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Jawjah: Georgia

Bard: borrowed
Ain´t: am not, is not, are not,
do not, did not, have
not, has not.
Herd: heard
Munts: months
All: oil
Far: fire
Git: get
Tar: tire
Tire: tower
Cudnt: couldn´t
Unnerstand: understand
Sed: said
Farn: foreign
Juhere: did you hear?
Haze: he is/he´s
Ignert: ignorant
Seed: seen
View?: have you?
kin: can
Heavy: have you
Dew: do
Ah: I/eye
Ah´ve: I´ve
Mah: my
Cain´t: can´t
Bawl: boil
Bleeve: believe
Fiddy: fifty
Reckon: creiba
Dawgs: dogs
Yo: you/your
Ya: you
Flares: flowers
We´s: We´re
Kumpny: company
Sinner: center
Uhmurkin: American
Yer: your
Whup: whip
Cuss: curse
Zat: Is that

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