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CST 281­1

Computer Programming
Laboratory Session 03
Conditional Control Structures

 In C, there are many control structures that are

used to handle conditions and the resultant
The if Statement

if (condition)

if (marks >50)
printf("You have passed the exam!");

 Write a c programme to print an statement

called ” You have passed the exam!” for the
students who have score more than 40 marks
with different inputs will behave as follows:
Case 1: Enter marks: 73
You have passed the exam!
Case 2:Enter marks: 34
Case 3:Enter marks: 50
Sample code for Excersice­01
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int marks;
printf("Enter marks: ");
scanf("%d", &marks); //get marks
if (marks >50) // if marks >50 display message
printf("You have passed the exam!");
return 0;

Write a program which accepts a number (an

amount of money to be paid by a customer in
rupees) entered from the keyboard. If the
amount is greater than or equal to 1000 rupees,
a 5% discount is given to the customer. Then
display the final amount that the customer has
to pay.
Programe output

Enter amount: 1250.25

Discount: 62.51
Total: 1187.74
Sample code for Excersice­02
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float amount,final_amount, discount;
printf("Enter amount: ");
scanf("%f", &amount); //get amount
if (amount >= 1000) // if amount >= 1000 give discount
discount = amount* 0.05;
final_amount = amount ­ discount;
printf ("Discount: %.2f", discount);
printf ("\nTotal: %.2f", final_amount);

Modify Program Ex.2 so to displays the

message “No discount...” if the amount is less
than 1000.

 Tip­Use another if condition for amount < 1000

Sample code for Excersice­03

if (amount < 1000) // if amount < 1000 no

printf ("No discount...");
return 0;
Sample code for Excersice­03
The if­else Structure

if (condition)

Modify Program­4.1 so that it displays the

message “You have passed the exam!”, if
marks are greater than 50. If not display the
message “You have failed!”.
Sample code for Excersice­04
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int marks;
printf("Enter marks: ");
scanf("%d", &marks); //get marks
if (marks >50) // if marks >50 display message
printf("You have passed the exam!");
printf("you are failed");
return 0;

Write a program to identify whether a number

input from the keyboard is even or odd.If it is
even, the program should display the message
“Number is even”, else it should display
“Number is odd”.
Sample code for Excersice­05
The if­else­if Ladder
 In certain cases multiple conditions are to be
detected. In such cases the conditions and their
associatedstatements can be arranged in a
construct that takes the form:
if (condition­1)
else if (condition­2)
else if (condition­3)

 Write a program to display the student’s grade

based on the following table:
Marks Grade

>=75 A

> 50 and <75 B

> 25 and <50 C

< 25 F
Sample code for Excersice­06
Best practices
 Use vertical and horizontal whitespace
generously. Indentation and spacing should
reflect the block structure of the code.
A long string of conditional operators should be
split onto separate lines. For example:
if (foo­>next==NULL && number < limit &&
limit <=SIZE
&& node_active(this_input)) {…
Thank you!

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