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Survival Poem: A Creative Writing Assignment

Directions: You will write a 4-6 stanza poem in which you discuss any aspect of survival. You must incorporate
at least two poetic devices. Your poem should also contain a creative title and show either external conflict
(person versus nature, person versus person, or person versus society) or internal (person versus self).

Natural disasters: Hurricane, tsunami, flood, mudslide, avalanche, earthquake, drought, wildfire, tornado,
extreme climate change
Human disasters: Famine, displaced populations, industrial or vehicular accidents, overpopulation, pandemic
Other ideas: Military conflict, a life or death struggle between people, an animal attack, or loss of a loved one

Items to consider:
- From whose perspective are you writing? A particular survivor’s? Third person?
- Is the story in your poem going to take place before the disaster, during, or after?
- How will you incorporate poetic devices? Conflict, imagery, figurative language (metaphor, simile,
personification, hyperbole, symbolism, alliteration, etc.), refrain, and rhyme are strong ones to utilize
- How will you make your poem creative and authentic?

Survival Poem Rubric

Criteria Score Feedback

Required Content (0-10) Glows

Your poem clearly details a survival situation,
whether before, during, or after a disaster or
tragedy. There is an internal or external conflict
present. There are at least four stanzas of writing. Grows
There are at least two poetic devices incorporated.

Creativity and Detail: (0-10) Glows

Your poem captures and maintains the audience’s
attention with engaging and interesting details.
There is originality and authenticity to your piece.
Your poem paints a vivid picture in the reader's Grows
mind and has more “show” than “tell.” There is
clear effort evident throughout the writing.

Conventions and Formatting: (0-5)

Your writing exhibits few, if any, spelling and
grammatical errors. Your writing is clear and

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