Hexane flavonoid extract minutes phenolics (60.38±0.23 mg GAE/100g) and flavonoids (58.45±1.24 mg/100g) content.
p-cymene Bitter gourd seed oil Bitter gourd seed Ultrasound assisted, microwave Order of oil yield: microwave assisted extraction (30.42 %) > ultrasound assisted Naik et al. (2021)
assisted and ohmic assisted extraction (27.42 %) > ohmic assisted extraction (25.34 %).
extraction. Oil extracted using ultrasound contained higher levels of poly-unsaturated fatty acids.
W. Prasad, A.D. Wani, K. Khamrui et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 3 (2022) 100052

(33.68%). Te et al. (2020) reported about lipid extraction from Copra (8.82%) was obtained from petroleum-ether, followed by chloroform
cake, an agro-industrial residue from coconut processing, using hexane (7.07%) and methanol (6.72%). Pinto et al. (2019) studied the coffee
as the solvent. The authors first acid hydrolyzed the Copra cake, followed oil extraction from roasted coffee beans using petroleum ether through
by subjecting it to solvent: cake ratio (4, 8 and 12:1) and an extraction soxhlet and pressured solvent extraction. The authors reported that sim-
temperature of 30, 40, and 50°C and reported that increasing the extrac- ilar yields (∼16%) were obtained in both the processes; however, ex-
tion temperature and solvent: cake ratio resulted into an increase in the traction using pressurized solvent system requires less amount of sol-
oil extraction yield. vent (20mL) and time (20min) as compared to soxhlet system (200mL)
and time (480min) for the same amount (8g) of roasted coffee beans.
4.2. Application in spices and herbs processing Molnar et al. (2017) studied the extraction of umbelliferone and her-
niarin from Matricaria chamomilla using different techniques, viz., soxh-
Flavour is an important sensory impression and greatly affects the let extraction using hexane, maceration using 50% aqueous ethanol,
acceptability of food products. Flavour arises as a result of a mixture super critical fluid extraction and hydro-distillation. The authors re-
of volatile aroma compounds and can be classified as natural, natural ported that the yield of umbelliferone and herniarin was in the or-
identical and artificial flavouring compounds. These flavour compounds der of maceration (20.85%) > soxhlet (4.60%) > super critical fluid
could be developed within the product (in situ) during the course of extraction (1.57%) > hydro-distillation (0.41%). Umamaheshwari &
product preparation and/or can be added into the product from ex- Reddy (2016) studied the solvent extraction of dried bitter gourd seeds
ternal sources (ex situ). However, direct addition of herbs and spices using n-hexane and reported a yield of 51% at 100°C extraction temper-
into food products as a source of flavour (or functionality) is also ac- ature for 150 min. Kanadea & Bhatkhandeb (2016) studied the ginger
companied with the change in color and appearance attribute of the oil extraction using acetone and reported that an extraction temperature
product; hence, flavour compounds are generally first isolated from the of 80°C for 60 min was optimum for ginger oil extraction from fresh gin-
herbs and spices and then added into the food product. This approach ger. Mohammadpour et al. (2019) compared the extraction of phenolic
also increases the stability of flavour active compounds. These flavour- compounds from Moringa peregrine seeds using hexane through soxh-
active components are widely used in beverage industry with the largest let and ultrasound-assisted extraction method. During the ultrasound-
market in North America, followed by Asia-pacific and Europe. As per assisted extraction, liquid:solid ratio 5-20mL/g and an extraction time
the data available from (2021), global mar- of 5 to 30 min were studied at an ultrasound power of 348W and 30°C
ket size of the flavour industries was $14.6 billion in 2019, which is temperature. The authors reported that highest (53.10%) yield of ex-
expected to grow at 4.60% CAGR and reach $17.4 billion by 2027. In tract (oil) through ultrasound-assisted extraction was obtained at liquid
addition, growing health awareness of the common populace at large to solid ratio of 17.8 mL/g for 26.30 min of extraction time, while ex-
has resulted into a huge market for functional foods. Functional foods traction through soxhlet method had an yield of 43% after 11h of ex-
may be defined as foods which provide health benefits beyond the basic traction. Also, the oil obtained through ultrasound-assisted extraction
nutrition. Addition of herbs or herbal extract tends to increase the func- possessed superior polyphenolic content and anti-oxidant attributes.
tionality of the product, besides affecting the flavour and other sensory Rose et al. (2021) studied the oil extraction efficiency and lipid classes of
profile of the product (Meena et al., 2021a&b). Functionality of herbs oil extracted from insect powders using hexane, chloroform, methyl-tert-
and spices is primarily associated with the polyphenols present in them. butyl ether (MTBE), and 3:2 ratio hexane-isopropanol and compared
The polyphenols, besides increasing the functionality, also increases the them with a solvent mixture comprising of chloroform-methanol (CM)
stability of the product by possessing anti-microbial and anti-oxidant ac- in 2:1 ratio. The authors reported that oil extraction efficacy was highest
tivity. Kumbhare et al. (2021) reported about use of different solvents, using CM for adult cricket and locust insect, while MTBE had the highest
viz., ethanol, chloroform, ethyl acetate, water, etc. for the extraction efficacy for silkworm pupae insect. In addition, all the solvent extracted
of polyphenols from different sources (viz., rice bran, fruit peels, etc.) oil had similar (p>0.05) lipid classes. These studies clearly indicate that
for increasing the shelf life and functionality of ghee, clarified butter petroleum based solvents have widespread applications in the extraction
fat. Wani et al. (2022a&b) reported about the use of different solvents, purposes in food industry. At times their extract also contains higher
like dichloromethane and water, for processing of ghee residue, clarified amount of anti-oxidants, but it should also be considered that these sol-
butter sediment waste. Similarly, Badola et al. (2022) reported about vents have detrimental effects on the human health as well as on the
the use of polyphenol extracted using different solvents for increasing environment. Studies conducted on the environmental and toxic effects
the functionality and shelf life of milk based sweetmeats. This indicates of petroleum based solvents have highlighted the need to move towards
about the use of solvent extracted polyphenols in different products. greener alternatives.
Extraction of polyphenols from their source material is performed using
different solvents. A brief account of use of different petroleum based 5. Environmental and health impacts of petroleum based solvents
solvents for the extraction of polyphenols from the herbs-spices is dis-
cussed below. From the information provided in the previous section, it is clear that
Monsálvez et al. (2010) studied the anti-fungal activity of Drimys solvent extraction is used for the extraction of oil, flavour and polyphe-
winteri extract obtained using hexane. For obtaining the extract, 2L of nolic compounds during food processing. But the residual solvent that
hexane was mixed with 700g of dry bark and left for maceration (24h), is present in the final extract is always a cause of concern to the food
followed by filtration of the contents and evaporation of hexane from industries. According to Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
the filtrate using Rotavapor at 35°C temperature and 0.3bar pressure. (FSSAI), a regulatory body of Indian government dealing with the safety
The authors reported that the anti-fungal compounds present in the ex- of food products, a maximum of 5mg/kg of hexane has been allowed as
tract were drimenin, drimenol, polygodial and isodrimenol. Also, appli- residual solvent in the oils obtained using solvent extraction, and such
cation of the extract at 250mg/kg level decreased the severity of fungal product must contain a label as ‘solvent extracted oil’ on the package
damage and has a protecting effect on the growth of wheat seedlings to ease in costumers’ information. Similarly, the European regulation
caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis. Saponjac et al. (2014) compared ‘Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals’
the Paprika oleoresins extraction using soxhlet (hexane as solvent) and (REACH) has categorized hexane as category 2 reprotoxic and aquatic
supercritical fluid extraction. The authors reported that higher amount chronic toxic (Sicaire et al. 2015). Concerns about the negative health
of pigments were obtained in hexane extract, while supercritical fluid implications of exposures of these petroleum based solvents have also
extract had higher amount of 𝛼-tocopherol content (3846.9mg/kg). been in debate in the recent times. Organic solvents pose a potential
Ahmed et al (2018) studied the extraction of essential oil from Corian- health and environment hazard primarily because of their volatile na-
drum sativum using different solvents and reported that highest yield ture. Applications of petroleum based solvents in the food industry have

W. Prasad, A.D. Wani, K. Khamrui et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 3 (2022) 100052

Fig 2. Green solvents covered in the present review

increased concerns about the health of operators and impact on environ- acetate, 2-MeTHF, etc. (Fig 2). Watanabe et al (2007) reported that cy-
mental pollution (Perrier et al. 2017). During solvent extraction, separa- clopentyl methyl ether is being encouraged as a green solvent for adop-
tion of the desired compound from solvent is performed by the evapora- tion at the industrial scale by the American Chemical Society because of
tion of volatile solvent. Exposure of these solvents to workers present in its desirable oil solubility and higher stability under processing condi-
the extraction area may result into irritation and problems in their neu- tions. Pace et al (2012) reported 2-MeTHF as a green solvent because of
ral system (Kumar et al. 2017). Short term exposure of these solvents the fact that it could be derived from the cellulose present in agricultural
leads to nausea and dizziness; while the long term exposure might lead biomass such as corncobs, sugar cane bagasse, oat hulls, etc. and it is de-
to malfunctioning in liver, kidney and even in the central nervous sys- graded by the exposure of sunlight and air. Similarly, ethanol, which is
tem (Crinnion, 2010). Similarly, Agata (2017) reported that long-term produced during anaerobic fermentation of sugarcane bagasse, has also
exposure of petroleum based solvents may result in harmful effect on been used for solvent extraction as a greener alternative to petroleum
human beings well-being by affecting their respiratory and nervous sys- based solvents. Considering the health hazard associated with petroleum
tem. According to WHO, about one-fourth of diseases arise as a result of based solvents, FSSAI has also allowed the use of ethanol and its aque-
long-term exposure of environmental pollutants. Jutz et al. (2011) re- ous solution for the extraction of polyphenolic compounds from herbs
ported that each year, more than twenty million tons of waste residues and spices under Food Safety and Standards Regulations (2016). The fol-
from organic solvents are emitted to the atmosphere that results into lowing section deals with the studies pertaining to use of green solvents
unnecessary wastage of solvents and pollution of the environment. This in the extraction of oil, flavouring and polyphonic compounds from the
highlights of the urgency to look for alternative solvents which could source materials.
extract the compound(s) of interest as like the conventional petroleum
based solvents without having detrimental effects on the human health 6.1. Applications of green solvents in food industries
and environment.
6.1.1. Application in oil extraction
6. Green Solvents Saxena et al (2011) compared the extraction efficacy of cottonseed
oil using n-hexane and ethanol and reported that the solvent to solid
Rising awareness about the detrimental effects caused by the ratio of 7:1 was optimum for both solvents to extract the maximum
petroleum based solvents has emphasised on the need for sustainable amount of oil. Also, higher yield was obtained using ethanol (68.50%)
development strategies that should address the health and environmen- as compared to hexane (65.07%). Oliveira et al (2012) studied the oil
tal impact without compromising the extraction yield and quality of extraction efficiency using ethanol at different solvent: rice bran ratio
extract during the solvent extraction process. Legislations are made in (2.4 and 4.5:1) and extraction temperature (60 to 90°C). The authors re-
different countries to restrict the food applications of these petroleum ported that the oil extraction efficiency ranged from 42.7 to 99.9%, and
based solvents, such as European Union passed ‘Directive 2009/32/EC’ the oil extraction efficiency increased with an increase in the extrac-
in 2009 for restricting the food applications of toxic solvents. Similarly, tion temperature and solvent: rice bran ratio. Ying et al (2013) com-
amendments were made in the ‘Clean Air Act’ of USA in the year 1990 pared the rapeseed oil extraction efficacy of hexane with ethanol, iso-
relating to the environmental and health concerns of hexane, which propanol and terpenes. The authors reported that hexane could be re-
led to the search of alternative solvents (Gandhi et al. 2003). Accord- placed by p-cymene (terpene) because of its high lipid yield and se-
ing to Anastas and Williamson (1996), green organic processes should: lectivity as the extract obtained using p-cymene (terpene) had higher
(a) avoid waste generation and be energy efficient, (b) avoid the use amount of polar lipids and lower levels of tocopherol and tocotrienol.
or generation of harmful and toxic chemicals, (c) use biodegradable, Lohani et al (2015) compared the oil extraction efficacy of ethyl ac-
environment friendly chemicals or solvents and renewable materials. etate with hexane from canola, flax, mustard and camelina seeds. The
‘Green solvent’ concept was derived from the ‘green organic processes’ authors kept solvent: seed ratio at 4:1 and varied the extraction tem-
and was summarized by Anastas and Kirchhoff (2002). For a solvent perature (80, 100 and 120°C) and time (40, 65 and 90min). Oil recov-
to be considered as ‘green’, it should be derived from renewable feed- ery was almost similar for both the solvents and was in the order of
stock which will not remain for long in the environment and formation canola > flaxseed > mustard > camelina. Except density and viscosity
of hazardous products during its preparation or processing should be (higher in case of ethyl acetate extracted oil), all other quality param-
avoided (Anastas and Kirchhoff, 2002). As they are prepared from bio- eters of the oils extracted using both the solvents were almost identi-
based materials that are readily degraded in the environment, they are cal. The authors recommended an extraction temperature-time combi-
environment friendly and do not possess human health hazard. Exam- nation of 100°C for 90 min for oil extraction from the studied oilseeds
ples of green solvents include ethanol, cyclopentyl methyl ether, ethyl using ethyl acetate. Sicaire et al (2015) studied the edible oil extraction

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efficacy of 2-MeTHF as a substitute for hexane from rosemary seeds. Peev et al (2011) used ethanol-water mixture {50:50 and 80:20 (v/v)}
The extraction was carried out at 1:5 (solvent: rosemary seed ratio) for for rosmarinic acid extraction from dry lemon aerial parts and reported
8h at 55°C. The authors reported that the 2-MeTHF extract contained a recovery of about 94%. Bimakr et al (2011) compared the flavonoid
higher amount of tocopherols, sterols and tocotrienols, in addition to extract of spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) obtained using conventional
the triglycerides. Breil et al (2016) compared the feasibility of fat ex- soxhlet method (aqueous ethanol solvent) and supercritical fluid extrac-
traction from Yarrowia lipolytica biomass using different solvents, viz., tion (carbon dioxide). The authors reported that higher crude extract
isopropanol, d-Limonene, ethanol, hexane, 𝛼-pinene, ethyl acetate, ethyl yield (257.67mg/g) was obtained using soxhlet extraction than super-
lactate, di-methyl carbonate, p-cymene, 2-MeTHF, IPA and cyclopentyl critical fluid extraction (60.57mg/g), but the extract obtained using su-
methyl ether by maceration for 30 min. The authors reported that cy- percritical fluid extraction had higher amount of bioactive flavonoids
clopentyl methyl ether, ethyl acetate and 2-MeTHF could be used in (#7 viz., catechin, epicatechin, rutin, myricetin, luteolin, apigenin and
place of hexane for their ability to efficiently solubilise the microbial oil naringenin) in comparison to soxhlet method (#5 viz., catechin, epi-
at similar energy requirement and carbon emission, on the other hand, catechin, rutin, luteolin and apigenin). Akintobi et al (2016) studied
p-cymene, d-Limonene, ethyl lactate, 𝛼-pinene, IPA and ethanol were extracted polyphenols from Parkia biglobosa (a medicinal tree found in
not suitable for oil extraction from Yarrowia lipolytica biomass because Africa) root bark using water, ethanol, petroleum ether and hexane, and
of lower oil solubility and economic reasons. Capellini et al (2017) used studied their anti-microbial activity at 40mg/mL level. The authors re-
ethanol and isopropanol in rice bran oil extraction with an aim of re- ported that the extract obtained using ethanol had antimicrobial activity
placing hexane with safer solvents. The authors reported that aque- against all the studied pathogens, while hexane extract had inhibitory
ous nature of alcoholic solvents negatively affected the oil extraction effect only against Klebsiella pneumoniae. Further, the authors reported
efficiency. Rice bran oil extracted using aqueous ethanol had 1.53% that the root bark had alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids, flavonoids, tan-
oryzanol and 769mg/kg tocotrienols, while absolute isopropanol extract nins, saponins, phlobatannins and anthraquinones, among which an-
had higher tocopherol content (98.10mg/kg) as compared to other sol- thraquinones could not be extracted by any of the studied solvents.
vents. The authors concluded that short chain alcohols could serve as Sandhya et al (2018) extracted polyphenols from pomegranate peel
better alternatives to hexane for solvent extraction of oil from oilseeds. using aqueous and ethanol solvent at solvent: peel ratio of 15 and
Zhuang et al (2018) compared the oil extraction of hexane from Litsea 60:1. The authors reported that increasing the solvent: peel ratio in-
cubeba with four solvents, viz., dimethyl carbonate, cyclopentyl methyl creased the polyphenols extraction, and in both the studied solvent:
ether, ethanol and isopropanol. The authors reported that dimethyl car- peel ratio, ethanolic extract had higher amount of polyphenols than
bonate and cyclopentyl methyl ether had higher oil extraction efficacy aqueous extract. Awan et al (2019) compared the extraction efficacy
than ethanol and isopropanol. In addition, oil extracted using dimethyl of ethanol, ethyl acetate and hexane at different extraction durations
carbonate and cyclopentyl methyl ether had similar fatty acid profile (35, 50 and 65 min) for obtaining garlic (Allium sativum) extract and
and higher amount of micro-nutrients as compared to that of hexane. reported that the methanolic extract obtained after 50 minutes of ex-
Ravi et al (2019) compared the oil extracted from black soldier fly (Her- traction time had highest amount of phenolics (60.38±0.23 mg Gal-
metia illucens) using 2-MeTHF and hexane. The authors reported that lic Acid Equivalent/100g) and flavonoids (58.45±1.24 mg/100g) con-
oil extracted using both the solvents has similar fatty acids profile, but tent. Naik et al (2021) studied the extraction of bitter gourd seed oil
2-MeTHF solvent had higher yield and anti-oxidant potential (total phe- through ultrasound assisted, microwave assisted and ohmic assisted
nolic content of 7.42mg Gallic Acid Equivalent/gram oil), which indi- extraction using p-cymene as a green solvent. The authors reported
cated about the higher stability of 2-MeTHF extracted oil as compared that highest oil yield was obtained by microwave assisted extraction
to hexane extracted oil. Gharby et al (2020) studied the lipid extrac- (30.42%), followed by ultrasound assisted extraction (27.42%) and
tion behaviour of 2-MeTHF from cactus seed (Opuntia Ficusindica L.). ohmic assisted extraction (25.34%), and the oil extracted using ultra-
The authors reported an extraction yield of 9.55±0.12g per 100g cactus sound contained higher levels of poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Recently,
seed from 2-MeTHF, which was higher than those obtained from hexane Torgbo et al. (2022) used deionized water and ethanol for extraction of
(8.86±0.25g/100g). Also, the 2-MeTHF extracted oil was superior than polyphenols from rambutan peel using ohmic heating. The authors re-
hexane extracted oil in terms of physico-chemical quality indices, such ported that gallic, corilagin, geraniin and ellagic acid were the major
as acidity, peroxide value and sterol content. phenolic compounds present in the extract and ethanolic extract had
higher yield of polyphenols as compared to deionized water. Also, the
6.1.2. Application in herbs and spices processing authors used this extract for increasing the shelf life of bread and re-
In the mid-1990s, Miller (1995) isolated 21 semi-volatile flavour ported that the extract exhibited anti-fungal activity in bread and re-
compounds from cinnamons using ethyl acetate through supercritical sulted into an increase in its shelf life from 3 to 7 days.
fluid extraction. Hu et al (1996) studied the vitamin E and oryzanols These studies clearly indicate that green solvents could be used as
extraction efficiency of isopropanol and hexane from rice bran at dif- an alternative to petroleum based solvents for extraction purposes in
ferent extraction temperature, time and solvent: rice bran ratio. The au- the food industry, be it oil extraction or functional and flavouring com-
thors reported that increasing the extraction temperature from 40 to pounds extraction from herbs and spices. However, most of the indus-
60°C and solvent (hexane and isopropanol) to bran ratios of 2:1 and tries still rely on petroleum based solvents for extraction activities. This
3:1 resulted in an increase in the yield of crude rice bran oil, vita- could probably be due to lesser awareness about the extraction efficacy
min E and oryzanol in the extracted oil. Also, the yield of crude oil of the green solvents. Further, availability of these solvents at compet-
and oryzanol was higher in case of isoproponol, and hexane extract had itive prices with the conventional solvents is also a concern. In addi-
higher amount of vitamin E. Vagi et al. (2005) reported about the ex- tion, information pertaining to the level of residual green solvent present
traction of phenolics and triterpenoid compouds from Origanum majo- in the extracted product, toxicological studies of the solvent extracted
rana L. using ethanol, hexane and supercritical fluid extraction. The au- product and their comparison with the conventionally extracted prod-
thors reported that higher extraction yield was obtained using ethanol, uct, and most importantly the difference in the net environment impact
followed by hexane and supercritical fluid extraction, but the order of by switching from petroleum based solvents to green solvents needs
carnosol concentration in the extract was hexane > supercritical fluid ex- to be comprehensively determined and quantified under the practical
traction > ethanol. Akkol et al (2008) extracted sage oil using different conditions. This will not only provide a strong database (regarding the
solvents and reported that the total phenolic content in the sage oil var- safety and environmental implications of green solvents) to the govern-
ied from 2,830 to 21,230 mg per 100 g. Order of extraction efficacy was ment agencies for framing suitable legislations, but will also encourage
found to be: 50% methanol > pure methanol > ethyl acetate > hexane. the industries to migrate towards green solvents.

W. Prasad, A.D. Wani, K. Khamrui et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 3 (2022) 100052

7. A deeper insight into the green solvents ronment friendly and yet they have similar toxicity as that of petroleum
based solvents. This ambiguity could be attributed to the easy degrad-
7.1. Are green solvents actually green? ability in the environment and lower environmental impacts of the green
solvents. For example, Life cycle assessment (LCA) is performed to eval-
The previous section provided that green solvents could also be used uate the environmental impacts of a chemical during its life i.e., from
as a replacement for petroleum based products in food industries for production to consumption/end use. It has been commonly employed to
different extraction purposes. However, it is important to mention that compare the environmental impacts of different chemicals and for selec-
before being used at a commercial scale, the green solvent must be ac- tion of an environment friendly material. Potrich et al (2020) compared
cessed for various parameters, including the economic ones. Eventually, the environmental impact and economics for replacement of hexane by
the process should be economical so that the final product is affordable ethanol for the extraction of soybean oil. The authors reported that soy-
to the consumers at large. In addition, the production of green solvents abean oil extraction was economical through both the solvents, but hex-
should not be detrimental to the environment as they should not lead ane presented a higher (10.2%) economy as compared to ethanol. On
to or rely upon toxic compounds during their production or recycling. the other hand, ethanol as a solvent had low global warming potential
Although green solvents (particularly the bio-based solvents) rely upon by decreasing the CO2 equivalent production of about 10600 tonnes per
agricultural sources for their production, but the agricultural commodi- year by an industry of 125 ton per hour soybean processing capacity. On
ties have a continuous fibrous structure containing numerous classes of similar lines, Cheng et al. (2018) compared the environmental impact
compounds. This necessitates for their prior processing (sometimes us- of soyabean oil production using conventional processes, viz., solvent
ing toxic chemicals) in order to use them for solvent production. Further, extraction using hexane and mechanical processing of soyabean seeds,
the process for production of some green solvents relies on hazardous and compared them with a novel enzyme assisted extraction processing
compounds. For instance, 2-MeTHF is produced from agricultural com- (EAEP) using water as a solvent. It was observed that solvent extraction
modities rich with lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses (such as corncobs using hexane had the highest environmental impact; mechanical press-
and sugarcane bagasse) by the hydrogenation of furfural (Chemat et al., ing had the highest production of greenhouse gases (GHG) because of
2019). Furfural, produced by sulphuric acid treatment of pentose (C5) high energy requirement. Environmental impact of mechanical press-
sugars, is known to cause irritation to skin, mucous membrane and res- ing process was similar to that EAEP but the later had lower GHG and
piratory tract. Similarly, DMC can be produced through different ways, pollutants emission.
viz., through Bayer’s process using carbon-monoxide; methanolysis of In addition to comparison of environmental impact of different
urea (with the generation of ammonia, a toxicant and pollutant, as by- chemicals, LCA has also been used to compare the environmental
product); reaction of methanol with carbon(IV)oxide, propylene car- impact of different processes for the production of same chemical
bonate, ethylene carbonate, phosghene (a highly toxic gas); or from from different sources/techniques. Previously, it was stated that 2-
methyl nitrite process (Esan et al., 2020). Cyclopentyl methyl ether can MeTHF is produced using agricultural biomass through acid hydrol-
be produced in two ways, viz., methylation of the cyclopentanol (an ir- ysis to obtain furfural, which is subsequently treated to produce 2-
ritant) or by the addition of methanol to the cyclopentene (an irritant) MeTHF. Slater et al. (2016) compared the LCA for manufacturing of
(Chemat et al., 2019). However, relying on toxic chemicals or gener- 2-MeTHF using biogenic and non-biogenic sources and reported that
ation of toxic chemicals as a by-product is not true for all the green biogenic source resulted into 97% reduction in emission (0.191kg, in-
solvents. For examples, production of ethanol can be done through the cluding 0.150kg CO2 ) for production of 1 kg 2-MeTHF. Aresta and
fermentation of bagasse using certain micro-organisms, viz., S. cerevisiae, Galatola (1999) reported that DMC production from phosgene had
L. fermentum, etc. Similarly, ethyl acetate can be produced by esterifica- four times higher environmental impact as compared to CO2 . Garcia-
tion of ethanol and acetic acid. Terpenes can be produced using steam Herrero et al. (2016) compared the environmental impact of DMC pro-
distillation of dried plant resources. This indicates of the fact that al- duction from conventionally used oxidative carbonylation of methanol
though bio-based solvents have agricultural origin, yet their associated with a newly developed electrochemical method using CO2 as the raw
toxic and environmental effects vary for the individual solvent. Further, material. The authors reported that electrochemical process produced
relying/generation of the toxic chemicals also do not mean that these 63.3 to 94.5 kg CO2 equivalent per kg of DMC, which was 25 times
solvents are equally hazardous as like the petroleum based counterparts. higher than the conventional process (3.2 kg CO2 equivalent per kg
According to Gu and Jérôme (2013), green solvents should be evaluated DMC). This was because of the lower yield (0.7%) in the developed pro-
on 12 different parameters related to biodegradability, toxicity, renewa- cess and recommended that the yield must be increased to 20% to make
bility, availability, production, compatibility, etc. This appears to be a it at par with the conventional process. Methanol, an intermediate ma-
more comprehensive evaluation as it not only differentiates petroleum terial required for the production of DMC and cyclopentyl methyl ether,
based solvents from others, but also enables easy segregation of bio- can be produced using different sources, viz., fossil fuels (coal, crude
based green solvents based upon their production and other character- oil and natural gas) and agricultural biomass. Among them, majority of
istics. It is further important to mention here that through these pa- methanol is produced using coal as the raw material. This results into
rameters, 2-MeTHF appears less greener than ethanol but it is more ef- generation of huge amount of pollutants such as oxides of nitrogen and
ficient in oil extraction (Breil et al., 2016). On similar lines, water is sulphur. Chen et al. (2019) evaluated the LCA of methanol production
considered as a green solvent satisfying almost all of the parameters from different sources and reported that methanol production from coal
stated by Gu and Jérôme (2013), yet it is not suitable for fat extraction had 2.0 to 3.4 times higher environmental impact as compared to using
from oilseeds. This emphasizes on the need to look for less hazardous coke oven gas and natural gas as the raw material. Further, the authors
(and greener) alternative than the existing ones so that the solvent re- reported that electricity was found to be the most important factor in
mains compatible with the solute and does not severely affect the ex- determining the environmental impact of methanol production through
traction economics. Considering this approach takes care of the greener these raw materials. After considering electricity from clean source, the
alternatives along with economics of the extraction process (Häckl and environmental impact could be reduced by 83.5, 82.2 and 66.5% for
Kunz, 2018). methanol production from natural gas, coal, and coke oven gas, respec-
Further, comparison of the toxicity data for LD50 (oral and dermal) tively. These findings clearly indicate that the green solvents have com-
and LC50 (inhalation) in animal models from the material data safety paratively lesser environmental impact as compared to the petroleum
sheet (MSDS) of the respective solvent revealed that some of these green based solvents. Search for a clearer process to prepare these solvents
solvents have similar toxicity as that of hexane, IPA and petroleum ether will further aid in decreasing the carbon emissions and moving towards
(Table 4). This appears contradictory because at one point it is being em- a greener system. Further, more information is needed pertaining to en-
phasized that green solvents (particularly the bio-based ones) are envi- vironmental impact of these solvents from different extraction indus-

W. Prasad, A.D. Wani, K. Khamrui et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 3 (2022) 100052

Table 4
Toxicity information∗ of green and petroleum based solvents.

LD50 Dermal LC50 inhalation

LD50 Oral (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (ppm/m3 /4h) Flammability hazard Health hazard

Green solvents
DMC 13000 (rat) >5000 (rabbit) >140 (rat) Category 2 Category 2
2-MeTHF 300-2000 (rat) 4500 (rabbit) 6000 (rat) Category 2 Category 4
Methanol 5628 (rat) 15800 (rabbit) 1307 (rat) Category 2 Category 3
Ethanol 7060-9000 (rat) 20000 (rabbit) 117-125 (rat) Category 2 Category 2
Ethyl acetate 10200 (rat) > 18000 (rabbit) 200 (8h) (rat) Category 2 Category 3
Cyclopentyl methyl 200-2000 (rat) > 2000 (rat) > 21.5 (rat) Category 2 Category 4
Petroleum based solvents
n-Hexane 25 000 (rat) 3000 (rabbit) 48000 (rat) Category 3 Category 1
Isopropyl alcohol >90 (rat) 3600 12800 (rabbit) 16000 (8 h) (rat) Category 2 Category 3
Petroleum ether Not available Not available 3400 (rat) Category 1 Category 1

LD50 oral: Dosage of a substance, given at once, that can be expected to be lethal for 50% of the animals in a dose group.
LD50 dermal: Statistically derived single dose of a substance that can be expected to be lethal in 50 per cent of treated animals when
applied to the skin.
LC50 inhalation: Concentrations of the substance in the air that can be expected to be lethal to 50% of the test animals during the
observation period (usually 4-8 h).

Information derived from the material safety data sheet of the respective solvent of reputed firms.

tries. In addition, toxicological studies of the solvent extracted products odour associated with green solvents (for example, ethyl acetate has
also need to be carried out to have an evidence of the health implications fruity odour, DMC has pleasant odour, etc.) is a challenge. Ethyl ac-
of products extracted using green solvents. etate is present in certain products as a natural flavouring constituent.
For example, Cliff and Pickering (2006) reported that sensory panellists
7.2. Advantages-Disadvantages associated with green solvents were able to detect the perception of ethyl acetate in ice wine sample
at a concentration of 0.198 g/l. While, de la Roza et al. (2003) reported
Undoubtedly, green solvents appear to be advantageous over that higher ethyl acetate concentration negatively affects the wine qual-
petroleum based solvents for their bio-based origin. This corresponds to ity and imparts a shape acetic taste. Considering the volatile nature of
economical utilization of agricultural residues for income generation, these solvents, it becomes very much essential to eliminate almost all of
and reduced load on waste management system and stable burning re- the solvent residues from the extracted components. This is important
sulting into lesser generation of pollutants and air pollution. In addition not only with regard to the inherent toxicity of the solvent but also to
to these, it also decreases the environment pollution by rapid degrada- avoid changes in the sensory properties of the solvent extracted prod-
tion, superior quality products as the residual solvent in the product is uct. In addition to these, high working pressure and initial installation
relatively lesser harmful to the consumer as compared to the petroleum cost required for the supercritical CO2 plant is also a major issue af-
based solvents. It also paves the way for migration from dependence on fecting the up scaling supercritical extraction at the commercial scale
a limited stock of fossil fuels to renewable source of agricultural com- (Bubalo et al., 2018).
modities as the raw material. Use of solvents like ethanol, supercritical
CO2 , etc. also results into improving the safety of workers involved in 8. The way forward
the solvent extraction process.
While some of the green solvents (like CO2 , water, etc.) are easily Environment policies of international and national agencies are al-
available and inexpensive, but the major disadvantage for using the re- ways emphasizing on the need to move from the petroleum based to-
maining green solvents could be related to their increased cost and thus wards renewable resources. The much discussed ‘global warming and
the cost of final product. Easy availability of the petroleum based sol- its consequences’ and increasing awareness of the common populace for
vents provides them an added advantage over the green solvents, this is clean technologies have led to various researches in the field of green
particularly true for the non-polar solvents. It was reported in the pre- chemistry, including green extraction. Solvent forms an important part
vious section that green solvents could be prepared using both biogenic in the solvent extraction process. Issues pertaining to the environmental
as well as non-biogenic sources. Although green solvents could be eco- impact and health hazard of conventionally used petroleum based sol-
nomically prepared using non-biogenic sources, but using such solvent vents have paved way for the search of alternative ‘green’ solvents which
will diminish the objective of moving towards green solvents. The exist- tend to decrease the environmental pollution and are safe for the plant
ing biogenic processes needs to be upgraded in a manner to make them operators as well as the consumers. Although, some reports are available
economical as like the petroleum based solvents to make them finan- stating that green solvents could be used as an alternative to petroleum
cially competitive. Efficacy of green solvents as compared to petroleum based products in the food industry for extraction purpose, but they need
based solvents is yet another area of concern. Although some studies to be validated at larger (industrial) scale. Further, economic production
report higher extraction efficacy of green solvents, but otherwise re- of green solvents is also cause of concern. While moving towards green
sults are also available. In addition, these extraction efficacy values are solvents, the aim should be to decrease the generation/use of hazardous
prone to vary while up scaling the application of green solvents at the chemicals. Methodologies for production of green solvents should be
industries scale. Practical situations have always shown that the labo- improved in a manner to make them economical as well as free from
ratory scale operating condition need to be adjusted again (to certain the dependence/generation of hazardous chemicals. The quality char-
extent) while up scaling the technology at the industrial/large scale. In acteristics of products obtained using green solvents (like composition,
addition to this, the quality characteristics of the solvent extracted oil stability, residual solvent and associated toxicity, etc.) need to be stud-
may also be altered because of the differences in the polarity of green ied and made at par with the conventionally available products obtained
solvent from the petroleum based solvents and the solubility of minor using petroleum based products. At last but not the least, the findings
constituents (polyphenols, vitamins, etc.) in the two. Also, the taste and of green solvents should be spread to mass populace (including the ex-

W. Prasad, A.D. Wani, K. Khamrui et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 3 (2022) 100052

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Food Safety and Standards (Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Food for Spe-
Institute, Karnal, Haryana for providing all the necessary facilities to cial Dietary Use, Food for Special Medical Purpose, Functional Food and
undertake this work. Also, the authors duly acknowledge the valuable Novel Food) Regulations (2016).
Nutraceutical_Regulations_06_10_2020.pdf (accessed on 07/03/2022)
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