IJS GiftOfAwareness Module1 MeditationPractice

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The Gift of Awareness TM


Mindfulness of Breath
Do this 5-minute practice each day until the beginning of your next lesson. It will help you to explore
how setting a kavvanah can help you return to intention, and practice teshuvah, when you get pulled
into mindless habit. In so doing, you are laying the foundation for being more awake and present to the
fullness of your life.
This is the same practice we did together during the Module. We recommend that you do this practice in a
peaceful, calm space where you will not be interrupted (e.g., a quiet room, out in the woods or in the park).
Silence your phone, let go of your to-do list, and devote the fullness of your attention to this practice. Let
people know that you will not be available during this time.

Begin by adopting a posture that embodies Jacob’s ladder, with your buttox firmly planted
on the chair, cushion, or mat, and your spine reaching toward heaven. Relaxed and rooted
and buoyant and alert. If you wish, allow your eyes to gently close.

Next, set a kavvanah—an intention—to make a gentle but persistent effort to pay attention
to the rising and falling of your breath with intention and focus. Note your mind’s tendency
to slip into mindless habitual thought patterns such as boredom, restlessness, sleepiness,
grasping for stimulation, thinking, planning, remembering, etc. When you notice yourself
falling into these habits, meet them with kindness and curiosity.

See if you can remember your kavvanah without judgment. Practice teshuvah, returning
your attention to your breath.

Return to your breath anchor as many times as you have to until your meditation is

When the time you allotted for this meditation practice is complete, close your meditation by
bringing your attention back to the breath, gently open your eyes and return your awareness
to the room.

We have written out the instructions for you here AND please remember that you have access to
the guided meditation audio version of this practice within the Module as well as saved to your IJS
Meditation Timer™ .

IJS Meditation Timer is a trademark of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality.

All rights reserved. ©2019 Institute for Jewish Spirituality.

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