G5 Credi Grade 10 - Mini Research

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Students’ Satisfaction on the Rules and Regulation

at SSS National High School

A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of Junior High School
SSS National High School
Marikina City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the English and Mathematics Subject


Saro, Princess Erica Mae B.

Santos, Zildjian Axl O.
Ladao, Gerard Louise J.
Decatoria, Franz Laurence D.
Arevalo, John Lloyd A.
Enage, John Philip M.
Del Valle, Jilian Anthony Yoj C.

JUNE 2023


Title : Students’ Satisfaction to The Rules and Regulation of SSS

National High School
Researchers : Saro, Princess Erica Mae B.
Santos, Zildjian Axl O.
Ladao, Gerard Louise J.
Decatoria, Franz Laurence D.
Arevalo, John Lloyd A.
Enage, John Philip M.
Del Valle, Jilian Anthony Yoj C
Subject : English & Mathematics
Institution : SSS National High School
Year : 2022 - 2023
Research Teacher : Ms. Analene Fullido Fulguerinas & Mr. Kerry Zamoranos

Students have rules for three reasons: (1) to help keep them safe, (2) to help
them get along and work together, and (3) to help them learn. This research study
focuses on exploring grade 10 students' satisfaction with the school rules and
regulations at SSS National Highschool. The study aims to investigate various
aspects of satisfaction, including the clarity and transparency of the rules, their
impact on academic performance, fairness to the students, safety and inclusive
environment, and consistency of implementation. Through a mixed-methods
approach, quantitative and qualitative data are collected to gain a comprehensive
understanding of students' satisfaction levels. A survey questionnaire is
administered to grade 10 students to assess their perceptions and experiences
regarding school rules and regulations. Additionally, interviews and focus group
discussions are conducted to delve deeper into students' perspectives and gather
qualitative insights. The findings of this research will provide valuable insights into
grade 10 students' satisfaction with the school rules and regulations. The results
will inform the school administration about the strengths of the existing rules and
areas that may require improvement. Recommendations based on the findings can
be implemented to enhance the clarity, fairness, safety, inclusivity, and consistency
of the school rules and regulations. This study holds significance in promoting a
positive and conducive school environment. By understanding and addressing
students' satisfaction with the rules and regulations, the school administration can
foster a supportive learning environment that contributes to student's academic
success and overall well-being. Additionally, the research outcomes will contribute
to the existing body of knowledge on students' perceptions of school rules and
regulations, providing insights for future researchers and educators.

Keywords: Satisfaction, School rules, and regulations, Clarity, Transparency

1 The Problem and Its Setting
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………….....5
Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………......6
Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………….....8
Scope and Limitations…………………………………………………………8
Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………..9
Significance of the Study……………………………………………………..10

2 Review of Related Literature and Studies

Review of Literature…………………………………………………………...12
Related Review Studies…………………………………………………….…14

3 Methodology
Research Design………………………………………………………………17
The Sample…………………………………………………………………….17
The Instruments………………………………………………………………..18
The Data Collection……………………………………………………………19
The Data Analysis Procedure………………………………………..............20

4 Results and Discussion

Students Statisfaction and Rating …………………………………………...21
RQ1 : What are your further suggestions and feedback for the
improvement of school rules and regulations at the SSS
National High School?...............................................................................24
RQ2 : How likely will you recommend the school rules and
regulations in terms of clarity and transparency?.....................................25
Analysis & Interpretation……………………………………………………...26

5 Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of findings…………………………………………………………..27

Chapter 1



Rules and regulations at school are intended to be followed. In order to protect

students and improve their well-being, rules are developed. Another is to encourage

students to behave well and to keep the school's reputation positive. Children are

sent to school by their parents so that they might learn moral as well as scholastic

principles. Students' character and the values that are expected of them by others

will be molded as a result of the implementation of school regulations.

Clarity and transparency of school rules are essential for effective

communication and student compliance. When rules are unclear or not effectively

communicated, students may struggle to understand and adhere to them, leading to

frustration and a lack of satisfaction. Furthermore, the lack of transparency regarding

the reasons behind specific rules can leave students feeling disconnected and less

likely to respect and follow them.

The fairness of school rules and regulations is of utmost importance for student

satisfaction. Students expect rules to be applied consistently and equitably, without

any bias or discrimination. When rules are perceived as arbitrary or unfairly

enforced, students may develop negative attitudes toward the institution, leading to

disengagement and decreased satisfaction levels.

Consistency in the implementation of school rules is crucial for student

satisfaction and perceptions of fairness. Inconsistencies in rule enforcement can

lead to confusion, a lack of trust in the system, and feelings of favoritism or bias.
Students' satisfaction levels with the consistency of rule implementation provide

valuable insights into potential discrepancies that may exist, enabling the school to

address them and ensure a fair and just learning environment.

By conducting research on students' satisfaction with school rules and

regulations at SSS National Highschool, the aim is to provide a comprehensive

understanding of the areas that require attention and improvement. The findings will

inform the development of strategies to enhance clarity and transparency, support

academic performance, ensure fairness, promote safety and inclusivity, and foster

consistency in rule implementation. Ultimately, by addressing these dimensions of

student satisfaction, the school can create an environment where students feel

valued, engaged, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Statement of the Problem

The problem in this study aims the students' satisfaction level regarding the

school rules and regulations at SSS National Highschool. Specifically, the study

aims to determine the students' satisfaction with the clarity and transparency of the

rules and regulations, the effect of the rules on academic performance, the fairness

of the rules to the students, the safety and inclusiveness of the school

environment, and the consistency of the implementation of the rules. The following

research questions will guide the investigation:

1. How likely are the students would recommend the School Rules and

Regulations of SSS National High School in terms of :

a. clarity and transparency

b. effects on the academic performance of the students

c. fairness to the students

d. safety and inclusivity of the environment

e. consistency of the implementation

2. What are your further suggestions and feedback for the improvement of school

rules and regulations at the SSS National High School?

3. How likely are the students to recommend SSS National High School to their

families, friends, and other relatives in terms of the school rules and regulations

clarity and transparency?

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework for this study draws upon several relevant theories

and concepts related to satisfaction with school rules and regulations The following

theories can provide insights and guidance for understanding and analyzing the

students' level with the school rules and regulations at SSS National Highschool:

Expectancy-Value Theory. This theory emphasizes motivation that describes the

relationship between a student’s expectancy for success at a task or the achievement

of a goal in relation to the value of task completion or goal attainment.

This theory suggests that students' satisfaction with rules and regulations may be

influenced by their expectations and perceived value of these rules. According to this

framework, students are more likely to be satisfied when they perceive the rules as

relevant, fair, and beneficial to their academic and personal development.

(Eccles et al.; Eccles & Wigfield, 2002; Wigfield & Eccles, 2001)

Social Exchange Theory. Social exchange theory is a concept based on the

idea that social behavior is the result of an exchange process. According to this

theory, people weigh the potential benefits and risks of their social relationships.

This theory emphasizes the idea that student satisfaction with rules and

regulations can be influenced by a perceived exchange of benefits and costs.

Students evaluate the rules based on the benefits they receive (e.g., safety,

structure, fairness) compared to the perceived costs (e.g., restrictions, limitations,

loss of autonomy). Their satisfaction levels will be influenced by the perceived

balance between these benefits and costs. (George C. Homans in 1958.)

Adams Equity Theory. According to the theory, finding this fair balance helps to

achieve a strong and productive relationship with the employee, with the overall result

being contented, motivated employees. This theory suggests that students'

perceptions of fairness play a crucial role in their satisfaction levels. Students evaluate

the rules based on the distribution of resources, consequences, and treatment. If they

perceive the rules as fair and equitable, they are more likely to be satisfied. (Adams,

J.S. (1963).

By integrating these theories, the study can analyze and interpret the data collected

from students to gain a comprehensive understanding of their satisfaction level

regarding the school rules and regulations at SSS National Highschool. The findings

can provide valuable insights for improving the rules and regulations and addressing

the identified issues to enhance students' overall satisfaction and well-being.

Conceptual Framework


Satisfaction of Select 30 Grade 10 Assessed the
student’s on students as level of
School Rules and respondents satisfaction of 30
Regulations Administer survey Grade 10 on
& questionnaire school rules and
a.) Survey Organize responses regulations
(rating) and data through the use of
b.) questionnaire Analyze and a Google Form as
interpret the data an online survey


Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this study will be to assess their satisfaction levels in terms of

clarity and transparency of rules, the effect of rules on academic performance,

fairness of rules, safety and inclusive environment, and consistency of rule

implementation. The study will be done in the specific setting of SSS NHS and will

focus on how 30 grade 10 students perceive and interact with the rules and

policies at the school. In order to learn more about the satisfaction levels and

viewpoints of students in grade 10 on the listed dimensions, the study will collect

information from them using surveys, interviews, or other suitable research


The study will be limited to grade 10 students at SSS National Highschool,

thereby narrowing the generalizability to other grade levels or schools. It will

specifically focus on examining students' satisfaction with the school rules and

regulations within the context of SSS NHS.

Definition of Terms

The following are defined in the study as follows:

Student Satisfaction - is an attitude resulting from an assessment of

students' educational experience, services, and facilities provided by the institution.

School Rules and Regulations - Prescribed guidelines and policies

established by the educational institution to govern the behavior, conduct, rights,

and responsibilities of students within the school premises and during school-

related activities.

Clarity - the quality of being clear In the context of school rules and

regulations, it refers to the extent to which the rules are unambiguous, precise, and

comprehensible to students.

Transparency. The quality or state of being transparent and openly

communicated. It refers to the degree to which the school rules and regulations are

clearly communicated to students, including the reasons behind the rules,

expectations, and consequences.

Regulations - Regulations are usually more official than rules because they

are drawn up by the school board. They are a definite set of standards that must

be adhered to at all costs. Standards that cannot change, must not change and will

be followed or else there will be consequences, legal or otherwise. Regulations

differ from rules in that rules can be altered from time to time upon complaint and

review. Some can be bent or broken without any real consequences to follow.

Significance of the Study

The following entities that will benefit from this study are learners, teachers, and

future researchers.

Learners. The purpose of this study is to help the students by creating a

better learning environment. The study's conclusions may help to make school

rules and regulations more clear, equitable, and relevant, which would raise

student happiness. The school community's expectations, rights, and

responsibilities will be better understood by the students, creating a more

encouraging and supportive learning environment.

Teachers. Teachers can modify their classroom management techniques to

meet student's needs and expectations by knowing how students feel about school

rules and regulations. By encouraging good teacher-student interactions and

facilitating successful teaching and learning, this may help create a more pleasant

and interesting learning environment.

Future Researchers. Future researchers can benefit from the study's

insights into efficient research techniques and methodologies for examining

student satisfaction with regard to rules and regulations at the school.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the studies and the existing literature that helped in

lending credence to this study.

Review of Literature

2.1. Assessing the Impact of School Rules and Regulations on Students’

In a proper learning situation, a disciplined student is the one expected to do the

right things at the right time. (Kwayu, A.I.; Ishikaeli, A. Tanzania, 2014.) A

disciplined student is in the correct spot at the right time. For students who disobey

school rules or do not comply with school regulations, the use of penalties is

common. (Aggrawal, T. Sage Publications: London, UK, 2004.)

According to Byarugaba, M. The Future of Ideas, 2009, the students know that

disciplinary action is an effective way of remediating individual misdemeanors and

thus improving school discipline. Similarly, in the views of Herbert K. The Influence

of Discipline Management, 2009, students realize that punishment can be an

effective way of controlling conduct if it is fair and proportionate. In order to

improve their learning and academic performance, it acts as a motivation. Students

believe that punishment in a school system is supposed to teach them about the

relationship between behavior and results or responsibility for their mistakes.

(Cotton, N. Student Discipline and Motivation, 2000.)

2.2 Participation of students in the formulation of school rules and regulations

Participation in the educational system is a level of involvement and interest

that students have demonstrated through school rules and regulations.

School Councils and Student Parliaments have an integral role to play in

this process, as well as all aspects of school life and decision-making. It

also refers to the involvement of students in group decision-making at the

school or classroom level, as well as dialogue between pupils and others

who make decisions.(Mafabi, B. 2009.)

2.3. The attitude of the students towards school rules and regulations

According to Mafabi, B. 2009,, most students feel good about many school

regulations, but if it weren't for those rules, the place wouldn't have been nice. As

to why these school rules exist, it is mainly and most commonly explained by

students that they are there to prevent any of them from harming anyone or

making others feel uncomfortable, unhappy, frightened, or excluded.

Related Review of Studies

2.4 Students' involvement in the formulation of school rules and regulations

Student work is student involvement in enforcing school rules, creating policies,

and participating in decision-making. It includes student parliaments, school

councils, and the prefectorial body. It also includes participation in group decision-

making, such as a student poll or consultation (Jeruto and Kiprop, 2011). In fact,

it's frequently thought that parents, society as a whole, and school administrators

have trouble coming up with guidelines for schools. The major reason for this is

that students are treated like teenagers and frequently lack the understanding of

the abilities and tools required to operate a school. As a result, student

involvement in matters relating to student welfare might be essentially limited. With

essential governance concerns like school regulations, this is not the case

(Magadla, 2007).

The extent to which rules and regulations enhance discipline in secondary schools

According to Adams (2003) one strategy aimed at providing students with good

behavior is school rules and regulations. It entails discipline, orderliness, good

behavior, and compliance with the school authority (Adams, 2003). When it comes

to admission and school, A prospectus will be made available to students in

particular at the secondary level, which includes some information. The

expectation of compliance with the laws and regulations is as follows: (Adams,

2003.) Moreover, a cross-section survey design has been used in the study.

Statistical analysis of characteristics in the specific area concerned was not carried

out systematically on data collected from all sectional surveys. A descriptive survey

research design aimed at gathering systematic information from a specific area

was used in the current study. Cotton (2000), In his study of the way students are

controlled in public schools, The U.S. is in agreement with this position and

recommends a positive approach, Effective school rules, and regulations in order

to reduce the undesirable behavior of students in schools. Since students do not

participate in school activities, the rules and regulations of schools are established

on their own. (Kabandize, 2001): They are often resisted by the students, at times

breaking them up and leading to discipline. Acts that could lead to suspensions

and dismissals of students. In principle, schools should lay down rules and

regulations for the proper administration of the different classes. The lifestyles of

students with the dos and don’ts, (Okumbe, 2008). Regulations are General orders

with a course of law aimed at promoting order and efficiency in school. (Lupton and

Jones, of 2002), also supported Okumbe’s argument in 2008, arguing that

Effective schools make a point of demonstrating good inclusive practices, which

include emphasizing The rules and regulations of the school, cooperation

management, and their good practices.

2.5 Discipline and students' academic achievements

Rules or standards of behaviour can be defined as the shared expectations of a

group of people. These include what the group regards as a socially acceptable

pattern of behaviour expected of every individual in the group (Harris, 2005).Ideally,

schools set rules and

regulations for the proper governing of the various lifestyles of students containing

the dos and dont’s (Okumbe, 2008). Regulations on the other hand are authoritative

orders with a course of law intended to promote order and efficiency in an

organization. McGregory (2006) also concurred with Okumbe (2008), and argued

that effective schools demonstrate sound inclusive practices, which include

emphasizing school rules and regulations, collaborative leadership, and their good

practice. Discipline also plays a vital role in the acquisition of responsibility in

learners as well as educators. Educator‟s ability to exercise effective discipline as

suggested by Dunham (2004:66) is essential. Good discipline at school is essential

for students to succeed in adulthood, as it eliminates disruptive behavior and helps

them get ready for tests. Parents should not enroll their children in subpar schools.

Chapter 3

In this chapter, the nature of the research design and methodology is described.

Also, this chapter includes the location area where the data gathering was

conducted. The description of the sample, the instruments, and the process of data

collection and procedure are also described here.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers will utilize quantitative design. The quantitative

research design is aimed at discovering how many students think, act or feel in a

specific way; part goes to the analysis and interpretation of the recommendation of

the respondents.

The research method used is Survey Research and Questionnaire Checklist. The

researchers survey and solicit the responses of the sample.

The Sample

The sample consists of grade 10 students of SSSNHS with 8 sections. These

sections from Accountable, Admirable, Affable, Amiable, Coachable,

Comprehendible, Charitable and Credible were taken by the 7 to 10 % population

of grade 10 students and are assumed to be representative of the whole

population. These students were selected through random sampling through

sending questionnaires to sections group chat. These questionnaires were

checked and monitored and the students honestly answered the survey and

collected the result of assessment tests. The location area of data collection was

from a public school in Marikina City - SSS National High School (SSS NHS)

The Instruments

The instruments that were used to gather data are to measure the students’

satisfaction with the school rules and regulations at SSS National High School.

The instruments that were used are (1) a questionnaire checklist for the student’s

satisfaction with the school rules and regulations at SSS NHS and (2) a survey for

students’ suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of a school

aspect. The instruments were all made by the researchers.

The satisfaction questionnaire checklist was based on the 4-Point Likert Scale.

The respondents will choose among 4 options in correspondence to every

statement or question. The researchers edited some of the criteria so that the

respondents can relate to themselves well. This checklist is used to describe

students’ satisfaction with a certain aspect of SSS National High School.

Included in the instrument is a survey on how students are likely to recommend

SSS National High School in general.

The questionnaire consists of the following questions: “(1) How likely will you

recommend the school rules and regulations in terms of clarity and transparency,

effect on the academic performance, fairness to the students, safety and inclusive

environment, and consistency of implementation at

SSS National High School?

(2) Feedback and suggestions for improvement.

The Data Collection

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Mini-Research under Mathematics

and English subjects, the researchers were tasked to perform mini-research for
June 2023. The following schedule showed the phases done by the researcher for

the whole process of data gathering:


June 8 – 9, 2023 Organize, plot, and distributions of

research surveys and questionnaires.

June 9-12, 2023 Collection of data through the survey and


June 13 - 28, 2023 Data Gathering Procedure

June 27 - 28, 2023 Preparation and Finalizations of gathered


June 29, 2023 Presentation of research paper

During the distribution of the questionnaire the researchers guided the respondents

in answering the rating scale. After the distribution of the questionnaire, the

researchers evaluated the responses of the students, and the survey feedback and

suggestions for improvement was also facilitated by the researchers. The

responses would substantiate the main instrument and would support the results of

this study.

The data were presented in the next chapter.

The Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers went through the following procedures for this study:

administered the survey questionnaire checklist, and then the survey afterward.

The schedule of the data collection is presented in the last section. Then, the

researchers assessed the responses of the SSS NHS students and had to tally of

the responses derived from the questionnaire and checklist.

The responses of the SSS NHS students from the questionnaire and the checklist

are tallied, analyzed, and interpreted for the confirmation of data for the inclusion.


The researcher used the Measures of Dispersion, specifically, the Standard

Deviation. This provides an indication of how far the students of SSS NHS

responses to a question vary or "deviate" from the mean. Low standard deviation

means that the data are clustered around the mean, and high standard deviation

indicates the data are more spread out, and may be far from the mean.

Chapter 4

This chapter presents and interprets the data gathered from the Survey Checklist

and Questionnaire administered to the sample of grade 10 students at SSS

National High School, Marikina City

Also in this chapter are different tables and figures used to present the data

gathered. Table and figures are labeled accordingly.



From question no. 1 (How likely will you recommend the school rules and

regulations in terms of clarity and transparency), Based on the survey results, a

significant majority of the respondents (84%) are likely to recommend the school

rules and regulations in terms of clarity and transparency. This indicates a strong

positive perception among the students regarding the clarity and transparency of

the rules. However, it is worth noting that a portion of the students (10%)
expressed an unlikely attitude toward recommending the school rules and


From question no. 2 (School rules and regulations in terms of effect on the

academic performance), According to the pie chart, 79% of respondents said that

school rules and regulations effect on the academic performance are likely to

From question no. 3 (School rules and regulations in terms of fairness to the

students), it is evident that a majority of the respondents 60% indicated that they

are likely to recommend the school rules and regulations in terms of fairness. On

the other hand, a smaller percentage of the respondents 28% expressed some

level of uncertainty or unlikelihood in recommending school rules and regulations

in terms of fairness

From question no. 4 (School rules and regulations in terms of safety and

inclusive environment), According to the pie chart, 70% of respondents said that

school rules and regulations in terms of safety and inclusive environment are likely

to recommend.

From question no. 5 (School rules and regulations in terms of consistency of

implementation), A majority of the respondents 74% expressed that they are likely

to recommend the rules and regulations in this aspect.



The following data summarizes the responses of the students on how likely they

will recommend the school rules and regulations in terms of clarity and


1. What are your further suggestions and feedback for the improvement of

school rules and regulations at the SSS National High School?


To implement policies and rules that The school should hire or should have a
will ensure the student's safety and post where the guards can stay, aside
comfortable environment. from that a CCTV is also a big help for

School regulations are quite good to I think that our facility is short on
me the satisfaction is alright and can personnel, so I'd suggest that we would
say it's fine for all of us students it hire more people who are known for
meets requirements nothing to improve their job (I came to notice that our
it's just needs to maintain:) campus is asking for help for parents)

Be consistent with every rule that you After making a draught of rules you
implement could consider opening up a debate so
that if students debate rules then they’ll
see both sides of the argument and be
more likely to agree to comply.

2. How likely will you recommend the school rules and regulations in

terms of clarity and transparency?

RATING No. of (x - ▁x) (x - ▁x))2^ f(x - ▁x))2^


Very Unlikely 0 -7.5 56.25 0

Unlikely 3 -4.5 20.25 60.75

Likely 25 17.5 306.25 7,656.25

Very Likely 2 5.5 30.25 60.5

60.75 + 7656.25 + 60.5 = 7,777.5

7,777.5 ÷ 29 = 268.189

Variance: σ² = ( (Σ x²) / N ) = 268.189

SD = = 268.189 =

Analysis: The standard deviation obtained from the survey conducted is

16.37, which is relatively big. Therefore, the data is said to be heterogeneous.

Interpretation: In this case, since the standard deviation is large and

heterogeneous, the students are unlikely to recommend SSS National High School

to their families, friends, and other relatives. In terms of the rules’ clarity and

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation


Based on the data gathered, the following findings were drawn:

1. This summarizes the responses of the students:

1.1 Clarity and Transparency: 84% of the respondents are likely to

recommend the school rules and regulations in terms of clarity and

transparency, indicating a strong positive perception in this aspect.

1.2 Effect on Academic Performance: 79% of the respondents stated that the

school rules and regulations have a positive effect on academic

performance, indicating a likelihood of recommendation.

1.3 Fairness to the Students: 60% of the respondents are likely to recommend

the school rules and regulations in terms of fairness. However, 28%

expressed some level of uncertainty or unlikelihood in recommending


1.4 Safety and Inclusive Environment: 70% of the respondents are likely to

recommend the school rules and regulations in terms of safety and

inclusive environment.

1.5 Consistency of Implementation: A majority of the respondents (74%)

expressed their likelihood to recommend the rules and regulations in

terms of consistency of implementation.

2. Mostly their suggestions and feedback are good but is needed to be

maintained and be consistent with the school rules and regulation when

implementing it.

3. The data reflects a positive perception of the school rules and regulations

in terms of clarity and transparency, with a majority of the respondents

leaning towards a positive recommendation. This suggests that the school

has been successful in implementing rules and regulations that are perceived

as clear and transparent by the students.


Based on the summary of findings and the data extracted from chapter 4.

The researchers, therefore, conclude the following:

1. Majority of the respondents 74% will recommend the school rules and

regulations in terms of clarity and transparency of SSS National High School

and becomes successful of implementing them.

2. The researchers found that the engagement by the students with the rules

and regulations of the school based on the feedbacks are very impressive

that the school is implementing it and the suggestions are very good also by

the suggesting to maintain it properly when something happens.

Based on the summary of findings and the conclusions drawn from the study.

The researchers, therefore, recommend the following:

1. Learners should follow the school's rules and regulations. By doing so, they

will avoid breaking any rules that might lead to negative consequences or

disciplinary actions. Can demonstrate respect and good behavior to the

school's rules and regulations. Treating others with respect, being punctual,

and following school rules, and regulations show that learners understand the

importance of following such rules and regulations.

2. Teachers should remember that they are responsible for their own conduct at

school and to take accountability for their actions. Taking ownership of

mistakes and seeking ways to ameliorate them will help in fostering a positive

relationship between the learners and the school.

3. Future Researchers should familiarize themselves with the school's rules and

regulations. They should be aware of the consequences for breaking the rules

and how the rules are enforced. Understanding the rules will help students

comply more easily and avoid unwanted outcomes.

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Appendix A : Questionnaire (google form survey)

1. How likely are the students would recommend the School Rules and

Regulations of SSS National High School in terms of :

a. clarity and transparency

b. effects on the academic performance of the students

c. fairness to the students

d. safety and inclusivity of the environment

e. consistency of the implementation

2. Feedbacks & Suggestions for the improvement.

Appendix B : The preparation, presentation, and awards


Preparation the day before the presentation.

During Presentation
After the presentation / oral defense

Awarding (Best in Research Paper)

Appendix C : Results obtained from the questionnaire

Total of each section responses

Responses of the students to the questionnaire



Question General Responses

Feedbacks & “To implement policies and rules that will
Suggestions for the ensure the students safety and comfortable
improvement environment.”

“They should be more strict with the safety

of the students.”

“Consistency siguro ng implementation”

“The school should hire or should have a

post where the guards can stay, aside from
that a cctv is also a big help for us.”

“Para sakin okay lang naman yung mga

rules and regulations”

“I think its better to make the rules more

strictly because there are some students who
didn't care about the consequences they will

“Tignan muna kung ano maaring mangyari

bago gumawa ng isang desisyon”

“School regulations is quite good to me the

satisfaction is alright and can say it's fine for
all of us students it meet requirements
nothing to improve it's just need to

“I think that our facility are short on

personel, i'd suggest that we would hire
more people who are known for their job”

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