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This list includes the standard OA charge for each journal.

Please note that these prices are subject to change, and may d
value added tax, goods and services tax and any similar sales or excise taxes (Sales Taxes). Any Sales Taxes will be added

The fee may be paid in other currencies at a rate determined when you sign the license for your manuscript.
Please note there may be minor differences to the stated membership pricing listed due to rounding effects.

If you require an OA licence beyond those listed here, please get in touch with us by email at

For journals where OA charges differ based on article type, the standard OA charge is detailed on this tab, and the non-
Other discounts may apply - see the Instructions for Authors for details.

*for these journals, the CC BY licence option is restricted to articles funded by the Wellcome Trust, UKRI, the British Hea

Licenses Offered

Adaptation x
Aesthetic Surgery Journal x
Aesthetic Surgery Journal: Open Forum x
African Affairs x
Age & Ageing *available for funded articles only
Alcohol and Alcoholism x
American Entomologist x
American Historical Review
American Journal of Clinical Pathology x
American Journal of Epidemiology x
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy x
American Journal of Hypertension x
American Journal of Legal History x
American Law and Economics Review x
American Literary History x
Analysis x
Animal Frontiers x
Annals of Behavioral Medicine x
Annals of Botany x
Annals of the Entomological Society of America x
Annals of Work Exposures and Health x
Antibody Therapeutics x
Applied Linguistics x
Arbitration International x
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology x
Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume x
Art History x
Arthropod Management Tests
Behavioral Ecology x
Bioinformatics x
Bioinformatics Advances x
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society x
Biology Methods and Protocols x
Biology of Reproduction x
Biometrika x
BioScience x
Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry x
Biostatistics x
BJS Open x
BJR Case Reports x
BJR Open x
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society x
Brain x
Brain Communications x
Briefings in Bionformatics x
Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics x
British Journal of Dermatology x
British Journal of Surgery x
British Journal of Radiology x
British Medical Bulletin x
British Yearbook of International Law x
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan x
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies x
Burns and Trauma x
Cambridge Journal of Economics x
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society x
Capital Markets Law Journal x
Carcinogenesis x
Cardiovascular Research x
Cerebral Cortex x
Cerebral Cortex Communications x
CESifo x
Chemical Senses x
Chemistry Letters x
Chinese Journal of International Law x
Christian bioethics x
Classical Receptions Journal x
Clean Energy x
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology X
Clinical & Experimental Immunology x
Clinical Chemistry x
Clinical Infectious Diseases x
Clinical Kidney Journal *available for funded articles only
Communication Theory x
Communication, Culture and Critique x
Community Development Journal x
Conservation Physiology x
Contemporary Women's Writing x
Contributions to Political Economy x
Crohn's & Colitis 360 x
Current Legal Problems x
Current Zoology x
Database x
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology x
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities x
Diplomatic History
Discovery Immunology x
Diseases of the Esophagus x
DNA Research x
Early Music x
Economic Policy x
ELT Journal x
Endocrine Reviews *available for funded articles only
Endocrinology *available for funded articles only
English - The Journal of the English Association x
Environmental Entomology x
Environmental Epigenetics x
EP Europace *available for funded articles only
Epidemiologic Reviews x
Essays in Criticism x
European Heart Journal *available for funded articles only
European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging *available for funded articles only

European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy *available for funded articles only
European Heart Journal - Case Reports *available for funded articles only
European Heart Journal - Digital Health *available for funded articles only
European Heart Journal – Imaging and Methods *available for funded articles only
European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical
Outcomes *available for funded articles only
European Heart Journal Open *available for funded articles only
European Heart Journal - Acute Cardiovascular Care *available for funded articles only
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery x
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing *available for funded articles only
European Journal of Endocrinology x
European Journal of International Law x
European Journal of Orthodontics x
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology x
European Journal of Public Health x
European Review of Agricultural Economics x
European Review of Economic History x
European Sociological Review x
Evolution x
Evolution Letters x
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health x
Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society x
Exposome x
Family Practice x
FEMS Microbes x
FEMS Microbiology Ecology x
FEMS Microbiology Letters x
FEMS Microbiology Reviews x
FEMS Yeast Research x
Food Quality and Safety x
Foreign Policy Analysis x
Forensic Sciences Research x
Forest Science x
Forestry x
Forum for Modern Language Studies x
French History
French Studies x
French Studies Bulletin x
Function x
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics x
Gastroenterology Report x
Genetics x
Genome Biology and Evolution x
Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics x
Geophysical Journal International x
German History x
GigaScience x
Global Studies Quarterly x
Glycobiology x
GRUR International x
Health Affairs Scholar x
Health Education Research x
Health Policy and Planning x
Health Promotion International x
Historical Research x
History Workshop Journal x
Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Horticulture Research x
Human Communication Research x
Human Molecular Genetics x
Human Reproduction x
Human Reproduction Open x
Human Reproduction Update x
Human Rights Law Review x
ICES Journal of Marine Science x
ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal x
IJQHC Communications x
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics x
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics x
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information x
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis x
Immunotherapy Advances x
in silico Plants x
Industrial and Corporate Change x
Industrial Law Journal x
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases x
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA x
Innovation in Aging x
Insect Systematics and Diversity x
Integrative and Comparative Biology x
Integrative Biology x
Integrative Organismal Biology x
Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure x
Interacting with Computers x
Interdiscplinary CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery x
International Affairs x
International Data Privacy Law x
International Health x
International Immunology x
International Journal for Quality in Health Care x
International Journal of Constitutional Law x
International Journal of Epidemiology x
International Journal of Law & Information Technology x
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family x
International Journal of Lexicography x
International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies x
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology x
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice x
International Journal of Public Opinion Research x
International Journal of Refugee Law x
International Journal of Transitional Justice x
International Mathematics Research Notices x
International Political Sociology x
International Relations of the Asia Pacific x
International Studies Perspective x
International Studies Quarterly x
International Studies Review x
Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment
ISME Journal x
ISME Communications x
JAC - Antimicrobial Resistance x
JAMIA Open x
Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology x
JBMR Plus x
JCEM Case Reports *available for funded articles only
Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies x
JNCI Cancer Spectrum x
Journal of the National Cancer Institute x
Journal of African Economies x
Journal of Analytical Toxicology x
Journal of Animal Science x
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy *available for funded articles only
Journal of Antitrust Enforcement x
Journal of Applied Microbiology x
Journal of Breast Imaging x
The Journal of Burn Care & Research x
Journal of Chromatographic Science
Journal of Church and State x
Journal of Communication x
Journal of Competition Law and Economics x
Journal of Complex Networks x
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication x
Journal of Conflict and Security Law x
Journal of Consumer Research x
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis x
Journal of Crustacean Biology x
Journal of Cyber Security x
Journal of Design History x
Journal of Economic Entomology x
Journal of Economic Geography x
Journal of Environmental Law x
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice x
Journal of Experimental Botany x
Journal of Financial Econometrics x
Journal of Financial Regulation x
Journal of Forestry x
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering x
Journal of Global Security Studies x
Journal of Heredity, The x
Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery x
Journal of Human Rights Practice x
Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology x
Journal of Insect Science x
Journal of Integrated Pest Management x
Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice x
Journal of International Criminal Justice x
Journal of International Dispute Settlement x
Journal of International Economic Law x
Journal of Islamic Studies x
Journal of Language Evolution x
Journal of Law and the Biosciences x
Journal of Legal Analysis
Journal of Logic and Computation x
Journal of Mammalogy x
Journal of Mechanics x
Journal of Medical Entomology x
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology x
Journal of Molluscan Studies x
Journal of Music Therapy x
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology x
Journal of Pediatric Psychology x
Journal of Petrology x
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research x
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology x
Journal of Plankton Research x
Journal of Plant Ecology x
Journal of Professions and Organization x
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory x
Journal of Public Health x
Journal of Radiation Research x
Journal of Refugee Studies x
Journal of Semantics x
Journal of Semitic Studies x
Journal of Social History
Journal of Surgical Case Reports x
Journal of Surgical Protocols and Research Methodologies x
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology x
Journal of the American Academy of Religion x
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association x
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research x
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology x
Journal of Endocrine Society *available for funded articles only
Journal of the European Economic Association x
Journal of the History of Collections x
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences x
Journal of Leukocyte Biology x
Journal of Occupational Health x
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society x
Journal of Philosophy of Education x
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society series A: Statistics in
Society x
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society series B: Statistical
Methodology x
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society series C: Applied
Statistics x
Journal of Travel Medicine x
Journal of Tropical Paediatrics x
Journal of Urban Ecology x
Journal of Victorian Culture x
Laboratory Medicine x
Law, Probability and Risk x
Letters in Applied Microbiology x
Life Medicine x
Life metabolism x
Literary Imagination x
Literature and Theology x
Logic Journal of IGPL x
London Review of International Law x
Mammalian Species x
IMA Mathematical Medicine and Biology x
Medical Law Review x
Medical Mycology x
MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States
Metallomics x
FEMS microLife x
Microscopy x
Microscopy and Microanalysis x
Microscopy Today x
Migration Studies x
Military Medicine x
Modern Judaism
Modern Rheumatology
Modern Rheumatology Case Reports
Molecular Biology and Evolution x
Molecular human reproduction x
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society x

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters x

Music and Letters x
Music Theory Spectrum x
Music Therapy Perspectives x
Mutagenesis x
NAR Cancer x
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics x
NAR Molecular Medicine x
National Science Review x
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation *available for funded articles only
Neuro-Oncology *available for funded articles only
Neuro-Oncology Advances x
Neuro-Oncology Practice x
Neuroscience of Consciousness x
Nicotine & Tobacco Research x
Notes and Queries x
Nucleic Acids Research x
Nutrition Reviews x
Occupational Medicine x
Open Forum Infectious Diseases x
Ornithological Applications x
Ornithology x
Oxford Art Journal x
Oxford Economic Papers x
Oxford Journal of Law & Religion x
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies x
Oxford Medical Case Reports x
Oxford Open Climate Change x
Oxford Open Digital Health x
Oxford Open Economics x
Oxford Open Energy x
Oxford Open Immunology x
Oxford Open Infrastructure and Health x
Oxford Open Materials Science x
Oxford Open Neuroscience X
Oxford Review of Economic Policy x
Paediatrics & Child Health x
Pain Medicine x
Parliamentary Affairs x
Past and Present x
Pathogens and Disease x
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance x
Philosophia Mathematica x
Physical Therapy x
Plant Cell Physiology x
Plant Physiology x
PNAS Nexus x
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice x
Policy and Society x
Political Science Quarterly x
Postgraduate Medical Journal x
Precision Clinical Medicine x
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society x
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics x
Protein & Cell x
Protein Engineering, Design and Selection x
Psychoradiology x
Public Health Ethics x
Public Opinion Quarterly x
Public Policy & Aging Report x
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan x
Publius: The Journal of Federalism x
Q Open x
QJM:An International Journal of Medicine x
Radiation Protection Dosimetry x
RAS techniques and Instruments x
RPS Pharmacy and Pharmacology reports x
Refugee Survey Quarterly x
Regenerative Biomaterials x
Research Evaluation x
Review of Finance x
Rheumatology *available for funded articles only
Rheumatology Advances in Practice x
RSS Data Science x
Schizophrenia Bulletin x
Schizophrenia Bulletin Open x
Science & Public Policy x
Screen x
Sexual Medicine x
Sexual Medicine Reviews x
SLEEP Advances x
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience x
Social Forces x
Social History of Medicine x
Social Politics x
Social Problems x
Social Science Japan Journal x
Socio-Economic Review x
Sociology of Religion
Statute Law Review x
Stem Cells x
Stem Cells Translational Medicine x
Sustainable Microbiology x
Synthetic Biology x
Systematic Biology x
Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications x
American Journal of Comparative Law x
The American Journal of Jurisprudence x
British Journal of Aesthetics, The x
British Journal of Criminology, The x
British Journal of Social Work, The x
Cambridge Quarterly, The x
The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law x
Chinese Journal of International Politics x
Computer Journal, The x
The Econometrics Journal x
The Economic Journal x
English Historical Review, The x
The Gerontologist x
The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism x
The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine x
Journal of Biochemistry x
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism *available for funded articles only
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education x
Journal of Hindu Studies x
Journal of Infectious Diseases x
The Journal of Law, Economics and Organization x
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy x
The Journal of Sexual Medicine x
Journal of Theological Studies, The x
Journal of World Energy Law and Business, The x
Journals of Gerontology, The - Series A: Biological Sciences
and Medical Sciences x
Journals of Gerontology, The - Series B: Psychological
Sciences and Social Sciences x
Leo Baeck Institute Year Book x
The Library x
The Monist
The Musical Quarterly x
The Oncologist x
Opera Quarterly x
The Philosophical Quarterly x
The Plant Cell x
Quarterly Journal of Economics x
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, The x

Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, The x

Review of Asset Pricing Studies x
Review of Corporate Finance Studies x
Review of Economic Studies x
Review of English Studies, The x
Review of Financial Studies, The x
World Bank Economic Review, The x
World Bank Research Observer, The x
Toxicological Sciences x
Toxicology Research x
Transactions of Mathematics and Its Applications x
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene x
Translational Animal Science x
Translational Behavioral Medicine x
Transportation Safety and Environment x
Tree Physiology x
Trusts & Trustees x
Twentieth Century British History x
Uniform Law Review x
Virus Evolution x
Work, Aging and Retirement x
Yearbook of European Law x
Yearbook of International Environmental Law x
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society x
ces are subject to change, and may differ based on article type or license. All stated article charges are exclusive of
axes). Any Sales Taxes will be added to the invoiced charge at the prevailing rate, as applicable.

nse for your manuscript.

due to rounding effects.

email at

is detailed on this tab, and the non-standard charge is detailed on the next tab.

Wellcome Trust, UKRI, the British Heart Foundation, CRUK, and the Academy of Finland.

See Non- APC

Standard APC Member APC
standard Base
Rate Rate
tab? Currency
x x USD 3,671
x x x USD 5,334 4,000
x x USD 2,906 1,453
x x GBP 3,282
x x GBP 2,573 2,392
x x GBP 3,095
x x USD 4,122 3,297
x USD 4,400
x USD 4,440 2,910
x USD 4,625 3,700
x USD 4,236 3,738
x x USD 4,585
x x USD 4,317
x USD 3,837
x USD 4,386
x x GBP 2,743
x USD 4,222 3,378
GBP 2,612
x x USD 4,122 3,297
x x GBP 2,662
x x USD 2,688 2,142
GBP 1,014
x x USD 5,220
x x GBP 3,165
x USD 4,593
x x GBP 2,850
x GBP 2,300
x USD 287 227
USD 3,756 3,056
x x USD 3,799 3,229
x USD 2,620 2,077
x x GBP 2,557
x USD 1,067
x USD 4,386 3,233
x x GBP 2,595
x x USD 4,846
x USD 3,208
x USD 3,139
x x GBP 2,081 1,041
x GBP 475 380
x GBP 1,005 800
x x GBP 2,557
x x GBP 4,024
x GBP 2,906
x USD 3,700
x USD 4,317
x GBP 3,553
x x GBP 3,616 2,893
x GBP 2,170 1,735
x x GBP 3,150
x x USD 4,317
x JPY 305,000 200,000
x x GBP 2,372
x x USD 2,400
x x GBP 3,260
x x GBP 3,246
x x USD 4,317
x USD 4,605
x EUR 4,490
x USD 4,798
USD 3,014
x x EUR 3,456
x USD 4,111 3,289
x JPY 150,000 100,000
x x USD 3,903
x x USD 3,784
x x GBP 2,384
x USD 0 0
X GBP 2,422
x x GBP 2,756 1,838
x x USD 4,415
x USD 4,536
x x EUR 2,810 1,869
USD 4,033 3,227
USD 4,033 3,227
x x GBP 2,546
x GBP 1,919 1,727
x x GBP 2,787
x x GBP 3,260
x x USD 3,217 2,450
x x GBP 2,920
x x USD 0 0
x USD 2,599 2,079
x GBP 2,170 1,845
x GBP 2,623
x USD 3,559
x x GBP 2,100 1,680
x USD 3,917 2,944
x x USD 1,300
x GBP 2,965
x x EUR 6,160
x x USD 5,220
x x USD 3,570 3,355
x x USD 3,570 3,355
x x GBP 2,747
x x USD 4,122 3,297
x USD 2,353
x x EUR 4,177
x USD 4,843 3,875
x x USD 4,744
x EUR 4,874
x EUR 4,385

x x EUR 693
x x EUR 3,169
x x EUR 3,000

x x EUR 2,274
x EUR 3,195
x x EUR 3,273 2,290
x EUR 3,195
x EUR 3,617 1,809
x x GBP 2,780
x x GBP 3,095
x EUR 3,195
x x EUR 2,681 2,144
x x EUR 4,273
x EUR 3,765
x x EUR 4,486
x x USD 3,090 1,545
x x USD 2,575 1,803
x USD 3,558 2,312
x x GBP 1,680 1,344
x USD 2,100
x x USD 4,892
x GBP 1,700 1,360
x GBP 2,500 2,000
x x x GBP 2,500 2,000
x GBP 2,500 2,000
x GBP 2,500 2,000
x USD 1,764
x x USD 4,114 3,291
x USD 0
x USD 4,176 3,758
GBP 2,751
x x GBP 2,685
x x GBP 2,536
x GBP 2,648
x x GBP 1,856
x x USD 3,900 3,500
x USD 2,580 2,215
x x USD 1,500
x USD 4,264 3,731
x x USD 2,714 2,443
x USD 3,650
GBP 2,590 2,070
x GBP 2,958
x USD 2,512
x x USD 2,035 1,628
x EUR 4,008
x EUR 3,691
x x USD 3,000
x USD 4,317
x x GBP 2,330 1,748
x x EUR 4,317
x GBP 2,419
x x GBP 2,976
x USD 3,229
x USD 2,960
USD 4,033 3,227
x USD 4,181 -
x x EUR 3,902
x EUR 1,925 1,540
x EUR 3,784
x x GBP 2,921
x GBP 2,714
x x USD 4,744
x x GBP 1,806 1,470
x x GBP 2,685
x GBP 2,685
x x GBP 2,685
x x GBP 2,685
x GBP 2,205 1,764
x GBP 1,659
x x GBP 3,105
x x GBP 2,920
x USD 3,678 2,830
x x GBP 2,685
x USD 3,615 2,891
x x USD 4,122 3,297
USD 4,042
x USD 3,354
USD 2,032 1,423
USD 0 0
x GBP 2,740
x x EUR 1,998 1,399
x x GBP 3,565
x EUR 4,087
x x GBP 2,100 1,890
x USD 3,461 2,768
x x GBP 2,662 2,047
x x GBP 2,780
x x GBP 3,260
x x USD 4,317
x x USD 4,319
x x EUR 4,087
x USD 2,749 2,158
x x GBP 1,945 1,360
x x GBP 2,217
x x GBP 2,254
x x GBP 2,855
x x USD 4,318
x x USD 4,318
x x USD 4,114 3,291
x USD 3,501
x x USD 4,114 3,291
x x USD 4,114 3,291
x x USD 4,114 3,291
x USD 2,217
EUR 3,500 3,150
EUR 2,200 1,980
x x GBP 1,884 1,507
x USD 3,583 2,450
x USD 3,432
x USD 2,750
x x USD 900 720
x GBP 2,920
x x x USD 1,952
x x USD 5,177
x x GBP 3,385
x USD 4,593
x x x USD 4,160 3,050
x x GBP 2,732
x USD 4,317
x x USD 1,779
x GBP 2,728 2,182
USD 2,670 2,135
x USD 3,522 2,817
x USD 4,593
x x USD 3,727
USD 4,033 3,227
x EUR 3,577
x USD 4,317
x x USD 4,319
x x x USD 4,023
x x EUR 4,036
x USD 4,029 3,223
x x USD 1,994
x GBP 2,610
x x USD 4,122 3,297
x x EUR 3,909
x x GBP 2,921
x EUR 4,087
x x x GBP 2,993 2,695
x x USD 4,620
x USD 4,317
x USD 4,176 3,758
USD 1,550
x x USD 4,114 3,291
x x USD 3,390 2,205
x x USD 1,970 1,575
x x USD 4,317
x USD 2,756 2,205
x x x USD 2,067 1,654
x x x USD 1,119 896
x EUR 4,087
x GBP 2,921
x USD 4,317
x x USD 4,319
x GBP 2,908
x x EUR 3,323
x USD 0
x USD 0
x x USD 4,317
x x USD 2,846 2,135
USD 1,733
x x USD 4,122 3,297
x x USD 2,730
GBP 2,740
x x USD 3,559
x USD 4,796 3,837
x x USD 4,126
USD 4,146
x x GBP 2,217
x x GBP 2,772
USD 4,317
x x USD 2,085
x x EUR 2,508
x x USD 3,837
x x GBP 2,302
x x USD 2,314 700
x x EUR 4,210
x x x USD 4,892
x x GBP 2,685
x USD 2,335
x x USD 970
x USD 990
x x USD 3,780 3,024
x x USD 3,229
x x USD 4,126 3,095
x USD 3,600
x x x USD 2,093 1,403
x x USD 3,100 2,170
x x GBP 3,371
GBP 2,621
x x USD 4,236
x x USD 3,500
x x x USD 1,250 850
x USD 4,526
x GBP 2,600

x x USD 4,386
x x USD 3,095
x USD 1,346
x GBP 2,653
x USD 4,319 2,492
x x USD 4,317
x GBP 2,340 1,872
x USD 3,176
x x USD 4,029
x x USD 4,317
x x USD 4,319
x USD 2,846 2,135
x x GBP 2,685
x x GBP 2,921
x USD 4,656 3,725
x USD 2,217
USD 2,412
x x GBP 2,500 2,000
x USD 3,328 2,662
x x USD 3,385 2,708
x x USD 3,385 2,708
x x EUR 3,764
x x USD 4,522 3,617
x GBP 2,890
x x USD 2,930
x USD 3,115
x USD 1,040
x x USD 3,255 2,930
x EUR 3,784
GBP 2,310 1,847

2,310 1,847
x USD 4,508
x USD 4,098
x x USD 3,559
x GBP 3,011 2,409
x USD 2,392
x USD 2,634
x USD 2,300
x USD 1,904
x EUR 3,309 2,485
x x USD 4,796
x x USD 2,490 1,992
x x USD 4,796
x x EUR 2,144 1,716
x USD 5,139
x x USD 3,139
x USD 3,802
x USD 4,744
x x GBP 2,834
x x USD 3,860 3,087
USD 3,541 2,670
USD 3,541 2,670
USD 3,765
x x GBP 3,870
x USD 4,317
x x GBP 2,879
x x USD 1,050
USD 1,809
USD 2,527
USD 1,500
USD 2,142
x USD 2,220
USD 2,400
x x USD 2,142
USD 2,400
x x GBP 3,682
x x USD 4,744
x x USD 4,796 3,838
x x GBP 3,227
x x GBP 3,179
x GBP 2,500 2,000
x x USD 3,837
x x USD 4,317
x x USD 3,880 2,716
x USD 2,995
x x USD 3,616 2,892
x x USD 4,080
x x USD 4,317
x USD 1,571
x USD 3,744
x GBP 3,120
x USD 0
x x GBP 2,850
USD 2,570
x USD 4,434
x USD 0
x x GBP 2,527
x x USD 3,780 3,024
x x USD 4,198 3,345
JPY 341,477 273,182
x x USD 3,970
x x GBP 1,359
x x GBP 3,165
x x USD 4,317
x x x GBP 1,250 954
x x GBP 2,060 1,648
x x EUR 3,577
x USD 1,733
x x EUR 2,924
x x EUR 4,273
x GBP 3,320
x x GBP 2,148 1,504
GBP 1,500 1,200
x x USD 4,744
x x USD 3,488
x x EUR 3,883
x x x GBP 2,767
x x USD 2,625 1,300
x USD 3,380 1,690
x x x USD 4,179 3,343
x x USD 1,956 1,565
x x x USD 2,266
x x USD 3,954
x x GBP 2,790 2,231
x GBP 2,622
x x x USD 3,879 3,103
x USD 3,499
x x GBP 2,685
x USD 3,326
x x USD 4,319
x x USD 4,264
x x USD 2,822
x GBP 2,200 1,760
x x x USD 3,171
x USD 2,063 1,650
x x GBP 2,582
x USD 4,192
x x USD 4,317
x x GBP 2,736
x x GBP 3,857
x x GBP 3,244
x x GBP 2,747
x x USD 3,903
x x USD 3,903
x GBP 2,740
x x GBP 3,223
x x GBP 3,223
x x GBP 2,920
x x USD 4,198 3,345
x x USD 3,326
x USD 4,011
x USD 3,120 2,444
x x USD 3,570 3,355
x x USD 4,155
x GBP 2,436
x USD 4,536
x USD 3,910
x x USD 3,784
x USD 3,380 1,690
x USD 4,386
x x USD 4,317
4,197 3,345
x x USD
4,198 3,345
x x USD
x x GBP 2,685
x x GBP 2,732
x USD 3,844
x USD 4,386
x x USD 3,669
x USD 3,634
x x GBP 3,036
x x USD 4,633 3,707
x x USD 7,256
x x EUR 3,574

x x GBP
x x USD 3,873
x x USD 3,873
x x GBP 4,716
x x GBP 3,214
x x USD 3,873
x x USD 3,796
x x USD 3,796
x x USD 4,449
x USD 2,439
x GBP 1,105

2,326 2,093
x x GBP
x x x USD 3,150 1,975
x USD 4,051 3,240
x USD 1,575
x USD 4,050
x x EUR 3,577
x x GBP 2,920
x EUR 3,577
x USD 3,148
x x EUR 3,520
x EUR 2,920
x x EUR 3,578
x x GBP 2,557
charges are exclusive of

ISSN Journal Type

1755-0645 Hybrid
1527-330X Hybrid
2631-4797 Full Open Access
1468-2621 Hybrid
1468-2834 Hybrid
1464-3502 Hybrid
2155-9902 Hybrid
1937-5239 Hybrid
1943-7722 Hybrid
1476-6256 Hybrid
1535-2900 Hybrid
1941-7225 Hybrid
2161-797X Hybrid
1465-7260 Hybrid
1468-4365 Hybrid
1467-8284 Hybrid
2160-6064 Full Open Access
1532-4796 Hybrid
1095-8290 Hybrid
1938-2901 Hybrid
2398-7316 Hybrid
2516-4236 Full Open Access
2041-2851 Full Open Access
1477-450X Hybrid
1875-8398 Hybrid
1873-5843 Hybrid
1467-8349 Hybrid
1467-8365 Hybrid
2155-9856 Full Open Access
1465-7279 Hybrid
1367-4811 Full Open Access
2635-0041 Full Open Access
1095-8312 Hybrid
2396-8923 Full Open Access
1529-7268 Hybrid
1464-3510 Hybrid
1525-3244 Hybrid
1347-6947 Hybrid
1468-4357 Hybrid
2474-9842 Full Open Access
2055-7159 Full Open Access
2513-9878 Full Open Access
1095-8339 Hybrid
1460-2156 Hybrid
2632-1297 Full Open Access
1477-4054 Hybrid
2041-2657 Hybrid
1365-2133 Hybrid
1365-2168 Hybrid
1748-880X Hybrid
1471-8391 Hybrid
2044-9437 Hybrid
1348-0634 Hybrid
2041-5370 Hybrid
2321-3876 Full Open Access
1464-3545 Hybrid
1752-1386 Hybrid
1750-7227 Hybrid
1460-2180 Hybrid
1755-3245 Hybrid
1460-2199 Hybrid
2632-7376 Full Open Access
1612-7501 Hybrid
1464-3553 Hybrid
1348-0715 Hybrid
1746-9937 Hybrid
1744-4195 Hybrid
1759-5142 Hybrid
2515-396X Full Open Access
1365-2230 Hybrid
1365-2249 Hybrid
1530-8561 Hybrid
1537-6591 Hybrid
2048-8513 Full Open Access
1468-2885 Hybrid
1753-9137 Hybrid
1468-2656 Hybrid
2051-1434 Full Open Access
1754-1484 Hybrid
1464-3588 Hybrid
2631-827X Full Open Access
2044-8422 Hybrid
2396-9814 Full Open Access
1758-0463 Full Open Access
1476-542X Hybrid
2055-768X Hybrid
1467-7709 Hybrid
2754-2483 Full Open Access
1442-2050 Hybrid
1756-1663 Full Open Access
1741-7260 Hybrid
1468-0327 Hybrid
1477-4526 Hybrid
1945-7189 Hybrid
1945-7170 Hybrid
1756-1124 Hybrid
1938-2936 Hybrid
2058-5888 Full Open Access
1532-2092 Full Open Access
1478-6729 Hybrid
1471-6852 Hybrid
1522-9645 Hybrid
2047-2412 Hybrid

2055-6845 Hybrid
2514-2119 Full Open Access
2634-3916 Full Open Access
2755-9637 Full Open Access

2058-1742 Hybrid
2752-4191 Full Open Access
2048-8734 Hybrid
1873-734X Hybrid
1873-1953 Hybrid
1479-683X Hybrid
1464-3596 Hybrid
1460-2210 Hybrid
2047-4881 Hybrid
1464-360X Full Open Access
1464-3618 Hybrid
1474-0044 Hybrid
1468-2672 Hybrid
1558-5646 Hybrid
2056-3744 Full Open Access
2050-6201 Full Open Access
2752-938X Full Open Access
2635-2265 Full Open Access
1460-2229 Hybrid
2633-6685 Full Open Access
1574-6941 Hybrid
1574-6968 Hybrid
1574-6976 Hybrid
1567-1364 Hybrid
2399-1402 Full Open Access
1743-8594 Hybrid
2471-1411 Full Open Access
1938-3738 Hybrid
1464-3626 Hybrid
1471-6860 Hybrid
1477-4542 Hybrid
1468-2931 Hybrid
1748-9180 Hybrid
2633-8823 Full Open Access
2160-1836 Full Open Access
2052-0034 Full Open Access
1943-2631 Hybrid
1759-6653 Full Open Access
2210-3244 Full Open Access
1365-246X Hybrid
1477-089X Hybrid
2047-217X Full Open Access
2634-3797 Full Open Access
1460-2423 Hybrid
2632-8550 Hybrid
2976-5390 Full Open Access
1465-3648 Hybrid
1460-2237 Hybrid
1460-2245 Hybrid
1468-2281 Hybrid
1477-4569 Hybrid
1476-7937 Hybrid
2052-7276 Full Open Access
1468-2958 Hybrid
1460-2083 Hybrid
1460-2350 Hybrid
2399-3529 Full Open Access
1460-2369 Hybrid
1744-1021 Hybrid
1095-9289 Full Open Access
2049-1999 Hybrid
2634-5293 Full Open Access
1464-3634 Hybrid
1471-6798 Hybrid
1471-6887 Hybrid
1464-3642 Hybrid
2732-4303 Full Open Access
2517-5025 Full Open Access
1464-3650 Hybrid
1464-3669 Hybrid
1536-4844 Hybrid
2049-8772 Hybrid
2399-5300 Full Open Access
2399-3421 Hybrid
1557-7023 Hybrid
1757-9708 Hybrid
2517-4843 Full Open Access
2752-9991 Full Open Access
1873-7951 Hybrid
2753-670X Full Open Access
1468-2346 Hybrid
2044-4001 Hybrid
1876-3405 Full Open Access
1460-2377 Hybrid
1464-3677 Hybrid
1474-2659 Hybrid
1464-3685 Hybrid
1464-3693 Hybrid
1464-3707 Hybrid
1477-4577 Hybrid
1748-1325 Full Open Access
1469-5111 Full Open Access
2042-7174 Hybrid
1471-6909 Hybrid
1464-3715 Hybrid
1752-7724 Hybrid
1687-0247 Hybrid
1749-5687 Hybrid
1470-4838 Hybrid
1528-3585 Hybrid
1468-2478 Hybrid
1468-2486 Hybrid
1759-1090 Hybrid
1751-7370 Full Open Access
2730-6151 Full Open Access
2632-1823 Full Open Access
2574-2531 Full Open Access
1465-3621 Hybrid
2473-4039 Full Open Access
2755-1520 Full Open Access
2219-7117 Hybrid
2515-5091 Full Open Access
1460-2105 Hybrid
1464-3723 Hybrid
1945-2403 Hybrid
1525-3163 Hybrid
1460-2091 Hybrid
2050-0696 Hybrid
1944-7922 Hybrid
1365-2672 Hybrid
2631-6129 Hybrid
1559-0488 Hybrid
1945-239X Hybrid
2040-4867 Hybrid
1460-2466 Hybrid
1744-6422 Hybrid
2051-1329 Hybrid
1083-6101 Full Open Access
1467-7962 Hybrid
1537-5277 Hybrid
1876-4479 Hybrid
1937-240X Hybrid
2057-2093 Full Open Access
1741-7279 Hybrid
1938-291X Hybrid
1468-2710 Hybrid
1464-374X Hybrid
2041-7772 Hybrid
1460-2431 Hybrid
1479-8417 Hybrid
2053-4841 Hybrid
1938-3746 Hybrid
1742-2140 Full Open Access
2057-3189 Hybrid
1465-7333 Hybrid
2054-8397 Full Open Access
1757-9627 Hybrid
1476-5535 Full Open Access
1536-2442 Full Open Access
2155-7470 Full Open Access
1747-1540 Hybrid
1478-1395 Hybrid
2040-3593 Hybrid
1464-3758 Hybrid
1471-6917 Hybrid
2058-458X Hybrid
2053-9711 Full Open Access
1946-5319 Full Open Access
1465-363X Hybrid
1545-1542 Hybrid
1811-8216 Full Open Access
1938-2928 Hybrid
1759-4685 Full Open Access
1464-3766 Hybrid
2053-7395 Hybrid
1554-6578 Hybrid
1465-735X Hybrid
1460-2415 Hybrid
1759-8893 Hybrid
2042-7158 Hybrid
1464-3774 Hybrid
1752-993X Full Open Access
2051-8811 Hybrid
1477-9803 Hybrid
1741-3850 Hybrid
1349-9157 Full Open Access
1471-6925 Hybrid
1477-4593 Hybrid
1477-8556 Hybrid
1527-1897 Hybrid
2042-8812 Full Open Access
2752-616X Full Open Access
2325-0992 Hybrid
1477-4585 Hybrid
1527-974X Hybrid
1523-4681 Hybrid
2515-2092 Full Open Access
2472-1972 Full Open Access
1542-4774 Hybrid
1477-8564 Hybrid
1468-4373 Hybrid
1938-3673 Hybrid
1348-9585 Full Open Access
2048-7207 Hybrid
1467-9752 Hybrid

1467-985X Hybrid

1467-9868 Hybrid

1467-9876 Hybrid
1708-8305 Hybrid
1465-3664 Hybrid
2058-5543 Full Open Access
1750-0133 Hybrid
1943-7730 Hybrid
1470-840X Hybrid
1472-765X Hybrid
2755-1733 Full Open Access
2755-0230 Full Open Access
1752-6566 Hybrid
1477-4623 Hybrid
1368-9894 Hybrid
2050-6333 Hybrid
1545-1410 Hybrid
1477-8602 Hybrid
1464-3790 Hybrid
1460-2709 Hybrid
1946-3170 Hybrid
1756-591X Hybrid
2633-6693 Full Open Access
2050-5701 Hybrid
1435-8115 Hybrid
2150-3583 Hybrid
2049-5846 Hybrid
1930-613X Hybrid
1460-2113 Hybrid
1086-3273 Hybrid
1439-7609 Hybrid
2472-5625 Hybrid
1537-1719 Full Open Access
1460-2407 Hybrid
1365-2966 Hybrid

1745-3933 Hybrid
1477-4631 Hybrid
1533-8339 Hybrid
2053-7387 Hybrid
1464-3804 Hybrid
2632-8674 Full Open Access
2631-9268 Full Open Access
2976-856X Full Open Access
2053-714X Full Open Access
1460-2385 Hybrid
1523-5866 Hybrid
2632-2498 Full Open Access
2054-2585 Hybrid
2057-2107 Full Open Access
1469-994X Hybrid
1471-6941 Hybrid
1362-4962 Full Open Access
1753-4887 Hybrid
1471-8405 Hybrid
2328-8957 Full Open Access
1938-5129 Hybrid
2732-4613 Hybrid
1741-7287 Hybrid
1464-3812 Hybrid
2047-0789 Hybrid
1464-3820 Hybrid
2053-8855 Full Open Access
2634-4068 Full Open Access
2754-4591 Full Open Access
2752-5074 Full Open Access
2752-5082 Full Open Access
2633-6960 Full Open Access
2753-2410 Full Open Access
2633-6979 Full Open Access
2753-149X Full Open Access
1460-2121 Hybrid
1918-1485 Hybrid
1526-4637 Hybrid
1460-2482 Hybrid
1477-464X Hybrid
2049-632X Hybrid
2398-4929 Hybrid
1744-6406 Hybrid
1538-6724 Hybrid
1471-9053 Hybrid
1532-2548 Hybrid
2752-6542 Full Open Access
1752-4520 Hybrid
1839-3373 Full Open Access
1538-165X Hybrid
1469-0756 Hybrid
2516-1571 Full Open Access
1467-9264 Hybrid
2050-3911 Full Open Access
1674-8018 Full Open Access
1741-0134 Hybrid
2634-4416 Full Open Access
1754-9981 Hybrid
1537-5331 Hybrid
2053-4892 Hybrid
2053-051X Hybrid
1747-7107 Hybrid
2633-9048 Full Open Access
1460-2393 Hybrid
1742-3406 Hybrid
2752-8200 Full Open Access
2754-5849 Full Open Access
1471-695X Hybrid
2056-3426 Full Open Access
1471-5449 Hybrid
1573-692X Hybrid
1462-0332 Hybrid
2514-1775 Full Open Access
2976-8586 Full Open Access
1745-1701 Hybrid
2632-7899 Full Open Access
1471-5430 Hybrid
1460-2474 Hybrid
2050-1161 Full Open Access
2050-0521 Hybrid
1550-9109 Hybrid
2632-5012 Full Open Access
1749-5024 Full Open Access
1534-7605 Hybrid
1477-4666 Hybrid
1468-2893 Hybrid
1533-8533 Hybrid
1468-2680 Hybrid
1475-147X Hybrid
1759-8818 Hybrid
1464-3863 Hybrid
1549-4918 Hybrid
2157-6580 Full Open Access
2755-1970 Full Open Access
2397-7000 Full Open Access
1076-836X Hybrid
1471-6976 Hybrid
2326-9197 Hybrid
2049-6494 Hybrid
1468-2842 Hybrid
1464-3529 Hybrid
1468-263X Hybrid
1471-6836 Hybrid
2050-4810 Hybrid
1750-8924 Hybrid
1460-2067 Hybrid
1367-423X Hybrid
1468-0297 Hybrid
1477-4534 Hybrid
1758-5341 Hybrid
1540-6245 Hybrid
2475-7241 Hybrid
1756-2651 Hybrid
1945-7197 Hybrid
1465-7325 Hybrid
1756-4263 Hybrid
1537-6613 Hybrid
1465-7341 Hybrid
1744-5019 Hybrid
1743-6109 Hybrid
1477-4607 Hybrid
1754-9965 Hybrid
1758-535X Hybrid

1758-5368 Hybrid
1758-437X Hybrid
1744-8581 Hybrid
2153-3601 Hybrid
1741-8399 Hybrid
1549-490X Full Open Access
1476-2870 Hybrid
1467-9213 Hybrid
1532-298X Hybrid
1531-4650 Hybrid
1464-3847 Hybrid

1464-3855 Hybrid
2045-9939 Hybrid
2046-9136 Hybrid
1467-937X Hybrid
1471-6968 Hybrid
1465-7368 Hybrid
1564-698X Hybrid
1564-6971 Hybrid
1096-0929 Hybrid
2045-4538 Hybrid
2398-4945 Full Open Access

1878-3503 Hybrid
2573-2102 Full Open Access
1613-9860 Hybrid
2631-4428 Full Open Access
1758-4469 Hybrid
1752-2110 Hybrid
1477-4674 Hybrid
2050-9065 Hybrid
2057-1577 Full Open Access
2054-4650 Hybrid
2045-0044 Hybrid
2045-0052 Hybrid
1096-3642 Hybrid
Journal Article type

Aesthetic Surgery Journal Letter to the Editor, Editorial, Erratum

case report; video article; video review;
video roundtable; featured operative
Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum technique

Letter reply; commentary; letter to the

Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum editor, editorial; video commentary
Editorials; Interviews; News and Views;
Antibody Therapeutics Meeting Reports

erratum; supplement paper; supplement

articles; announcement; corrigendum;
Bioinformatics fast track; letter to the editor; editorial
editorial; corrigendum; erratum;
Bioinformatics Advances memoriam Letter to editor
BioScience viewpoint
BJR Open Editorial; Letter to editor
BJR Case Reports Editorial Letter to editor
correspondence; Editorial; invited
commentary; leading article; research
BJS Open letter
BJS Open Short Report
scientific commentary; editorial; letter to
Brain the editor
scientific commentary; editorial; letter to
Brain Communications the editor
Editorial; letter to the editor; book
Briefings in Bioinformatics review; opinion articles
Young BJS; Guidelines; Research
Letters; Surgical Snapshots; Image
British Journal of Surgery Corner; The Instrumentalist
British Journal of Surgery Short Report
Burns and Trauma Letter to editor
Clinical Chemistry citation classics
editorial comment; exceptional case;
Clinical Kidney Journal exceptional case report

letter to the editor; editorial comment (on

invitation) CKJ review (on invitation);
supplement article (on invitation)
Clinical Kidney Journal Pro/Con debate (on invitation)
convservation physiology in action;
voices in conservation physiology;
Conservation Physiology editorial; comments
case proceedings; letter to the editor;
Crohn's & Colitis 360 editorial; patient summary
Crohn's & Colitis 360 invited editorial; letter to the editor
Current Zoology Letter to the editor
Database Letter to the editor
Discovery Immunology Letter to the editor
DNA Research Invited review
Publisher\u2019s note; invited clinical
practice guideline update; editorial;
invited policy perspective; invited clinical
practice guideline meta-analysis;
retraction; invited clinical practice
guideline communication; invited
scientific statement; in memoriam;
invited clinical practice guideline; letter
to the editor response; invited clinical
practice guideline systematic review;
withdrawal; invited position statement;
corrigendum; invited research guide;
erratum; invited clinical practice
guideline alert; invited consensus
statement; Invited Expert Consensus
Endocrine Reviews Report

Publisher\u2019s note; invited clinical

practic guideline update; editorial;
invited policy perspective; invited clinical
practice guideline meta-analysis;
retraction; invited clinical practice
guideline communication; invited
scientific statement; in memoriam;
invited clinical practice guideline; letter
to the editor response; invited clinical
practice guideline systematic review;
withdrawal; invited position statement;
corrigendum; invited research guide;
erratum; invited clinical practice
guideline alert; invited consensus
statement; Invited Expert Consensus
Endocrinology Report
Research Letter; images in
EP Europace electrophysiology, viewpoint
EHRA Document
EHRA Survey
Letter to the Editor
EP Europace Editorial
editorial; classical case reports;
European Heart Journal - Case Reports correspondence; letter to the editor
short report; teaching series; image
European Heart Journal - Digital Health focus

European Heart Journal - Digital Health letter to the editor; CardioPulse Digital
European Heart Journal - Imaging Methods and Practice Short report
European Heart Journal - Imaging Methods and Practice Image Focus
European Heart Journal - Imaging Methods and Practice Letter to the editor, editorial
European Heart Journal Open short report; research letter
Invited Commentary: invited editorial;
European Heart Journal Open correspondence; letter to the editor
surgical technique; case report; Images
in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery; letter to the
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery editor
European Journal of Public Health Short Report
erratum; book review; viewpoint; thanks
to reviewers; editorial; commentary;
European Journal of Public Health corrigendum

clinical brief; clinical brief: foundational;

Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health brevia; commentary; case study;
book review;correspondence;editorial;
editorial - by invitation only; meeting
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health report
Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society Editorial; letter
FEMS Microbes editorial; commentary
FEMS Microbiology Letters commentary
Forensic Sciences Research Letter to the editor
news;function;function news; editorial;
Function opinion article
perspectives;meeting report;reviewer
index;report;reviewer index; editorial;
G3 commentary
brief report; technical note; case report;
Gastroenterology Report letter to the editor
Genetics Brief Investigations
Editorial; yeastbook; wormbook; genetic
toolbox review; flybook; letter; reviewer
index; call for papers; commentary; GSA
honors and awards; perspectives;
Genetics review; primer
Genome Biology and Evolution genome resource; perspectives; letter
Genome Biology and Evolution book review; highlights; biography
commentary; special report; preface;
historical note; research highlight;
essay; meeting report; news and views;
Genoomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics look back; preview
GigaScience commentary; data note
Global Studies Quarterly research note
Global Studies Quarterly editorial
Health Affairs Scholar Brief reports; commentaries
Health Affairs Scholar Overview: From the Editor
Health Policy and Planning Commentaries
Horticulture Research Editorial; letter to the editor
Human Reproduction ESHRE pages

Debate; Editorial; Editorial commentary;

ESHRE Pages; Invited commentary;
Letter to Editor; Reply to Letter to the
Human Reproduction Open Editor; Thanks to Reviewers
Editorials; Introductions; Food for
Thought; Quo Vadimus; Stories from the
ICES Journal of Marine Science Front Lines; Comment; Reply
Commentary: Letter to the Editor:
Quality Improvement Projects (Short
Report): Editorial: Frontiers of
Improvement: Field Action Report:
IJQHC Communications Perspective
in silico Plants profile; lettter to the editor; editorial
case report; brief communications; best
Interdisciplinary CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery evidence topic; video article;
Editorial comment (by invitation only);
invited commentary; invited residents
Interdisciplinary CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery corner; letter to the editor

International Health ;commentary; short communication
erratum;obituary;obituary; editorial; letter
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology to editor
JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance letter to the editor; correspondence

educational resource: non-commercial;

educational resource: commercial;
JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance educational resource: review
Editorial; Invited Commentary; Invited
letter to the editor response; invited
policy perspective; invited position
JCEM Case Reports statement; in memoriam;
JNCI Cancer Spectrum nce
Journal of Animal Science Board Invited Reviews; infographic
research letter; correspondence; letter
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy to the editor
Journal of Consumer Research A word of thanks
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis letter to the editor
Journal of Experimental Botany insight; viewpoint; editorial
Journal of Heredity genome resources
Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery technical tips; clinical vignettes
editorial; correspondence; what the
Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery papers say
Journal of Insect Science Letter to the editor
Journal of Integrated Pest Management Letter to the editor
Journal of Mammalogy Commentary
perspective; application note; letter to
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology the editor
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology ; editorial; retrospect
Journal of Occupational Health Letter to Editor; Editorial
Journal of Plant Ecology Editorial; Commentary
invited review; supplement paper; letter
Journal of Radiation Research to the editor
Journal of Semantics short contribution
Journal of Surgical Case Reports surgical technique; case report
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology CAG trainee
image of the month;editorial; letter to the
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology editor
letter to the editor; Invited Expert
Journal of the Endocrine Society Consensus Report
Publisher\u2019s note; invited clinical
practice guideline update; editorial;
invited policy perspective; invited clinical
practice guideline meta-analysis;
retraction; invited clinical practice
guideline communication; invited
scientific statement; invited
commentary; invited mini-review; in
memoriam; invited perspective; invited
clinical practice guideline; invited letter
to the editor response; invited clinical
practice guideline systematic review;
withdrawal; invited position statement;
corrigendum; invited research guide;
erratum; invited clinical practice
guideline alert; invited consensus
Journal of the Endocrine Society statement
rapid communication; editorial; letter to
the editor; clinical
Journal of Travel Medicine pearls;perspective;research letter
microLife editorial; spotlight
Molecular Biology and Evolution brief communications; letter
All article types except Perspective,
Brief Communication, Review, and
National Science Review Research Article
National Science Review Perspective, Brief Communication
Neuro-Oncology Editorials; Letter to the Editor
Neuro-Oncology Invited editorials

molecular tumor board case report; brief

communication; letter to the editor;
response to letter to the editor;
Neuro-Oncology Advances response to letter to the editor (invited)
case studies; editorials; letter to the
Neuro-Oncology Practice editor
Neuro-Oncology Practice invited editorial
Neuroscience of Consciousness spotlight commentaries
Neuroscience of Consciousness erratum; corrigendum; editorial
id cases (fast track - fidsa members
only);letter to editor;id cases; novel ID
cases; letters to the editor; letter to the
Open Forum Infectious Diseases Letter to Editor; correspondence

letter to the editor author response;

supplement articles; editorial
commentary (solicited); brief report
(solicited); review article (invited); ID
learning unit (invited); invited article;
erratum; ID images (invited); top
questions in ID (invited); ID cases
(invited); Perspectives (invited); ID on
Open Forum Infectious Diseases the web (invited)
editorial comments; editorial; letter to
Oxford Medical Case Reports the editor
Oxford Open Immunology Letter to the editor
Oxford Open Materials Science Letter to the editor
topical review;letters;founders'
review;on the inside;news and views;
Plant Physiology letter to the editor
PNAS Nexus Brief Report

Author response; commentary;

PNAS Nexus corrigendum; editorial; letter to the editor
RAS Techniques and Instruments Editorials
Regenerative Biomaterials perspective; editorial; communication
Clinical vignette; Editorial; Letter to the
Editor (Case Report); Letter to the Editor
(Matters Arising); Letter to the Editor
Rheumatology Advances in Practice (Other)
RPS Pharmacy and Pharmacology reports Commentaries; invited editorials
Schizophrenia Bulletin Open Negative Results; Replication studies
Schizophrenia Bulletin Open First person account
Screen dossier: introduction
Sexual Medicine Letter to the editor
SLEEP Editorial
SLEEP Advances Brief Research Report
editorials; thanks to the editors; letter to
SLEEP Advances the editor
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Letter to the editor
Social Problems editorial
In Memoriam, Editorial, Erratum,
Corrigendum, Letters to the Editor;
Stem Cells Preview; Concise Review
Stem Cells Translational Medicine Commentary
In Memoriam; Editorial, Erratum,
Corrigendum, Letters to the Editor;
Stem Cells: Translational Medicine Preview; Concise Review
Synthetic Biology synthetic biology news

editorial; erratum; invited policy

perspective; invited letter to the editor
response; invited consensus statement;
invited clinical practice guideline
communication; invited scientific
statement; in memoriam; invited clinical
practice guideline; invited clinical
practice guideline systematic review;
withdrawal; retraction; corrigendum;
invited research guide; invited clinical
practice guideline meta-analysis; Invited
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Expert Consensus Report

Brief Communication; Clinical Trial

Results; Commentary; Immune-Related
Adverse Events; Letter to the Editor;
The Oncologist Perspective; Precision Medicine Clinic;
Editorial, In Memoriam, Erratum,
Corrigendum; Letter to the Editor;
The Oncologist Narratives in Oncology
erratum;in this
issue;editorial;commentary;replies; in
The Plant Cell brief; corrigendum; letters
lessons from the field;from the
archives;editorial;short communications;
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene commentary; commentaries

symposia;western section proceedings;

Translational Animal Science cnes symposia; board invited reviews
APC Currency Standard APC Rate Member APC Rate ISSN Hybrid/Fully OA

USD 0 0 1527-330XHybrid

1,454 727 2631-4797

USD Full Open Access

0 0 2631-4797
USD Full Open Access
0 0 2516-4236
USD Full Open Access

0 0 1460-2059
USD Hybrid
0 0 2635-0041
USD Full Open Access
USD 2,424 1525-3244Hybrid
GBP 0 0 2513-9878Full Open Access
GBP 0 0 2055-7159Full Open Access

0 0 2474-9842
GBP Full Open Access
GBP 624 312 2474-9842Full Open Access
1,983 1460-2156
GBP Hybrid
0 2632-1297
GBP Full Open Access
0 1477-4054
USD Hybrid

0 0 1365-2168
GBP Hybrid
GBP 1085 868 1365-2168Hybrid
USD 0 2321-3876Full Open Access
USD 0 1530-8561Hybrid
1,405 935 2048-8513
EUR Full Open Access

0 0 2048-8513

EUR Full Open Access

0 0 2051-1434
GBP Full Open Access
1,609 1,226 2631-827X
USD Full Open Access
USD 0 0 2631-827XFull Open Access
USD 0 0 2396-9814Full Open Access
USD 0 0 1758-0463Full Open Access
GBP 0 2754-2483Full Open Access
USD 0 1756-1663Full Open Access
0 0 1945-7189

USD Hybrid

0 0 1945-7170

USD Hybrid
2,088 1532-2092
EUR Hybrid

0 0 1532-2092
EUR Hybrid
0 2514-2119
EUR Full Open Access
1,584 2634-3916
EUR Full Open Access
0 2634-3916
EUR Full Open Access
EUR 1,500 2755-9637Hybrid
EUR 900 2755-9637Hybrid
EUR 0 2755-9637Hybrid
EUR 1,592 2752-4191Full Open Access
0 2752-4191
EUR Full Open Access

1,637 1,146 1873-734X

EUR Hybrid
EUR 1,277 1,021 1464-360XHybrid
0 0 1464-360X
EUR Hybrid

510 332 2050-6201

USD Full Open Access

0 0 2050-6201
USD Full Open Access
GBP 0 0 2752-938XFull Open Access
GBP 0 0 2633-6685Full Open Access
GBP 0 0 1574-6968Hybrid
USD 0 2471-1411Full Open Access

0 0 2633-8823
USD Full Open Access

0 2160-1836
USD Full Open Access
800 2052-0034
USD Full Open Access
USD 3,410 2,980 1943-2632Hybrid

0 1943-2631

USD Hybrid
USD 1,885 1,696 1759-6653Full Open Access
USD 0 0 1759-6653Full Open Access

0 2210-3244
USD Full Open Access
USD 1,245 2047-217XFull Open Access
USD 814 652 2634-3797Full Open Access
USD 0 0 2634-3797Full Open Access
USD 1,500 2976-5390Full Open Access
USD 0 2976-5391Full Open Access
GBP 1165 874 1460-2237Hybrid
USD 0 2052-7276Full Open Access
EUR 0 1460-2350Hybrid

0 0 2399-3529

EUR Full Open Access

0 0 1095-9289
GBP Full Open Access

0 0 2634-5293

GBP Full Open Access

GBP 0 2517-5025Full Open Access
724 505 2753-670X
EUR Full Open Access
0 0 2753-670X
EUR Full Open Access

1,092 983 1876-3405

GBP Full Open Access
0 1469-5111
GBP Full Open Access
GBP 943 754 2632-1823Full Open Access

0 0 2632-1823
GBP Full Open Access

0 0 2755-1520
USD Full Open Access

0 0 2515-5091
USD Full Open Access
USD 0 0 1525-3163Hybrid
1,366 1460-2091
GBP Hybrid
USD 0 1537-5277Hybrid
EUR 2,422 1876-4479Hybrid
GBP 0 1460-2431Hybrid
USD 1,202 781 1465-7333Hybrid
USD 1,014 812 2054-8397Full Open Access
0 0 2054-8397
USD Full Open Access
USD 0 0 2155-7470Full Open Access
USD 0 2155-7470Full Open Access
USD 500 375 1545-1542Hybrid
1,730 1759-4685
USD Full Open Access

0 1759-4685
USD Full Open Access
USD 0 0 1348-9585Full Open Access
USD 0 1752-993XFull Open Access
0 1349-9157
USD Full Open Access
USD 626 1477-4593Hybrid
USD 849 2042-8812Full Open Access
USD 351 2515-2093Full Open Access
0 2515-2092
USD Full Open Access
99 99 2472-1972
USD Full Open Access
0 2472-1972

USD Full Open Access

2,192 1708-8305
USD Hybrid
GBP 0 0 2633-6693Full Open Access
USD 2,279 2,051 1537-1719Full Open Access

0 2053-714X
USD Full Open Access
USD 1142
USD 2,306 1523-5866Hybrid
USD 0 1523-5866Hybrid

1,494 1,195 2632-2498

USD Full Open Access

2,306 2054-2585
USD Hybrid
USD 0 2054-2585Hybrid
USD 1,132 905 2057-2107Full Open Access
USD 0 0 2057-2107Full Open Access

3,217 2,574 2328-8957

USD Full Open Access

0 0 2328-8957

USD Full Open Access

0 2053-8855
USD Full Open Access
USD 0 2633-6960Full Open Access
USD 0 2633-6979Full Open Access
0 0 1532-2548
USD Hybrid
USD 2,040 2752-6542Full Open Access

0 0 2752-6542
USD Full Open Access
GBP 0 0 2752-8200Full Open Access
USD 0 0 2056-3426Full Open Access

574 402 2514-1775

GBP Full Open Access
GBP 0 0 2754-5849Full Open Access
USD 872 2632-7899Full Open Access
USD 0 2632-7899Full Open Access
GBP 0 1460-2474Hybrid
USD 0 2050-1161Full Open Access
USD 0 1550-9109Hybrid
USD 1,454 1,163 2632-5012Full Open Access
0 0 2632-5012
USD Full Open Access
USD 0 1749-5024Full Open Access
USD 0 1533-8533Hybrid

0 1549-4918
USD Hybrid
USD 1,838 2157-6580Full Open Access

0 2157-6580
USD Full Open Access
USD 0 2397-7000Full Open Access

0 1945-7197

USD Hybrid

1,834 1549-490X

USD Full Open Access

0 1549-490X
USD Full Open Access

0 0 1532-298X
USD Hybrid
1,136 1,047 1878-3503
GBP Hybrid

0 0 2573-2102
USD Full Open Access

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