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The culture of the United Kingdom, also called “British culture”, can be described as the legacy of
the history of a developed island nation, a great power and also as the result of the political union
of four countries, each retaining its distinctive elements of traditions, customs and symbolism.

As a result of the dominance of the British Empire, the influence of British culture can be seen in
the language, traditions, customs and legal systems of many of its former colonies, such as Canada,
Australia, India and the United States.

Art and culture have historically been influenced by Western ideology. Since the expansion of the
British Empire, the experience of military, political and economic power led to a unique technique,
taste and sensibility of the artists of the United Kingdom.

The British used their art “to illustrate their knowledge and lead the natural world,” while the
settlers of North America, Australasia and South Africa “embarked on a quest for a distinctive
artistic expression appropriate to their national identity.”

One of the cultural aspects of England that is most evident is tolerance and respect for all. In fact,
these are two very important values for the British. Regardless of your sexuality, your dress or your
way of thinking, they don’t judge you or look at you as a freak as long as you don’t disrespect

For centuries, the British have taken great care to ensure that Britain’s culture is based on freedom
and equality, so democracy is another of their most important values. Whether at home or in the
office, everyone’s opinions are listened to and respected.

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