Bahasa Dan Terminologi Hukum

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NIM : 042298213


Susunlah 5 koimat dallam bahasa Inggris menggunakan istilah-istilah berikut:

1. Presumption of Innocence
2. Justice Collaborator
3. Contempt of court
4. Legal Standing
5. Shifting burden of proof


1. The presumption of innocence is a legal principle that every person accused of any crime
is considered innocent until proven guilty. Under the presumption of innocence, the legal
burden of proof is thus on the prosecution, which must present compelling evidence to
the trier of fact (a judge or a jury).

2. The purpose of this research is to study the role of justice collaborator in uncovering who
is the mastermind behind a major crime in the act of criminal law, and also not only end
on a minor defendant (field defendant). The empirical law research methods is conducted
on the Commission Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Witness and Victim
Protection Agency (LPSK). The results shows that the role of justice collaborator
facilitates the verification in the criminal judicial process in order to totally reveal the
well-organized transnational crime. In this context, corruption in Indonesia is committed
collectively, the existence of regulations on justice collaborator is a legal instrument that
is expected to strengthen the collection of Form of Evidence dan Real Evidence at the

3. Contempt of court, often referred to simply as "contempt", is the offense of being

disobedient to or disrespectful toward a court of law and its officers in the form of
behavior that opposes or defies the authority, justice, and dignity of the court. A similar
attitude toward a legislative body is termed contempt of Parliament or contempt of
Congress. The verb for "to commit contempt" is contemn (as in "to contemn a court
order") and a person guilty of this is a contemnor.

4. Regarding Legal Standing or also known as legal standing, Harjono in the book
Constitution as the House of the Nation (p. 176), explains that legal standing is a
condition in which a person or a party is determined to meet the requirements and
therefore has the right to apply for dispute resolution or disputes or cases before the
Constitutional Court (“MK”).

5. In Civil Law, the burden of proof typically lies with the person making the claim, Once
the plaintiff has done, a defendant must be shifting burden of proof again shifts back to
the plaintiff to show that the proffered “legitimate” reasons were pretextual.

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