PL Antigua

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Created by LearnAirbnb.


(Assumes 30 day avg month)

Startup Costs
Muebles Cama, colchones, sofa, mesas etc
Electrodomesticos Major appliances like TV, fridge, washer/dryer, work station, game console, etc…
Deposito Per leasing requirement
Cuartos (No muebles) e.g. sets of sheets, curtains, décor, etc…
Baño (No Muebles) e.g. towel sets, basic disposable toiletries, mats, shower curtains, etc…
Cocina (No Muebles) e.g. plates, utensils, coffee, décor, etc…
Contingencia Q 10,400.00 e.g. Cost of rent before first rental 1 Number of Months
Misc1 Q - Any other startup costs not covered above
Misc2 Q - Any other startup costs not covered above
Misc3 Q - Any other startup costs not covered above
Misc4 Q - Any other startup costs not covered above
Total Startup Cost Q 10,400.00

Recurring Costs (Monthly)

Mensualidad Q 10,400.00 Gross lease you pay for unit
Enseres /month
Internet / Cable / etc. Q - /month
Parqueo Q - /month
Lavandei Q - /month
Monthly Misc 1 Q - Any other monthly recurring costs not covered above
Monthly Misc 2 Q - Any other monthly recurring costs not covered above
Total Recurring (Monthly) Q 10,400.00

Recurring Costs (per Stay)

Servicios de limpieza Q 150.00 /stay
Consumibles Q 100.00 /stay
Misc por estadia Q - Any other per stay recurring costs not covered above
Misc por estadia Q - Any other per stay recurring costs not covered above
Total Recurring (per Stay) Q 250.00

Revenue Assumptions
Avg days leased per month 15 Days
Avg daily leased rate Q 1,114.52 /Night Airbnb Unit Rates
Avg nights per stay 3 Nights/Stay Weekday Rate Weekend Rate
Airbnb Hosting Fee 3% of gross rents Q 1,080.00 Q 1,200.00
Cleaning Fee Charged/Stay Q 250.00 /stay
Tax Reserve 0% set aside for future hotel taxes

Ramp - Up Pricing Assumptions

Months to Ramp up 3 months before reaching full market rate
Initial Discount off Price 30% starting, then ramp up to normal pricing

Hosting Assumptions
Hours Spent/Booking 3.0 hours (e.g. communicating, coordinating, check-in, check-out, etc…)
Admin Hours/Month 8.0 hours/month of admin
Total Hosting Related Hours 23.00 hours per month

1 - All Rights Reserved 2014

Created by

Month Investment 1 2 3
Ramp Up Pricing Schedule 70% 85% 100%

Gross Rental Revenue -Q10,400 Q23,405 Q28,420 Q33,436

Cleaning Fee Collected Q1,250 Q1,250 Q1,250
Vacancy -Q11,702 -Q14,210 -Q16,718
Airbnb Hosting Fee (3%) -Q351 -Q426 -Q502
Adjusted Gross Revenue Q12,601 Q15,034 Q17,466

Monthly lease -Q10,400 -Q10,400 -Q10,400
Utilities Q0 Q0 Q0
Internet/cable/etc.. Q0 Q0 Q0
Parking Q0 Q0 Q0
Laundry Q0 Q0 Q0
Maid Services -Q750 -Q750 -Q750
Consummables -Q500 -Q500 -Q500
Monthly Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0
Monthly Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0
Total Expenses -Q11,650 -Q11,650 -Q11,650

Net Rents Q951 Q3,384 Q5,816

Tax Reserve (0%) Q0 Q0 Q0

Net Rents Post Tax Q951 Q3,384 Q5,816

Yield on Investment Q0 Q0 Q1

Cashflow -Q10,400 Q951 Q3,384 Q5,816

Investment Payback Balance -Q10,400 -Q9,449 -Q6,065 -Q249


2 - All Rights Reserved 2014

Created by
Year 1
Month Investment 4 5 6
Ramp Up Pricing Schedule 100% 100% 100%

Gross Rental Revenue -Q10,400 Q33,436 Q33,436 Q33,436

Cleaning Fee Collected Q1,250 Q1,250 Q1,250
Vacancy -Q16,718 -Q16,718 -Q16,718
Airbnb Hosting Fee (3%) -Q502 -Q502 -Q502
Adjusted Gross Revenue Q17,466 Q17,466 Q17,466

Monthly lease -Q10,400 -Q10,400 -Q10,400
Utilities Q0 Q0 Q0
Internet/cable/etc.. Q0 Q0 Q0
Parking Q0 Q0 Q0
Laundry Q0 Q0 Q0
Maid Services -Q750 -Q750 -Q750
Consummables -Q500 -Q500 -Q500
Monthly Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0
Monthly Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0
Total Expenses -Q11,650 -Q11,650 -Q11,650

Net Rents Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Tax Reserve (0%) Q0 Q0 Q0

Net Rents Post Tax Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Yield on Investment Q1 Q1 Q1

Cashflow -Q10,400 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Investment Payback Balance -Q10,400 Q5,568 Q11,384 Q17,200

Paid Back in 14
Breakeven in 1

Monthly Yield $ 5,816
Annual Yield $ 69,795

Stabilized Monthly Cashflow $ 5,816.27

Host Effective Rate per Hour $ 252.88

3 - All Rights Reserved 2014

Created by
Year 1
Month Investment 7 8 9 10
Ramp Up Pricing Schedule 100% 100% 100% 100%

Gross Rental Revenue -Q10,400 Q33,436 Q33,436 Q33,436 Q33,436

Cleaning Fee Collected Q1,250 Q1,250 Q1,250 Q1,250
Vacancy -Q16,718 -Q16,718 -Q16,718 -Q16,718
Airbnb Hosting Fee (3%) -Q502 -Q502 -Q502 -Q502
Adjusted Gross Revenue Q17,466 Q17,466 Q17,466 Q17,466

Monthly lease -Q10,400 -Q10,400 -Q10,400 -Q10,400
Utilities Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Internet/cable/etc.. Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Parking Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Laundry Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Maid Services -Q750 -Q750 -Q750 -Q750
Consummables -Q500 -Q500 -Q500 -Q500
Monthly Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Monthly Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Total Expenses -Q11,650 -Q11,650 -Q11,650 -Q11,650

Net Rents Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Tax Reserve (0%) Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0

Net Rents Post Tax Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Yield on Investment Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1

Cashflow -Q10,400 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Investment Payback Balance -Q10,400 Q23,017 Q28,833 Q34,649 Q28,833



4 - All Rights Reserved 2014

Created by
Year 1
Month Investment 11 12
Ramp Up Pricing Schedule 100% 100%

Gross Rental Revenue -Q10,400 Q33,436 Q33,436

Cleaning Fee Collected Q1,250 Q1,250
Vacancy -Q16,718 -Q16,718
Airbnb Hosting Fee (3%) -Q502 -Q502
Adjusted Gross Revenue Q17,466 Q17,466

Monthly lease -Q10,400 -Q10,400
Utilities Q0 Q0
Internet/cable/etc.. Q0 Q0
Parking Q0 Q0
Laundry Q0 Q0
Maid Services -Q750 -Q750
Consummables -Q500 -Q500
Monthly Misc 1 Q0 Q0
Monthly Misc 2 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 1 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 2 Q0 Q0
Total Expenses -Q11,650 -Q11,650

Net Rents Q5,816 Q5,816

Tax Reserve (0%) Q0 Q0

Net Rents Post Tax Q5,816 Q5,816

Yield on Investment Q1 Q1

Cashflow -Q10,400 Q5,816 Q5,816

Investment Payback Balance -Q10,400 Q23,017 Q17,200

5 - All Rights Reserved 2014

Created by

Month Investment 13 14 15 16
Ramp Up Pricing Schedule 100% 100% 100% 100%

Gross Rental Revenue -Q10,400 Q33,436 Q33,436 Q33,436 Q33,436

Cleaning Fee Collected Q1,250 Q1,250 Q1,250 Q1,250
Vacancy -Q16,718 -Q16,718 -Q16,718 -Q16,718
Airbnb Hosting Fee (3%) -Q502 -Q502 -Q502 -Q502
Adjusted Gross Revenue Q17,466 Q17,466 Q17,466 Q17,466

Monthly lease -Q10,400 -Q10,400 -Q10,400 -Q10,400
Utilities Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Internet/cable/etc.. Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Parking Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Laundry Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Maid Services -Q750 -Q750 -Q750 -Q750
Consummables -Q500 -Q500 -Q500 -Q500
Monthly Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Monthly Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Total Expenses -Q11,650 -Q11,650 -Q11,650 -Q11,650

Net Rents Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Tax Reserve (0%) Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0

Net Rents Post Tax Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Yield on Investment Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1

Cashflow -Q10,400 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Investment Payback Balance -Q10,400 Q11,384 Q5,568 -Q249 Q0

6 - All Rights Reserved 2014

Created by
Year 2
Month Investment 17 18 19 20
Ramp Up Pricing Schedule 100% 100% 100% 100%

Gross Rental Revenue -Q10,400 Q33,436 Q33,436 Q33,436 Q33,436

Cleaning Fee Collected Q1,250 Q1,250 Q1,250 Q1,250
Vacancy -Q16,718 -Q16,718 -Q16,718 -Q16,718
Airbnb Hosting Fee (3%) -Q502 -Q502 -Q502 -Q502
Adjusted Gross Revenue Q17,466 Q17,466 Q17,466 Q17,466

Monthly lease -Q10,400 -Q10,400 -Q10,400 -Q10,400
Utilities Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Internet/cable/etc.. Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Parking Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Laundry Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Maid Services -Q750 -Q750 -Q750 -Q750
Consummables -Q500 -Q500 -Q500 -Q500
Monthly Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Monthly Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Total Expenses -Q11,650 -Q11,650 -Q11,650 -Q11,650

Net Rents Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Tax Reserve (0%) Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0

Net Rents Post Tax Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Yield on Investment Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1

Cashflow -Q10,400 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Investment Payback Balance -Q10,400 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0

7 - All Rights Reserved 2014

Created by
Year 2
Month Investment 21 22 23 24
Ramp Up Pricing Schedule 100% 100% 100% 100%

Gross Rental Revenue -Q10,400 Q33,436 Q33,436 Q33,436 Q33,436

Cleaning Fee Collected Q1,250 Q1,250 Q1,250 Q1,250
Vacancy -Q16,718 -Q16,718 -Q16,718 -Q16,718
Airbnb Hosting Fee (3%) -Q502 -Q502 -Q502 -Q502
Adjusted Gross Revenue Q17,466 Q17,466 Q17,466 Q17,466

Monthly lease -Q10,400 -Q10,400 -Q10,400 -Q10,400
Utilities Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Internet/cable/etc.. Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Parking Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Laundry Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Maid Services -Q750 -Q750 -Q750 -Q750
Consummables -Q500 -Q500 -Q500 -Q500
Monthly Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Monthly Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 1 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Per Stay Misc 2 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0
Total Expenses -Q11,650 -Q11,650 -Q11,650 -Q11,650

Net Rents Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Tax Reserve (0%) Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0

Net Rents Post Tax Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Yield on Investment Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1

Cashflow -Q10,400 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816 Q5,816

Investment Payback Balance -Q10,400 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0

8 - All Rights Reserved 2014

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