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J. Sleep Res.

(2012) 21, 502–506 Local sleep and parasomnia

Dissociated local arousal states underlying essential clinical

features of non-rapid eye movement arousal parasomnia:
an intracerebral stereo-electroencephalographic study
R A F F A E L E M A N N I 1 and L I N O N O B I L I 2
Sleep Medicine and Epilepsy Unit, IRCCS National Neurological Institute C. Mondino Foundation, Pavia, Italy and 2Epilepsy Surgery Centre
ÔC. MunariÕ, Sleep Disorder Centre, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy

Keywords SUMMARY
confusional arousal, local arousal, NREM Sleep has been shown to be a global phenomenon in which the presence
parasomnia, state dissociation, stereo-EEG of local processes of both activation and deactivation are finely
orchestrated. Dysfunctional and independent action of the systems
Michele Terzaghi MD, Sleep Medicine and involved in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and wakefulness is
Epilepsy Unit, IRCCS National Neurological deemed to be at the basis of arousal parasomnias. We show, in a patient
Institute C. Mondino Foundation, Via Mondino 2, with confusional arousals, persistence of sleep in the hippocampal and
27100 Pavia, Italy.
frontal associative cortices in contrast to the presence of awakening in
Tel.: +390382380316;
fax: +390382380286; the motor, cingulate, insular, amygdalar and temporopolar cortices. The
e-mail: clinical features of the confusional arousals in this patient are highly
consistent with a dysfunctional coexistence of local cortical arousal and
Accepted in revised form 14 January 2012; local cortical sleep.
received 21 September 2011

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2012.01003.x


Whole-organism sleep can be viewed as a global pheno- A 7-year-old boy was admitted to the ÔC. MunariÕ Epilepsy
menon based on the presence of finely orchestrated local and ParkinsonÕs Disease Surgery Centre, Niguarda Hospital,
processes of both activation and deactivation (Nir et al., Milan, for presurgical evaluation of nocturnal episodes
2011; Nobili et al., 2011), and underpinned by local neuronal consisting of awakenings accompanied by slow or agitated
networks (Krueger et al., 2008). Dysfunctional and indepen- movements of the arms and legs, scratching of the nose,
dent action of the systems involved in non-rapid eye blinking and looking around; the patient would turn
movement (NREM) sleep and wakefulness is deemed to over, get onto his knees or sit up in bed, sometimes
be at the basis of arousal parasomnias (Mahowald and abruptly, would not answer his parents trying unsuccess-
Schenck, 2005). fully to wake him, and might display signs of hunger or
By deep brain neurophysiologic study we demonstrated fear. Lucid recall was absent on awakening. These
the presence of local sleep during episodes of confusional episodes had begun when the child was 3 years old.
arousal (Terzaghi et al., 2009); local sleep has also been Lasting for seconds or a few minutes, they occurred
documented in sleepwalking by single photon emission weekly or less frequently.
computed tomography (Bassetti et al., 2000). The patientÕs family history was negative for arousal
We report data from an intracerebral electroencephalo- parasomnias. Neurological examination was unremark-
graphic (stereo-EEG, S-EEG) study that captured confu- able; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gave normal
sional arousals in a young boy. The data document the findings.
persistence of delta activity in the hippocampal and frontal Different anti-epileptic agents, in monotherapy or polyther-
associative cortices, in contrast to the presence of a local apy, had been administered; no drug regimen had been
activation of the motor, cingulate, insular and temporopolar found to improve the symptoms [the patient was still on anti-
cortices and amygdala. epilectic drugs (AEDs)].

502 ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society

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Local sleep and NREM parasomnia 503

Figure 1. Stereo-electroencephalogram (stereo-EEG) exploration: medial and lateral views of the stereotactic electrode implantation.

pal cortex. This localized arousal activity could occur in

Neurophysiological study
absence of any detectable clinical manifestation (Fig. 4a).
After informed consent had been obtained, the patient was During motor behavioural manifestations consistent with
submitted to a tailored investigation using intracerebral the anamnestic report (sitting up, looking around), the S-EEG
implanted electrodes to search an epileptogenic area. trace showed a more pronounced localized arousal activity
On the basis of anatomo-electroclinical data, 13 stereo- (Fig. 4b). No interictal or ictal epileptiform abnormalities could
tactically implanted intracerebral multi-lead electrodes (Dixi be found.
Medical, Besançon, France) were placed in the fronto– Clinical and S-EEG findings allowed us to rule out a
centro–temporal areas of the right hemisphere: in the primary diagnosis of epilepsy, the data pointing instead to a diagnosis
sensory motor cortex (central and postcentral gyrus), supe- of arousal disorder. Treatment with AEDs was stopped
rior, middle and inferior frontal gyrus, supplementary sensory completely. Modification of sleep hygiene and melatonin
motor area, superior and middle temporal gyrus, frontal and 3 mg at bedtime led to a clear improvement of the sleep-
central cingulate gyrus, short and long gyri of the insula, related manifestations.
hippocampus and amygdala (Fig. 1). The placement of the
intracerebral leads was checked by MRI. For sleep staging
(Fig. 2), electro-oculogram and submental electromyography
(EMG) were recorded. It has been shown that both active and inactive neuronal
states can occur locally during sleep (Nir et al., 2011), and
some brain networks can exhibit sleep patterns while others
exhibit wake-like activities (Nobili et al., 2011; Terzaghi et al.,
The S-EEG shows background activity with physiological 2009).
phasic sleep events appearing both synchronously and During an episode of confusional arousal, we found that
asynchronously in different brain regions. In particular, while the motor and cingulate cortices were precociously activated
hippocampal and neocortical spindles remain asynchronous (probably allowing motor output), while the frontoparietal
throughout the night, asynchronous spindles in the neocor- associative cortices continued to maintain a sleep pattern
tical areas showed a trend to occur slightly more frequently (Terzaghi et al., 2009).
during the second half of the night (Fig. 3). In the patient described in this study, the data obtained
The S-EEG trace showed the possible occurrence of confirmed the presence of dissociated activations and sleep-
transient and abrupt shift to sustained fast activity in the like electrocortical activity in these different brain regions.
motor, cingulate (frontal and central cingulate gyrus), insular, Moreover, the presence of arousal activity was also found in
temporopolar and amygdalar cortices in contrast to the the insular, temporopolar and amygdalar cortices, while the
presence of slow waves in the frontal and parietal dorsolat- hippocampal cortex showed the persistence of a sleep-like
eral cortices as well as persistent spindles in the hippocam- pattern.

Figure 2. Hypnogram and macrostructural sleep scoring data.

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504 M. Terzaghi et al.

(a) SSMA





(b) SSMA










Figure 3. Stereo-electroencephalogram (stereo-EEG)-captured activity: absence of epileptiform abnormalities in the presence of normal phasic
events of sleep (spindle activity) appearing synchronously and asynchronously in the different brain regions explored. Each image was taken
during undisturbed sleep i.e. preceding or following by at least 15 minutes a pathological arousal clinical manifestation. (a) Descending slope of
the first sleep cycle, Stage 2 non-rapid eye movement (NREM), 35 min after sleep onset. (b) Ascending slope of the first sleep cycle, Stage 2
NREM, 155 min after sleep onset. (c) Ascending slope of the third sleep cycle, Stage 2 NREM, 350 min after sleep onset. Note that phasic
events expressed less asynchronously at the beginning of the night (with high homeostatic pressure) and mainly over the hippocampal leads
(largely independent from frontocentral cortices). Each EEG trace is a bipolar derivation from contiguous contacts. Six derivations record from
the frontal dorsolateral associative cortex (H10–H11, H15–H16, F12–F13 and F13–F14: middle frontal gyrus; G13–G14 and F1–F2: superior
frontal gyrus); three from the hippocampus (B2–B3; B3–B4; B4–B5, note the persistence of spindle activity); one from the temporal pole (T3–
T4); one from the insular cortex (R1–R2); two from the amygdala (A1–A2; A2–A3); seven from the motor and motor control cortex (M1–M2:
supplementary sensory motor area; M6–M7: precentral gyrus; S12–S13:primary motor area; G1–G2: anterior cingulate gyrus; H1–H2 and H2–
H3: frontal cingulate gyrus; S1–S2: central cingulate gyrus). EOG: electro-oculogram; Chin: chin electromyography; EKG: electrocardiogram.

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Local sleep and NREM parasomnia 505




Figure 4. Local dissociation of sleep and arousal captured by stereo-electroencephalogram (stereo-EEG). (a) Example of local activation in the
motor, cingulate (frontal and central cingulate gyrus), insular, temporopolar and amygdalar cortices in contrast to the presence of slow waves in
the frontal and parietal dorsolateral cortices as well as persistent spindles in the hippocampal cortex. (b) Arousal local dissociation captured by
stereo-EEG in relation to clinical manifestations: a 30-s episode during which, with his eyes open, the patient sat up in bed, uttering unintelligible
words and failing to answer his motherÕs questions. (c) Undisturbed sleep taken during the same time of the night (for comparison of EEG traces
between local arousal event and normal sleep). Each EEG trace is a bipolar derivation from contiguous contacts. Six derivations record from the
frontal dorsolateral associative cortex (H10–H11, H15–H16, F12–F13 and F13–F14: middle frontal gyrus; G13–G14 and F1–F2: superior frontal
gyrus); three from the hippocampus (B2–B3; B3–B4; B4–B5: note the persistence of spindle activity); one from the temporal pole (T3–T4); one
from the insular cortex (R1–R2); two from the amygdala (A1–A2; A2–A3); seven from the motor and motor control cortex (M1–M2: supple-
mentary sensory motor area; M6–M7: precentral gyrus; S12– S13: primary motor area; G1–G2: anterior cingulate gyrus; H1–H2 and H2–H3:
frontal cingulate gyrus; S1–S2: central cingulate gyrus). EOG: electro-oculogram; Chin: chin electromyography; EKG: electrocardiogram.

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506 M. Terzaghi et al.

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ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society

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