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Scene - Hiding Sandy

- Sandy
- Aunty
- Uncle
- Sandy’s Mum’s voice
- Chorus

Aunty Sandy Uncle

What is happening?
- Sandy has been asked to run away because the police are trying to find him and take
him away. The Aunty and Uncle each share an anecdote about Sandy constantly
running away and hiding. Sandy repeats “Always on the run” to emphasise that it never
ends, it just repeats.

What would the set look like

- I think it should start with warm colours across the stage when he is catching the fish and
having a good time but as soon as he gets panicked it turns into cool tone and a more
distinct spotlight as he runs towards the audience but on the spot.
- Another spotlight pops up for the Aunty and Uncle when they say their stories about
Sandy and they would stand on either side of him but talking to the audience.
Adults Flashes - SCENE 2

Make notes on key ideas or themes: The main message of the scene is that there is no
permanent home, family is the most important thing.

Make notes on any props

Make notes on Costume choices - really look at the text and think about what the actor
needs to do on stage and how the costume could support this.

Make notes on the characters.



1. Key ideas/themes

Jimmy is dreaming of his past self in his house when his mum tells him to get inside or he will get
caught. Then (still in the dream) he transforms into his adult self and stares at the ceiling while the
voice of his mum gets louder and louder yelling at him to hide from “The Welfare” but when he
wakes up, it is not his mum, it is Anne

2. Make notes on any props

Blanket for Anne and Jimmy to hide under in his dream. Eggs for Jimmy to hold as he runs back

3. Make notes on any costume choices - really look at the text and think about what the actor
needs to do on stage and how the costume could support this

Jimmy - Wearing a scrappy oversized shirts and pants (Probably cold because of the rain)

Anne - Wearing an over-worn floral dress

Scene 5- Line up 1
1.Make notes on key ideas or themes

-The children are getting picked

-Ruby gets chosen

- All the children all line up

2.Make notes on any props

-No props

3.Make notes on Costume choices - really look at the text and think about what the
actor needs to do on stage and how the costume could support this.

-Shirely wears a flower dress (“shirley straighten her dress”

- The girls all wear dresses from like the 60’s those flowy flower dresses

Scene 6 - Jimmy being naughty

1. Make notes on key ideas or themes

In this scene there is a sense of loss and trauma and loss of control or power.

2. Make notes on any props

Some props in this scene could be toes or anything that the children own and maybe
some school related items

3. Make notes on Costume choices - really look at the text and think about what the
actor needs to do on stage and how the costume could support this.

Old clothes that dont really matter to him or maybe a school uniform

4. Make notes on the characters.

Jimmy is a young boy who is aboriginal

and is a part of the stolen generation. He
has a sibling like relationship with sandy.
He is guarded.

Sandy is another member of the stolen

generation. She is vulnulerable
Scene 7- Unspoken abuse 1

1.Make notes on key ideas or themes

Ruby returns from the playground

The children are interested in

what she did and ask many questions

Ruby informs them she recieved a doll and ate

fish and chips, telling the children she can say
no more. She goes to bed

2.Make notes on any props


3.Make notes on Costume choices - really look at the text and think about what the
actor needs to do on stage and how the costume could support this.

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