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1 1

Reading Test 3
65 Minutes, 52 Questions
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading each
passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or implied in the
passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or graph).

Questions 1-10 are based on the following passage. I surmised that if the dialogue were to continue
The following passage is taken from a fictional to my advantage, I would have to answer with
memoir about a young man who takes over his alacrity. Unfortunately, I did not produce a smooth
family's restaurant business. response.

I suppose there was a hint at my destiny in the 30 "I thought maybe … I could … definitely bus
setting of my father's acquiescence. I was in the tables. Definitely. Yes. I mean, what else would I
kitchen, walled behind the sports pages on a do? I can't cook."
Line Saturday morning when Dad came downstairs. The
Dad smiled, knowing that I had no facility in
5 sequence of our awakening was rare enough; in the kitchen. Mom, who had cooked for years at the
those years, he would always be downstairs before 35 restaurant before retiring to take care of our family,
me, even though he shut the doors of the restaurant handled the duty at home. Friends who had dined
after midnight on Fridays. with us readily testified to her considerable abilities.
I initiated the conversation in the same way I "Mmm-hmm. Well, that is something I think
10 always did. you can do. And we do have an opening. George
"So, is today the day?" 40 told me yesterday afternoon that he was moving and
that it would be his last night. So I will be short on
This time, my question brought silence. staff tonight. Not to put pressure on you, and I
Hearing no response, I folded the paper and placed wouldn't have brought this up if I didn't think you
it in my lap so I could see my father. He was were ready, but you are welcome to start tonight.
15 looking into his coffee cup. A plume of steam rose, 45 We are just going to have to talk about how things
meeting his head squarely between his furrowed will work."
eyebrows. After a moment, he spoke softly.
The unexpected had come again. Dad was
"What do you think you would do there?" rarely impetuous. I had always envisioned time to
mull over an offer. Now on the spot, I realized that
My persistence had forged a promising inroad 50 I would have to agree instantly, and demonstrate
20 but on that road I quickly met an obstacle that made enthusiasm, or else he would be disappointed. The
me stop and think: I liked the idea of working complicating factor was that I had planned to see a
because it would bring spending money for movies, movie that night. The thought of declining entered
pizza, gas, and other shreds of autonomy. The my mind. I was looking for money to spend during
problem was that I had never really bothered to 55 my free time, but I did not want a job that would cut
25 contemplate the nature of the work I might do.
into that same free time. If I had money and no
time to spend it, what good was the money?

1 1
Fortunately, or maybe miraculously, common . .3……………………………………… . ..……….
sense swiftly kicked in, and the self-centered
60 shortsightedness that defined my teenage self was All of the following can reasonably be inferred
eliminated. Decline my dad's invitation to join the from the passage EXCEPT:
business he cherished? The business that supported
our family? The business that had supported his A) the narrator liked to enjoy his free time.
family after his own mother and father had started it B) the narrator’s father owned a small business.
65 decades ago? Dad's offer was not an invitation. It
C) the narrator’s mother prepared tasty meals at
was an anointing.
As I moved the paper from my lap to the table, D) the narrator was the oldest child in his
I felt happiness rise through me, a joy that set the family.
course of my next twenty-five years.

70 "I'm in."

. 4………………………………………. .. ……….

. .1………………………………………. .. ………. According to the passage, when the narrator was

asked to join the family business, his reaction
Based on the passage, which of the following was
best describes the first-person narrator’s
A) initially conflicted.
relationship with his father?
B) immediately decisive.
A) Strained
C) quietly disappointed.
B) Loving
D) outwardly somber.
C) Contentious
D) Doting

. .5………………………………………. ..……….

Which choice provides the best evidence for the

answer to the previous question?
. .2………………………………………. ..……….
A) Lines 1-4 (“I suppose … downstairs”)
As used in line 3, “walled” most nearly means B) Lines 21-25 (“I liked … might do”)
C) Lines 33-36 (“Dad smiled … at home”)
A) hidden.
D) Lines 67-69 (“As I moved … years”)
B) suffocated.
C) barricaded.
D) positioned.

1 1
. .6……………………………………… . ..………. . .9……………………………………… . ..……….

As used in line 33, “facility” most nearly means The rhetorical effect of the second-to-last
sentence of the passage (lines 67-69) is to
A) talent.
B) equipment. A) transition from the narrator’s thoughts back
to the interaction being described.
C) drive.
B) support the assertion made in the first
D) space. sentence of the passage.
C) offer a welcome digression from the
narrator’s profound thoughts.
D) foreshadow the narrator’s surprising
response to his father’s proposal.
. 7………………………………………. .. ……….

On the morning described in the passage, the

behavior of the narrator’s father can best be
described as
. .10 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
A) typical.
B) unruly. Which of the following best summarizes the
C) unusual.
D) erratic. A) It is a description of a pivotal moment in a
young man’s life.
B) It is a description of an expected interaction
between a father and his teenage son.
C) It is a retrospective on a critical moment in a
. .8………………………………………. ..………. business owner’s career.
D) It is a reflection on changing family
The combination of which two sentences dynamics.
provides the best evidence for the answer to the
previous question?
A) Line 12 (“This time … silence”) and lines
33-34 (“Dad smiled … kitchen”)
B) Lines 4-8 (“The sequence … Fridays”) and
line 47 (“The unexpected … again”)
C) Line 17 (“After a … softly”) and line 65
(“Dad’s offer … invitation”)
D) Lines 15-17 (“A plume … eyebrows”) and
lines 42-44 (“Not to put … tonight”)

1 1
Questions 11-21 are based on the following stabilizing his workforce and increasing
passage and supplementary material. productivity. By the 1920s, rivals like Chevrolet,
Chrysler, and General Motors had also commenced
The following passage tells the story of Detroit, 45 operations in and around Detroit, giving the city the
Michigan, a well-known American city. nickname "the Motor City."
At the end of the Civil War, the city of Detroit, Through the first half of the 20th century,
Michigan, had a modest population of around Detroit swelled in size as car manufacturers
50,000 residents and was well known as the last expanded their enterprises to meet an increasing
Line stop for escaping slaves on the Underground 50 demand nationwide. Large numbers of African
5 Railroad. From this humble starting point, Americans from the southern states and immigrants
however, the city blossomed into a commercial from Europe entered the city's burgeoning
powerhouse, mostly due to its advantageous workforce. By the end of World War II, the
geographic location. Detroit's position on the skyrocketing national economy was a boon to
western edge of Lake Erie made it an ideal point 55 Detroit's industries, pushing the city's population to
10 from which to distribute goods manufactured within unprecedented heights.
the city and elsewhere in the Midwest to markets in
Sadly, Detroit's rapid ascension gave way to a
the eastern states via the Erie Canal. Emerging
precipitous decline, as the centrality of the
industries took advantage of Detroit's potential as a
automobile in American society began to affect the
trade hub, and the city's growth potential caused
60 city adversely. The ability to commute to the city
15 European immigrants to flock there. By 1890, the
by car led many of Detroit's middle-class
city had grown to over 200,000 residents, and its
inhabitants to move to single-family homes in the
population continued to rise steadily through the
suburbs. From 1930 to 2010, the number of people
end of the century.
living within the city limits fluctuated as increasing
Like many cities during the late 19th century, 65 numbers of middle and upper-class residents
20 Detroit had a questionable political machine in relocated to smaller towns outside of Detroit. For
place that kept the Democratic party in power. example, in 1930, the city accounted for over 30%
Bribery and embezzlement were commonplace in of the population of the state of Michigan. By
day-to-day government operations. In 1889, on the 2010, the city accounted for only 7%, but the
heels of the scandal-ridden administration of John 70 Detroit metropolitan region, including the city and
25 Pridgeon, Republican Hazen Pingree, a local surrounding suburbs, accounted for roughly 50%.
businessman with no political experience, ran for
As suburbanization continued into the 1970s,
mayor and won. Pingree gained enormous
change rattled the American automobile industry.
popularity among the people by breaking privately
Oil shortages in 1973 and 1979 drove up gasoline
held monopolies on city utilities and paving the
75 prices considerably. These shortages convinced
30 city's streets. Historians recognize Pingree as one
many American drivers to turn toward fuel efficient
of the first Progressive politicians because of these
cars imported from Japan and Germany. As a result
of lost market share and profits, Detroit's giant
Pingree's smoothing of Detroit's roads literally automobile companies laid off thousands of
paved the way for the city's most important 80 workers, damaging an industry previously thought
35 innovator: car manufacturer Henry Ford. Ford's to be unassailable. Suburbanization and lost jobs
revolutionary plant, which opened in 1910, combined to shrink the city's tax base, devastating
perfected the use of the assembly line to build cars. city revenues. With fewer and less well-to-do
While Ford's mass production techniques were residents, the city's financial resources diminished
changing the industry, his approach to labor made 85 significantly over time. In 2013, an emergency
40 Detroit a more attractive destination for workers. advisory committee appointed by Michigan
Ford paid higher wages than his rival firms,
1 1
governor Rick Snyder filed a bankruptcy claim on . .12 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
behalf of Detroit. The city had been financially
crippled by several years of borrowing to meet its As used in line 15, “flock” most nearly means
90 pension, salary, and benefits obligations.
A) visit.
Detroit's hoped-for reemergence as one of B) settle.
America's great cities promises to be long and
difficult. Perhaps new leadership, inspired by the C) work.
innovative thinking of men like Pingree and Ford a D) fly.
95 century ago, can accelerate Detroit’s resurgence,
allowing the city to regain its former status as a
symbol of America's promise and productivity. . .13 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The passage suggests that each of the following

Detroit’s Population History was an important political issue in Detroit in the
2 late 19th century EXCEPT:
Population in millions

1.5 A) the venality of local politicians.

B) certain public utilities.
1 C) the condition of the city’s roadways.
D) monopolies in the food industry.

. .14 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010
Year Based on the passage, it can be reasonably
inferred that immigrants from Europe sought
employment in Detroit because

. .11 ………………………………… . ..…… …. A) German manufactures were not hiring.

B) salaries were high and housing was cheap.
In the first paragraph, the author describes
Detroit’s beginnings as “humble” (line 5). The C) working conditions were good.
author then describes Detroit as a “powerhouse” D) political corruption had been eradicated.
(line 7). Based on the passage, this change in
characterization was due to
. .15 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
A) economic growth.
B) land development. Which choice provides the best evidence for the
C) a housing boom. answer to the previous question?

D) the abolition of slavery. A) Lines 30-32 (“Historians … reforms”)

B) Lines 35-37 (“Ford’s revolutionary … cars”)
C) Lines 38-40 (“While Ford’s … workers”)
D) Lines 47-50 (“Through … nationwide”)

1 1
. .16 ………………………………… . ..…… …. . .19 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Which of the following statements is supported In order to better align the language of the
by the graph that accompanies the passage? passage with the graph, the phrase “From 1930
to 2010, the number of people living within the
A) Detroit’s population peaked in the middle city limits fluctuated” (lines 63-64) should be
of the 19th century. changed to which of the following?
B) Detroit’s population decreased by almost a
third from 1970 to 1990. A) From 1910 to 2010, the number of people
living within the city limits waffled
C) Detroit’s population will likely be its lowest
ever in 2030. B) From 1950 to 2010, the number of people
living within the city limits plummeted
D) Detroit’s population decreased linearly
from 1950 to 2010. C) From 1950 to 2010, the number of people
living within the city limits soared
D) In 2010, the number of people living within
the city limits finally stabilized

. .17 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

. .20 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
The passage most strongly supports which of the
following statements about Detroit’s population?
As used in line 73, “rattled” most nearly means
A) It was doomed by corrupt politicians. A) destroyed.
B) It was negatively affected by utility prices. B) negatively impacted.
C) It declined lockstep with the auto industry. C) frightened.
D) It decreased with the rise in importance, D) partially deflated.
popularity, and accessibility of the

. .21 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The primary purpose of the final sentence of the

passage (lines 93-97) is to
. .18 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
A) suggest that Detroit will rise to glory by the
Which choice provides the best evidence for the middle of this century.
answer to the previous question?
B) prove that the road to recovery for Detroit is
A) Lines 19-23 (“Like many … operations”) worth the time and effort.
B) Lines 27-32 (“Pingree … reforms”) C) hint at a recovery for Detroit that may not
be as long and difficult as some may think.
C) Lines 47-50 (“Through … nationwide”)
D) transition the passage from a discussion of
D) Lines 57-63 (“Sadly, Detroit’s … suburbs”)
the past to a discussion of the present.

1 1
Questions 22-31 are based on the following passage. called synapses. The human brain has 100 billion
neurons, and memories are made by changing the
This passage discusses the “halo effect," a way that small clusters of neurons interact. When a
psychological phenomenon associated with memory is formed, neurons trigger alterations in
memory, and the neuroscience behind it. 45 brain proteins, so that the information transmitted
across the synapses travels more efficiently. This
In the 1920s, Edward Thorndike, a
alteration "consolidates" the memory in the brain,
psychologist at Columbia University, studied the
hence the term.
way army officers rated the performance and
Line conduct of their troops. Thorndike found that an Research has shown that there is a window of
5 officer's evaluation of a particular soldier across 50 time immediately after a memorable event occurs
many categories varied little. Most individuals during which consolidation can be interrupted and
were rated as uniformly good, uniformly bad, or the memory itself can be altered. The moment a
uniformly mediocre. This peculiarity led Thorndike new mother holds her baby for the first time can
to conclude that officers fixated on one quality of a occur in that window of time, thereby tinging the
10 soldier and then unwittingly attributed that one 55 memory of the physical difficulties of childbirth
quality to all aspects of the soldier’s rating. with new feelings of relief and joy.
In the decades since Thorndike's observations, Neuroscientists are currently studying a
psychologists expanded on his studies, documenting process related to consolidation called
a phenomenon called the halo effect. The halo reconsolidation. They have determined that
15 effect gets its name from medieval paintings of 60 memories, once consolidated, are not fixed, and
saints, who are portrayed with auras around their every time a memory is recalled, the brain proteins
heads, indicating the divine favor they enjoy. can be further altered depending on the current
Viewers of these paintings immediately ascribe all thoughts of the person recalling the memory.
kinds of virtues to the saints portrayed, virtues that Reconsolidation has opened some interesting
20 the saints may not have truly possessed. 65 possibilities to drug manufacturers. By isolating the
proteins needed to reconsolidate memories, drug
New mothers often unknowingly evoke the
manufacturers have manufactured drugs that block
halo effect. After giving birth to a child, a process
these proteins from forming. Thus, the recalling of
that usually includes much pain and exertion, some
the memory cannot happen; in other words, the
mothers have reported either forgetting about the
70 memories can be erased.
25 entire ordeal, or remembering it in unusually
positive terms. This distortion of memory, which Karim Nader, a neuroscientist working at New
can occur over the course of hours, days, or months, York University, demonstrated the concept of
results from the happiness that the mother enjoys erasure in a lab experiment that involved rats. After
with her new child. Figuratively speaking, the playing a high-pitched tone, the rats received a mild
30 angelic newborn has his or her own halo, which 75 electrical shock. Later, when Nader played the tone
colors the mother's memories in a favorable light. again, the rats froze in fear, anticipating the coming
shock. The reaction of the rats indicated that they
Recent advances in neuroscience explain how
had learned the tone-shock sequence. The next
the halo effect actually works within the brain.
morning, Nader injected the rats with a protein
Neuroscientists call the process of forming
80 inhibitor. Later, Nader played the high-pitched
35 memories consolidation. Consolidation takes place
tone. This time, the rats did not freeze in fear when
in the hippocampus region of the brain, located in
they heard the tone. Nader's injection had evidently
the medial temporal lobe, or the portion inside the
prevented reconsolidation, eliminating the memory
skull adjacent to the left ear. The process involves
of the previous day’s events.
neurons, cells in the brain that communicate with
40 each other by transmitting information across gaps
1 1
85 The ability of the protein inhibitor to cancel . .24 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
reconsolidation raises intriguing ethical issues.
Well-intentioned psychiatrists could, for example, Based on the passage, in which of the following
use the drug for veterans who are struggling with situations might a person’s memories be affected
Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. The inhibitor by the halo effect?
90 could erase traumatic incidents from the memories
of these men and women, helping them reintegrate A) A ballerina twists her ankle while
into society. However, since the science is not rehearsing for an opening-night
accurate enough to pinpoint the exact memory to be performance.
erased, the potential for a positive thought to be lost B) A burglar is shot in the arm before being
95 exists. More research is, therefore, needed to arrested by police.
ensure that treasured memories stay safely intact.
C) A firefighter is burned in a three-alarm fire
in a city that is hosting an Independence
Day parade on a warm sunny day.
. .22 ………………………………… . ..…… …. D) A football player breaks his leg while
scoring the winning touchdown in a
As it is used in line 10, “unwittingly” most championship game.
nearly means
A) unfairly. . .25 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
B) secretly.
According to the passage, it is reasonable to
C) knowingly.
conclude that
D) subconsciously.
A) memories can only be altered as they are
being created or shortly thereafter.
B) all memories are subject to the halo effect.
C) most mothers do not remember the birth of
their children.

. .23 ………………………………… . ..…… …. D) even consolidated memories are subject to

In the context of the passage as a whole, the
primary function of the second paragraph (lines
12-20) is to . .26 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

A) introduce a scientist who inspired a certain Which choice provides the best evidence for the
type of psychological research. answer to the previous question?
B) introduce a phenomenon and explain the A) Lines 49-52 (“Research … altered”)
origin of its name.
B) Lines 52-56 (“The moment … joy”)
C) suggest that some science finds its roots in
medieval art. C) Lines 59-63 (“They have … memory”)
D) suggest that people were very religious D) Lines 68-70 (“Thus, the … erased”)
during medieval times.

1 1
. .27 ………………………………… . ..…… …. . .30 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The primary rhetorical effect of the second Which choice provides the best evidence for the
sentence of the sixth paragraph (lines 59-63) is answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 85-86 (“The ability … issues”)
A) transition the passage from a discussion of B) Lines 89-92 (“The inhibitor … society”)
consolidation to a discussion of
reconsolidation. C) Lines 92-95 (“However, since … exists”)
B) disclose the primary findings of the D) Lines 95-96 (“More research … intact”)
research referenced in the previous
C) transition the passage from a discussion of . .31 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
the theoretical to a discussion of the
practical. The primary purpose of the passage is to
D) offer a reminder that the halo effect can
A) discuss advances in the field of
alter memories either positively or
negatively, depending on current thoughts.
B) detail the discovery of the halo effect during
medieval times.
C) introduce the reader to an interesting
. .28 ………………………………… . ..…… …. psychological phenomenon.
As used in line 76, “coming” most nearly means D) argue that the halo effect has introduced
ethical dilemmas to the field of
A) imminent. neuroscience.
B) recurring.
C) certain.
D) arbitrary.

. .29 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The passage suggests that

A) neurologists do not yet have the ability to
distinguish between good memories and bad
B) people with fewer bad memories have an
easier time reentering society than those
with many bad memories.
C) the mechanisms of memory in rats are
materially different than those in humans.
D) it is unethical to erase memories in any
living creature.
1 1
Questions 32-42 are based on the following 35 were there were called all kinds of names—fanatics
passages. and old maids and everything else you can imagine.
But they understood something that we also have to
Passage 1 is adapted from a speech given by understand, and that is that those who advocate for
Hillary Rodham Clinton in New York City in 1999. progress and change often pay a price. If we
Passage 2 is adapted from an address delivered in 40 persevere, however, we might benefit ourselves.
2014 by Lakshmi Puri, an Indian woman who But it is more likely that we benefit our daughters
serves as assistant secretary-general in the United and our granddaughters.
Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the
Empowerment of Women. Passage 2
Passage 1 Supporting women’s economic empowerment
requires policy interventions that enable women to
I got to Seneca Falls for the 150th anniversary 45 make choices as economic actors, providing options
of the first Women's Rights Convention. And I read that improve their own lives as well their
some of the stories about some of the participants. households and communities.
Line One young woman, in particular, made an impres-
5 sion on me. She was a glove maker. You know, I This means that women’s voices must be heard
am always a little bit taken aback when people in and their full and equal participation in the public
today's world talk as though women have only 50 and private spheres must be realized. Economic
worked for the last 10 or 15 years, when we know empowerment goes hand-in-hand with political
that women have always worked both in the home empowerment. If women are to engage productively
10 and outside, sometimes for wages, sometimes (or in the economy, they must also be enabled to
mostly) not. Women have always made a contribu- participate equally and fully in political arenas and
tion through their hard work. And certainly in 55 agendas.
Seneca Falls and in the surrounding area, with the
industrialization that was building up in the early Women must have an equal voice in decisions
15 part of the nineteenth century, there were a lot of about how to achieve prosperity and growth, about
women who were working. And one young woman, public service provision and policies that affect
just 19 years old, heard about this convention that their lives. It is not only essential to the legitimacy
was aimed at talking about the rights that women 60 of democratic systems, but also to good governance.
should have. Back then, women couldn't own And you know better than anybody that
20 property in their name. They had no rights to their women’s participation is a game changer. Women
children if there were a divorce. There were many, will change the political discourse and bring diverse
many ways in which they were legally prevented ideas, priorities, knowledge, and expertise to current
from claiming their full citizenship. 65 political paradigms.
And this young glove maker read about this We have seen women in Rwanda and
25 convention and went from door to door in her Liberia—who comprise more than 50 percent of
community encouraging people to come with her, parliament—reach across party lines and push for
and they did. And they met like-minded women and legislation and measures favorable to women's
men who understood what the convention was 70 economic empowerment and those that address
attempting to do, which was to claim the rights of violence against women. At the same time,
30 women to be full human beings, to make the traditional gender stereotypes and structural
choices that were the ones they thought were best inequalities prevent women’s full participation in
for them. government and fuel the unequal distribution of
Now advocating for those rights at that time 75 roles and responsibilities among women and men.
caused a lot of controversy, and the women who

1 1
. .32 …………………………… . ..… … …. . .35 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Passage 1 suggests that which of the following As used in line 6, the phrase “taken aback” most
statements is the most accurate? nearly means

A) Women have been a significant part of the A) saddened.

workforce for the last 10 to 15 years only. B) surprised.
B) Women have been a part of the workforce C) irritated.
for more than 150 years.
D) angered.
C) Women have always been paid less than
men for the same work.
D) Glove making is a female-dominated
. .36 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

With regard to the empowerment of women,

Lakshmi Puri notes, in Passage 2, the
importance of which frames of reference?
. .33 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
A) The household and the community
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
B) Their own lives and the lives of others
answer to the previous question?
C) The economic and the public
A) Lines 4-5 (“One … glove maker”) D) The economic and the political
B) Lines 11-16 (“Women … were working”)
C) Lines 19-20 (“Back then … name”)
D) Lines 21-23 (“There were … citizenship”)
. .37 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Based on the passages, with which of the

following statements would both Hillary
Rodham Clinton and Lakshmi Puri most likely
. .34 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
The primary function of the first sentence of the A) Women cannot rely on men for help in
third paragraph of Passage 1 (lines 33-36) is to gaining equal rights.
A) provide some historical context. B) Women will never achieve true citizenship
in the United States.
B) introduce a secondary theme.
C) The fight for equal rights for women is a
C) support an assertion made in the previous
worthwhile endeavor.
D) Women in Rwanda have it much worse
D) argue that women have always been
than women in the United States.
confronted with strong opposition.

1 1
. .38 ………………………………… . ..…… …. . .41 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

In contrast with Passage 1, Passage 2 focuses Which choice provides the best evidence for the
more on answer to the previous question?
A) present-day circumstances surrounding A) Lines 43-47 (“Supporting … communities”)
women empowerment.
B) Lines 56-60 (“Women … governance”)
B) domestic issues related to the empowerment
C) Lines 61-62 (“And you … changer”)
of women.
D) Lines 62-65 (“Women … paradigms”)
C) traditional gender stereotypes that have
prevented women from fully participating
in government.
D) the history of the women’s rights movement
in countries other than the United States.

. .42 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Which of the following best describes the tone

of the passages?
. .39 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
A) Passage 1 is somber, while Passage 2 is
As used in line 63, “discourse” most nearly inspirational.
means B) Passage 1 is reflective, while Passage 2 is
A) system.
C) Passage 1 is pessimistic, while Passage 2 is
B) trajectory.
C) deadlock.
D) Passage 1 is cautionary, while Passage 2 is
D) discussion. argumentative.

. .40 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Based on Passage 2, it is reasonable to infer that

the full participation of women in politics will
A) help today’s women only.
B) help women in the future only.
C) benefit all members of a given political
D) benefit men more than women in any given
political system.
1 1
Questions 43-52 are based on the following By charting a time period of roughly the last
passage and supplementary material. two thousand years, ecologists learned that a
majority of today's trees first emerged from the
This passage discusses the plight of the yellow ground between two hundred and four hundred
cedar tree. 45 years ago, during a climatic period that scientists
refer to as "the Little Ice Age." During this period,
According to experts, the yellow cedar tree temperatures were well below the baseline
yields some of the finest wood in the world. Native temperature for the two thousand year period.
peoples who, centuries ago, lived in parts of
Line present-day Alaska, British Columbia, and Yellow cedar decline commenced at roughly
5 Washington State, prized the durability of the 50 the time that the Little Ice Age ended, around 1680.
timber. They used yellow cedar for items such as Further investigation of the trees revealed that the
totem poles, canoe paddles, chests, and tool cause of death was linked to root issues. Ecologists
handles. Later, European settlers found the wood determined that there was not enough snow present
useful for flooring and ships. Today, domestic at the base of the trees to regulate the temperature of
10 builders use yellow cedar in the construction of 55 the yellow cedar's vulnerable roots. When a layer
decks and fences. Chinese and Japanese builders, of snow is missing, the roots have difficulty
recognizing yellow cedar’s attractive light color and surviving extreme temperature swings. The lack of
sturdiness, import the timber for prestigious a consistent annual snow presence, which some
construction projects such as the refurbishing of climatologists attribute to global warming, is
15 ancient temples. 60 threatening the yellow cedar.

The strength of the yellow cedar as a building Before ecologists take measures to regenerate
material is mirrored by its stature in the wild. the yellow cedar population, which would include
Mature trees grow well over 100 feet high and can transplanting seedlings in more hospitable areas,
live for a thousand years. The yellow cedar grows they will further examine why living trees are
20 slowly and is resistant to most diseases and insects. 65 thriving amid many others that have died.
Despite the sturdy and durable properties of this Scientists agree that more work needs to be done in
hardwood, large swaths of yellow cedar trees have order to ensure that this uniquely valuable tree
been dying. This baffling problem, simply called continues to survive in an uncertain ecological
yellow cedar decline, has lasted for over a century future.
25 and has affected as much as 60 percent of the
Average Annual Global Temperature
600,000 acres that currently host such trees. In an
effort to preserve this culturally and economically 638
Temperature in degrees

Baseline Temperature
significant specimen, scientists conducted various Little Ice Age
(57 °C)
studies to determine the cause of yellow cedar 6.5
Celsius (°C)

30 decline. Their efforts, which spanned three

decades, finally yielded conclusive results in 2012. 575

Revealing information came from an analysis 54

of pollen samples collected from soils in the yellow
Medieval Warm Period
cedar's range. Scientists were able to determine the
35 kind of tree from which the pollen came, as well as
the time period during which the tree grew. With
this information, ecologists were able to determine Year (A.D.)
that yellow cedar trees were abundant roughly 5,000
years ago and seemed to thrive during periods that
40 were relatively cool and wet.

1 1
. .43 ………………………………… . ..…… …. . .46 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The passage suggests all of the following about According to the passage, yellow cedar trees
yellow cedar EXCEPT: grow
A) it is a useful building material. A) quickly during periods that are relatively
B) it is not native to China. cold.
C) it is durable and, thus, expensive. B) slowly during periods that are relatively
warm and dry.
D) it is light in color as its name suggests.
C) abundantly when temperatures are
consistently below freezing.
D) well during periods that are relatively cold
and moist.
. .44 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The primary rhetorical effect of the second

sentence of the second paragraph (lines 18-19) is
to . .47 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
A) support an assertion made in the preceding
sentence. Which choice provides the best evidence for the
answer to the previous question?
B) suggest that the yellow cedar species is
valuable in ways that go beyond the A) Lines 19-20 (“The yellow … insects”)
physical. B) Lines 36-40 (“With this … wet”)
C) transition the passage from a theoretical C) Lines 46-48 (“During this … period”)
discussion to a practical one.
D) Lines 52-55 (“Ecologists … roots”)
D) explain the cultural significance of the
yellow cedar species.

. .48 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

. .45 ………………………………… . ..…… …. To better align the text with the graphic, the
phrase “around 1680” in line 50 should be
As used in line 31, “conclusive” most nearly changed to
A) in 1680.
A) understandable.
B) near the end of the 1900s.
B) definitive.
C) at the end of the 18th century.
C) concluding.
D) around 1880.
D) acceptable.

1 1
. .49 ………………………………… . ..…… …. . .51 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Based on the graphic, which of the following As used in line 61, “measures” most nearly
statements is accurate? means
A) Average annual global temperatures A) values.
steadily decreased during the Little Ice Age. B) directives.
B) The polar icecaps melted considerably C) steps.
during the Medieval Warm Period.
D) quantities.
C) Average daily temperatures were
consistently below the baseline temperature
of 57 °C in the year 900 A.D.
D) Average annual global temperature
increased then decreased between 900 A.D.
and 1400 A.D. . .52 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The tone of the passage can best be described as

A) cautionary.

.. 50 ………………………………… . ..…… …. B) informational.

C) clinical.
Based on the passage, it is reasonable to
D) enthusiastic.
conclude that

A) snow helps certain tree roots remain cold in

the winter and moist in the spring.
B) a layer of snow can help insulate
certain tree roots, protecting them from
changes in air temperature.
C) annual snowfall numbers have decreased in
recent years due to global warming.
D) yellow cedar trees grow best in Alaska
where it snows year-round.

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work in this section only.
Do not return to any other section in the test.
2 2
Writing Test 3
35 Minutes, 44 Questions
Turn to Section 2 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


Each passage below is accompanied by a number of questions. For some questions, you will
consider how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas. For other
questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence
structure, usage, or punctuation. A passage or a question may be accompanied by one or more
graphics (such as a table or graph) that you will consider as you make revising and editing

Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage. Other questions will
direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.

After reading each passage, choose the answer to each question that most effectively improves
the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of
standard written English. Many questions include a “NO CHANGE” option. Choose that
option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the passage as it is.

Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage. . .1………………………………………. ..……….

Public Relations: Image Management A) NO CHANGE

The age of the Internet has placed public B) scrutiny, adding precariousness
figures and institutions under unprecedented ..1.. C) scrutiny; adding precariousness

scrutiny, this adds precariousness to their public D) scrutiny, and this situation has added
images. A politician, athlete, or actor can suffer
irreparable damage to ..2.. there reputation, if an
off-the-cuff remark, taken out of context, goes viral.
. .2………………………………………. ..……….
In the same way, a bystander's video of a
confrontational encounter between an employee and A) NO CHANGE

a customer can be viewed by hundreds of thousands B) their reputation

C) they’re reputations
of viewers overnight, tarnishing the image and
D) his or her reputation
goodwill of the company.

2 2
Because the court of public opinion is often . .3………………………………………. .. ……….
unforgiving, celebrities, ..3.. corporations, and
government offices often turn to experienced B) corporations, as well as
advocates who are trained to help them survive C) corporations, along with
difficult situations with their reputations intact. D) DELETE the underlined portion.
This advocate, a public relations specialist, works
primarily to build, or maintain, a client's positive
image and, if necessary, to respond promptly during . .4………………………………………. ..……….

a crisis. The average starting salary of a public The writer is considering deleting the preceding
relations specialist is $30,000 per year for full-time sentence in its entirety. Should the writer delete
the sentence?
work and $100 per hour for part-time contract work.
A) Yes, because it does not match the style and
..4.. tone of the passage.
B) Yes, because it includes information that is
A public relations specialist employed full- not relevant to the focus of the paragraph.
C) No, because it contains information that is
time by a company spends ..5.. a heck of a lot of
critical to understanding the paragraph.
time producing a steady stream of positive publicity D) No, because it contains information that
to bolster a client's public standing. A continuous helps establish the writer’s credibility.
stream of clearly written communications, executed
with sensitivity to target audiences, ..6.. are of
. .5……………………………………… . ..……….
paramount importance, so most public relations
specialists have studied journalism, marketing, A) NO CHANGE
communications, and/or public relations in college. B) tons of time
C) a significant amount of time
D) allot of time

. .6……………………………………… . ..……….

B) were
C) is
D) was

2 2
The specialist ..7.. fashions consistent messaging . .7………………………………………. ..……….
about his or her client's favorable attributes through
Which of the following alternatives to the
the use of press releases, video presentations, and underlined word is LEAST acceptable?
speeches. Good working relationships with A) drafts
members of the media are particularly helpful; B) orchestrates
creativity and comfort with public speaking are C) creates
desirable as well. D) sews

While web-based media can play a role in

. .8……………………………………… . ..……….
lowering a client's public standing, a public
relations specialist uses those same avenues to At this point, the writer would like to offer an
example to illustrate the assertion made in the
portray a client favorably to a broad audience. ..8..
preceding sentence. Which of the following best
Familiarity with social media allows the public accomplishes the writer’s goal?
relations specialist to contact a network of A) For example, one department store chain
interested parties quickly. This targeted network runs numerous commercials on a daily basis.

can be especially important during crises because a B) For instance, a grocery store chain made
national news when one of its trucks was
clear, timely response during difficult situations struck by a cargo train.
often eliminates any potential misunderstandings C) For example, surveillance video of a
restaurant-chain employee helping a disabled
and maintains ..9.. your clients good reputation.
patron went viral after the chain’s specialist
For this reason, public relations specialists often released the video to the news media.
specialize in what is called "damage control." D) For instance, photographs of the unsanitary
conditions in the kitchen of a pizzeria chain
changed the public’s view of the chain.

. 9………………………………………. .. ……….

B) your client’s good reputation
C) one’s clients good reputations
D) the client’s good reputation

2 2
Corporations and entities of all kinds, from ...10 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
international ..10.. behemoths to small regional Which of the following alternatives to the
businesses, are placing increased value on public underlined word is most acceptable?
relations. ..11.. College majors that include courses A) giants
in communication, journalism, and social media B) monsters
have become very popular across the country. C) creatures
Given such a positive outlook, outgoing job seekers D) towers

who are well-spoken and polished writers would

serve themselves well by investigating public
relations as a potential career path. . .11 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

At this point, the writer wants to include a

statement that suggests that a career as a public
relations specialist is worth pursuing. Assuming
each of the statements is true, which does NOT
accomplish the writer’s goal?
B) Given the high stakes for both big and small
businesses, there is an ever-increasing
demand for public relations specialists.
C) Due to the new distribution channels that
have opened in the Internet era, continuous
growth is expected in the public relations
field over the next decade.
D) Average starting salaries for public relations
specialists have increased for the past 5
years, with no end to this trend in sight.

2 2
Questions 12-22 are based on the following . .12 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
Venice: From Settlement to Superpower B) when
Throughout history, the process of C) whereby
urbanization often began ..12.. where an itinerant D) wear
group settled in a geographic location that offered a
particular advantage over other nearby sites. . .13 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
Perhaps the location was easily defended, provided A) NO CHANGE
convenient access to water routes, or ..13.. maybe it B) maybe it was simple: it
simply contained fertile land. Eventually, the C) perhaps it simply
advantage of the location allowed the settlers to D) DELETE the underlined portion.
thrive: markets for goods emerged, buildings were
erected, and a city was born. . .14 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The city of Venice has ..14.. unique and B) uniquely distinctive
distinctive geography. At first glance, the location C) distinctive
of Venice (erected on over 100 islands connected by D) DELETE the underlined portion.
canals and bridges) seems to offer no observable
advantages to its settlers. However, this unique . 15 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

location provided a safe haven for Venice's earliest The writer wants to conclude the paragraph with
residents. ..15.. It is not surprising that Venetian a statement that expands upon the assertion made
in the preceding sentence. Which choice best
plaster comes from an island nation like Venice. accomplishes the writer’s goal?
B) Not only were the islands that make up
present-day Venice situated in a remote part
of the Adriatic Sea, but their bluffs made the
islands appear unwelcoming to distant ships.
C) Early settlers felt very safe among the
islands that now constitute present-day
D) Later generations acquired great wealth
when the city emerged as the hub of trade
between the Eastern and Western worlds.

2 2
Located in the northern part of the Adriatic . .16 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
Sea, ..16.. mainlanders in the 5th century used the
islands that make up Venice to hide from invaders. B) the mainlanders used the islands that make
Isolated and comfortably out of harm's way, the up Venice in the 5th century
mainlanders found they could subsist on the islands. C) the islands that make up Venice were used
by mainlanders during the 5th century
They began to construct buildings on platforms
D) the 5th century was a time when mainlanders
supported by wooden stakes. ..17.. The stakes used the islands that make up Venice
submerged in salt water were resistant to
microorganisms that produced rot creating sturdy
. .17 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Thanks to Venice's defensibility and location A) NO CHANGE

B) The stakes submerged in salt water, were
in the Adriatic, merchants could conduct trade runs
resistant to microorganisms that produced rot
between western Europe and eastern ports such as creating, sturdy foundations.
Athens, Constantinople, Odessa, Tripoli, and C) The stakes, submerged in salt water, were
resistant to microorganisms that produced rot
Jerusalem. ..18.. Venetian merchants were able to creating sturdy foundations.
access these ports after a state-sponsored military D) The stakes, submerged in salt water, were
campaign eliminated pirate attacks on the eastern resistant to microorganisms that produced
rot, creating sturdy foundations.
coast of the Adriatic. Free from the threat of piracy,
Venetian merchants created a maritime empire that
lasted for centuries.
. .18 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The writer would like to add the phrase

beginning in the 19th century to the preceding
sentence, along with the necessary changes in
punctuation and/or capitalization, if any. Where
is the LEAST acceptable placement for the
A) Before the word thanks
B) After the word conduct
C) After the word ports
D) After the word Jerusalem

2 2
.. 19.. Venetian traders obtained precious metals, . .19 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
lumber, wine, and hides from Northern Europe.
Given that all of the following statements are
They brought these goods to the East ..20.. in true, which one best introduces the paragraph?
exchange from exotic spices and silk from the A) The variety of products that passed through
Orient. Venetian merchants also distributed oils Venice was staggering.

manufactured in central and southern Italy and B) Venice remained a safe place for merchants
from around the world for centuries.
Greece, traded refined cane sugar from Cyprus and
C) Venice has become a popular travel
Greece, and sold salt stockpiled from local mines destination despite the booming economy.
and other salt-producing ports along the trade D) Most of the goods that passed through
Venice were transported by small wooden
routes. ships.

By the end of the 13th century, Venice was . .20 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
one of the ..21.. most prosperous cities in Europe, a
status .22.. they kept until the emergence of Spain
B) for exchange with exotic spices
and Portugal as trade-dominating powerhouses in C) in exchange for exotic spices
the mid-1600s. The opulent architecture still visible D) on exchange to exotic spices
today is attributable to the success of the merchants
of Venice. It also represents an unthinkable . .21 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
transformation from the settlement’s modest
Which of the following alternatives to the
beginnings in the 5th century. underlined word is LEAST acceptable?
A) happiest
B) wealthiest
C) richest
D) most affluent

. .22 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

B) we
C) it
D) he or she

2 2
Questions 23-33 are based on the following . .23 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
Rosa Bonheur's Agrarian Realism B) technological, and scientific advancements,
In the 1800s, the European intellectual C) technological and scientific advancements
community was essentially divided with regard to D) technological and, scientific, advancements
the Industrial Revolution. Many thinkers applauded
the ..23.. technological, and scientific advancements
. .24 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
that brought manufacturing and transportation to
new levels of efficiency, touting man's continuing A) NO CHANGE
progress as “limitless.” Others, however, saw a B) your
dehumanizing process unfolding, describing society C) mans
D) man’s
as a place where ..24.. their essential relationship
with the natural world was becoming “worryingly
. .25 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Which of the following alternatives to the

A ..25.. host of artists in France championed the underlined word is most acceptable?
latter view in the mid-19th century, and they made
A) legion
significant sums of money doing so. ..26.. Jean- B) maître d’
Francois Millet's The Gleaners, from 1857, is C) couple
perhaps the most famous of these paintings. D) harmony
Millet's work features three poor women picking up
grains of wheat from a harvested field. The
painting measures 33 by 44 inches, a grand scale . .26 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

previously reserved for mythological or religious The writer would like the underlined phrase to
link the assertion made at the beginning of the
sentence with the rest of the paragraph. Which
phrase best accomplishes the writer’s goal?
B) painting murals on public works.
C) traveling to Paris to meet people who bucked
the trend.
D) portraying agricultural workers in a manner
that stressed the dignity of labor

2 2
A similar painting, far less well known to . .27 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
contemporary audiences, is Rosa Bonheur's A) NO CHANGE
.. 27.. Ploughing in the Nivernais, it is a startling B) Ploughing in the Nivernais, for it is a
portrayal of country life with a unique focus. startling
Bonheur's painting was celebrated in her day and C) Ploughing in the Nivernais; a startling
D) Ploughing in the Nivernais, a startling
was part of a ..28.. portfolio, which made her one of
the best known women artists in 19th century
Europe. . .28 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

Born in 1822, Bonheur came from a family of B) portfolio that made
artists ..29.. obsessed with natural stuff: her father C) portfolio, which would make
painted landscapes; one sister and one brother D) portfolio that makes
specialized in animal paintings; and another sister
sculpted animals. Perhaps unavoidably, Bonheur . .29 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
made animals the focal point of Ploughing in the
Nivernais. The foreground of this simple painting
B) way into nature
features a team of six oxen pulling a wooden plow. C) very psyched on nature
One man guides the plow from behind, while D) keenly interested in nature
another keeps the oxen moving up a slight incline in
a straight line. Another team with ..30.. two more
. .30 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
men follow behind the foreground team. In the
background on the left of the painting, a small
B) two more men follows behind
wooded hill descends to a plateau. The plateau
C) two more men followed behind
stretches across the rest of the scene, and the viewer
D) two more follow right behind
can surmise that a valley lies below the plateau. A
slate blue sky fills the rest of the canvas.
2 2
Bonheur gives the simple scene expert . .31 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
treatment. The oxen are bulky and strong, each one
Which of the following alternatives to the
colored differently and captured at a different underlined word is LEAST acceptable?
moment in its stride. Her mastery of detail also A) evidences
.. 31.. manifests itself in the clumps of mud that the B) conceals
teams have churned up while plowing. C) reveals
D) exposes

Bonheur achieves an astonishing degree of

realism in Ploughing in the Nivernais on a canvas
. .32 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
even larger ..32.. then Millets. While the oxen are
front and center, the background presence of
B) than Millet’s
farmers suggests their mastery of the work at hand,
C) than the one used by Millet for The Gleaners
.. 33.. a mastery that Bonheur praises in the face of
D) than The Gleaners
the industrial changes consuming Europe at the
. .33 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

The writer wants the final phrase of the

paragraph to remind the reader of the context in
which the writer has chosen to discuss Rosa
Bonheur and her painting Ploughing in the
Nivernais. Which best accomplishes the writer’s
B) a mastery that is sure to keep Bonheur
among the best painters of her time.
C) a suggestion that could not be denied by
anyone during the Industrial Revolution.
D) a suggestion that no machine could work as
hard as a farmer and his oxen.

2 2
Questions 34-44 are based on the following . .34 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
Survival of a Small Species B) he or she is
If you have never heard of the Relict Leopard C) they are
Frog, ..34.. one is certainly not alone. This creature D) you are
can be aptly described as a small inhabitant of a
small habitat range. The Relict Leopard Frog is . .35 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
.. 35.. virtually three inches long when mature and it The writer would like to suggest that the Relict
lives along the banks of the Colorado River in the Leopard Frog is surprisingly small. Which word
best accomplishes the writer’s goal?
southernmost portion of Nevada.
B) only
[1] First identified in 1872, the species thrived
C) magically
until 1936, when the Hoover Dam project resulted
D) uncommonly
in the formation of Lake Mead. [2] While a new
lake might seem like a boon to local frog popula- . .36 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
tions, the formation of Lake Mead caused the Relict
Leopard Frogs in the region to struggle. [3] Grasses
B) damage was more frequently done
and plants that were attractive to cattle and burro
C) damage increased
replaced less edible greenery. [4] As more animals D) it caused damage
came to the waterfront to graze, ..36.. more damage
was done to the habitat of the Relict Leopard Frogs. . .37 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
[5] The new lake also introduced nonnative species
After realizing that some information has been
to the region, including bullfrogs, which competed left out of the preceding paragraph, the writer
with the Relict Leopard Frogs for food. [6] For composes the following sentence:

several decades after 1950, the Relict Leopard Frog More specifically, the waterfront changes
caused by the Hoover Dam included changes
was not seen by scientists. ..37.. in the type of vegetation that lined the shore.
Where is the best place to insert this sentence?

A) After sentence 1
B) After sentence 2
C) After sentence 3
D) After sentence 6

2 2
By 1984, scientists were convinced that the . .38 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
Relict Leopard Frog had lost its battle to survive The writer would like to make it clear that the
and that it should, therefore, be considered extinct. species was rediscovered in its former location,
not a different one. Which best accomplishes the
However, in 1991, the species was rediscovered writer’s goal?
.. 38.. by a local environmentalist. Researchers from
the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and
B) in its southern Nevada habitat
zoologists studying the Colorado River then began
C) by a construction worker who helped build
to monitor the area for signs of other Relict Leopard Hoover Dam from 1930 to 1935.
Frog clusters. ..39.. By the end of the decade, they D) in its natural habitat
had discovered seven distinct populations.
. .39 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
In 2004, conservationists declared the Relict The writer wants to indicate that the researchers
Leopard Frog a ..40.. candidate species. Meaning and zoologists were excited to begin monitoring
the area by inserting a word before the word
that the species faced the possibility of extinction. began in the preceding sentence. Which of the
While this designation was a small victory for a following words best accomplishes the writer’s
species that was thought to have vanished two
A) eagerly
decades earlier, scientists believed that direct action
B) quickly
was crucial to helping the Relict Leopard Frog
C) methodically
proliferate again. Conservationists began to
D) surreptitiously
translocate eggs, a process that involves
transporting eggs to a new location and then
. .40 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
fostering the hatchlings to maturity. ..41.. By 2007
we had successfully translocated Relict Leopard
B) candidate species, meaning that the
Frog eggs to seven new sites.
C) candidate species, this meant that the
D) DELETE the underlined portion.

. .41 ………………………………… . ..…… ….

B) By 2007 one
C) By 2007, people
D) By 2007, they

2 2
Observations made in the field from 2010 to .42 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
2013 ..42.. indicates that the translocation project has
been successful. The increase in the number of B) will indicate
Relict Leopard Frogs living in translocated, or C) indicate
experimental, populations stands in contrast to the D) had been indicating
.. 43.. ever-diminishing number of such frogs living
in natural populations. Overall, the number of
Relict Leopard Frogs living in experimental
. .43 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
populations ..44.. skyrocketed in the four years of
observation. Scientists now believe that with Which choice offers an accurate interpretation of
the data in the graphic that accompanies the
continued careful observation and strategic passage?
translocation, the total population of the species A) NO CHANGE
should become stable and healthy again. For those B) ever-increasing
small inhabitants of a small habitat range, a full C) relatively stable
recovery would certainly be an outsized victory. D) immutable

Relict Leopard Frogs

Experimental vs. Natural Populations . .44 ………………………………… . ..…… ….
Which choice would not only make the text
500 consistent with the data in graphic that
400 accompanies the passage, but also offer the most
accurate interpretation of the data in the graphic?
300 Experimental
200 Natural A) NO CHANGE
100 B) more than doubled
0 C) more than tripled
2010 2011 2012 2013 D) more than quadrupled
Numbers on vertical axis represent the highest
counts from visual encounter surveys.

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work in this section only.
Do not return to any other section in the test.
3 3
Math Test 3 – No Calculator
25 Minutes, 20 Questions
Turn to Section 3 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


For questions 1-15, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided, and fill in
the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 16-20, solve the problem and enter your
answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the directions before question 16 on how to enter
your answers in the grid. You may use any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.


1. The use of a calculator is NOT permitted.

2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for
which f (x) is a real number.


The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2𝜋𝜋.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.

3 3
. .1………………………………………. ..…………. . .3………………………………………. ..………….

4(𝒙𝒙 + 𝒚𝒚) = 2𝒚𝒚 Alison earns $8 an hour delivering food for a local
pizzeria every Saturday. In addition to her hourly
If (𝑥𝑥, 𝑦𝑦) is a solution to the equation above and wage, Alison earns a $30 tip from the pizzeria
𝑥𝑥 owner at the end her shift, but only if she makes
𝑦𝑦 ≠ 0, what is the value of ?
𝑦𝑦 over 20 deliveries during the shift. (Alison is not
permitted to accept tips from customers.) If
1 Alison makes 27 deliveries on a given Saturday,
A) ‒ which of the following expressions could be used
to determine how much money Alison earned for
1 the shift?
B) ‒
A) 8x + 27, where x is the number of hours
C) ‒ B) 30 + 8x, where x is the number of hours
2 C) 8(x ‒ 20) + 30, where x is the total number
3 of deliveries made
D) 8(x ‒ 7) + 30, where x is the total number
of deliveries made

. .2………………………………………. ..………….
3𝒙𝒙 + 2𝒙𝒙 ‒ 8 = 0

If a and b are the two solutions of the equation

above and a > b, which of the following is the . .4………………………………………. ..………….
value of a ‒ b ?
If f (x + 2) = 2x + 2, then f (4) =
3 A) 2

2 B) 6
3 C) 8
D) 14
C) ‒

D) ‒

3 3
. .5………………………………………. ..…………. . .6………………………………………. ..………….

X B Y 𝟏𝟏 𝟏𝟏
x‒ y=1
𝟖𝟖 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏
A C 𝟏𝟏 𝟏𝟏
x‒ y = 15
𝟐𝟐 𝟐𝟐

Which ordered pair (x, y) satisfies the system of

equations above?

A) (80, 72)
B) (30, 0)
Z C) (‒ 80, ‒ 110)
Note: Figure not drawn to scale. 7 4
D) �4 , 5�
Triangle XYZ above is isosceles with XZ = YZ
and XY = 54. The ratio of AX to CY is 4 : 5.
What is the length of BY ?
. .7………………………………………. ..………….
A) 24
h (x) = 2(𝒙𝒙 + 2𝒙𝒙 + 1) + (x + k)
B) 28

C) 30 In the polynomial h (x) defined above, k is a

constant. If h (x) is divisible by x + 1, what is the
D) 34 value of k ?

A) ‒2
B) ‒1
C) 1
D) 3

3 3
. .8………………………………………. ..…………. ..10 ..……………………………………. ..………….
P = 8 + 2T
If (𝑥𝑥 ‒ 3)2 = (𝑥𝑥 2 )−3 , then which of the
A hospital administrator noticed that the daily following must be true?
number of emergency-room patients increases,
from the average of 8 patients per day, as winter A) 1 = 𝑥𝑥 12 (𝑥𝑥 ‒ 3)
temperatures fall below 5 degrees Celsius (° C).
After studying data from the 4 previous winters, B) 1 = 𝑥𝑥 6 (𝑥𝑥 ‒ 3)
the administrator determined that the equation
above properly models the relationship between C) 1 = 𝑥𝑥 5 (𝑥𝑥 ‒ 3)
T, the number of degrees Celsius that the average
daily temperature falls below 5° C, and P, the total D) 1 = 𝑥𝑥 12 (𝑥𝑥 2 + 9)
number of emergency-room patients admitted on
that day. According to the model, what is the
meaning of the 2 in the equation?

A) For every decrease in average daily

temperature of 2° C, the number of patients
B) For every decrease in average daily
temperature of 2° C, the number of patients
increases by 8. ...11..……………………………………. ..………….
C) For every 1 degree Celsius that the average
daily temperature falls below 5° C, the Students in a physics class determined that the
number of patients increases by 2. trajectory, or flight path, of an object launched at
an initial velocity of 32 feet per second into the air
D) For every 2 degrees Celsius that the average from a platform 30 feet above the level ground
daily temperature falls below 5°C, the can be modeled using the equation:
number of patients increases by 1.
h(t) = ‒ 16t + 32t + 30,

. .9………………………………………. ..…………. in which h is the height of the object above the

ground, in feet, and t is the time, in seconds, after
During the 1970s, many Americans listened to launch. How many seconds after launch will the
music recorded on vinyl records and 8-track tapes. object modeled by the equation above reach its
A music store in Nashville, Tennessee, currently highest point above level ground and how high
sells vintage vinyl records for $10 each and will it be above level ground at that time?
vintage 8-track tapes for $8 each. On a certain
day, the store sells 40 records and tapes total A) 1 second; 46 feet
collecting $354 total. How many more tapes than B) 1.5 seconds; 46 feet
records did the store sell that day?
C) 2 seconds; 62 feet
A) 5 D) 3.5 seconds; 78 feet
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8

3 3
..12 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..14 ..……………………………………. ..………….

What happens to the volume of a cube when the Which of the following is equal to the product of
2 2
area of each side is made 4 times bigger? (4 ‒ i) and (2i) ? (Note: i = ‒ 1)
A) It is multiplied by 2. A) 16 + 30i
B) It is multiplied by 4. B) ‒ 16 + 30i
C) It is multiplied by 8. C) ‒ 17 + 30i
D) It is multiplied by 16. D) 17 + 32i

..13 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..15 ..……………………………………. ..………….

𝑎𝑎 ‒ 2(4 ‒ 𝑏𝑏) From 2000 to 2010, the number of public

If = 𝑐𝑐, what is 4 ‒ 𝑏𝑏 in terms of 𝑎𝑎
3 payphones in the United States decreased linearly
and c ? from 2 million to 500,000. Given that t represents
the number of years after 2000 and that 0 ≤ t ≤ 10,
𝑐𝑐 − 3𝑎𝑎 which of the following equations properly
A) +3 expresses the linear relationship between t and P,
the number of payphones in the United States?
‒(3𝑐𝑐 + 𝑎𝑎) A) P = ‒ 15,000 t + 2,000,000
B) P=‒ t (150,000) + 2,000,000
𝑎𝑎 − 3𝑐𝑐
2 C) P = ‒ 500,000 t + 1,500,000

D) P = ‒ 150,000 t + 2,000,000

3 3

For questions 16-20, solve the problem and enter your answer in the appropriate grid at the bottom of the answer
sheet page on which you have answered questions 1-15.

Answer: Answer: 2.5 Answer: 201
12 Either position is correct.
Write answer 7 / 1 2 2 . 5 2 0 1 2 0 1
in boxes. / Fraction / / / / / /
. . . . line . . . . Decimal . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 point 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Grid in
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Note: You may start your answers
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
in any columns, space permitting.
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Columns not need should be left

• Mark no more than one circle in any column. • Decimal Answers: If you obtain a decimal answer with
• Because the answer sheet will be machine- more digits than the grid can accommodate, it may be
scored, you will receive credit only if the either rounded or truncated, but it must fill the entire grid.
circles are filled in correctly. For example, if you obtain an answer such as 0.3333…,
you record your result as .666 or .667. A less accurate
• Although not required, it is suggested that you value such as .66 or .67 will be scored as incorrect.
write your answer in the boxes at the top of the
columns to help you fill in the circles accurately. Acceptable ways to grid are:
• Some problems may have more than one correct
answer. In such cases, grid only one answer. 2 / 3 . 6 6 6 . 6 6 7
/ / / / /
• No question has a negative answer. . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• Mixed numbers such as 3 must be gridded as
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3.5 or 7/2. (If 3 1 / 2 is gridded, it will be 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
31 1
interpreted as , not 3 .) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


ePrep, Inc. © 2008 www.eprep.com

3 3
..16 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..18 ..……………………………………. ..………….

A veterinary group is expecting to care for 8 to 14 The facilities manager for the Pentagon, the
cats over a 3-day holiday weekend. Each cat will headquarters for the United States Department of
require 18 ounces of food total for the 3-day Defense, is considering two bids for yearly lawn
period. Given that cat food is sold in 6-ounce and grounds maintenance submitted by two
cans, what is the minimum number of cans of cat unaffiliated private contractors. Bid 1 charges a
food that the veterinary group needs to have fixed fee of $14,000 plus $500 per hour for a team
available to ensure that it can feed all of the cats of laborers. Bid 2 charges a fixed fee of $8,000
in its care over the holiday weekend? plus $800 per hour for a team of laborers. If h
represents the number of hours that a team of
laborers works, what is one possible integer value
of h, for which Bid 1 is between $200 and $1,000
less expensive than Bid 2?

..17 ..……………………………………. ..………….

2 2
(x ‒ 3) + (y + 4) = 24

If the circle defined by the equation above were

drawn in the xy-coordinate plane, at how many
points total would the circle intersect either the
x-axis or the y-axis?

3 3
..19 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..20 ..……………………………………. ..………….

Ms. Williams is a government-employed social

worker who runs a soup kitchen that is planning a
Thanksgiving meal for town residents in need.
Ms. Williams will need exactly 5 adult female
volunteers and exactly 4 adult male volunteers to
properly host the Thanksgiving meal. Given that
Ms. Williams has 8 adult female volunteers from
which to choose and 8 adult male volunteers from
which to choose, how many different The volume of a right-circular cylinder like the
combinations of 9 volunteers is possible? one shown above can be calculated using the
formula V = 𝜋𝜋r h, where V is the volume, r is the
radius, and h is the height. Cylinder A is a right-
circular cylinder with volume 8. Cylinder B is
similar to Cylinder A, but its radius is twice that
of Cylinder A and its height is 3 times that of
Cylinder A. What is the volume of Cylinder B?
(Disregard units when entering your answer.)

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work in this section only.
Do not return to any other section in the test.

4 4
Math Test 3 – Calculator
55 Minutes, 38 Questions
Turn to Section 4 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


For questions 1-30, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided, and fill in
the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 31-38, solve the problem and enter your
answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the directions before question 31 on how to enter
your answers in the grid. You may use any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.


1. The use of a calculator is permitted.

2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for
which f (x) is a real number.


The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2𝜋𝜋.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.

4 4
. .1………………………………………. ..…………. . .4………………………………………. ..………….

Bill subscribes to an online news service that

charges a monthly fee of $5.00 and $0.50 per hour Monthly Snowfall in Augusta,
for time spent logged in to the site. Which of the Maine
following functions properly expresses Bill’s cost 4

Snowfall (feet)
C, in cents, for a month of the news service in
which he spends t hours logged in to the site?
A) C(t) = 500 + 50t
B) C(t) = 550t 0
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
C) C(t) = 5 + 0.5t
D) C(t) = 5.5t
The graph above displays the monthly snowfall
from October to April last year in Augusta, the
capital of Maine. According to the graph, what
was the greatest change (in absolute value) in
. .2………………………………………. ..…………. monthly snowfall between two consecutive
A local sporting-goods store sells golf balls
individually and in boxes of 12. On a given day, A) 1.0 ft.
the store sells 17 individual golf balls and b boxes. B) 1.5 ft.
Which of the following could be the total number
of golf balls sold that day? C) 2.0 ft.

A) 222 D) 2.5 ft.

B) 194
C) 149
D) 127

. .3………………………………………. ..………….

If ‒ 20 ≤ 15 ‒ 5x ≤ ‒ 5, then which of the

following must be true?

A) 1≤ x ≤ 4
B) 4≤ x ≤ 7
C) x ≤ 4 or x ≥ 7
D) x ≤ 1 or x ≥ 4
4 4
. .5………………………………………. ..…………. . .7………………………………………. ..………….

A rectangle has length 𝑙𝑙, width w, and diagonal d. Monica needs to water plants in a greenhouse.
Which of the following properly represents w in Each plant requires 20 ounces of water per week.
terms of 𝑙𝑙 and d ? If Monica has access to a tank filled with 300
gallons of water, how many plants can she
A) w = √𝑙𝑙 2 + 𝑑𝑑2 properly water over a two-week period?
(1 gallon = 128 ounces)
B) w = √𝑙𝑙 2 ‒ 𝑑𝑑2
A) 3,840
C) w = √𝑑𝑑2 ‒ 𝑙𝑙 2
B) 1,920
D) w = 𝑑𝑑2 ‒ 𝑙𝑙 2
C) 960
D) 480

. .8………………………………………. ..………….

What is the slope of the line in the standard xy-

coordinate plane that passes through the points
. .6………………………………………. ..…………. (8, 4) and (‒ 3, 4)?

A) 0
Which ordered pair satisfies the system of
equations shown below? B) 1
2x = ‒ 6y + 14 C) ‒
2y ‒ x = 3 11
D) undefined
A) (2, 1)
B) (1, 2)
C) (3, ‒ 2)
. .9………………………………………. ..………….
D) (10, ‒ 1)
A charter bus traveled at an average speed of 55
miles per hour for 4 hours. During the trip, the
bus burned diesel fuel at a rate of 25 miles per
gallon. Approximately how much fuel did the bus
burn during the 4-hour trip?

A) 5 gallons
B) 7 gallons
C) 8 gallons
D) 9 gallons

4 4
..12 ..……………………………………. ..………….
Questions 10-12 refer to the following information.
If 1 of the 200 students who participated in the
A survey of 200 randomly chosen college students survey were chosen at random, how many times
was conducted to gather data regarding summer more likely is it that the student so chosen is a
employment. The results of the survey are male who does NOT have summer job than it is a
displayed in the partially completed table below. female who does NOT have a summer job?
(Round the answer to the nearest hundredth, if
Do not necessary.)
Have have
summer summer A) 1.25 times more likely
job job Total B) 1.10 times more likely
Female 70 110
C) 0.75 times more likely
Male 50
Total 200 D) 0.66 times more likely

..10 ..……………………………………. ..………….

Which of the following is the percent of those

surveyed who have a summer job?

A) 110
B) 65
C) 55 ...13..……………………………………. ..………….
D) 45
A softball team won exactly 55 percent of the
games it played during its last season. Which of
the following could be the total number of games
the team did NOT win last season?
11 ..……………………………………. ..………….
A) 17
In 2014, the total number of college students in
B) 18
the United States was about 21 million. If the
survey results were used to estimate the summer C) 20
employment status of college students across the
D) 21
country, which of the following is the best
estimate of the total number of college students in
the United States who had a summer job in 2014?

A) 23.1 million
B) 13.7 million
C) 11.6 million
D) 9.5 million

4 4
..14 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..15 ..……………………………………. ..………….

Which of the following scatterplots shows a 70d + c = 560

positive nonlinear correlation? (Note: A positive
correlation between two variables is one in which A bookstore is running a promotion that involves
higher values of one variable correspond to higher giving customers free calendars each day during
values of the other variable.) the promotion. The equation above can be used to
model the number of free calendars, c, that remain
A) b to be given away d days into the promotion. What
does it mean that the ordered pair (d, c) = ( 8, 0) is
a solution of the equation?

A) During the promotion, all 8 calendars are

a given away on the first day.

B) B) During the promotion, 8 calendars are given

b away each day.
C) It takes 8 days to give away all 560

a D) On the last day of the promotion, 8

calendars of the original 560 will remain.

D) ..16 ..……………………………………. ..………….

How would the area of a triangle change if its
base were increased by 20 percent and its height
were decreased by 10 percent?
A) The area would be increased by 10 percent.
B) The area would be increased by 8 percent.
C) The area would not change.
D) The area would be decreased by 6 percent.

4 4
..17 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..19 ..……………………………………. ..………….

10 What is the minimum value of the function f (x) =

9 (x ‒ 3) in the interval 2 ≤ x ≤ 5 ?
7 A) 4

5 B) 1
3 C) 0
2 D) ‒1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Height of building (stories)

The histogram above shows the distribution of

heights, in stories, of 23 buildings on a given city
..20 ..……………………………………. ..………….
block. Which of the following could be the
median height of the 23 buildings represented in
the histogram? Y

A) 22 stories a
B) 38 stories
C) 49 stories X 𝑏𝑏 Z
D) 57 stories
Given the right triangle XYZ above, which of the
following is equal to ?

A) sin Z
..18 ..……………………………………. ..…………. B) tan Z
Kisha drove 270 miles home from college. She C) sec Y
drove 50 miles per hour for the first 150 miles and D) csc Y
60 miles per hour for the rest of the trip. Which
of the following is Kisha’s average speed on the
trip home from college?

A) 52 miles per hour

B) 54 miles per hour
C) 55 miles per hour
D) 57 miles per hour

4 4
..21 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..23 ..……………………………………. ..………….

A chemistry student is given a beaker containing a 50

mixture of 30 milliliters (mL) of Solution A and
50 mL of Solution B. How many millileters of 40

Percent protein
Solution A would the student have to add to the
beaker in order for the final solution to be 60 30
percent Solution A?
A) 40 10
B) 45
C) 48 A B C D E
D) It cannot be determined based on the Protein drinks
information provided.
The graph above shows the percent of protein
included in 5 different protein drinks that can be
purchased at a health food store. The cost of 16
ounces of drinks A, B, C, D, and E are $6.00,
$4.50, $2.75, $2.00, and $1.75, respectively.
Which of the five protein drinks includes the most
..22 ..……………………………………. ..…………. protein per dollar?

The United States Department of Homeland A) A

Security wants to search the carry-on bags of
B) C
travelers at an international airport in New York.
One out of every 20 travelers passing through an C) D
airport security station is chosen at random for the
D) E
search. Given that p represents the total number
of passengers who pass through the security
station on a given day and S represents the total
number of passengers whose carry-on bags are
searched by Homeland Security agents on the
same day, which of the following equations
properly expresses the relationship between p and

A) S = 20 𝑝𝑝

B) S = 20 𝑝𝑝 + 20
C) S=� �
D) S=� � ‒ 20
4 4
..26 ..……………………………………. ..………….
Questions 24-26 refer to the following information.
�2 ‒ 2 =
f (x) = 2𝒙𝒙𝟐𝟐 + 3𝒙𝒙 – 4
A) h (g (x))
h (x) = �𝒙𝒙 +
𝟐𝟐 B) g (h (x))
(𝒙𝒙 ‒𝟓𝟓) C) f (h (x))
g (x) =
D) h (f (x))

..24 ..……………………………………. ..………….

f (g (9)) =

A) 10
B) 9 ...27..……………………………………. ..………….
C) 8
For a science experiment, Gabby planted 4 tomato
D) 7 plants in four different pots (Plant 1 - Plant 4).
Plant 1 received 1 drop of fertilizer each day.
Plants 2, 3, and 4 received 2, 3, and 4 drops of
fertilizer each day, respectively. As the plants
matured and began to bear tomatoes, Gabby
recorded the number of tomatoes produced by
each plant. She noticed that Plant 1 produced a
total of 4 tomatoes; Plant 2 produced 5; Plant 3
produced 8; and Plant 4 produced 13. Given this
..25 ..……………………………………. ..…………. data, which of the following equation-restriction
combinations best models the number of drops of
g (f (x + 1)) = fertilizer, d, as the independent variable and the
total number of tomatoes produced, T, as the
dependent variable?
2𝑥𝑥 2 + 7𝑥𝑥 ‒ 4 2
A) A) T = 4d ; for 1 ≤ d ≤ 4
B) T = (2d) ; for 1 ≤ d ≤ 4
B) 𝑥𝑥 + 4𝑥𝑥 ‒ 2
C) T = 4 + (d ‒ 1) ; for 1 ≤ d ≤ 4
2𝑥𝑥 2 + 7𝑥𝑥 ‒ 2
C) D) T = 4 ‒ 2(1 ‒ d); for d ≥ 1

2𝑥𝑥 2 + 5𝑥𝑥 ‒ 4

4 4
..28 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..30 ..……………………………………. ..………….

x = ‒ 2y + 10 Students in a history class estimated that the

5x + 10y + 40 = 0 unemployment rate in America during the Great
Depression increased linearly from 3 percent in
Which of the following is true about the system of 1929 to 24% percent in 1932. Given that t is the
linear equations above? number of years after 1929 and R is the
unemployment rate expressed as a percent, which
A) It has only one (x, y) solution of the following equations properly models the
B) It has exactly two (x, y) solutions relationship between t and R during the time
period described?
C) It has no (x, y) solutions
A) R = 8(t + 3)
D) It has an infinite number of (x, y) solutions
B) R = 8t
C) R = 3 + 7t
D) R=3+ t
..29 ..……………………………………. ..………….

Male Field Mice

Number of offspring





2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Age (years)

The scatterplot above shows the number of

offspring, in a given 12-month period, of several
male field mice of various ages, in years. The
correlation between age and number of offspring
in the scatterplot can be best described as:

A) positive linear correlation.

B) negative linear correlation.
C) negative exponential correlation.
D) no correlation.
4 4

For questions 31-38, solve the problem and enter your answer in the appropriate grid at the bottom of the answer
sheet page on which you have answered questions 1-30.

Answer: Answer: 2.5 Answer: 201
12 Either position is correct.
Write answer 7 / 1 2 2 . 5 2 0 1 2 0 1
in boxes. / Fraction / / / / / /
. . . . line . . . . Decimal . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 point 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Grid in
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Note: You may start your answers
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
in any columns, space permitting.
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Columns not need should be left

• Mark no more than one circle in any column. • Decimal Answers: If you obtain a decimal answer with
• Because the answer sheet will be machine- more digits than the grid can accommodate, it may be
scored, you will receive credit only if the either rounded or truncated, but it must fill the entire grid.
circles are filled in correctly. For example, if you obtain an answer such as 0.3333…,
you record your result as .666 or .667. A less accurate
• Although not required, it is suggested that you value such as .66 or .67 will be scored as incorrect.
write your answer in the boxes at the top of the
columns to help you fill in the circles accurately. Acceptable ways to grid are:
• Some problems may have more than one correct
answer. In such cases, grid only one answer. 2 / 3 . 6 6 6 . 6 6 7
/ / / / /
• No question has a negative answer. . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• Mixed numbers such as 3 must be gridded as
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3.5 or 7/2. (If 3 1 / 2 is gridded, it will be 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
31 1
interpreted as , not 3 .) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


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4 4
31 ..……………………………………. ..………….
Questions 33-34 refer to the following information.
In a college archeology class, 66 students are
going to dig for artifacts at a site that has been As part of an assignment for a statistics class,
divided into 18 separate sections. Each section Jessica measured the height of 1,000 randomly-
will be assigned to either 3 or 5 students. How selected adult males. Using the data, she
many of the sections will be assigned to a group calculated the mean to be 70 inches. After
of 3 students? plotting the data (see figure below), Jessica
calculated the standard deviation of the data and
determined that 34% of the 1,000 men measured
were between 70 and 73 inches tall.

70 in 73 in

..33 ..……………………………………. ..………….

..32 ..……………………………………. ..………….
To the nearest integer, what is the standard
y ‒ 6x = ‒ 26 deviation of the data, in inches?
y= 2‒x

The lines defined by the equations above intersect

at the point (x, y) in the xy-coordinate plane.
What is the sum of x and y ?

..34 ..……………………………………. ..………….

After completing the assignment, Jessica decided

to measure the height of 2 more randomly selected
adult males. What is the probability that both
measured heights will be between 67 and 70
inches? (Enter your answer in decimal form.)

4 4
..35 ..……………………………………. ..…………. ..37 ..……………………………………. ..………….

Peter wanted to help a local gubernatorial Insect Species

candidate become the next governor of his home
state, so he volunteered to help raise funds for the Number of Years Number of extant
after 2000 species
candidate’s campaign efforts. Peter found that for
(t) (S)
every 10 phone calls he made on the candidate’s
behalf, he was able to raise $150 for the 0 400
campaign. Given that the equation F(x) = ax 2 395
properly models Peter’s fund-raising efforts and 4 380
that F is the total funds raised by Peter, in dollars, 6 355
and x is the total number of calls that Peter makes 8 320
on behalf of the candidate, what is the value of the 10 275
constant a ?
(Disregard the unit of a when entering your In 2000, entomologists began studying 400 insect
species in a remote region of the Amazon
rainforest. Every 2 years after 2000, the
entomologists determined how many of the 400
original species remained extant. The table above
displays the number of the original 400 insect
species that remained extant every 2 years
between 2000 (t = 0) and 2010 (t = 10). Given
𝑡𝑡 2
that the equation S = 400 ‒ 𝑏𝑏 � � properly
expresses the relationship between t, the number
of years after 2000, and S, the number of extant
..36 ..……………………………………. ..………….
species, what is the value of the constant 𝑏𝑏 ?
If 3x + 63 = 30x, then | x ‒ 4| could equal?

..38 ..……………………………………. ..………….

A bowl of fruit contains only apples and oranges.

The ratio of apples to oranges is 3 to 4. Given
that there are 28 pieces of fruit in the bowl, what
is the difference between the number of oranges
and the number of apples in the bowl?

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work in this section only.
Do not return to any other section in the test.

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