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Reading Test 1
65 Minutes, 52 Questions
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading each
passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or implied in the
passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or graph).

Questions 1-10 are based on the following passage. The scene brought Cassie sad pleasure; she
This passage is taken from a novel about a Native knew it was cruel to take pleasure in Maddie's flop,
American woman's experiences in college. 30 but she also felt affirmed: Try too hard; seem too
eager; end up embarrassed.
Cassie shuddered into a straight-backed
posture as the door suddenly catapulted open with a Maddie eagerly grabbed and pulled Cassie's
jarring noise. "Hi ... oh ... whoa!" said the surprised outstretched arm. Lost in her thoughts, Cassie was
Line entrant, whose arms, reaching for a doorknob that unprepared for the shift in dynamics and stumbled a
5 had just escaped her reach, thrust forward to brace 35 few steps before righting herself. Maddie rose to
her fall. She came to rest about six feet inside the her feet; Cassie seethed at being pulled into the
threshold in a pose that brought to mind a runner in continuing comedy.
the starting blocks: both palms on the floor, one leg Maddie forced another awkward laugh, this
bent, the other extended. Cassie stood up, her eyes time louder than the first. "OK, let's forget this
10 wide, piecing the scene together.
40 whole thing happened. I'm going out and starting
"Are you ok?" Cassie asked, drawing out each over." The intruder departed, careful to leave the
word, knowing that any injuries suffered were door slightly ajar behind her.
psychological. This time, the knock, more measured, left the
The intruder looked up. "I'm fine. Just a little hinges inert. Cassie answered with a singsong
45 "Come in!"
15 rug burn on my palms!" She looked at her hand and
forced a laugh. Cassie stepped forward and, "Hello! I'm your neighbor from down the hall.
extending her own hand, realized that the young I'm Maddie." Maddie's tone and smile showed no
lady on her carpet was wearing a turquoise tank top effects from her stumble, though she did have a
and white capri pants. This was the same young deep grey scuff mark on the front of her capri pants.
20 lady she had seen from her window about an hour
earlier, who had been flitting about the courtyard, 50 Cassie approached and stiffly extended her
introducing herself to the other students, seeming so arm. "Hello Maddie. I recognize you from
desperate to find a friend. Up close, Cassie knew Facebook. I'm Cassady. Please call me Cassie."
her: Maddie Jones. The one who had been posting
25 drivel on Facebook all summer ("Can't wait to meet Maddie raised her eyebrows and smiled,
all those people who will end up meaning the world surprised by the formal tone. "I wasn't sure there
to me!!!"). 55 was anybody here." She shook Cassie's hand and
answered with her own unintentionally awkward

1 1
gesture, a smile that sought to portray warmth but . .1………………………………………. .. ……….
hinted strongly at bemusement. Looking around
for a conversation topic, she noted that Cassie had Which statement about Cassady Ninovan Smith
60 done no decorating except to tape a yellow piece of is NOT supported by the passage?
construction paper, elaborately colored, above the
solitary desk in the corner. Maddie peered at the A) She found Maddie somewhat annoying.
paper. B) She was startled by Maddie.
"Ummm ... Cassady Ninovan Smith? Is that C) She had a strained relationship with her
65 your full name? Do you have a hyphenated last younger sister.
name, or something?" D) She did not want to change too much while
living away from her family.
"That is my full name. Everyone asks about
Ninovan; it’s a Cherokee name."
"Are you part Native American?" said Maddie.
70 "Yeah. My little sister made that sign. She . .2………………………………………. ..……….
calls me Nin at home."
As used in line 12, “suffered” most nearly means
"That is so cool!"
A) sustained.
Cassie suddenly felt exhausted, in need of
B) punished.
peace. Her mind wandered unexpectedly to an old
75 Cherokee story her father had told her years ago. C) languished.
A teenage boy used to leave his family in the D) regretted.
morning, head to the mountains, and return in the
evening. As the days went by, he would get up and
go earlier, and then return later. His family was
80 puzzled; why would he not even eat with them?
They also noticed a change in his appearance as . .3……………………………………… . ..……….
well. He began growing brown hair all over his
body. It can reasonably be inferred from the passage
that Maddie
The boy's family asked him why he had
85 forsaken them. The boy told them that he had A) only had one pair of capri pants.
found plentiful food in the mountains, better food
than the family ate. He calmly told them that he B) was overly excited to begin college.
was becoming too different to live among their C) was not eager to transform herself while in
people. Soon he would leave to live on the college.
90 mountain forever. He was transforming. D) was reserved but determined to make
Cassie mentally vowed to be very careful not friends.
to transform. Any changes to Cassady Ninovan
Smith would be made on her own terms.
A question interrupted Cassie's thoughts. "Can
95 I call you Nin too?" asked Maddie.

1 1
. 4………………………………………. .. ………. . .8………………………………………. ..……….

Which choice provides the best evidence for the Which choice provides the best evidence for the
answer to the previous question? answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 16-19 (“Cassie stepped … pants”) A) Lines 6-9 (“She came … extended”)
B) Lines 25-27 (“Can’t wait … me!!!”) B) Lines 24-25 (“The one … summer”)
C) Lines 47-49 (“Maddie’s tone … pants”) C) Lines 74-75 (“Her mind … ago”)
D) Lines 91-92 (“Cassie … transform”) D) Lines 92-93 (“Any changes … terms”)

. .5………………………………………. ..……….

Based on the passage, which choice best . .9……………………………………… . ..……….

describes Cassie’s feelings toward her family?
With regard to the passage as a whole, the
A) Loyalty rhetorical effect of the sixteenth and seventeenth
B) Ambivalence paragraphs (lines 73-90) is to
C) Regret A) explain how Cherokee boys differ from
D) Volatility Cherokee girls.
B) help explain why Cassie did not want to
change too much while away at college.
. .6……………………………………… . ..……….
C) suggest that Cassie’s parents did not want
The passage refers to Maddie as an “entrant” in her to go away to college.
line 4 and an “intruder” in line 14. What is the D) transition the essay from Cassie’s present to
rhetorical effect of this switch in words? her distant past.
A) It foreshadows Maddie’s attempt to pull
Cassie to the floor.
B) It indicates Cassie’s growing confusion.
C) It marks a change in Cassie’s perception of . .10 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
From whose point of view was the passage
D) It signals Cassie’s fear of being accosted.
A) Cassie’s
. 7………………………………………. .. ……….
B) Maddie’s
The passage most strongly suggests that Cassie C) An omniscient third-party narrator’s
participated in D) An eavesdropping dormitory proctor’s
A) track and field.
B) old Cherokee traditions.
C) modern Cherokee culture.
D) online social media.
1 1
Questions 11-21 are based on the following 40 In many cases, these immigrants work in the
passage and supplementary material. farming and landscaping industries, spending long
hours laboring outdoors.
This passage examines the effect of air pollution on
the Latino population in California. This outdoor employment involves
environmental conditions that may be detrimental to
From the earliest days of immigration to North 45 workers. The observable smog for which the Los
America, people new to the continent instinctively Angeles metropolitan area is notorious bears itself
sought the community of others with similar ethnic out in poor air quality for outdoor workers in
Line backgrounds. These immigrants hoped to gain a several California cities with concentrated Latino
5 foothold in their new surroundings with the aid of populations.
sympathizers who spoke the same language and
shared the same heritage. 50 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
aggregates air quality measurements across the
Newcomers realized that rapid and successful
country and pays close attention to PM 2.5 . PM 2.5
assimilation was largely contingent upon securing
stands for “particulate matter measuring less than
10 employment. In many cases, however, employment
2.5 micrometers in diameter.” Small particles such
obtained through association with an ethnic group
55 as PM 2.5 particles find their way into the lungs more
was wrought with peril. For example, the Irish men
easily than larger ones; PM 2.5 measurements,
who helped build many miles of canal throughout
therefore, provide a reasonable indication of
New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio in the early 19th
dangerous air conditions. PM 2.5 particles can
15 century had to endure countless on-site difficulties.
become airborne as a result of combustion. Motor
Physically exacting work performed under a blazing
60 vehicles, power plants, and industrial activities are
sun often caused debilitating sunburn. Outbreaks of
all sources of PM 2.5 particles. The grinding of more
cholera and malaria were not uncommon, while
coarse particles, such as the creation of dust from
violent labor riots were common, unfortunately.
larger road particles, also releases PM 2.5 particles.
20 Similarly, during the late 1800s, railroad
Gaseous byproducts of combustion can interact
construction companies subjected Chinese workers
65 chemically with sunlight or water vapor to produce
to beatings, racial slander, pay discrimination, and
PM 2.5 particles.
occupational hazards such as working with
While the average citizen has little knowledge
25 The employment network among ethnic of the significance of high PM 2.5 measurements,
enclaves still exists today. Census statistics reveal airborne particles trigger asthma and other serious
concentrations of ethnic groups throughout the 70 respiratory conditions. Therefore, residents of cities
United States where immigrants of similar with high PM 2.5 readings find themselves at a higher
backgrounds are likely to land. Thankfully, risk for such conditions, and outdoor workers in
30 episodes of immigrants who toil under barbaric these places are in even worse straits. While
conditions do not occur with the same frequency as California citizens fighting on the front lines for
they did long ago. However, certain immigrant 75 better air quality standards hope to bring relief to
groups, like Latinos, do encounter occupational the entire state population, their work will have a
hazards that affect them disproportionately. major impact on Latino immigrants who seek
employment and a better life in cultural enclaves
35 One example of this phenomenon can be seen throughout a number of California metropolitan
in California. Long a haven for immigrants from 80 areas.
Mexico and other Central American countries,
California has a large Latino population relative to
other states, in part due to continuing immigration.

1 1
Latino populations in California cities with . .13 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
substandard PM 2.5 levels, 2010
The passage suggests which of the following
% of total population, Latino

about the relationship between Irish workers and

51 Chinese workers in the United States?
41 A) They understood each other’s circum-
36 stances very well.
26 B) They helped each other succeed in America.
21 C) The Chinese workers failed to learn from
16 the misfortune of the Irish workers.
D) The passage does not suggest a relationship
between Irish and Chinese workers in

. .14 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

. .11 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

From the point of view of a recent immigrant to The primary function of the third paragraph
North America, the “sympathizers” referred to in (lines 25-34) is to
line 6 are most likely A) explain why conditions in the United States
A) politicians who advocate for the rights of have improved for immigrants.
illegal immigrants and their children. B) transition the passage from the past to the
B) farmers who require seasonal employees to present.
perform menial tasks. C) offer a solution to the problems discussed in
C) less recent immigrants to North America of the preceding paragraphs.
the same ethnic group. D) shift the discussion from the social
D) other immigrants to North America, but struggles faced by Irish and Chinese
from countries like Ireland and China. immigrants to the environmental adversity
endured by Latino immigrants.

. .15 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The author of the passage makes an assertion in

. .12 ………………………………… . ..…… …. the last sentence of the third paragraph (lines 32-
34). How does the author support this assertion?
As used in line 9, “securing” most nearly means
A) By offering a counter example
A) fastening. B) By citing statistics
B) gaining. C) By offering sound reasoning
C) mooring. D) By offering a current example
D) shielding.

1 1
. .16 ………………………………… . ..…… …. . .19 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Which of the following statements is supported As used in line 45, “observable” most nearly
by the graph that accompanies the passage? means
A) There are more Latinos living in Madera A) capable of being studied by scientists.
than in Riverside, Stockton, Modesto, or B) often, but not always, present.
C) capable of being seen by the naked eye.
B) The quality of air in Riverside is very
similar to the quality of air in Fresno. D) detectible with the proper equipment.
C) The air quality in California is generally
worse than the national average.
D) For every 10 residents of Fresno there are
more Latinos than for every 10 residents of . .20 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
The primary function of the sixth paragraph
(lines 50-66) is to
A) provide a welcome digression from the
main topic.
. .17 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
B) offer a solution to the problem faced by
The passage suggests that ethnic populations in outdoor workers in California.
America were often concentrated because C) establish the credibility of the author of the
A) California, which boarders Mexico to the
north, is very welcoming to immigrants. D) provide background information on certain
technical aspects of air quality.
B) U.S. employers required newly hired
employees to live together.
C) immigration laws require immigrants to
stay with relatives until they find a job.
. .21 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
D) immigrants tend to seek out others with
backgrounds similar to their own. In order to better align the graph with the
language in the final paragraph of the passage
(lines 67-80), the word “substandard” in the title
of the graph should be changed to which of the
. .18 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
A) dangerously low
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
B) elevated
answer to the previous question?
C) constant
A) Lines 4-7 (“These … heritage”)
D) deadly
B) Lines 8-10 (“Newcomers … employment”)
C) Lines 25-26 (“The employment … today”)
D) Lines 36-39 (“Long … immigration”)

1 1
Questions 22-31 are based on the following passage. for medical diagnoses. Today, ultrasound allows
40 doctors to obtain images for many uses, including
This passage is adapted from an article about the viewing a developing fetus, investigating heart and
development of ultrasound. kidney function, and detecting tumors throughout
the body. A technician uses a handheld probe that
An expectant father is usually full of emotion transmits millions of high-frequency sound pulses
as his pregnant partner heads to the doctor's office 45 into the body every second. The waves created by
for an ultrasound test. Happiness, nervousness, each pulse travel through the body until they
Line excitement, concern, and anxiety are all common encounter tissues or fluids, where they are reflected
5 feelings. In John Beck's case, pride in his father
back to the probe. The probe reads the millions of
was near the top of the list as well. In 1991, John echoes and then transfers the readings to an attached
mentioned to his father, William Nelson "Nels" 50 computer. The computer calculates the distance
Beck, that his wife was to undergo an ultrasound. between the probe and the waves, as well as the
Nels Beck, an exceedingly humble retired physicist, amount of time it takes each echo to return,
10 casually replied, to his son's great surprise, that he calibrating to millionths of a second. The computer
had discovered ultrasound. then displays the distances and intensities of the
Like so many scientific discoveries, Nels 55 echoes in the form of a two-dimensional image.
Beck's discovery was somewhat accidental. In A more recent variation of the standard
1957, he was working on a scanner at the Argonne ultrasound, called 3-D ultrasound, is gaining in
15 National Laboratory outside Chicago. The United
popularity among doctors for its ability to detect
States government had created Argonne for nuclear certain conditions. During a 3-D ultrasound, the
research, and Beck's scanner was intended to 60 technician can move the probe over different
inspect nuclear fuel elements. A fuel element is an surfaces of the same part of the body; on a pregnant
assembly of rods that is inserted into a nuclear woman, for example, the probe can be moved over
20 reactor. Each rod contains uranium fuel pellets; the front and sides of the belly. Specialized
Beck wanted to see the pellets within the rods software can combine the images from each surface
without deconstructing the fuel element to assess 65 to form a three-dimensional picture. 3-D ultrasound
the fuel's purity. has proven particularly effective in detecting early
The scanner Beck devised worked on the same tumors and determining whether they are benign or
25 principal as sonar. Sonar, an acronym for SOund malignant. 3-D ultrasound also provides a better
Navigation And Ranging, is a system that emits a overall view of a fetus's face and limbs, which
sound wave and then measures the echo of that 70 doctors can use to spot growth abnormalities.
sound wave to determine distances from objects and In the future, scientists expect to improve the
the shapes of those objects. Beck's scanner also sharpness and clarity of the 3-D ultrasound. They
30 emitted a sound wave and recorded the echo. While also hope to allow doctors to view the images in
testing his device, Beck placed his arm underneath real time, rather than in photographed stages.
the scanner. After calibrating the sensitivity of the 75 These advancements would represent significant
recording unit, Beck was able to create and print out enhancements to the more humble prototype
an image of his arm that distinguished bone and developed by a humble man, Nels Beck.
35 flesh.

In the decades since Beck's discovery,

scientists have modified and improved ultrasound
equipment to provide reliable, high-quality images

1 1
. .22 …………………………… . ..… … …. . .25 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

According to the passage, the “list” referred to in According to the passage, it is reasonable to
line 6 is most likely a list of conclude that

A) things that John Beck admired about his A) Nels Beck never achieved his goal of
father. viewing nuclear fuel elements without
B) discoveries made by Nels Beck. deconstructing them.

C) emotions that an expectant father will likely B) ultrasound technology has broad
experience. applications in the medical field.

D) medical uses of ultrasound technology. C) high-frequency sound pulses can be harmful

to a developing fetus.
D) wireless probes are not yet being developed
by scientists.

. .23 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The primary function of the second paragraph . .26 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

(lines 12-23) is to
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
A) explain how Nels Beck discovered answer to the previous question?
B) provide context for Beck’s accidental A) Lines 32-35 (“After calibrating … flesh”)
discovery. B) Lines 39-43 (“Today … body”)
C) suggest that government-funded programs C) Lines 45-48 (“The waves … probe”)
often lead to unexpected discoveries. D) Lines 71-72 (“In the future … ultrasound”)
D) explain the assembly of nuclear fuel

. .27 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

. .24 ………………………………… . ..…… …. Based on the passage, a list of the “conditions”

referred to in line 59 might include all of the
As used in line 24, “devised” most nearly means following EXCEPT:

A) concocted. A) a tumor.
B) suggested. B) a shorter than normal femur, or thigh bone.
C) designed. C) a longer than normal humerus, or arm bone.
D) imagined. D) a fetus’s facial features.

1 1
. .28 ………………………………… . ..…… …. . .30 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

As used in line 76, the phrase “more humble” Which choice provides the best evidence for the
most nearly means answer to the previous question?
A) more reserved. A) Lines 36-39 (“In the decades … diagnoses”)
B) less sophisticated. B) Lines 56-59 (“A more … conditions”)
C) more respectful. C) Lines 63-65 (“Specialized … picture”)
D) less arrogant. D) Lines 71-72 (“In the future … ultrasound”)

. .29 ………………………………… . ..…… …. . .31 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Based on the passage, it is reasonable to infer The passage as a whole can be best described as
that scientists currently working on ultrasound which of the following?
enhancements and innovations are
A) Persuasive
A) unsure of what the future holds. B) Informational
B) not coordinating well with doctors. C) Clinical
C) confident in their abilities. D) Critical
D) ahead of schedule in creating prototypes.

1 1
Questions 32-42 are based on the following hundred and eighty million make an annual income
passages. 35 of less than ninety dollars a year. And most of them
have never seen a doctor or a dentist.
Passage 1 is an excerpt from a speech given by Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. entitled "Remaining Awake As I noticed these things, something within me
Through a Great Revolution." Passage 2 is an cried out, "Can we in America stand idly by and not
excerpt from a speech given by President Barack be concerned?" And an answer came: "Oh no!"
Obama at the commencement ceremony for the 40 Because the destiny of the United States is tied up
United States Military academy in 2014. Both with the destiny of India and every other nation.
discuss the role of the United States in world
Passage 2
So the United States is and remains the one
Passage 1 indispensable nation. That has been true for the
There is another thing closely related to racism century passed and it will be true for the century to
that I would like to mention as another challenge. 45 come.
We are challenged to rid our nation and the world of But the world is changing with accelerating
Line poverty. Like a monstrous octopus, poverty spreads speed. This presents opportunity, but also new
5 its nagging, prehensile tentacles into hamlets and dangers. We know all too well, after 9/11, just how
villages all over our world. Two-thirds of the people technology and globalization have put power once
of the world go to bed hungry tonight. They are ill- 50 reserved for states in the hands of individuals,
housed; they are ill-nourished; they are shabbily raising the capacity of terrorists to do harm. And
clad. I’ve seen it in Latin America; I’ve seen it in even as developing nations embrace democracy and
10 Africa; I’ve seen this poverty in Asia.
market economies, 24-hour news and social media
I remember some years ago Mrs. King and I makes it impossible to ignore the continuation of
journeyed to that great country known as India. And 55 sectarian conflicts and failing states and popular
I never will forget the experience. It was a uprisings that might have received only passing
marvelous experience to meet and talk with the notice a generation ago.
15 great leaders of India, to meet and talk with and to It will be your generation’s task to respond to
speak to thousands and thousands of people all over this new world. The question we face, the question
that vast country. These experiences will remain 60 each of you will face, is not whether America will
dear to me as long as the cords of memory shall lead, but how we will lead -- not just to secure our
lengthen. peace and prosperity, but also extend peace and
20 But I say to you this morning, my friends, prosperity around the globe.
there were those depressing moments. How can one Now, this question isn’t new. At least since
avoid being depressed when he sees with his own 65 George Washington served as Commander-in-
eyes evidences of millions of people going to bed Chief, there have been those who warned against
hungry at night? How can one avoid being foreign entanglements that do not touch directly on
25 depressed when he sees with his own eyes God’s our security or economic wellbeing. Today,
children sleeping on the sidewalks at night? In according to self-described realists, conflicts in
Bombay more than a million people sleep on the 70 Syria or Ukraine or the Central African Republic
sidewalks every night. In Calcutta more than six are not ours to solve. And not surprisingly, after
hundred thousand sleep on the sidewalks every costly wars and continuing challenges here at home,
30 night. They have no beds to sleep in; they have no that view is shared by many Americans.
houses to go in. How can one avoid being depressed
when he discovers that out of India’s population of
more than five hundred million people, some four
1 1
A different view from interventionists from the . .34 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
75 left and right says that we ignore these conflicts at
our own peril; that America’s willingness to apply As it is used in line 33, “some” most nearly
force around the world is the ultimate safeguard means
against chaos, and America’s failure to act... not
only violates our conscience, but invites escalating A) roughly.
80 aggression in the future. B) exactly.
And each side can point to history to support C) more than.
its claims. But I believe neither view fully speaks to D) several.
the demands of this moment. It is absolutely true
that in the 21st century American isolationism is not
85 an option.

. .35 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

In Passage 2, President Obama suggests that

. .32 ………………………………… . ..…… …. which of the following is contributing to the
increasing speed of change in the world?
In the first paragraph of Passage 1 (lines 1-10),
A) Failing states
what does Dr. King do to help the reader
comprehend the pervasive nature of poverty? B) News networks
C) Global prosperity
A) He describes how poverty is similar to
racism in America. D) Popular uprisings
B) He challenges Americans to rid the world of
C) He personifies poverty by likening it to a
monstrous octopus. . .36 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
D) He offers a difficult, but workable solution Based on the passages, with which of the
to end poverty. following statements would both speakers most
likely agree?
A) Poverty is the root of all evil.
B) America should not ignore what happens
. .33 ………………………………… . ..…… …. beyond its borders.
C) America must take care of its own citizens
The second paragraph of Passage 1 (11-19) before it provides aid to foreign citizens.
suggests that Dr. King did all of the following in
D) The threat of terrorism will continue to
grow because two-thirds of the world’s
A) meet with leaders. citizens live in poverty.
B) give speeches.
C) witness poverty.
D) converse with many citizens.

1 1
. .37 ………………………………… . ..…… …. . .40 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

In his speech, President Obama most likely One of the main differences between the
included the remarks set forth in lines 64-68 passages is that, unlike President Obama in
(“At least … wellbeing”) in order to Passage 2, Dr. King in Passage 1
A) offer an example of how George A) references events from history.
Washington grappled with foreign affairs. B) addresses circumstances in foreign
B) weaken the argument made by some countries.
conservatives. C) discusses personal observations and
C) prove that all United States presidents dealt experiences.
with similar issues. D) offers a solution to a problem.
D) support an assertion made in the preceding

. .41 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Which of the following words best describes

. .38 ………………………………… . ..…… …. tone of the final paragraph of each passage?

The “view” referred to in line 73 is the view that A) Decisive

B) Fearful
A) America does not need to solve the rest of
C) Morose
the world’s problems.
D) Humorous
B) America must respond to wars being waged
around the world.
C) unless the security of the United States is at
risk, politicians should not insert . .42 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
themselves into foreign matters.
Which of the following best summarizes the two
D) America must lead by responding to the
new globalized, technology-driven, world.
A) Passage 1 focuses on America’s role in
ending poverty worldwide, while Passage 2
focuses on America’s role in foreign
. .39 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
B) Passage 1 focuses on poverty in Asia, while
As used in line 79, “invites” most nearly means Passage 2 focuses on European conflicts.
C) Passage 1 focuses on Dr. King’s
A) encourages. observations, while Passage 2 focuses on
B) offers. President Obama’s goals.
C) accepts. D) Passage 1 focuses on domestic issues, while
D) requests. Passage 2 focuses on foreign policy.

1 1
Questions 43-52 are based on the following were needed. In 1989, NASA launched the Cosmic
passage and supplementary material. Background Explorer satellite. Nicknamed
"COBE," the satellite went into orbit high above the
This passage discusses the field of cosmology and Earth in order to eliminate the possibility of
advancements made in mankind's understanding of 45 atmospheric interference. It then detected and
the universe. mapped the microwave radiation that had caused
the interference with the Bell antenna. The map
Cosmology is all about the big picture, or showed slight changes in the density of radiation
perhaps more precisely, the biggest picture across the universe. Cosmologists had predicted
imaginable. The field itself is relatively new. In the 50 that these irregular densities would exist, reasoning
Line 1940s, physicists like Albert Einstein began to that, if the Big Bang had distributed radiation and
5 speculate on the origins and nature of the universe. matter evenly, the clumping necessary to form
Unfortunately, the ability to gather data from the celestial bodies would not have occurred.
great beyond was largely undeveloped back then.
Cosmologists next set out to achieve finer
In the 1960s, two scientists from Bell 55 measurements of the microwave radiation. In 2001,
Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey, made a vital NASA launched the Wilkinson Microwave
10 discovery. The company had installed a 20 foot Anisotropy Project, or WMAP satellite. Anisotropy
antenna on the premises for use with an early is the property of being directionally dependent;
satellite system. When the satellite became WMAP was designed to delineate the densities of
obsolete, employees Arno Penzias and Robert 60 the microwave radiation even more clearly than
Wilson conducted company-sanctioned experiments COBE had. Stabilized by the gravity of both the
15 using the antenna. Penzias and Wilson began their sun and Earth, WMAP's orbit was well over a
experiments in 1964 with the intention of listening million miles farther from Earth than COBE's orbit
to intergalactic radio waves, but in every direction had been. Because of its superior distance from
they pointed the antenna, they picked up microwave 65 Earth, WMAP was able to detect a detail of analysis
noise. 30 times that of COBE.
20 After careful inspection of their equipment, WMAP provided cosmologists with a deeper
Penzias and Wilson ruled out defects in the antenna. understanding of the kinds of matter that once
They also determined that environmental composed, and now compose, the universe. Only a
interference could not be the source of the 70 few decades ago, physicists believed the universe
microwave noise. Unable to explain the was composed entirely of baryonic matter, or matter
25 phenomenon, they fortuitously discovered that, less composed of different combinations of protons,
than 30 miles away at Princeton University, a neutrons, and electrons. All matter on Earth is
physicist named Robert Dicke was designing an baryonic. However, WMAP confirmed that non-
experiment to test his theory about the origin of the 75 baryonic matter exists as well. This is the matter
universe. Dicke believed that the "Big Bang," the commonly referred to as "dark matter."
30 cosmic eruption of energy that he believed was the
start of the universe, would have produced a low- Dark matter, which currently makes up
level noise still detectable in the present day. approximately two-thirds of the universe, is still an
Penzias and Wilson learned of Dicke's hypothesis unsolved mystery. Cosmologists believe they know
and his plans to test it; they alerted him to their own 80 what dark matter is not. It is not baryonic matter
35 findings. The union of Dicke's hypothesis with because WMAP would have detected that dark
Penzias and Wilson's experimental findings resulted areas absorb microwave radiation, as baryonic
in the birth of cosmology as a field. matter does. Dark matter is also not enormous,
galaxy-sized, black holes because light passing by
As speculation about the Big Bang grew and 85 would be twisted by the hole's gravitational pull.
ancillary theories proliferated, cosmologists
40 recognized that new data-gathering mechanisms
1 1
Cosmologists are also seeking to understand . .43 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
the nature of "dark energy," which has become the
most prevalent substance in the universe. Dark The passage begins with a tone that can best be
energy can best be termed an invisible force that described as which of the following?
90 clearly has an effect on the expansion of the
universe. Cosmologists estimate that it began A) Serious
pulling galaxies apart at an accelerated rate about B) Formal
7.5 billion years ago. It remains viable today, C) Lighthearted
causing the universe's continual expansion.
D) Admiring
95 Perhaps dark energy is, as Einstein theorized
decades ago, a property of space. He contended
that the layman's idea of space as vast, colorless,
nothingness needs to change. Whatever dark . .44 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
energy and dark matter are, they both represent big
As used in line 9, “vital” most nearly means
100 missing pieces of the biggest picture imaginable.
A) urgent.
Changes in the compositon of the universe B) cardinal.
C) necessary.
D) significant.
10% 14%

. .45 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
12% According to the passage, what did the two
Dark Matter
scientists from Bell Laboratories discover?
63% A) An obsolete 20-foot satellite antenna
B) Intergalactic radio waves
C) Microwave noise
13.7 Billion Years Ago D) A theory about the origin of the universe

. .46 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The passage suggests that the microwave noise

21% Dark Energy detected by Penzias and Wilson was caused by
Atoms A) the explosive birth of the universe.
Dark Matter B) environmental interference.
Other C) defects in the antenna.
D) Robert Dicke’s experiment only 30 miles
1 1
. .47 ………………………………… . ..…… …. . .50 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Which choice provides the best evidence for the According to the passage, which of the
answer to the previous question? following seems to be true about cosmologists?
A) Lines 20-21 (“After careful … antenna”) A) They generally disagree with physicists.
B) Lines 24-29 (“Unable … universe”) B) Their ranks have grown since the 1960s.
C) Lines 29-32 (“Dicke believed … day”) C) There are phenomena they cannot yet
D) Lines 35-37 (“The union … field”) explain.
D) They look to Einstein for inspiration.

. .48 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

. .51 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
As used in line 52, “evenly” most nearly means
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
A) fairly. answer to the previous question?
B) uniformly.
A) Lines 38-41 (“As speculation … needed”)
C) equitably.
B) Lines 69-73 (“Only a … electrons”)
D) numerically.
C) Lines 86-88 (“Cosmologists … universe”)
D) Lines 95-96 (“Perhaps dark … space”)

.. 49 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

To better align the text with the graphics, the . .52 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
word “two-thirds” in line 78 should be changed
to Based on the graphics, which of the following
statements is accurate?
A) one-fifth.
A) The universe will one day have no atoms.
B) one-third.
B) Dark energy first formed about 12 billion
C) 63 percent.
years ago.
D) 72 percent.
C) The universe no longer contains Neutrinos.
D) Dark matter is less abundant today than it
was 13.7 billion years ago.

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work in this section only.
Do not return to any other section in the test.
2 2
Writing Test 1
35 Minutes, 44 Questions
Turn to Section 2 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


Each passage below is accompanied by a number of questions. For some questions, you will
consider how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas. For other
questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence
structure, usage, or punctuation. A passage or a question may be accompanied by one or more
graphics (such as a table or graph) that you will consider as you make revising and editing

Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage. Other questions will
direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.

After reading each passage, choose the answer to each question that most effectively improves
the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of
standard written English. Many questions include a “NO CHANGE” option. Choose that
option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the passage as it is.

Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage. . .1………………………………………. ..……….

Industrial Design: Variety on the Job A) NO CHANGE

Many young people exploring employment B) that need to be performed again and again
options today actively avoid jobs that offer little C) that need to be performed over and over

variety. They fear that occupations that require D) DELETE the underlined portion in its
repetitive tasks ..1.. that need to be performed over
and over again will ultimately prove to be
unfulfilling. Such job seekers who crave variation
. .2………………………………………. ..……….
would do well to investigate industrial design. Part
investigator, part artist, part engineer, and part A) NO CHANGE

businessperson, ..2.. a driving force in the B) the driving force in the conceptualization of
new products is the industrial designer
conceptualization of new products is the industrial
C) new products are conceptualized and
designer. designed by industrial designers
D) the industrial designer is a driving force in
the conceptualization of new products

2 2
The industrial designer recognizes that the vast . .3………………………………………. .. ……….
majority of successful products attain market
superiority as a result of ..3.. careful planning, and B) careful planning and the willingness to work
the willingness to work hard. In the early stages of hard
product development, a designer must be C) careful planning and hard work

inquisitive. He or she gathers answers to a number D) careful planning as well as hard working

of ..4.. questions: Who will use the product?

Where will the product be used? Why is the
. .4………………………………………. ..……….
product necessary? Getting the right answers to
these questions allows the designer to envision the A) NO CHANGE
B) questions; Who will use
features and qualities of the product that will meet
C) questions; like who will be using
the needs of the consumer … and trump the
D) questions—like who used

..5.. Answers in hand, the designer can begin to . .5……………………………………… . ..……….

determine the exact specifications for the product.
Which of the following offers the best transition
An artistic sensibility and knowledge of current from the preceding paragraph?
trends are major assets. The designer executes A) NO CHANGE
sketches or computer renderings that take B) Eager to beat the competition badly
competitive intelligence and the marketing C) Knowing what consumers require
environment into account. These sketches or D) With answers that allow the designer to
envision the features and qualities the
renderings lead to the creation of a prototype, so
product needs
they must reflect a balance of creativity and
..6.. practicality.
. .6……………………………………… . ..……….

Which of the following alternatives to the

underlined portion is LEAST acceptable?
A) usefulness
B) diligence
C) functionality
D) utility

2 2
Throughout the process, the industrial designer . .7………………………………………. ..……….
must account for a product's mechanical
requirements. For this reason, ..7.. your familiarity B) one’s familiarity
with engineering is crucial. For example, if the C) the industrial designer’s familiarity
product has electrical components, the designer D) familiarity
must design the product to safely house those
. .8……………………………………… . ..……….
Finally, the designer's business sense will bear The writer would like to conclude the paragraph
on the final design. As the product evolves, the with a sentence that provides an example of how
the design of a product might be affected by
designer must keep in mind that it is intended for a financial considerations. Which sentence best
specific segment of the population and that that accomplishes the writer’s goal?
segment of the population must be able to afford to A) NO CHANGE
purchase the product. ..8.. Some design B) For example, low-income consumers can’t
afford private jets or yachts; they can only
considerations are, therefore, shaped by the price
afford lower-price items.
point that the designer is hoping to meet. C) A car designed for cost-conscious
consumers, for instance, might include
plastic hub caps instead of more expensive
Once these factors are weighed and a prototype metal ones.
is completed, production begins. The designer can D) That’s why the saying “you get what you pay
then ..9.. reap the rewards of having completed a for” is as true today as it was in the days
before industrial designers.
multistep process requiring a great deal of skill and

. 9………………………………………. .. ……….

The writer would like to indicate that an

industrial designer will likely take pride in a final
product that is thoughtfully designed. Which of
the following best accomplishes the writer’s
B) enjoy the satisfaction of
C) collect praise for
D) sit back and relax after

2 2
Many colleges and universities now offer ...10 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
industrial ..10.. design programs, they feature a mix A) NO CHANGE
of courses in drafting, industrial materials, and B) design programs; featuring
manufacturing processes. While growth in C) design programs that feature
industrial design, from an employment perspective, D) design programs, these programs feature
is ..11.. not projected to be as low as that of other
occupations, an average designer's salary exceeds
the national median. That fact, as well as the
variety of tasks involved in the design process,
should, however, prove attractive to the curious job
seeker looking to avoid a highly specialized future.
. .11 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Which choice offers an accurate interpretation of

Industrial Designers the data in the chart that accompanies the
Percent Increase in Employment passage?
(5-year projection)
Total, all B) not projected to lag behind
occupations 11%
C) projected to be lower than
D) projected to one day exceed
Arts, entertainment,
sports, and media 7%

Industrial designers 4%

Note: “all occupations” includes all occupations

in the U.S. Economy.

2 2
Questions 12-22 are based on the following . .12 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
Jazz Builders B) rides
When I watch jazz bands perform, I am C) was riding
reminded of a book called Mike Macleroy and His D) will ride
Bulldozer, by Bart Goodwin. The title character
.. 12.. rode his bulldozer, named Mary Anne, to the
town of Popperville, where a new town hall is about . .13 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

to be built. Mike tells the townspeople that he and At this point, the writer is considering adding the
Mary Anne can dig the foundation for the town hall following sentence:

in one day, a boast that elicits widespread disbelief. Mary Anne is bright yellow with giant black
wheels that are taller than Mike.
.. 13.. The next morning, Mike and Mary Anne
Should the writer make this addition here?
commence their work, and the number of
Poppervillian and out-of-town bystanders swells A) Yes, because it helps the reader understand
what a bulldozer is.
with each passing hour. The observers are intrigued
B) Yes, because it provides detail that heightens
by the confluence of man and machine. the suspense described in the paragraph.
C) No, because it provides detail that is
irrelevant to the focus of the paragraph.
Jazz bands are also in the construction
D) No, because it does not match the style or
business. Like Mike, they lay down a boast that tone of the passage.
comes in the form of a scheduled appearance:
"Come see us this Friday night. We can build
something with these instruments that you've never . .14 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
experienced before." At the appointed time, Which of the following is the most acceptable
listeners assemble and the band takes the stage alternative to the underlined portion?
armed with a blueprint, which can be as formal as A) loose
sheets of music or as ..14.. informal as common B) coordinated
knowledge of a certain tune. C) rehearsed
D) underhanded

2 2
At the foreman's, or bandleader's, command, . .15 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
the work commences. To even an untrained eye,
the effort expended is clear. The laborers’, or B) heads start nodding
musicians', forearms knot, brows furrow, fingers C) nodding of heads begins
flit, feet stamp, and ..15.. heads begin to nod. Soon, D) heads nod
something emerges: a song. A sturdy rhythmic
foundation poured, or laid, by the drum buttresses,
or props up, the clean lines of a horn riff. The . .16 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
understated chords of a piano, guitar, or double bass A) NO CHANGE
.. 16.. bolts, or adheres, the rhythm to the riff. This B) bolts, or adheres, the rhythm on the riff
classic construct is recognizable to most jazz lovers, C) bolt, or adhere, the rhythm to the riff
even if the particular song itself is not. D) bolt or adhere the rhythm to the riff

From here, the musicians embellish the edifice

they have created through their own moods and . .17 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

personalities. .. 17.. Solos add color; shape; as well A) NO CHANGE

as accent. The same song can be, in the hands of B) Solos add: color; shape; as well as accent.
different bands (or in the hands of the same band at C) Solos add color, shape, as well as accent.
different times), a Greek temple, a Gaudi cathedral, D) Solos add color, shape, and accent.
or a Gehry museum. ..18..

. .18 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The writer would like to highlight how amazing

it is that different jazz musicians can make the
same song sound so different through their
personal interpretations of the song. Which of
the following words, if inserted before the word
same in the preceding sentence, would help
accomplish the writer’s goal?
A) very
B) once
C) sometimes
D) formerly

2 2
All the while, safety, or harmony, is a concern . .19 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
.. 19.. between the band members. I have seen subtle
looks of displeasure sweep across the faces of B) from
players who know something is amiss. They know C) among
that their whole enterprise threatens to crash to the D) around
ground. ..20.. Yes, jazz musicians can be as unhappy
as riveters ten stories high dodging girders under the . .20 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
“control” of novice crane operators. The writer would like to add a phrase after the
word ground that offers the reader examples of
the kinds of things that can go wrong during a
[1] I suspect most jazz musicians would also jazz session. Which of the following phrases
claim that they fall short of perfection for their would best accomplish the writer’s goal?
audiences. [2] And that’s ..21.. fine. [3] Most A) if any one of the band members messes up
audience members, like the folks who watch Mike B) because of a poorly tuned instrument or even
the slightest variation in tempo
and Mary Anne in the book, feel enriched by their
C) when things do not go as planned during a
attendance. [4] At the end of his quest, Mike does recording session
not quite deliver on his promise, though he does D) without a single listener becoming aware of
come tantalizingly close. ..22.. the subtle flaws

. .21 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

B) no biggie
C) hunky-dory
D) chill

. .22 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

To make this paragraph most logical, sentence 4

should be placed
A) where it is now.
B) before sentence 1.
C) after sentence 1.
D) after sentence 2.

2 2
Questions 23-33 are based on the following . .23 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
Abigail Fillmore Brings Culture to the White B) in November of 1963
House C) in November in 1963
Most Americans who were alive during John D) in, November, 1963
F. Kennedy's presidency have a special affinity for
Kennedy's wife Jacqueline. Though her stint as . .24 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
First Lady was tragically cut short when President The writer is considering deleting the preceding
Kennedy was assassinated ..23.. in November, of sentence. Should the writer delete the sentence?
1963, Jacqueline is remembered not only for her A) No, because it supports the main assertion
made in the previous sentence.
grace and presence, but also, and perhaps more
B) No, because it evidences Jaqueline’s love for
importantly, for emphasizing culture and learning. her husband.
Most notably, she is known for spearheading the C) Yes, because it contains interesting, but
fundraising campaign for construction of the John largely irrelevant, information.
F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. ..24.. D) Yes, because it does not highlight
Jaqueline’s grace and presence.

.. 25.. Over a century earlier, Abigail Fillmore

. .25 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
also served as First Lady for an abbreviated period
Which of the following offers the best transition
while her husband Millard was President. Though
from the first paragraph to the second paragraph?
historians have been far less inclined to laud
Abigail's cultural influence, she, like Jacqueline, left
B) Similarly
.. 26.. an indelible mark on the White House. C) Another First Lady who was culturally savvy
D) Much earlier in U.S. history, according to

. .26 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Which of the following is the LEAST acceptable

alternative to the underlined portion?
A) a lasting
B) an enduring
C) a worthwhile
D) a surviving

2 2
Abigail was born in 1798 in Saratoga County, . .27 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
New York. Shortly after ..27.. his birth, her father, a A) NO CHANGE
Baptist minister, passed away, leaving the family B) their
with an impressive collection of books. ..28.. With C) her
her mother's guidance, Abigail developed a lifelong D) DELETE the underlined portion.
love of reading. She married Millard in 1826.
Shortly thereafter, he began a career in law and . .28 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
politics, while she taught school to help support
The writer would like to stress that Abigail’s
them. father left his family with few things of value
when he died by adding the phrase little more
than to the preceding sentence. Where should
In the 1840s, while Millard won elections to the writer place the phrase to best accomplish this
the New York legislature and the United States goal?
Congress, Abigail's health began to decline. ..29.. A) before the phrase a Baptist minister
Still keen to push herself intellectually, however, B) after the phrase passed away
Abigail studied French, practiced piano, and helped C) before the phrase an impressive collection

found a local lending library ..30.. that allowed local D) after the word books

patrons to borrow books. In 1848, Millard was

nominated to join Zachary Taylor on the Whig party . .29 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
ticket as the vice-presidential candidate. Taylor The writer would like to support the assertion
won the election. But when Millard left for made in the preceding sentence, by adding a new
sentence at this point. Which sentence best
Washington, Abigail, still ailing, stayed behind. accomplishes the writer’s goal?
A) She made many trips to the doctor.
B) She lost interest in teaching.
C) She contracted several illnesses that left her
D) She had to pay numerous medical bills.

. .30 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

B) books to be borrowed by local patrons
C) that lent books to Buffalo residents
D) DELETE the underlined portion.

2 2
President Taylor passed away suddenly in . .31 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
1850, leaving Millard Fillmore to assume the office
of President for two years. ..31.. Abigail now the B) Abigail, now the new First Lady was
new First Lady was obliged to move to Washington C) Abigail now the new First Lady, was
in order to perform the duties expected of her. D) Abigail, now the new First Lady, was
Despite her continual physical suffering, Abigail
used an extensive social calendar to introduce a new
level of culture to the White House. Finding a
paucity of books in the residence, she had one of the
rooms converted to a formal library. She also . .32 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
hosted numerous speakers with wide-ranging
interests in the arts. B) expand it’s collection
C) expand its collection
Millard Fillmore was not reelected in 1852, D) she expanded its collection
and Abigail passed away in March of 1853.
However, she did not go unnoticed and her efforts
were rekindled by Jacqueline Kennedy in 1961.
One of the first actions Jacqueline took as First
Lady was to refurbish the library and ..32.. she . .33 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
expanded it’s collection. She undoubtedly renewed A) NO CHANGE
an emphasis on culture in Washington, an effort for B) those are
which ..33.. they are well remembered. C) she is
D) one is

2 2
Questions 34-44 are based on the following . .34 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
The Role of Tannins in Wine B) newbies
Novice wine tasters often find themselves C) people who don’t know a darn thing
intimidated when talking to an oenophile, or wine D) starters
connoisseur. One word that often puzzles
.. 34.. beginners is "tannins." Connoisseurs refer to
. .35 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
tannins often in recognition of the role these
chemical compounds play in defining a wine. A) NO CHANGE
B) a usable leather product
C) useful leather products
Interestingly, tannin derives from the German
D) products that are both leather and useful
word "tanna," which means "oak." For centuries,
people used oak tree tannins to turn animal hides
into ..35.. a useful leather product. Tannin molecules . .36 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
bind readily with other substances; in processing At this point, the writer wants to add a sentence
leather, tannins link protein molecules found in the to help the reader understand the significance of
protein-molecule linking. Which of the
hides. ..36.. This process is known as "tanning" following sentences, if true, would best
leather. accomplish the writer’s goal?
A) The linking process takes about a week and
really helps the leather.
Tannins are not just found in ..37.. oak trees,
B) Such linking transforms the leather from a
they are present in other trees, as well as leaves, soft, fleshy hide to a tough, durable material.
stems and roots. Tannins are also found in high C) The linking process is driven by the
concentrations in unripe fruit. Such fruit typically molecular polarity of the tannin atoms.

has a bitter, overly tart taste that is unappealing to D) Such linking has sustained markets for the
hides of certain animals that are now nearing
herbivores. Scientists believe that this taste is extinction.
meant to dissuade herbivores from eating the fruit
until the seeds contained inside are mature. Once
. .37 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
the fruit is ripe, herbivores eat the fruit and scatter
the seeds elsewhere through the digestive process. A) NO CHANGE
B) oak trees
C) oak trees, which
D) oak trees. They

2 2
.. 38.. The contribution of tannins’ to wine is . .38 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
more complex. The many tannins found in grapes A) NO CHANGE
affect the quality of wine on three different levels. B) The contribution of tannins
First, tannins account for the richness and clarity of C) Tannin’s contribution
a wine's color. Tannins bind the color compounds D) Tannins contribution
found in grapes to each other to form pigmented
polymers, or molecule chains. The different
combinations of molecules in ..39.. a particular chain . .39 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

give the wine a unique hue. A) NO CHANGE

B) a particular chain gives the wine
Second, tannins play a role in the "mouthfeel" C) a particular chain gives a wine

of a wine, or the perceived texture of the wine in the D) DELETE the underlined portion.

mouth of the ..40.. consumer. Some tasters often call

wines "dry" because of the perceived friction
. .40 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
between oral surfaces that is created when tannins
bind with salivary proteins in the mouth. Which of the following is the best alternative to
the underlined word?
A) buyer
.. 41.. Tannins also contribute to the taste
B) customer
characteristics of wine. The same bitter taste
C) imbiber
sensations that herbivores experience with unripe D) person
fruit occurs in the mouths of wine tasters, adding to
the intricacy of their gastronomic experience.
. .41 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Which of the following provides the best

transition from the preceding paragraph?
B) Tannins contribute
C) Finally, tannins contribute
D) Lastly, tannins also contribute

2 2
Hoping to better understand the role of tannins .42 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
more completely, scientists are studying the
The writer is considering deleting the preceding
particular taste of tannins from grape seeds, skins, sentence. Should the writer make the deletion?
and stems. They are also studying how the oak
A) Yes, because it provides detail unrelated to
barrels that are used to age wines contribute to taste the main focus of the paragraph.
and texture, if at all. ..42.. Scientists are also B) Yes, because it provides opinion rather than
factual information.
.. 43.. examining and studying the antioxidant
C) No, because it contains a relevant and
properties of tannins and the effects of a wine's interesting counterexample.
aging on the molecular bonds that tannins facilitate. D) No, because it provides detail related to the
Ultimately, in the competitive world of main focus of the paragraph.

winemaking, each vineyard will likely use any

scientific findings to "manage" tannins and achieve
greater consistency in the wines ..44.. they produce.
Such an outcome would no doubt please . .43 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

connoisseurs and novices alike. A) NO CHANGE

B) examining the study of
C) examining
D) using examination to study

. .44 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

B) you produce
C) it produces
D) one produces

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work in this section only.
Do not return to any other section in the test.
3 3
Math Test 1 – No Calculator
25 Minutes, 20 Questions
Turn to Section 3 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


For questions 1-15, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided, and fill in
the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 16-20, solve the problem and enter your
answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the directions before question 16 on how to enter
your answers in the grid. You may use any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.


1. The use of a calculator is NOT permitted.

2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for
which f (x) is a real number.


The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2𝜋𝜋.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.

3 3
. .1………………………………………. ..…………. . .3………………………………………. ..………….
2 2
(x + 3x ‒ 5) ‒ (x ‒ 4) = Brendan has $300 in his bank account. Every
week starting the week after he starts his new job,
A) 11x ‒ 21 Brendan deposits $70 into the account. Given that
the amount of money in Brendan’s account, M, is
B) 3x + 11 plotted on the y-axis and the number of weeks
C) 2x ‒ 5x + 21 after Brendan starts his new job, w, is plotted on
the x-axis, which of the following graphs best
D) ‒ 5x + 11 illustrates the relationship between M and w in the
weeks following Brendan’s first day of

A) B)

. .2………………………………………. ..………….
2 C) D)
The equation ‒ x + 6x ‒ 7 = 0 has how many
unique, real solutions?

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3

. .4………………………………………. ..………….

If g (x) = 2 x + 2 and f (x) = x ‒ 5, then

g (f (x + 1)) =

A) 2x ‒ 8
B) 2x ‒ 6
C) 3x ‒ 3
D) 3x + 6

3 3
. .5………………………………………. ..…………. . .6………………………………………. ..………….




The graph of y = g(x) is shown in the standard xy- 3 6 9 12 r

coordinate plane above. Which of the following
could be the graph of y = g(x ‒ 5) + 5 ? The equation C(r) = 75r + 600 is graphed in the
coordinate plane above. Given that C is the total
A) yearly cost, in dollars, of planting r rows of
flowers in a community garden, the point (0, 600)
could reasonably represent all of the following

A) the annual cost of maintaining the tools and

equipment used to plant any number of
rows of flowers in the garden.
B) the fixed, yearly utility cost paid to the local
water company to provide on-site running
C) the incremental cost of purchasing seeds for
each row of flowers in a given year.
D) the cost of having the entire garden plot
C) fertilized each year in early spring.

. .7………………………………………. ..………….
The equation y = a ∙ 4 + b is an exponential
D) equation in which a and b are constants. If
y = a ∙ 4 + b passes through the points (1, ‒ 8)
and (0, 1) in the standard xy-coordinate plane, the
product of a and b is equal to which of the

A) ‒ 12
B) ‒ 10
C) ‒7
D) 7

3 3
. .8………………………………………. ..…………. ..10 ..……………………………………. ..………….
The parabola defined by y = (x ‒ 3) + 2 and the If (𝑥𝑥 + 2)0.5 = (𝑥𝑥 2 )−4 , then which of the
line defined by y = ‒ x + 7 intersect at two points following must be true?
in the xy-coordinate plane. If (a, b) is the
coordinate of one of the points of intersection A) 0 = 𝑥𝑥 (𝑥𝑥 + 2)
and (c, d) is the other, what is the product of a, b,
c, and d ? B) 1 = 𝑥𝑥 4 (𝑥𝑥 + 2)
A) 96 C) 1 = 𝑥𝑥 16 (𝑥𝑥 + 2)
B) 72
D) 1 = 𝑥𝑥 4 (𝑥𝑥 2 + 4)
C) 0
D) ‒36

...11..……………………………………. ..………….
. .9………………………………………. ..………….
A physics class learned that the trajectory, or
A music store allows customers to purchase old flight path, of an object launched at an initial
vinyl records at half price, as long as they velocity of 40 meters per second into the air from
purchase the first record at full price. Assuming a platform 10 meters above the level ground can
that all records sold cost d dollars each, which of be modeled using the equation:
the following functions properly expresses the
cost, D, in dollars, of purchasing n vinyl records h(t) = ‒ 5t + 40t + 10,
from the music store?
in which h is the height of the object above the
A) D(n) = d + (0.5d)(n ‒ 1) ground, in meters, and t is the time, in seconds,
B) D(n) = 1.5dn after launch. Which of the following equations
could be used to determine that the object reaches
C) D(n) = d + (0.5d)(n) its maximum height of 90 meters 4 seconds after
D) D(n) = (1 + 0.5d)(n) launch?
A) ‒ 5(t + 4) + 90
B) ‒ 5(t ‒ 4) + 90
C) ‒ 5(t + 16) ‒ 90
D) 5(t ‒ 16) ‒ 30

3 3
..12 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..14 ..……………………………………. ..………….

Which of the following best represents the Which of the following is equal to the product of
2 2
solution set of the equation ‒ (2x) ‒ x ‒ 4x = (4 ‒ i) and (‒ 6 + 3i) ? (Note: i = √‒ 1 )
2 2 2
(2 )(‒ x ) ‒ (x + 2) ?
A) ‒ 27 + 18i
A) ‒2 B) ‒ 21 + 18i
B) 2 C) ‒ 21 + 21i
C) No values of x D) ‒ 27
D) All values of x

..15 ..……………………………………. ..………….

..13 ..……………………………………. ..………….
From 1933 to 1983, the number of farms in the
During a lab experiment, Judy determined the air United States decreased linearly from 7 million to
pressure inside a closed flask to be 10 millimeters 2 million. Given that t represents the number of
of mercury (mmHg) and the temperature of the air years after 1933 and that 0 ≤ t ≤ 50, which of the
inside the flask to be 15 degrees Celsius (°C). As following equations properly expresses the linear
Judy warmed the air inside the flask by heating relationship between t and f, the number of farms
the flask with a Bunsen burner, she noticed that in the United States, in millions?
the air pressure inside the flask increased. After
several trials, Judy determined that the pressure A) f = ‒ 10 t + 7
inside the flask increased by 5 mmHg for every 1
increase in temperature of 10 °C. Given that the B) f =‒ t+2
starting pressure and temperature of each trial
were 10 mmHg and 15 °C, respectively, which of C) f =‒ t+7
the following equations represents the relationship 10
between the temperature of the air inside the flask 1
𝑡𝑡, in °C, and the air pressure inside the flask P, in D) f = t‒5

𝑡𝑡 ‒15
A) P(𝑡𝑡) = 10 + 5� �
𝑡𝑡 ‒15
B) P(𝑡𝑡) = 5 + 10� �
𝑡𝑡 ‒10
C) P(𝑡𝑡) = 10 + 5� �
D) P(𝑡𝑡) = 10 + � 2

3 3

For questions 16-20, solve the problem and enter your answer in the appropriate grid at the bottom of the answer
sheet page on which you have answered questions 1-15.

Answer: Answer: 2.5 Answer: 201
12 Either position is correct.
Write answer 7 / 1 2 2 . 5 2 0 1 2 0 1
in boxes. / Fraction / / / / / /
. . . . line . . . . Decimal . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 point 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Grid in
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Note: You may start your answers
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
in any columns, space permitting.
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Columns not need should be left

• Mark no more than one circle in any column. • Decimal Answers: If you obtain a decimal answer with
• Because the answer sheet will be machine- more digits than the grid can accommodate, it may be
scored, you will receive credit only if the either rounded or truncated, but it must fill the entire grid.
circles are filled in correctly. For example, if you obtain an answer such as 0.3333…,
you record your result as .666 or .667. A less accurate
• Although not required, it is suggested that you value such as .66 or .67 will be scored as incorrect.
write your answer in the boxes at the top of the
columns to help you fill in the circles accurately. Acceptable ways to grid are:
• Some problems may have more than one correct
answer. In such cases, grid only one answer. 2 / 3 . 6 6 6 . 6 6 7
/ / / / /
• No question has a negative answer. . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• Mixed numbers such as 3 must be gridded as
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3.5 or 7/2. (If 3 1 / 2 is gridded, it will be 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
31 1
interpreted as , not 3 .) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


ePrep, Inc. © 2008

3 3
..16 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..18 ..……………………………………. ..………….

An environmental science teacher is responsible The equation √𝑥𝑥 = √𝑥𝑥 + 15 ‒ 1 has how many
for feeding the ant colony in the terrarium in her real solutions?
classroom. The teacher determined that 2 apples
can sustain the colony for 3 to 5 days. What is the
minimum number of apples that the teacher would
need in order to ensure that she could properly
feed the colony over a 15-day school holiday?

..17 ..……………………………………. ..………….

2 2
(x ‒ 5) + (y + 13) = 168

If the circle defined by the equation above were

drawn in the xy-coordinate plane, at how many
points total would the circle intersect either the
x-axis or the y-axis?

3 3
..19 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..20 ..……………………………………. ..………….

Back in 1980, a social worker determined that a

local sports arena could be used during a natural C D
disaster to shelter 800 citizens, providing each
with a cot on which to sleep. During a storm in B A
1993 that forced many residents from their homes,
256 of the 800 available cots were used by local
residents and aid workers. What percent of the
available cots were NOT used during the 1993
storm? Given that the area of the circle above is 64 𝜋𝜋 and
that the center of the circle is point A, what is the
length of diagonal BD of rectangle ABCD?

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work in this section only.
Do not return to any other section in the test.

4 4
Math Test 1 – Calculator
55 Minutes, 38 Questions
Turn to Section 4 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


For questions 1-30, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided, and fill in
the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 31-38, solve the problem and enter your
answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the directions before question 31 on how to enter
your answers in the grid. You may use any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.


1. The use of a calculator is permitted.

2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for
which f (x) is a real number.


The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2𝜋𝜋.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.

4 4
. .1………………………………………. ..…………. . .4………………………………………. ..………….


If x + y = 4, what is the value of 14x + 3y ?
3 7
Number of Points Number of Players
A) 12 0 3
B) 28 2 4
5 1
C) 42 8 2
D) 84 16 1

The table above shows how many basketball

players from one team scored 0, 2, 5, 8, or 16
points in the first game of the season. What is the
product of the mode and median of the number of
points scored by the 11 players during the game?

A) 2
. .2………………………………………. ..………….
B) 4
Max can run 8 miles in 66 minutes. At this rate, C) 8
approximately how many miles can Max run in 42
D) 10

A) 5.9
B) 5.1
C) 4.8
D) 4.6
. .5………………………………………. ..………….
y = x + 8x + 11

The equation of a parabola in standard form is

shown above. Which of the following properly
expresses the same parabola in vertex form?
. .3………………………………………. ..………….
A) y = (x ‒ 4) ‒ 5
If 9 ‒ x ≤ ‒ 11 + 3x, then which of the following
must be true? 2
B) y = (x + 4) ‒ 16
A) x ≤ 5 2
C) y = (x + 4) ‒ 5
B) x ≥ 5
C) x ≥ ‒5 D) y = (x ‒ 4) + 16
D) x ≤ ‒5

4 4
. .6………………………………………. ..…………. . .8………………………………………. ..………….

Back in 1950, Kim’s grandfather, Jed, wanted to If 22 ‒ 𝑥𝑥 = √𝑥𝑥 + 160, then 𝑥𝑥 could equal which
buy a brand new car that cost $1,560.00. Jed had of the following?
$930 saved and could save an additional $70 per
month, every month, from his annual salary of A) 9 only
$14,700. Given that m is the number of months
B) 9 and ‒ 9 only
Jed saved a portion of his monthly income, which
of the following equations could be solved to C) 9 and ‒ 13 only
determine the number of months Jed had to save
D) ‒ 13 only
in order to purchase the new car?

A) 70m + 930 = 1,560

B) 70m + 930 = 14,700
C) (930 + 70)m = 1560
D) 70m + 1,560 = 14,700
. .9………………………………………. ..………….

Job No Job Total

Men 22
Women 42
Total 28 200

. .7………………………………………. ..…………. The partially completed table above contains

information related to the employment status of
If 7(p + 3) = – 7(4 + 2p), then p = ? 200 factory workers during the Great Depression
of the 1930s. Based on the information given,
A) 7 what fraction of the men did NOT have a job?
B) 2 13
3 A)

1 21
C) –2 B)
3 76

D) –7 C)


4 4
..12 ..……………………………………. ..………….
Questions 10-12 refer to the following information.
A baby named Erin weighed 7 pounds when she
WEIGHT GAIN RESULTS was 2 months old and 17 pounds when she was 6
months. If Erin’s name and weight data were
added to the table, what would the median weight
Baby Month 2 Month 6 gain of the five babies be, in pounds?
First Weight Weight
Name (pounds) (pounds) A) 8
Angel 8 16 B) 9
Bum So 10 18 C) 10
Caleb 10 19
D) 11
Derick 12 23

..10 ..……………………………………. ..………….

What is the average weight gain of the 4 babies, in

pounds, from month 2 to month 6 ?

A) 7
B) 8
...13..……………………………………. ..………….
C) 9
D) 10 Every small bale of hay can feed 3 cows for one
day and every large bale of hay can feed 15 cows
for one day. A farmer wants to use a combination
of s small bales of hay and l large bales of hay to
feed between 45 and 75 cows over a given two-
day period. Which of the following inequalities
could the farmer use to properly determine the
number of small bales and the number of large
bales necessary for the two-day period?
..11 ..……………………………………. ..………….
A) 45 ≤ 3l + 15s ≤ 75
Which baby had the greatest percent increase in
B) 45 ≤ 3s + 15l ≤ 75
his/her weight from month 2 to month 6?
C) 90 ≤ 5l + 15s ≤ 150
A) Angel
D) 90 ≤ 3s + 15l ≤ 150
B) Bum So
C) Caleb
D) Derick

4 4
..14 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..15 ..……………………………………. ..………….

How many vitamin supplements do you Which of the following expressions is equivalent
consume per day? 2
to (√𝑥𝑥 ‒ 3) ?
Haley wanted to determine the average number of A) 𝑥𝑥 ‒ 9
vitamin supplements that adult residents of her
hometown consume per day. Because Haley B) 𝑥𝑥 + 9
knew it was impossible to interview every adult in
C) 𝑥𝑥 + 6√𝑥𝑥 ‒ 9
town, she decided to base her conclusion on a
random sample of 40 adult residents. At noon one D) 𝑥𝑥 ‒ 6√𝑥𝑥 + 9
Tuesday, Haley waited outside a local health-food
store right next to a sign that read “50% OFF!
ONE DAY ONLY!” As each adult patron exited
the shop, Haley asked the patron the question
above. If the patron agreed to answer, Haley
recorded the result. If the patron opted to not
answer, Haley simply waited for the next adult to
exit the store. By 3:00 pm, Haley had collected
data from 40 adult patrons and quickly determined ..16 ..……………………………………. ..………….
that adult residents of her hometown consumed an
average of 4 vitamin supplements per day. Based a ‒ 10 = ‒ 2b
on the information provided, the “randomness” of 4a + 8b = ‒ 32
Haley’s sample could reasonably be called into
question for all of the following factors EXCEPT: Which of the following represents a solution
(a, b) to the system of equations above?
A) The day of the week and time of day Haley
chose to collect data. A) (‒ 10, 10)

B) Haley’s willingness to let patrons simply B) (0, ‒ 4)

“opt out” of answering the question. C) No (a, b) ordered pair
C) Haley’s failure to balance the number of D) Any (a, b) ordered pair
male and female participants.
D) The location Haley chose to collect data.

4 4
..17 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..19 ..……………………………………. ..………….

The price of potassium chloride (KCl) is $8 for 6 y

pounds and every 5 pounds of KCl can make 32
liters of solution required for a lab experiment. 40
Given these rates, and that 12 liters of the
potassium chloride solution is required to fill 1
plastic barrel, what is the cost of the KCl required
to fill 10 plastic barrels with the potassium
chloride solution?

A) $6.25
B) $8.75 0 50 100 150 200 250 x
C) $17.50
D) $25.00 Which of the following equations best models the
data represented in the scatter plot above?

A) y = 60x ‒ 10

B) y= x + 10

C) y=‒ x + 250
..18 ..……………………………………. ..…………. 25

Mark used a brand new petri dish to conduct an D) y= x + 40
experiment. At noon on Monday, Mark added a
drop of lake water to the dish. At noon on
Tuesday, Mark noted 2 small green rings in the
dish. On Wednesday and Thursday at noon, Mark
noted a total of 8 and 18 rings, respectively.
Which of the following equation-restriction
combinations best models time (d), in days from
Monday at noon, as the independent variable and
the total number of rings observed in the petri dish
(r) as the dependent variable? (Assume that the
dish contained no rings when Mark began the
experiment on Monday at noon (d = 0).)
A) r = 2d ; for 0 ≤ d ≤ 3
B) r = (2d) ; for 0 ≤ d ≤ 3
C) r = 18 – 2d; for all values of d
D) r = 32 ‒ 2(3 ‒ d); for d ≥ 0

4 4
..20 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..22 ..……………………………………. ..………….

For which value of c would the following y

equation have only one real solution?
2x – 2 x + c = 0

A) 0.5
B) 1.0 x
C) 2.0
D) 2.5

The graph of the quadratic function g(x) is shown

on the xy-coordinate plane above. If the vertex of
g(x) is located at (10, 15) and g(k) = g(15), which
of the following could be the value of k ?

..21 ..……………………………………. ..…………. A) 1

B) 3
Students in an environmental science class raised
money to buy plants for a community garden. C) 5
The students raised money by selling regular D) 10
cupcakes for $2.00 each and gluten-free cupcakes
for $3.00 each. The number of regular cupcakes
sold was determined to be 2 times the number of
gluten-free cupcakes sold. If a total $350 was
raised through cupcake sales over a three-week
period, how many cupcakes were sold altogether?

A) 150
B) 200
C) 350
D) 450

4 4
..23 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..25 ..……………………………………. ..………….

Platelets are blood cells that help mammals, like Which of the following equations represents a line
humans and sheep, stop bleeding if they are with a positive slope and a negative y-intercept?
injured. Blood was drawn from a random sample
of 100 sheep on a large farm in the Midwest. The A) 2x + 4y = 12
average platelet count of the sample was found to B) 2x ‒ 4y ‒ 12 = 0
be 250,000 platelets per microliter (mL) with a
standard deviation of 20,000 platelets per mL. C) y = 2x
Given this information, about how many of the D) y = 12
approximately 10,000 sheep on the farm have
per-mL platelet counts between 230,000 and

A) 3,400
B) 6,800
C) 7,200
D) 9,700 ..26 ..……………………………………. ..………….

..24 ..……………………………………. ..………….

3𝑥𝑥 2 4 2 Which of the following inequalities could be

‒ ‒ = properly represented by the graph above?
(𝑥𝑥+2)(𝑥𝑥 ‒2) (𝑥𝑥+2)(𝑥𝑥 ‒2) (𝑥𝑥 ‒2)
A) y> x
3𝑥𝑥 ‒ 4 5
𝑥𝑥 + 2 4
B) y≤‒ x
3𝑥𝑥 + 4 5
𝑥𝑥 + 2 4
C) y≥‒ x
3𝑥𝑥 + 4 5
𝑥𝑥 ‒ 2 4
D) y<‒ x
3𝑥𝑥 2 + 2𝑥𝑥 + 4
(𝑥𝑥+2)(𝑥𝑥 ‒2)

4 4
..27 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..29 ..……………………………………. ..………….

What happens to the volume of a right circular

x + 14 x cylinder when its radius is doubled and its height
is divided by 4?

A) It remains the same.

B) It becomes 2 times bigger.
The right triangle above has side lengths as C) It becomes 4 times bigger.
shown. What is the area of the triangle? D) It becomes half as big.
A) 80
B) 98
C) 120
D) 156

..30 ..……………………………………. ..………….

A bicycle rental store charges $7.00 for the first

hour and $1.50 for each additional hour. Which
of the following functions gives the cost C, in
dollars, of renting a bicycle for h hours, given that
..28 ..……………………………………. ..…………. h≥1?
Vine Samples A) C(h) = 8.50h
Length (meters)

B) C(h) = 7.00 + 1.50h

12 C) C(h) = 7.00 + 1.50(h ‒ 1)
8 D) C(h) = 7.00 + 1.50(h ‒ 2)
4 6 8 10 12
Diameter (cm)

The scatterplot above shows the lengths, in

meters, and the diameters, in centimeters, of 10
different vine samples that were collected from a
tropical rain forest. What is the length, in meters,
of the vine represented by the data point that is
farthest from the line of best fit (not shown)?

A) 5
B) 10
C) 14
D) 16
4 4

For questions 31-38, solve the problem and enter your answer in the appropriate grid at the bottom of the answer
sheet page on which you have answered questions 1-30.

Answer: Answer: 2.5 Answer: 201
12 Either position is correct.
Write answer 7 / 1 2 2 . 5 2 0 1 2 0 1
in boxes. / Fraction / / / / / /
. . . . line . . . . Decimal . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 point 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Grid in
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Note: You may start your answers
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
in any columns, space permitting.
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Columns not need should be left

• Mark no more than one circle in any column. • Decimal Answers: If you obtain a decimal answer with
• Because the answer sheet will be machine- more digits than the grid can accommodate, it may be
scored, you will receive credit only if the either rounded or truncated, but it must fill the entire grid.
circles are filled in correctly. For example, if you obtain an answer such as 0.3333…,
you record your result as .666 or .667. A less accurate
• Although not required, it is suggested that you value such as .66 or .67 will be scored as incorrect.
write your answer in the boxes at the top of the
columns to help you fill in the circles accurately. Acceptable ways to grid are:
• Some problems may have more than one correct
answer. In such cases, grid only one answer. 2 / 3 . 6 6 6 . 6 6 7
/ / / / /
• No question has a negative answer. . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• Mixed numbers such as 3 must be gridded as
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3.5 or 7/2. (If 3 1 / 2 is gridded, it will be 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
31 1
interpreted as , not 3 .) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


ePrep, Inc. © 2008

4 4
..31 ..……………………………………. ..………….
Questions 33-34 refer to the following information.
Eli ate one-third of a pie on Friday, one-fourth of
the pie on Saturday, and the final 50 ounces of the f (x) = 2x + 3
pie on Sunday. How many ounces of pie did Eli g(x) = 2x + 5k
eat on Saturday?
..33 ..……………………………………. ..………….

If f (g(1)) = 10k + p, what is the value of p?

..32 ..……………………………………. ..………….

Hannah determined that the annual cost of

maintaining her social media blog increased by ..34 ..……………………………………. ..………….
5% every year throughout the 4 years that she
managed the blog. Given that the annual cost of For what value of k will the system of equations
maintaining the blog was $882 for the third year above have an infinite number of solutions?
Hannah managed the blog, what was the total cost
of maintaining the blog during Hannah’s first year
of management?
(Disregard the $ sign when gridding your answer.)

4 4
..35 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..37 ..……………………………………. ..………….
2 Instead of recycling a rectangular piece of
y = x + 10x + 25
2y + 2x = 8 cardboard that was 10 inches by 15 inches,
Amelia decided to reuse part of it for a project.
If the equations above were graphed in the xy- Amelia first cut the largest square possible from
coordinate plane, at how many points would the the piece of cardboard. She then cut the largest
two graphs intersect? circle possible from the square. Finally, she cut
the maximum number of 3 inch by 4 inch
rectangles from the circle. How many 3 by 4
cardboard rectangles was Amelia able to cut from
the circle?

..38 ..……………………………………. ..………….

..36 ..……………………………………. ..…………. Jordan runs for 80 minutes. During the first 30
minutes, he runs at a constant rate of 8 miles per
If 3x ‒ 12x = 36, then | x | could equal? hour. During the next 50 minutes, he runs at a
constant rate of 6 miles per hour. What is
Jordan’s average running rate, in miles per hour,
during the 80-minute period?
(Disregard the units when gridding your answer.)

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work in this section only.
Do not return to any other section in the test.

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