VRChat Avatar Commission Blueprint

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VRChat Avatar Commission Blueprint.

This avatar MUST FIT to ALL of the following details and request

In order to be considered a VALID COMMISSION. If frailer to do

This commission I will request a full refund as a result of:

- Failure to communicate on a timely and frequent

- failure to have all the Necessary and requested
- Failure to complete on a timely manner
- Failure to implement the basic knowledge in regards
to application
- Incomplete or improperly done or set up or
configured file hierarchy.

Overview Of Avatar Description |

This avatar will and MUST have support of

VRChatFaceTracking from pufferfish. It MUST have the
ability to do the following:

- Blink with both & individual eyes

- Must have full rage of eye movements
- Must be able to blink lower eye lid(s)
- Must have face tracking built into the unity
animation tree and must have the parameter menu
and parameter expressions correctly integrated
within the avatars natural expressions
- Must have full mouth tracking as well.
- Must be able to disable the trigger expressions and
have the face tracking

This avatar is a humanoid being standing at 6”2. They have mostly human features but Possesses
Digiapedual and digigrade legs but with part human. They do posses a fluffy tail that is used for balance
and goat/dear ears. They somewhat look to Represent familiar to a nymph but without The goat hooves.

As to this image ref. I wish the legs to look like this but with thicker thigh Muscles and human like feet.

The other Characteristic about this avatar is this avatar will Possess wider hips. This avatar will also have
horns but not devilish pointy horns but horns that are wide at the base of the skull, and have rounded
point. They will have button like nose with a small nose bridge but will have Light glowing white freckles
speckled across the face and across The upper portion of the bridge of the nose bridge. The sabotage
will also have freckles located across the shoulders and upper chest, As well as the hips and Buttocks.
The eyes will need to have the toggle Option to have standard human white outer eyes vs all black
except for the glowing iris. This avatar will also need to support eye dilation in regards to the face
tracking. The eyes need to be very responsive. The eyes need to also widend fully as to support the
shocked expressions.

The avatars horns must be somewhat Visible as the subject above But not in the exact location as subject
above. Preferably I would like to have a roundish face with A button knows similar to this.
The hair needs to be very properly weighted and must have a little bit of gravity. Follow as shown bellow.
Clothing |

With boobs or without boobs (flat chested option) Open Slit latex dress
Also, With boobs or without boobs (flat chested opion)

This avatar must also have a casual wear of a oversized hoodie top that covers to the belly button and
thigh highs. I want the clothes to be Individually togglable so I can have any on or off.

Basic Common Sense |

Please insure that you add the necessary VRCphysbone Colliders

in the appropriate body part regions. Such as:

- Boobs (if toggled on) must have colliders but also

have colliders in the hand, wrist, and arms
- The Hair must have colliders on the shoulders, arms
and Tummy to avoid clipping. As well as the face
- The Ears must have colliders on the head to avoid
clipping through as well as the hair.
- If you add a skirt or dress please add leg colliders as
well as surface or mesh colliders to avoid clipping
through the floor if the dress touches the floor.

Additional |

I would like to have the hair Have the ability to change color by a color wheel including the color white.
I’d also like to have the skin color have the ability to switch from normal skin color to pure black.

Conclusion |

This avatar Must & will have the following:

- GoGoLoco
- Full Eye and face tracking
o Blink with both & individual eyes
o Must have full rage of eye movements
o Must be able to blink lower eye lid(s)
o Must have face tracking built into the unity
animation tree and must have the
parameter menu and parameter
expressions correctly integrated within the
avatars natural expressions
o Must have full mouth tracking as well.
o Must be able to disable the trigger
expressions and have the face tracking
- Anything tying back to this document.
- Must have glowing yellow irises that have the ability
to react to music Via audio link toggle
- Must have hair up option and hair down option
- Must be able to disactivate expression triggures and
only have the facetracking control
- Must have the correct parameters and expressions
set up as well as parameter menus and parameter

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