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Ave Maria College


Vallesville-Fatima, Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte



Instruction: Identify at least five (5) possible research problems or topics that you are interested to study / investigate.
To ensure the successful completion of your study, make sure to consider the following “Guidelines in the
Selection of a Research Problem or Topic” as presented below. Write your propose research problems/topics in
the table provided.

Guidelines in the Selection of a Research Problem or Topic

1. The research problem or topic must be chosen by the researcher himself/herself
2. It must be within the interest of the researcher
3. It must be within the specialization of the researcher
4. It must be within the competence of the researcher to tackle
5. It must be within the ability of the researcher to finance
6. It is researchable and manageable
7. It can be completed within a reasonable period of time
8. It is significant, important, and relevant to the present time and situation, timely, and of current interest
9. The results are practical and implementable
10. It requires original, critical, and reflective thinking to solve it
11. It can be delimited to suit the resources of the researcher but big or large enough to be able to give significant, valid, and
reliable results and generalizations
12. It must contribute to the national development goals for the improvement of the quality of human life
13. It must contribute to the fund of human knowledge
14. It must show or pave the way for the solution of the problem or problems intended to be solved
15. It must not undermine the moral and spiritual values of the people
16. It must not advocate any change in the present order of things by means of violence but by peaceful means
17. There must be a return of some kind to the researcher
18. There must be a consideration of the hazards involved, physical, social, or legal.

Propose Research Problems or Topics (5 pts each)

1. Developing a Mobile Application for Personal Expense Tracking and Budgeting

2. Designing a Web-based E-commerce Platform for Local Artisans and Small Businesses

3. Creating an Online Learning Platform for Skill Development in Programming

Student’s Name:_________________________ Student’s Signature: ____________ Date Submitted: ________

Course Facilitator’s Evaluation:

HPS : 25 PTS Facilitator’s Signature: __________________________
Rating/Score: _____________ Date Signed : __________________________

Ave Maria College

Vallesville-Fatima, Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte



Instruction: Of the five (5) possible research problems or topics that you are interested to study, choose 3 (three), which
you like most based on your personal knowledge, interest, advice and comments from your course facilitator.
Answer the following guide questions as presented in the Table below, and prepare for oral presentation.

Guide Questions Answers

1. What research problem / topic interests you? (2pts)
Developing a Mobile Application for Personal Expense
Tracking and Budgeting

2. What motivated you to undertake this research To develop a mobile app for personal expense tracking and
topic? (3pts) budgeting, aiming to provide users with a valuable and user-
friendly tool for effective financial management.

3. What theoretical assumptions did you read relevant Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): This model
to your research topic? Provide source / citation. suggests that the adoption and usage of technology are
(7pts) influenced by perceived usefulness and ease of use. The
assumption here is that users will be more likely to adopt
and use the mobile application if they perceive it as useful
for tracking expenses and managing their budget, and if the
app is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive.

4. What empirical assumptions do you have Assumption that users are willing to track their personal
concerning your research topic? (7pts) expenses and manage their budgets using a mobile
application. This assumption is based on the growing
popularity of mobile apps and the increasing use of
smartphones for various tasks.
5. What questions would you like answered by your 1. What are the key features and functionalities that users
research topic? Write at least 3 specific research value the most in a mobile application for personal expense
questions. (9pts) tracking and budgeting?

2. How can the user interface and design of a mobile

expense tracking and budgeting application be optimized to
enhance user engagement and satisfaction?

3. What are the potential challenges and barriers that users

face when adopting and using mobile expense tracking and
budgeting applications, and how can these challenges be
addressed effectively?

6. What kind of data do you need to answer the To answer the research questions related to developing a
questions you want your research topic to answer? mobile application for personal expense tracking and
(3pts) budgeting, the following types of data are needed:

1. User feedback and preferences: Obtain user opinions and

feedback through surveys, interviews, or focus groups to
identify desired features and functionalities.
2. User engagement and usage data: Track user interactions
and conduct usability tests to understand how users engage
with the application and identify any challenges they face.
By analyzing these types of data, researchers can gain
insights into user preferences, challenges, and opportunities
for developing an effective mobile expense tracking and
budgeting application.

7. How do you intend to gather the data in response to By utilizing a combination of data collection methods,
the questions you want your research topic to researchers can gather comprehensive and diverse insights
answer? (4pts) from users, experts, and existing applications. This multi-
faceted approach will help ensure a well-rounded
understanding of user needs and expectations, leading to the
development of a more effective mobile expense tracking
and budgeting application.
8. Who do you think will benefit from your research The research on developing a mobile application for
topic? And how will they benefit? (5pts) personal expense tracking and budgeting has the potential to
empower individuals in managing their finances, support
app developers in creating valuable solutions, benefit
financial institutions in providing comprehensive services,
and contribute to the academic community's understanding
of personal finance and technology.

Student’s Name: _________________________ Student’s Signature: ____________ Date Submitted: ________

Course Facilitator’s Evaluation:

HPS : 40 PTS Facilitator’s Signature: __________________________

Rating/Score: _____________ Date Signed : __________________________

Ave Maria College

Vallesville-Fatima, Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte



Instruction: Of the five (5) possible research problems or topics that you are interested to study, choose 3 (three), which
you like most based on your personal knowledge, interest, advice and comments from your course facilitator.
Answer the following guide questions as presented in the Table below, and prepare for oral presentation.

Guide Questions Answers

1. What research problem / topic interests you? (2pts) Designing a Web-based E-commerce Platform for Local
Artisans and Small Businesses
2. What motivated you to undertake this research The motivation behind designing a web-based e-commerce
topic? (3pts) platform for local artisans and small businesses lies in the
potential to empower these individuals, promote economic
growth, preserve traditional crafts, foster innovation, and
bridge the gap between artisans and customers in the digital

3. What theoretical assumptions did you read relevant Social Commerce Theory: This theory explores the
to your research topic? Provide source / citation. integration of social media and e-commerce. Assumptions
(7pts) from this theory might include leveraging social media
features to facilitate user engagement, product discovery,
and social interactions among users on the platform.

4. What empirical assumptions do you have As a researcher in the field of designing a web-based e-
concerning your research topic? (7pts) commerce platform for local artisans and small businesses, I
have an empirical assumption that users prefer intuitive and
user-friendly interfaces, convenient payment options,
detailed product information, and personalized
recommendations. This assumption suggests that my design
approach should align with user preferences and behaviors
to enhance the overall user experience and increase
engagement on the platform. By incorporating these
features, I aim to create a seamless and enjoyable browsing
and purchasing experience for users, leading to increased
satisfaction and likelihood of repeat visits and transactions.

5. What questions would you like answered by your 1.How can the design of a web-based e-commerce platform
research topic? Write at least 3 specific research address the unique needs and limitations of local artisans
questions. (9pts) and small businesses?

2. What are the key features and functionalities that should

be included in the platform to enhance user experience and

3. How can the platform provide effective customer support

and communication channels to build trust and address any
issues or inquiries?
6. What kind of data do you need to answer the User Data: Collecting data on user preferences, behaviors,
questions you want your research topic to answer? and needs is crucial. This can include information on user
(3pts) demographics, browsing patterns, purchase history, and
feedback. This data can help identify user expectations, pain
points, and areas for improvement in the platform's design
and functionality.
Artisan and Small Business Data: Gathering information
about local artisans and small businesses is important to
understand their unique challenges, requirements, and
aspirations. This can include data on their products,
production processes, inventory management, pricing
strategies, and sales performance. It can help identify
specific features and functionalities needed to support their
operations and growth.
7. How do you intend to gather the data in response to Surveys and Questionnaires: Researchers can design and
the questions you want your research topic to administer surveys or questionnaires to collect data from
answer? (4pts) target users, local artisans, and small businesses. These
surveys can cover topics such as user preferences,
behaviors, and needs, as well as the challenges and
requirements of artisans and small businesses. Online survey
platforms or email distribution can be used to reach a wider

8. Who do you think will benefit from your research The research on designing a web-based e-commerce
topic? And how will they benefit? (5pts) platform for local artisans and small businesses benefits the
artisans themselves, customers, local communities, platform
operators, and the research community. It empowers
artisans, connects them with customers, stimulates local
economies, and contributes to knowledge advancement in
relevant fields.

Student’s Name: _________________________ Student’s Signature: ____________ Date Submitted: ________

Course Facilitator’s Evaluation:

HPS : 40 PTS Facilitator’s Signature: __________________________

Rating/Score: _____________ Date Signed : __________________________

Ave Maria College

Vallesville-Fatima, Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte



Instruction: Of the five (5) possible research problems or topics that you are interested to study, choose 3 (three), which
you like most based on your personal knowledge, interest, advice and comments from your course facilitator.
Answer the following guide questions as presented in the Table below, and prepare for oral presentation.

Guide Questions Answers

1. What research problem / topic interests you? (2pts) Creating an Online Learning Platform for Skill
Development in Programming

2. What motivated you to undertake this research Online learning platforms have the potential to break down
topic? (3pts) barriers to education and make it accessible to a wider
audience. By creating an online learning platform for
programming, you can empower people from different
backgrounds, regardless of their location, educational
institutions, or financial limitations, to learn programming
skills at their own pace and convenience.

3. What theoretical assumptions did you read relevant Self-regulated learning: Self-regulated learning theory
to your research topic? Provide source / citation. suggests that learners who are actively involved in setting
(7pts) goals, monitoring their progress, and employing effective
learning strategies are more likely to achieve better
outcomes. Online learning platforms can support self-
regulated learning by providing learners with tools and
resources for goal-setting, progress tracking, and reflection.

4. What empirical assumptions do you have In my research on creating an online learning platform for
concerning your research topic? (7pts) skill development in programming, I have made certain
empirical assumptions. One such assumption is that the
platform can offer broader accessibility and reach compared
to traditional in-person methods. I believe that individuals
from diverse backgrounds, geographical locations, and
varying levels of resources can benefit from the platform.
By providing access to programming education, this
assumption suggests that the platform can increase
participation and create more opportunities for skill

Another empirical assumption I have is related to learner

engagement and motivation. I believe that an online learning
platform has the potential to promote active engagement and
enhance learner motivation. Through interactive content,
gamification elements, progress tracking, and social
interactions, I assume that learners can develop a stronger
interest, motivation, and commitment to their programming
learning journey. These features are designed to make the
learning experience more enjoyable, rewarding, and
personalized, ultimately encouraging learners to actively
participate and persist in their learning endeavors.

5. What questions would you like answered by your 1. What are the most effective instructional strategies and
research topic? Write at least 3 specific research learning resources to incorporate into an online learning
questions. (9pts) platform for programming skill development?

2. How can the design and features of an online learning

platform promote learner engagement, motivation, and
persistence in programming learning?

3. How can the online learning platform adapt to

accommodate different learning styles, preferences, and
skill levels of learners?
6. What kind of data do you need to answer the Usage and interaction data: Collecting data on how learners
questions you want your research topic to answer? interact with the online learning platform can provide
(3pts) valuable insights into their engagement, learning patterns,
and preferences. This data could include clickstream data,
time spent on different activities, navigation paths, and
interactions with learning resources or discussion forums.
Learning outcomes data: Researchers may assess the impact
of the online learning platform on programming skill
development by collecting data on learners' knowledge
acquisition, problem-solving abilities, and application of
programming concepts in real-world scenarios. This could
involve pre- and post-assessments, coding projects, or
performance evaluations.

7. How do you intend to gather the data in response to Surveys and questionnaires: Researchers can design and
the questions you want your research topic to distribute surveys to collect quantitative and qualitative data
answer? (4pts) from learners using the online learning platform. The
surveys can capture information about demographics,
satisfaction, engagement, motivations, and perceptions of
the platform's effectiveness.

Comparative studies: Researchers may conduct comparative

studies by comparing the outcomes and experiences of
learners using the online learning platform with those using
traditional in-person methods. This could involve collecting
data from both groups through surveys, assessments, or
interviews to analyze and compare the effectiveness of the
online platform.

8. Who do you think will benefit from your research The research can benefit learners by providing accessible
topic? And how will they benefit? (5pts) and effective programming education, benefit educational
professionals by informing instructional design practices,
benefit institutions by improving their programming
education offerings, benefit employers by accessing a more
skilled workforce, and benefit policy-makers by informing
policies that support digital education and skill

Student’s Name: _________________________ Student’s Signature: ____________ Date Submitted: ________

Course Facilitator’s Evaluation:

HPS : 40 PTS Facilitator’s Signature: __________________________

Rating/Score: _____________ Date Signed : __________________________

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