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Hello, Mr. Shah Mahmood!

With due to respect and compliments!

We received your letter with its check list as an attachment.
So, we trying to answer to your 8 questions, if it’s any problems in point
of grammatical statement, I sent it to your in Persian (Dari) ok.

1. As known, since establishment of our association about 6 months, which

it is one of newly and recently association.
This kind of helping and grants so affectively and worthy, which the
financial section of association are not self sufficient yet, also it is helping
and make it strength the section of financial of association.
2. the role of grant in association are so important, and we can able to run
successfully due to development of aims of association in different
sections, such as: admin section, organization charts, rights section,
cultural section especially publishing newspaper, brochures, propagandas
paper, making seminars, workshops, traveling to provinces and outside of
country for teaching and exchange of experiences, especially about
extraction of marble and also it help us to organizing the admin working
especially about central office that we are become succeed, for this case
we can say that all this success are belongs to this giving grants.
Also, we can able to find, Mobil, furniture, computer, printer, scanner,
projector, fax, digital telephone, digital video & audio camera, finally we
become owner of address.
3. Yes, really this grant can enhance internal control system of association.
We can owner of organize office and structure, the time table of duties
also made. So association can abilities to control from methods of
expenditure of financial section, especially under remarkable of
association leader from during the giving report of the expenditure of
financial section due to our association meeting room.
I believed that it make really change and enhance the control system of
financial section of association.
4. Role of grant in our office resources, are positive, because this grant
giving spirit to resources of association, now it can progress and
development from its daily works and activities so, office can has a
facilities. Which it is explained completely in the answer of No 2.
5. in the answer of No 2 mentioned that association can able to has own
newspaper by the name of (Marble) and it take activity sanction from
ministry of justice , and marketing section, rights section, control ,
financial, agreement section, and technical , norm and standard these all
sections make worthy and evaluate by affection of helping of this grant.
6. after that the grant has given to association, association can find authority
and prestige from a point of establishment of central office , meeting of
association staff , taking seminars , workshops, conferences as fabrics
position , traveling of association members to different provinces of the
country, which all of this are making to association can get better.
Association can able from a point of information, focusing its aims by own
newspaper, broadcasting its aims by TV which really make interesting to
other new membership of the association.
This activity can make us to get a lot of new members which from 69 marble
factories we can able to increasing it up to 102 marble and pressers factories,
which these fast developing of association which it make the association so
popular among the nation and international resources has progress which we
are evaluate it positively.
7. for development and progress of association in during this short time by
having correct and organized aims and plans which is mentioned in our
association roles are take action and it loading as a correct and organized.
A point of solidarity, benefit ness of the processor factories, the delegation of
association are struggle honestly to make the all legal wants and request of
the processor factories has solved. So the delegation of association are
struggle honestly to meet and discussion with council of ministers,
Parliamentary, 1st assistance and economical of Islamic republic of
Afghanistan Mr. Ahamd Masood Ziya, and by official reposted of the
country we are interview and talk about the humanitarians wants and
requesting of the processor factories has done propagandas, for this case all
the inside and outside of the resources are take a attention to association for
helping and corporation which one of them is USAID – ASMED which in
this point it is initiate and Mr. Sunirmal Ray , he came to the association
office and he take kindly attraction and helping to association that from
this wisely action of Mr. Sunirmal Ray association are so pleasure
appreciate his cooperation and remained
8. whenever, this kind of great are given to offices, associations,
organizations, that they are really having existence in there country,
having rights and legal identify as known, having sanction activity from
Ministry of Justice and they are during the new building take happen.
In my opinion, it really helps them from point of development and make
strangely economical of private sectors especially marble and granite of
It has an important and preciously role in future of association
development and progress activities which such kind of this grant are take
appreciate from association and we are evaluate it positively.
This was the 8 answers of the question that asking from us.
If has any problem in this 8 answer statements please feel free we are
waiting to your next subject ok ,
Dear brother Mr. Shah Mahmood
We received your kindly letter which about the role of grant, and we
give completely information about which attach to this letter.
The role of this grant a point of development , enhance of population
of association and finding of Mobil, furniture, computer, printer, scanner,
projector, fax, digital telephone, digital video & audio camera, finally we
become owner of address.
traveling to provinces and outside of country for teaching and exchange
of experiences, especially about extraction of marble and also it help us to
organizing the admin working especially about central office that we are
become succeed, for this case we can say that all this success are belongs to
this giving grants.
This grant is so preciously to association and say once again thank from
helping and cooperation of USAID – ASMED office.

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