Contextualization Task

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Contextualization task




Career paths


English I


In this stage, you will learn about how to describe your job. Asking and answering questions
about your job. You will be presented with situations related to your daily life in a labor
context. This unit aims to allow you to talk about different situations around your work by
using the verb to be and the present simple.

Talking about your career paths give you enough tools to answer and ask questions in
simple contexts regarding descriptions or preferences about a job. Also, you will understand
the use of questions and expressions to give your opinion about a profession, how to
describe some work conditions, the different tasks you realize while at work etc. This is an
introduction to how to describe what you consider is good or bad of your job.


You will record a 2-minute video, upload it to Youtube or any video platform that allows your
classmates to see your video. You will introduce yourself and then you will talk about somebody you
know and his job. Submit the activity in the final activity section accordingly.

Individual Work.

This task will allow you to use the content practiced during the stage of Contextualization. As
individual task you will have to do:

1. Record a 2-minute video, upload it to Youtube or any video platform that allows your classmates to see your video. You
will introduce yourself and then you will talk about somebody you know and his job. This video must be uploaded to the
final activity.
The activity must include the following information:

1. It must be a 2-minute video (with viewing permissions).

2. Use of vocabulary from the unit.
3. Your name.
4. Your age.
5. Your studies and where you study.
6. Your profession and where you work.
7. Introduce your friend.
8. Describe his/her routine
9. Describe 4 things he likes and 4 things he does not like about his job.
10. Watch this example:
11. Use the following phrases during your presentation:

12. If some of the key points do not match your reality, please use your imagination to complete
the activity.
13. You must be visible during the presentation using the presentation tips from the unit.

Collaborative Work:

This task will allow you to watch two of your classmates’ videos and provide some feedback to help
them improve their abilities. Groups will be created randomly. This activity will affect your final
grade. Therefore, it is quite important to complete it.

1. Upload your video (YouTube link) of the contextualization stage in the collaborative activity.
2. Provide feedback to two of your classmates’ video in the collaborative activity.
The activity must include the following information:

1. Read the descriptions for each criterion.

2. Choose one descriptor per criterion according to your classmate’s work.
3. Submit your feedback in the activity resource.



1. Individual Work:

1.1. Video uploaded in the final activity.

2. Collaborative Work:

2.1. Feedback of your classmate’s video in the collaborative activity (Contextualization stage).

In accordance with the goal of the unit on Career paths this is an academic space of interaction and
collective construction of knowledge, in which your participation and those of your classmates
continue to strengthen the knowledge of the course.

For this, you will answer the following questions in the forum:
1. Why is it important to talk about your career paths? Explain your reasons.
2. Do you talk about your professional options during a job interview? Why?
3. Is it important to be able to describe what is good or bad about a job? Why?

Check deadline for your participation in the forum in Moodle.


Technical, tecnological and Internet, dictionary, text processor (word, etc), computer,
materials tablet, phone.
Learning environment Moodle, Ucompensar virtual campus, unit of the course.
Formative section, English I virtual campus,
unit 3. Recognition stage.

Bibliographic resources Bohlke, D. 2017. Keynote 1, Unit 3

Complementary Passions page 16. CENGAGE Learning
Custom Publishing


Activity Porcentage
Individual work 25%
Collaborative work 5%

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