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Deprivation of Amino Acids and Prenatal Brain

Development in Rats1

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Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Department of Bio
logical Chemistry, Mental Retardation Center, and Brain Research
Institute, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California 90024

ABSTRACT A protein-free diet (AA) containing a complete chemically defined

mixture of L-amino acids or this mixture deprived of one of the essential amino acids,
tryptophan, lysine or methionine, respectively, was fed to pregnant rats. The feeding
period was 0 to 21 or 10 to 21 days of pregnancy. At birth the following newborn
parameters were measured: body weight, cerebral weight, cerebral DNA (cell number)
and cerebral protein, as well as placental weight, placental DNA and placental protein.
As compared with normal (pelleted) stock diet, feeding AA produced small decreases
that were significant for body weight and some cerebral parameters, but no significant
decreases for placental parameters; thus, it remains uncertain whether our present
knowledge of nutritional factors for optimal fetal development is sufficient to devise a
faultless synthetic diet for pregnancy. Omission of tryptophan, lysine or methionine,
respectively, from AA, resulted in offspring significantly inferior to offspring of dams fed
AA diet in all cerebral parameters; the deficiencies were essentially similar to those
produced in our previous study by total protein deprivation. Thus, omission of single
essential amino acids during pregnancy may be at least as harmful as total absence of
dietary protein. J. Nutr. 104: 1002-1007, 1974.
INDEXING KEY WORDS amino acids, deprivation of •synthetic diet •brain
development, prenatal •fetal development

In the preceding papers of this series we rived; these rats have now been bred in our
have demonstrated that, in rats, maternal laboratory for 34 generations. Virgin fe-
protein restriction before and during the males 3 months old and weighing 200 to
entire pregnancy ( 1-3 ) or during a part 260 g were mated; the presence of a
thereof (4 ) resulted in a significant de- vaginal plug was considered day 0 of preg-
crease or the following neonatal param- nancy.
eters: body weight, cerebral weight, cere- All animals were fed a 20.5% protein
bral DNA (total cell number), cerebral standard pelleted diet (stock)3 with the
protein and placental weight (4). exception of the experimental testing
In the present work we have investigated periods. The second half of gestation ( days
the effects, especially on brain develop- 10 to 21 ) was chosen as the testing period
ment, of total deprivation of each of the for the chemically defined amino acid diet
three essential amino acids separately, omitting tryptophan (AA —Trp) and that
tryptophan, lysine and methionine, during
the entire pregnancy or during the second Receivedfor publicationDecember5, 1973.
halfi 11
of nreffnancv
Preën'mcy- This
m!> studv
!>luuy was
WdS nre-
pie the1Presented In part
goclety for at the Third
Neuroscience, Annual 7-10,
November Meeting of
ceded by the development or a protein-tree This study was supported by grants HD-05394,
diet, «-rmrainincr
containing aq rnmnlptp
compiete rrifmioallv
cnemicaiiy ripae- HD-05615, HD-00345
pubnc Health Service.and HD-04612 from the Ü.S.
fined mixture of L-amino acids, minerals „A^ÎA*«0^0^*6*
, / A »\ • ij i_ J HD-00345 to Mental Retardation Center. U.C.L.A.
and Vitamins (AA) that would be ade- »The stock pelleted diet (SSOO kcal/1000 g), Wayne
«iiato fr>r nnrmal fptal rlpwplnrwnpnt Mousebreeder Blox, was purchased from Allied Mills.
quate tor normal tetai development. Chicago, 111. This diet has the following L-amlno acid
composition (manufacturer's data; g/kg) : arginine-
EXPERIMENTAL HC1 14.4; histldine-HCl 6.2; Isoleucine 13.8; leucine
18.5 ; lystne-HCl 16.4 ; methionine 4.6 ; phenylalanine
Albino rat«
rats iisprl
used in trip
me nrpvinin:
previous M—4Ì
(L-*) 11.7; threonine
Rhlt¿mÃ-c 10.3;glycine
acld 46.2; tryptophan 3.1; 5.8;
9.9; serine valinetyroslne
and present work are Sprague-Dawley de- 8.3; cystine 4.0.
The composition of the AA diet

Dietary diet4.0kcal/kg mixtureVit. of

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acid mixture* 789.6 A ester concentrate
Corn oil 50.0 8.9 445.0 (200,000 lU/g)
Lard 50.0 9.0 450.0 Vit. DS concentrate
Vitamin diet fort, mix.f 30.0 105.04.0
3.5 (400,000 lU/g)
Salt mixft 50.0 Alpha tocopherol 5.0
Agar 30.0 Ascorbic acid 45.0
Dextrin 388.4 1,553.6 Inositol 5.0
Sucrose 194.2 4.0 776.8 Choline chloride 75.0
Sodium acetateg/kg197.4
10.01,000.0*Amino 2.5 25.54,145.5(all Menadione 2.25
p-Aminobenzoic acid 5.0
Niacin 4.5
mixtureArginine acid
Riboflavin 1.0
L)11.7 Pyridoxine hydrochloride 1.0
Thiamin hydrochloride 1.0
HC1 Calcium pantothenate 3.0
Histidine-HCl 5.3 Biotin 0.02
Isoleucine 12.4 Folie acid 0.09
Leucine 18.3 B-12ttSalt
Vit. 0.00135g/kg
Lysine -HC1 14.2
Methionine 4.7
Phenylalanine 10.1 (13)]Ammonium
mix [Rogers and Harper of
Threonine 8.5
Tryptophan 2.5
Valine 12.0 molybdate-4H»O
Glutamic acid 46.2 Calcium carbonate 292.900
Glycine 9.9 Calcium phosphate -2Hi¡0 4.300
Serine 5.8 Cupric sulfate 1.560
Tyrosine 7.4 Ferric citrate -6H2O 6.230
Cys teine 3.4 Magnesium sulfate'THjO 99.800
Aspartic acid 13.4 Manganese sulfate -H^O 1.210
Proline 2.1 Potassium iodide 0.005
Asparagine 6.0 Potassium phosphate 343.100
Alaninekcal/g 3.5197.4fVitamin Sodium chloride 250.600
Sodium selenite -SH^O 0.020
Zinc chlorideg/kg 0.200
1L-amino acids, vitamin diet fortification mixture, salt mixture, dextrin, and sucrose were purchased from Nutritional
Biochemicals Corp., Cleveland, Ohio. Corn oil and agar were purchased from General Biochemicals, Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
Lard was Farmer John brand (Clougherty Packing Co., Los Angeles, Calif.). Sadium acetate was purchased from J. T.
Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N. J. The diet was prepared for feeding by mixing with an equal weight of water.

omitting methionine (AA —Met). For cluding any spilled food). These food in
comparison, the complete AA diet was fed takes for all groups are listed in table 2.
for the same time period. The diet omitting After delivery, the mothers were dis
lysine ( AA —Lys ) was fed during the sected and their uteri examined for résorp
entire pregnancy ( days 0 to 21 ). The group tion sites. The newborns were weighed
fed the complete AA diet during the entire and decapitated within 6 hours after de
pregnancy was used as a comparison for livery. The brains (cerebral hemispheres,
the AA —Lys group. The groups fed the without cerebellum and olfactory lobes)
complete AA diet either for the entire were immediately removed and weighed;
pregnancy or for the second hau were com they were then frozen and subsequently
pared to those fed the stock diet. used for analysis of DNA and protein con
The composition of the AA diet is repre tent. In order to recover placentas, in some
sented in table 1. animals the offspring were removed by
The food intakes per 24 hours were mea cesarean section approximately 6 hours be
sured for all animals, by feeding known fore delivery. The placentas were weighed
amounts and weighing the remainder (in and then frozen for analysis.

TABLE 2 (compared to complete AA), had no sig

Food intakes during pregnancy nificant effect on body weights on day 20.
On the other hand, the omission of trypto
Total pregnancy phan or methionine produced significant
intake1/ deficiencies in maternal body weights on

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24 amino
acids1 day 20. Similar results were obtained for
period2days0-2110-210-2110-210-2110-21Food kcal"1046
intakeg57.7±5.752.0maternal liver weights (day 21; not shown
in table 3), except that the deficiencies
produced by omission of tryptopan or
±1.511.8 ±104983methionine were only on the borderline of
significance (0.05 > P > 0.02).
±1.513.0 ±1.953.8±381046 The effects of the various amino acid test
diets on neonatal parameters are repre
±130818sented in table 4. The results indicate that
±1.69.4 ±6.743.5±7.446.9
when the complete AA diet was fed during
TrpAA-LysAA-MetTest ±1.7—14.0 ±3.012.2 ±144981the entire pregnancy or during the last half
of pregnancy, fetal growth was signifi
±1.410.4 ±5.347.6 ±110900cantly inferior to that when the pelleted
stock diet was fed with respect to body
±1.4Total±6.7Total±122 weight and some brain parameters. How
ever, there were no deleterious effects on
'Stock: Normal stock pelleted diet (see Text). AA: Diet placental weight, placenta! DNA or pla-
synthetic with respect to amino acids. AA —Trp : As above,
with tryptophan omitted. aPeriod of pregnancy when diet cental protein content. The decrease in
used ; stock diet at other times. 3 ±SD.
cerebral DNA was not significant for 0 to
21 feeding days but was significant for 10
DNA was determined by a modification to 21 days: however, this may only mean
of the diphenylamine colorimetrie method that with respect to cerebral DNA the
(5, 6); protein was determined by a modi complete AA diet was on the borderline of
fication of the Lowry colorimetrie method adequacy, and may or may not result in
(7). cerebral DNA deficiency.
The single omission of any of the three
RESULTS essential amino acids gave highly signifi
Maternal body weights during preg cant decreases in neonatal body weight
nancy are represented in table 3. The com and all cerebral parameters when com
plete AA diets, fed 10 to 21 days or 0 to 21 pared with their respective full AA diet
days (compared to stock diet), as well as control. Placental weight and DNA were
lysine-déficientAA diet fed 0 to 21 days significantly lower for AA —lysine and
AA —methionine only, but otherwise, there
were no substantial differential effects be
TABLE 3 tween the omission of any of the three
Maternal body weights during pregnancy amino acids tested.
Since 80 to 10090 of the females main
Maternal body weights tained pregnancy, it was not necessary to
pregnancy00219 of administer ovarian steroids. This 20% fail
DietiStockAAAAA ure to maintain pregnancy was within the
normal range and therefore, was not at
tributable to the AA test diets.
±23220 ±24247 ±27275 ±28301
±18242 ±20274 ±13292
±26239 ±47234 ±41241* DISCUSSION
±32232 ±39259
±25224 ±26226±11232
The purpose of this work is to provide
±15206 ±18236 ±38249*
information on two subjects:
±28150268 ±2720(7310
±22100245 1. The feasibility of devising a synthetic
diet that is equivalent to a natural stock
'-' As in table 2. * The deficiency of body weight com diet supporting fetal development, espe
pared to AA (diet 10-21) statistically significant at P < 0.01
level. cially prenatal brain development.

f psf s s

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2. The effect of omission of single essen was studied only in this work. Brain devel
tial amino acids on fetal development. opment of the offspring was not studied.
With respect to the first subject there is The amino acid composition of our AA
very little information in the literature. diet was based on the stock diet since none
The possibility of some unknown nutri of the other diets tested in our laboratory

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tional factors cannot be excluded (8). In gave comparable weanling growth rates.
fact, one such factor has been reported re The amounts of aspartic acid and proline
cently (9) for weanling rats; there are no were the same as those used by Swendseid
corresponding reports for prenatal devel (19), and those of alanine and asparagine
opment in general, or prenatal brain de were the same as used in the Rogers and
velopment in particular. Harper (13) diet. Our AA diet was tested
Our results (table 4) do not exclude the on weanling rats for 30 days; the growth
need for some unknown growth factors curves were comparable to those obtained
since our diet AA was inferior to the natu with the stock diet. In contrast, when a
ral stock diet. Obviously, much more work commercially available synthetic amino
will be needed for a definite answer. acid diet4 was fed to weanling rats, a de
Before 1950 many synthetic diets were creased somatic growth was observed.
unsuccessful because L-amino acids were Our AA diets deficient in one amino acid
contaminated with D isomers which are did not require steroid supplementation
known to be inhibitory ( 10 ). Recently sev for maintenance of a pregnancy. In addi
eral improved synthetic diets have been tion, the body weights of the offspring of
proposed for weanling rats (8-17). In pre rats fed our complete AA diet were sub
liminary experiments we found that these stantially higher than those of Niiyama et
diets did not support optimum weanling al. at comparable times. These differences
growth in our rats, indicating the possi are probably due to a different ratio of
bility of strain differences. A proper formu amino acids present in the diet; however,
lation of a synthetic diet is important be the difference in rat strain also cannot be
cause the levels of dietary amino acids excluded.
influence the size of the free amino acid Contrary to Niiyama et al. we found
pool, which, in turn, could be one of the lysine omission to be as harmful to neonatal
principal regulators of protein synthesis in development as the omission of tryptophan
the cell and thus regulate development or methionine. In addition, as far as placen
(18). With respect to pregnant rats, the tal parameters are concerned, the omission
published diets were mainly studied for of lysine was more harmful than the omis
the effects on maintenance of pregnancy sion of tryptophan or methionine. On the
(16, 17). Niiyama et al. (16) found that other hand, our data in general do confirm
pregnancy was maintained in 100% of the the original finding (16) that omission of
animals receiving the complete semipuri- these single essential amino acids results
fied amino acid diet ad libitum. It is of in lower neonatal body weights, and, ex
interest that, when one essential amino acid cept for tryptophan, also lower placental
( with the exception of lysine ) was omitted, weights. In addition, we found lower neo
the proportion of résorptionswas as high natal cerebral weight, cerebral DNA (cell
as 100%. When daily subcutaneous injec number ) and cerebral protein. The placen
tions of steroids were given, pregnancy tal weights and their DNA and protein
was maintained in all animals. These content were decreased in all diets omit
authors have demonstrated that among ting any of the essential amino acids tested,
others, omission of any of the three essen when compared with their respective com
tial amino acids gave a decrease in neo plete AA diet, but the decreases were sig
natal body weight and placental weight, nificant generally only in the case of omis
and that the decrease in body weight was sion of lysine and methionine.
most pronounced in case of methionine Of some interest is the fact that the omis
(16) or tryptophan (17), and least pro sion of tryptophan was not the most harm
nounced in case of lysine (16, 17). To our ful. This essential amino acid was believed
knowledge, the omission of single essential «General Blochemicals, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, Diet
amino acids from the diet of pregnant rats no. 176140.

to have a regulatory function since its de mination of DNA in preserved brains and
ficiency in vivo causes disaggregation of brain sections. J. Neurochem. 19, 61-68.
7. Lowry, O. M., Rosebrough, N. J., Farr, A. L.
polysomes (20, 21 ). However, further work & Randall, R. J. (1951) Protein measure
has demonstrated that the polysome pro ment with the Folin phenol reagent. J. Biol.
files in the liver of the rat can also be in Chem. 193, 265-275.

Downloaded from by Rudolph Matas Medical Library user on 20 January 2019
fluenced by other amino acids provided 8. Salmon, W. C. (1964) Relative potency of
diets containing amino acids and proteins for
that a sufficiently severe amino acid de promoting growth of rats. J. Nutr. 82, 76-82.
ficiency can be created (22). 9. Schwarz, K. (1970) An agent promoting
The omission of single essential amino growth of rats fed amino acid diets. J. Nutr.
acids produced deficiencies essentially sim 100, 1487-1499.
10. Maruyama, K., Sunde, M. L. & Harper, A. E.
ilar to those produced by total protein ( 1972 ) Effect of D-alanine and o-aspartic
deprivation in the comparable period of acid on the chick. J. Nutr. 102, 1441-1451.
pregnancy (4). Thus, the absence of single 11. Greenstein, J. P., Otey, M. C., Birnbaum,
dietary essential amino acids, even during S. M. & Winitz, M. ( 1960) Quantitative nu
tritional studies with water-soluble, chemi
half of pregnancy, may be as harmful as cally defined diets. X. Formulation of a nu
total absence of dietary protein during this tritionally complete liquid diet. J. Nat. Cancer
period, at least as far as prenatal brain de Inst. 24, 211-219.
velopment is concerned. Obviously, more 12. Clark, A. J., Peng, Y. & Swendseid, M. E.
study is required before this view may be (1966) Effect of different essential amino
acid deficiencies on amino acid pools in rats.
fully accepted. However, such a study ap J. Nutr. 90, 228-234.
pears to be of importance in view of well 13. Rogers, Q. R. & Harper, A. E. (1965) Amino
known single or double essential amino acid diets and maximal growth in the rat. J.
acid deficiencies in many foods of plant Nutr. 87, 267-274.
origin. 14. Ranhotra, G. S. & Johnson, B. C. (1965)
Effect of feeding different amino acid diets on
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS growth rate and nitrogen retention of wean
ling rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 118,
The authors wish to thank Mrs. Juanita 1197-1201.
Garcia and Mrs. Facie Miles, U.C.L.A. for 15. Greenstein, J. P. & Winitz, M. (1971)
their excellent technical assistance, and Chemistry of the Amino Acids, vol. 1, J.
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 397-402.
Dr. Sanford A. Miller, Massachusetts Insti 16. Niiyama, Y., Kishi, K. & Inone, G. (1970)
tute of Technology, for his advice in the Effect of ovarian steroids on maintenance of
course of these experiments. pregnancy in rats fed diets devoid of one
essential amino acid. J. Nutr. 100, 1461-1469.
LITERATURE CITED 17. Niiyama, Y., Kishi, K. & Inone, G. (1973)
Effects of diets devoid of one essential amino
1. Zamenhof, S., van Marthens, E. & Margolis, acid on pregnancy in rats maintained by
F. L. (1968) DNA (cell number) and pro ovarian steroids. J. Nutr. 103, 207-212.
tein in neonatal brain: alteration by maternal 18. Miller, S. A. (1970) Nutrition in the neo
dietary protein restriction. Science 160, 322-
323. natal development of protein metabolism. Fed
eration Proc. 29, 1497-1502.
2. Zamenhof, S., van Marthens, E. & Grauel, L.
(1971) DNA (cell number) in neonatal 19. Swendseid, M. E., Villalobos, J. & Friedlich,
brain: Second generation (F2) alteration by B. ( 1963 ) Ratios of essential-to-nonessen-
maternal dietary protein restriction. Science tial amino acids in plasma from rats fed dif
172, 850-851. ferent kinds and amounts of proteins and
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3. Zamenhof, S., van Marthens, E. & Grauel, L.
(1972) DNA (cell number) and protein in 20. Fleck, A., Shepherd, J. & Munro, H. N.
rat brain. Nutr. Metabol. 14, 262-270. (1965) Protein synthesis in rat liver: Influ
4. Zamenhof, S., van Marthens, E. & Grauel, L. ence of amino acids in diet on microsomes
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neonatal rat brain: Alteration by timing of 21. Sidransky, H., Bongiorno, M., Sarma, D. S. R.
maternal dietary protein restriction. J. Nutr. & Verney, E. ( 1967 ) The influence of tryp-
101, 1265-1269. tophan on hepatic polyribosomes and protein
5. Zamenhof, S., Bursztyn, H., Rich, K. & Zamen synthesis in fasted mice. Biochem. Biophys.
hof, P. J. (1964) The determination of de- Res. Commun. 27, 242-248.
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6. Zamenhof, S., Grauel, L., van Marthens, E. & rat fed amino acid imbalanced diets. J. Nutr.
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