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Mutiara Wahyuni



ABSTRACT :Company engaged in online news media, the main focus of the company is to inform
and publish information and news to the public public. This study aims to determine whether training
and development in order to improve the performance of online media journalists have been effective
and in accordance with the principles of training and development in order to improve performance.
This research was conducted in online media PT Media Sahabat Rakyat from
September to December 2016. Type of research used This research method is descriptive qualitative.
It is intended to obtain a picture and data systematically associated with improving the performance
of employees / online journalists in Online media at PT. Media Sahabat Rakyat, so
the author can process and present data that is systematic, accurate and accountable for its truth.
Based on research that has been done can be concluded in Online media in PT.
Media Sahabat Rakyat, has been running quite effectively. Where its implementation continues to
follow the principles of training and development and performance.

Keywords: Training, Development, Performance



Nowadays, the growth and development of a company requires the availability of quality human
resources. Employee training and development are factors that encourage the achievement of
increased employee competency, in order to obtain good performance for the company. With a
training program, employees will adapt to their work environment. In addition, improving skills,
knowledge and dedication from experience in work.
The era of technology encourages employees to compete in human resources, to make it easier for
people to get accurate and ideal information from manual to digital systems. Apart from the element of
trust, companies should also be able to build an attitude about the importance of achieving superior
performance (Mangkuprawira: 2017). Training and development at PT. Media Friends of the People,
a media company that manages information and news which is packaged online in detikawanua media
on an ongoing basis for reporters/journalists. However, of the existing workforce, only a small portion
have participated in training and work development, due to various technical problems. or non-
Journalists at detikawanua media PT Media Sahabat Rakyat work as a journalist who contributes to
supplying news, understands and is able to explore cases, both issues and update the data obtained so
that they are able to process information and publish it to the public. As for PT Media Sahabat's
training and development methods People are carried out using the on the job training method which
includes coaching, rotation, temporary assignments (job instruction training), off the job training
which includes journalistic workshops such as those held by the Press Council through local
journalist organization institutions at the local level. provinces in North Sulawesi and nationally at the
youth, intermediate and primary stages.
Based on the background described above, the author is interested in researching and taking the title
"Training and Human Resource Development in Order to Improve the Performance of Online Media
Journalists at Detikawanua.Com (PT Media Sahabat Rakyat)".

Research purposes

The aim of this research is to find out:

1. Training and development methods to improve journalist performance.
2. Evaluation of training and development to improve journalist performance.
What obstacles are faced in carrying out training and development of journalists?


Human Resource Management

HR Management according to Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara in Subekhi (2012: 21) HRM is planning,
organizing, coordinating, implementing and supervising the procurement, development and separation of
workforce in order to achieve organizational goals.

Training and development

Hani Handoko (2012) understands training and development are different. Training is intended to
improve mastery of various skills and techniques for carrying out certain, detailed and routine work. In
this case, training prepares employees (workforce) to carry out current jobs. Meanwhile, development
has a wider scope in efforts to improve and improve knowledge, abilities, attitudes and personality traits.


Performance (work achievement) is the result of work in terms of quality and quantity achieved by an
employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him (Mangkuprawira:

Online media
Online Media, also called Digital Media, is media that is presented online on the internet. Asep Syamsul
M. Romli in the book Online Journalism: A Guide to Managing Online Media (Nuansa, Bandung, 2012)
defines online media as follows: Online media is mass media that is presented online on internet
websites. The advantages of online media: manuscript loading and editing can be done anytime and
anywhere, the publication schedule can be anytime, any time. Fast, once uploaded it can be accessed by
everyone. Reaches the entire world who has internet access. Actual, contains actual information because
of the ease and speed of presentation. Updates, information updates are continuous and can be done at
any time. Interactive, two-way, and "egalitarian" with comments column facilities, chat rooms, polls, etc.
Previous Research

Goni, Adolfina, and Sumarauw (2015) with the title The Effect of Training, Job Placement, and
Compensation on Employee Performance at PT. Bank Sulutgo Manado Head Office. The results of the
discussion show that training, work placement and compensation have a significant and positive effect
on the performance of PT employees. Bank Sulutgo Manado Head Office. Apart from that, training has a
positive and significant influence on employee performance. Training is the lowest variable that
influences employee performance in this research. Work placement has a positive and significant
influence on employee performance. Training is the second highest variable that influences employee
performance in this research.
Manoppo (2015) with the title of his research The Influence of Work Discipline, Work Motivation and
Career Development on Job Satisfaction at TVRI North Sulawesi. The results of the discussion show that
Work Discipline, Motivation and Career Development simultaneously have a positive effect on Job
Satisfaction at TVRI North Sulawesi.
Types of research
The method used in this research is qualitative, this method is used to find out the training and
development of online media journalists who work as employees is carried out qualitatively through data
collection techniques or free interviews with sources.
Research Location and Time
The location of this research was carried out by the author at PT Media Sahabat Rakyat, whose address
is Jalan Santiago 100 Tuminting, Manado. The address of the Marketing and Editorial Office is Jalan Dr.
Sutomo next to the Orion Manado hotel. The research time used was 6 six months.

Data source
Data source obtained from the HR department at PT Media Sahabat Rakyat.

Data Type
The types of data used by the author in the research are:
a. Primary data obtained by the author is data regarding development to improve the performance of
online journalists at PT Media Sahabat Rakyat.
b. Secondary data obtained by the author in this research is regarding the history of the founding of PT
Media Sahabat Rakyat.

Data Subject
Subject data was obtained from informants in the media at PT Media Sahabat Rakyat.
Namely the Main Director, Company Leader, Editor, and Reporter.

Data collection technique

The data collection techniques used by the author in the research are:
1. Interview technique for collecting data is carried out by asking directly to the Main Director and
Editor of PT Media Sahabat Rakyat. The author uses this method to find out about the development of
improving the performance of journalists through training and development at PT Media Sahabat Rakyat.
2. Documentation techniques by collecting data related to strategies for improving employee
performance through training and development at PT Media Sahabat Rakyat.
Observation technique by directly observing the editorial staff of PT Media Sahabat Rakyat.



Gambar 2. Skema Pengumpulan Data

Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques

According to Miles and Huberman (2014), there are three qualitative data analysis techniques, namely:
Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, categorizes, directs, removes unnecessary data and
organizes data in such a way that final conclusions can be drawn. Reduction does not need to be
interpreted as data quantification.

Training and Development of Human Resources in Improving the Performance of Online Media
Journalists at Media PT. People's Friend Media

The current digital era encourages the online media at PT Media Sahabat Rakyat to
emphasize training and development in the field of development in the form of training and education for
the Journalist Competency Test (UKJ) which is held by the Press Council through institutional press
organizations. Meanwhile, Human Resource Development for Journalists online media
is carried out every three months in order to improve internal editorial performance. Training is carried
out for new journalists, while development is given to existing journalists.
The training is carried out in order to provide refreshment to new journalists, so that they are able to
increase their capacity to understand work patterns as a journalist both in terms of searching, collecting,
filtering, storing, processing and publishing data and information obtained in a factual, objective,
balanced, and journalistic ethics and not based on journalists' own opinions and views. Meanwhile,
development is given to old journalists who have already been given training. Development is carried out
to improve their abilities to explore and understand public information with journalistic ethics. This
development is carried out twice a year internally .
Meanwhile, the level of training and development of the Journalist Competency Test (UKJ) at the
Indonesian Press Council starts from young, intermediate to major journalists. This step is to create
competent journalists in their profession. There is also the aim of the competency test or journalist
certification which aims to improve the quality and professionalism of journalists. , held on the basis or
manifestation of the implementation of Press Council Regulation number 1/peraturan-DP/II/2010
concerning Journalist Competency Standards which were stipulated on February 2 2010, in Jakarta.

Forms of Training and Development

The form of training and development carried out by PT Media Sahabat Rakyat is through On the Job
Training and Off the Job Training to improve the skills, knowledge, work habits and attitudes of
journalists. Objectives of On the Job Training:
1. New journalists have determination or a positive work attitude towards achievement.
2. Have an idea or knowledge and the type of training that will be carried out while being a journalist.
3. Can adapt to the work environment, co-workers and work.
On the Job Training is applied to every new journalist, journalists who move to another department
(mutation), journalists who change their duties and responsibilities and journalists who show poor
performance in their work.
Advantages of On the Job Training
1. Journalists can work while receiving training.
2. Journalists receive special training in their field of work.
3. Work procedures and techniques can be carried out correctly and become work habits.
4. Workers get to know their work situation more quickly (job orientation)
5. Production skills can be developed more quickly.
6. Workers' desire to learn is greater, because:
a. Workers can feel the need for training
b. Workers can see the results of the training they receive.
c. Workers feel that what they do can provide benefits for the company and understand that mistakes
mean a waste of time and material.
7. Materials and methods can be made more specific according to work needs.
8. The instructions given are better heard by workers.

Training and Development Evaluation

The evaluation was carried out by PT Media Sahabat Rakyat through training and development to
improve the performance of online media journalists by providing ongoing
assessments. Namely, the evaluation was carried out by PT Media Sahabat Rakyat in
the form of a report.

Training and Development Obstacles

The obstacles in training and development that occur at PT Media Sahabat Rakyat are
other than the facilities and infrastructure that support the implementation of training and development,
especially the participants or human resources. Apart from the participants, obstacles are also obtained
from the company. The daily technical development program still waiting for the program organized by
PT Media Sahabat Rakyat so that journalists cannot improve their performance.


Improving Employee / Journalist Performance

PT Media Sahabat Rakyat requires quality journalists who have been certified,
especially online media in the current digital era. In order to get journalists who are competent in their
profession and have high performance. With this the company provides training and development so that
the company's goals can grow and develop in accordance with developments in science and technology
and current media business competition. At PT Media Sahabat Rakyat, journalists
from the selection results then receive an evaluation.
Improving the performance of journalists has been carried out by PT Media Sahabat Rakyat quite well because it was preceded by a needs analysis, but the implementation of the
daily technical development program is still waiting for the program organized by the Press Council as a
certification body for journalists. PT Media Sahabat Rakyat detikawanua .com has not carried out many
development programs that it organizes itself. By being more active, it can adapt training programs to
suit needs.
Training and Development Methods
Seeing the importance of improving the performance of journalists in achieving company goals, PT
Media Sahabat Rakyat is trying to improve the performance of journalists in addition
to training and also providing development. As a strategic step to improve journalist performance, PT
Media Sahabat Rakyat carries out a training program (education and training). Press
council regulation number 1/peraturan-dp/ii/2010 concerning competency standards for press council
journalists, as a standard for assessing the professionalism of journalists.
Another step taken by PT Media Sahabat Rakyat to improve employee performance is
by providing study permits (study permits) for its journalists. For journalists who excel, the company
provides compensation and allowances.

Training and Development Evaluation

Carried out by company leaders and editorial leaders. That is, journalists who have taken part in training
and development are expected to be able to improve their competence and quality of journalistic work to
support employee performance. In this way, the company's desired goals can be achieved.
Training and Development Obstacles
PT Media Sahabat Rakyat, namely the lack of awareness among journalists about the
importance of improving performance through training and development in the form of education and
training due to inappropriate implementation times (when journalists are busy with work that cannot be
left behind), being unwell or sick, and having personal interests. Apart from that, there are obstacles in
the facilities and infrastructure to support development programs which await the implementation of
training from the Press Council and institutional press organizations. So that the company's performance
targets are hampered.


Interview Results Obtained from Four Informants

Based on the questions asked to the four informants regarding human resources, it was concluded that
the nature of humans has the potential to produce real work for themselves and the company
organization. At the company PT Media Sahabat Rakyat, based on the results of HR interviews, so far it
has been carried out according to the duties and responsibilities assigned to it. has been given by the
company. Where journalists at the company PT Media Sahabat Rakyat are employees who are still in the
process and continuing to reach their target professional level of work. Because training and
development, according to the four informants, is able to improve the quality of dedicated and competent
work in an online media editorial system in accordance with the rules or code of ethics in exploring news
more accurately and factually, even though the process is not as optimal as it should be.
Informants from PT MSR themselves admitted that training and development for companies is important,
in order to improve the quality of work performance, so that they can compete with similar companies
and continue to carry out evaluations with the editorial team at the end of the period. The method applied
at PT MSR is through dividing work portions, for example the one working on the economy,
understanding and focusing on exploring the development of economic trends in North Sulawesi.
Meanwhile, the editor is responsible for editing and managing the development of issues according to
journalistic rules.
Where the training and development process for workers and editorial staff at PT MSR is slowly
improving and influencing the company's performance to be more effective and produce solutions to
challenges targeted by the company in the interests of publishing information to the public. Another
thing that is no less important, namely expansion into the District
/ City, so that the company's target is to expand its work wings which will have a good impact on the
company's performance.
Even though it is still in process, the evaluation carried out at PT MSR so far has seen the editorial team
re-analyze journalists' written work to see whether it meets the standards of journalistic work by
collaborating with organizational institutions and the press council as policy makers in the press
company standardization process and the journalistic process in training and development. faced by
companies in training and development, the lack of awareness and enthusiasm of journalist workers to
develop their journalistic abilities, in addition to the lack of budget and instructors in the training and
development process in order to improve company performance are obstacles for companies. The
company hopes that collaboration with institutional press organizations and press councils can
intensively organize and evaluate press workers, namely journalists who are certified and competent to
face current developments so that the world of the journalistic profession in Indonesia is more
professional and credible.


PT Media Sahabat Rakyat's steps to improve employee performance are through
providing work motivation to employees, if there is an increase in work then the employee is given the
task of taking part in training and if after following employee training there is an increase in performance
then the employee will be given a promotion
etc. Evaluation is carried out on an ongoing basis by the press council and press organizations and
companies monitoring the results of daily work related to the training that has been attended. The
obstacles faced are human resources (journalists) who are less responsive and less enthusiastic about
training and development, when journalist workers are busy with daily work, and centralized training


1. So that journalists who take part in training and development in the form of education and training can
respond and not feel satisfied with their performance in the form of news writing at this time, companies
need to take strategic steps, namely collaborating with the press council and press organizations as
organizers of the Journalist Competency Test (UKJ) which provides Competency standard certification,
it is also important to be given scholarships or awards for work and journalistic work to support
Daily technical development programs should not wait for programs organized by the Press Council and
press organizations should be organized themselves, so that PT Media Sahabat Rakyat
can improve employee performance in its own way without ignoring the applicable rules of journalist
competency standards.


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