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New Sunrise International School

G11 Biology 2022/2023 4th Quarter

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following processes results in cells losing their potential to become any type of cell?
a. specialization
b. determination
c. differentiation
d. apoptosis
____ 2. Which cells are produced during the first few divisions of the zygote?
a. epithelial cells
b. cardiac muscle cells
c. bone cells
d. embryonic stem cells
____ 3. Which of the following is the most complex level of organization in a multicellular structure?
a. organ systems
b. cells
c. organs
d. tissues
____ 4. The major organ system that eliminates waste products is the
a. endocrine system.
b. excretory system.
c. reproductive system
d. integumentary system.
____ 5. Apoptosis is a normal part of
a. determination.
b. development.
c. systems.
d. tissues.
____ 6. The body's internal environment must stay
a. within narrow ranges that support human life.
b. the same as its external environment.
c. exactly the same at all times.
d. away from sudden outside temperature changes.
____ 7. Internal control systems maintain homeostasis by regulating which of the following?
a. receptors in the body
b. pH of body fluids
c. external conditions
d. the body's control centers
____ 8. Which of the following changes its level of activity in response to a message sent by a control center?
a. target
b. sensor
c. brain
d. Receptor

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____ 9. In a positive feedback loop, the body increases the rate of change
a. toward set values.
b. without ever stopping.
c. only slightly, then stops.
d. away from set points.
____ 10. A negative feedback loop causes the body to
a. counteract a change.
b. change set points.
c. increase the rate of change.
d. shut down a control center.
____ 11. Each organ system coordinates with other organ systems through
a. identical sensors and targets.
b. their stem cells.
c. connective and muscular tissue.
d. chemical and nerve messages.
____ 12. The long-term effects of a disruption of homeostasis include
a. regulation of the internal environment.
b. the immune system takes control.
c. destruction of organ systems.
d. establishment of feedback mechanisms.
____ 13. Which of the following organ systems interact to regulate the level of vitamin D produced in your body?
a. respiratory and circulatory
b. endocrine and circulatory
c. integumentary and skeletal
d. endocrine and skeletal
____ 14. Which of the following organs acts as the control center in thermoregulation of the body?
a. kidneys
b. hypothalamus
c. pancreas
d. liver
____ 15. What is another way of describing what happens to your body when you have a cold?
a. immune system damage
b. vitamin D deficiency
c. short-term disruption of homeostasis
d. homeostatic mechanism destruction
____ 16. Unlike the parts of the nervous system, the endocrine system's parts
a. work independently of one another.
b. are physically disconnected.
c. control many processes.
d. communicate with each other.
____ 17. Thoughts, movements, and some life processes are controlled by the
a. nervous system.
b. endocrine system.
c. muscular system.
d. circulatory system.

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____ 18. Something that causes your nervous system or endocrine system to produce a response is called a
a. receptor.
b. change.
c. message.
d. stimulus.
____ 19. Which system transmits the message that you have a pebble in your shoe?
a. peripheral nervous system
b. endocrine system
c. central nervous system
d. skeletal system
____ 20. When you compare the endocrine system to a satellite television system, a satellite dish is compared to a
a. signal.
b. receptor.
c. nerve.
d. stimulus.
____ 21. The process of maintaining a steady body temperature is
a. feedback.
b. differentiation.
c. determination.
d. thermoregulation.
____ 22. What process is shown in the diagram in Figure 28.1?

a. internal environment
b. control systems
c. cell differentiation
d. cell determination
____ 23. What is the simplest level of organization in the body?
a. tissue
b. cell
c. organ
d. organ system
____ 24. Which of the following carries messages to parts of the body?
a. targets
b. sensors
c. hormones
d. organs

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____ 25. When organ systems work together, they form another level of organization called
a. organisms.
b. tissues.
c. cells.
d. organs.
____ 26. Which type of cell goes through the determination process?
a. stem
b. epithelial
c. connective
d. muscle
____ 27. Which arrows in Figure 28.2 show a return to normal conditions after a negative feedback loop has been

a. from "target responds" to "set point"

b. from "set point" to "decrease noted by sensors"
c. from "control sends message to target" to "target responds"
d. from "set point" to "increase noted by sensors"
____ 28. The lungs are composed of four types of tissues. Which phrase best describes the lungs?
a. a specialized cell
b. an organ
c. an organ system
d. an organism
____ 29. Which part of a negative feedback loop detects changing conditions?
a. target
b. sensor
c. control center
d. organ
____ 30. You inhale and hold your breath. The negative feedback loop that controls breathing keeps you from holding
your breath too long. What is the final step in this loop?
a. Messages are sent through the nervous system.
b. The muscles of the diaphragm relax and then contract again.
c. Dropping oxygen levels in the blood are detected.
d. The brain stem receives information and takes action.

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____ 31. Several organs must work together to produce vitamin D. If one organ is not working well, the body makes
less of this vitamin. Which organ system would suffer most from a lack of vitamin D?
a. skeletal
b. circulatory
c. integumentary
d. endocrine
____ 32. The body works to maintain homeostasis in response to what conditions?
a. tissue and cell formation
b. production of key vitamins
c. cell differentiation and determination
d. internal and external changes
____ 33. On a hot day, which of the following is an outward sign that thermoregulation is taking place?
a. sweating
b. sunburn
c. slow breathing
d. dry mouth
____ 34. How does the liver help to regulate glucose levels in the blood?
a. by producing insulin
b. by excreting excess water
c. by storing glucose
d. by releasing glucagon
____ 35. During childbirth, a woman's body produces oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract. To maintain the
contractions, more oxytocin is produced until the baby is born. This is an example of
a. thermoregulation.
b. positive feedback.
c. cell death.
d. sensor failure.
____ 36. Through the process of thermoregulation, the body maintains a stable
a. glucose level.
b. sense of balance.
c. internal temperature.
d. control center.
____ 37. What do the different shapes of the cells shown in Figure 28.1 reflect?

a. They have different functions.

b. They lack basic cell parts.
c. They are becoming stem cells.
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d. They are going through apoptosis.

____ 38. Why must organ systems interact as a community?
a. Each organ has to oversee the functioning of other organs.
b. Organ tissues are not specialized, so they work together.
c. No organ can function without positive feedback.
d. Each organ alone cannot perform all the necessary tasks.
____ 39. Information from the body's sensors goes first to a(n)
a. internal receptor.
b. specific target.
c. impulse hormone.
d. control center.
____ 40. Which type of tissue lines the stomach and the lungs?
a. nervous
b. connective
c. muscle
d. epithelial
____ 41. Which of the following statements describes how you would classify Figure 28.2 as a negative feedback

a. The sensors notice an increase away from a set point.

b. The control center counteracts change from a set point.
c. Nerves and hormones carry messages to target organs.
d. A target organ receives and responds to a message.
____ 42. Which of the following phrases describes an organ?
a. a collection of interacting sensors
b. similar cells that function as one
c. different tissues working together
d. parts of a communication system
____ 43. What happens to cells during determination?
a. They become stem cells and divide into zygotes.
b. They lose the potential to develop into any type of cell.
c. They develop specific structures and organelles.
d. They gain the ability to build entire organisms.

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____ 44. The development of a whiplike tail on a sperm cell during differentiation is the result of
a. specific genes turning on and off in a pattern.
b. genetic information creating whole organisms.
c. involuntary movements of muscle.
d. programmed cell death allowing new growth.
____ 45. Homeostasis regulates the internal environment by
a. maintaining conditions within narrow ranges.
b. speeding up all chemical reactions.
c. producing a constant flow of enzymes.
d. altering the ranges that sustain life.
____ 46. When cells do not continue to develop into specialized cells, they undergo
a. homeostasis.
b. apoptosis.
c. differentiation.
d. determination.
____ 47. How does a positive feedback loop respond to changing conditions?
a. It counteracts a variation from a set point.
b. It changes a set point to match current conditions.
c. It increases a change away from a set point.
d. It reduces any change that overwhelms a set point.
____ 48. When you hold your breath, sensors in the blood vessels detect lower oxygen levels. The brain stem receives
the information and sends messages through the nervous and endocrine systems to the muscles of the
diaphragm, forcing you to breathe. Which part of this feedback loop would be considered the control center?
a. the endocrine system
b. muscles of the diaphragm
c. oxygen in the blood
d. the brain stem
____ 49. Which of the following is an example of sensors working during homeostasis?
a. acidic blood pH disrupting cell metabolism
b. blood volume decreasing from lack of water
c. the pancreas failing to release insulin
d. energy demands triggering a release of glucose
____ 50. What two organ systems provide communication in thermoregulation?
a. circulatory and integumentary
b. integumentary and muscular
c. nervous and endocrine
d. respiratory and nervous

New Sunrise International School

G11 Biology 2022/2023 4th Quarter

Answer Section


1. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e267_81

NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 TOP: 28.1 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
2. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e267_89
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.F.1.7 TOP: 28.1 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
3. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e267_97
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 TOP: 28.1 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
4. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e267_105
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.4 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.6
TOP: 28.1 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
5. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e267_113
TOP: 28.1 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
6. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e269_81
TOP: 28.2 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
7. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e269_89
TOP: 28.2 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
8. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e269_97
TOP: 28.2 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
9. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e269_105
TOP: 28.2 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
10. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e269_113
TOP: 28.2 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
11. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e26b_81
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 TOP: 28.3 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
12. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e26b_89
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 TOP: 28.3 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
13. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e26b_97
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.4 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.6
TOP: 28.3 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
14. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e26b_105
TOP: 28.3 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
15. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e26b_113
TOP: 28.3 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
16. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e273_81
TOP: 29.1 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
17. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e273_89
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.6.1 TOP: 29.1 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
18. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e273_97
TOP: 29.1 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
19. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e273_105
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.6.1 TOP: 29.1 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
20. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: act0976aaf18007e273_113
TOP: 29.1 Quiz NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
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21. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_202

TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
22. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_210
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.6
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
23. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_219
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 TOP: Ch 28 Test - A
NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
24. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_251
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
25. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_235
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 TOP: Ch 28 Test - A
NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
26. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_243
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.6
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
27. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_259
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
28. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_227
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 TOP: Ch 28 Test - A
NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
29. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_268
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
30. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_276
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.4 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.6
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
31. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_284
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
32. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_292
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
33. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_300
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.4 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.6
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
34. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_308
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.4 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.6
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
35. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Level A REF: act0976aaf18007e26c_316
TOP: Ch 28 Test - A NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
36. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_202
TOP: Ch 28 Test - B NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
37. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_210
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.6 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.4 |
NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.5.6 TOP: Ch 28 Test - B
NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
38. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_227
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 TOP: Ch 28 Test - B
NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
39. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_219
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NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.6.1 TOP: Ch 28 Test - B

NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
40. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_243
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.6
TOP: Ch 28 Test - B NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
41. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_275
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.6.1 TOP: Ch 28 Test - B
NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
42. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_235
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 TOP: Ch 28 Test - B
NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
43. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_251
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 TOP: Ch 28 Test - B
NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
44. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_267
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.1 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.1.6 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.2.2
TOP: Ch 28 Test - B NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
45. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_284
TOP: Ch 28 Test - B NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
46. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_308
TOP: Ch 28 Test - B NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
47. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_292
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.6.1 TOP: Ch 28 Test - B
NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
48. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_259
NAT: NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.6.1 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.C.6.4 | NAS.NSES.SCI.96.9-12.F.1.7
TOP: Ch 28 Test - B NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
49. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_300
TOP: Ch 28 Test - B NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5
50. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Level B REF: act0976aaf18007e26d_316
TOP: Ch 28 Test - B NOT: 978-0-547-49653-5


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