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1. Which signaler (a0, a1, b0, b1) are operated in the rest position of the cylinder A and B?

R. a0 si b0.
2. In the situation illustrated in the figure 3 will cylinder A and B still remain in the rest position if air
pressure is applied to the compressed air network?
R. If air pressure is applied the cylinders will remain in rest position.
3. The start button is operated briefly. Which valve(s) will change their/its switching position?
R. Valve a will moved to the A+ position.
4. Will this change in switching position cause one of the cylinders to extend, if so, which one?
R. The change in switching position will cause cylinder A to extend.
5. Is a signaler operated at the end of the cylinder movement referred to in question 4? If, so, which one
and what effect does this have on the switching positions of valves a and b.
R. At the end of the cylinder movement signaler a1 will be operated. This will cause b to switch into
B+ position, while valve a will remain in the A+ position.
6. Will the change in switching positions referred to in question 5 cause one or more cylinder to move? If
so, which cylinder(s) will this be, and how will it/they move?
R. The change in position of valve b will cause cylinder B to extend.
7. Which signaler will be operated by the cylinder movement referred to in question 6 and which
switching valve will change its switching position as a result?
R. At the end of the cylinder movement signaler b1 will be operated and valve a will switch to the A-
8. What cylinder movement will be caused by the change in switching position referred to question 7?
R. The change in position of valve a will cause cylinder A to be withdrawn.
9. At the end of the cylinder movement referred to in question 8 signaler a0 is operated. Which valve(s)
will change its/their switching position as a result? Will this bring about a cylinder movement and if so,
R. When a0 is operated, valve b will be switch into B- and cylinder B will be withdrawn.
10. Signaled a0 is operated at the end of the cylinder movement referred to question 9. Which valve(s)
will change its/their switching position as a result?
R. Operating b0 will not cause any valve to switch.
11. Will any further cylinder movement occur without outside intervention? Explain
R. No further cylinder movement can occur, because the circuit has returned to it rest position. An
external signal is required to set it in motion. In case of fig.3 this is done by operating the start button.
Check valves

Presiunea de lucru/deschidere( opening pressure) a unei supape de sens cu spring loaded/arc tensionat
este intre 7.5 si 60 PSI. Cand arcul este tensional la 7.5 PSI scopul arcului este sa tina poppet in place.
Sunt situatii cand tensiunea arcului trebuie sa fie mai mare – in figura 10 unde supapa de by pass nu se
deschide decat daca presiunea este cel putin 45 PSI.
Fig.10b – Motorul hydraulic trebuie tinut in ulei(ungere) de aceia a fost instalata supapa de sens pe
refularea pompei.
Supapa de sens cu arc instalata pe retur trebuie sa fie cu spring loaded to prevent the oil from flowing
out/ sa previna uleiul sa curga afara.
O presiune mai mare de 60 PSI ar putea produce un soc puternic asupra supapei.
Fig.10a – Sunt supape de sens/foot valve cu o presiune de deschidere/actionare foarte mica.
Previn aspiratia pompei sa se goleasca cand pompa nu merge/nu este actionata. Intotdeauna sunt
facute/construite fara arc.Daca presiunea de pe linia de aspiratie scade supapa va inchide
singura/under its own weight. Trebuie montata vertical.
A foot valve must have a large throughput so as to ensure the lowest possible pressure drops/O supapa
fixa trebuie sa aiba un debit mare astfel incat sa se asigure cele mai mici caderi de presiune posibile.

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