Phys Lab

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DATE: 04/10/23

TITLE: Electricity

AIM: To find the measurement of resistivity of a metal by Metre Bridge

Apparatus/Materials: Metre bridge, dry cell X, key K1, galvonometer G with

protective resistor r and shorting key K2
not less than 1k ohm, jockey J, 2-3 m of nichrome or constantan wire of s.w.g,
suitable standard resistances S,
micrometer screw gauge, metre rule.

1. Connect the cell X and key K1 to the terminals A,B of the wire AB. Connect the
galvonometer G to the jockey J and D, using the protective resistance, r. The
Protective resistance r may be a high resistance in series with G and a shorting
key K2, as shown, or a rheostat of a few ohms in parallel with G. Carefully clean
the terminals C, E and A', B' with fine emery paper and connect the standard
resistance S heween E and B'. . .
2. Remove any kink's troM the coil of wire .R whose resistivitris required and
Connect the whole length of it to the temniels C and•A'. Make a sharp .bend at one
end Where it leaves the termiaal C say and an ink mark chore it .leaves the other
terminal A'.. . , . - . - • .. - - • ' ' Close the key K, and owe the balance
pOint by couching I lightly on the bridge wire. Wis.n the position of the balance
point has been found to the nearest centimetre, remove the protective
teeistatice. .r by closing K, and locate the balancepoint as accurately as
poslible: Measure the length I; 'fiord .. the end A to the -balance point. (If
necessary, change the standard resistance S so that the balance:. point is nearer
the midi/ of theWire.)Now measure carefully the length /of-wire tietimen
the.termlnals C and Al 1 . . — . .
3. Repeat .the experiment with foUr shorter lengthi of the wite'and record the
values of I, and. I. • -Yen may have to changerthe standard resistance to a
nnaller, value in order to obtain a balapce point nedsr the middle of AB. i - .. •
. • - .
4 Interchange the renistanceS and the wire R and repeat the measurements of /,
(thit time measured from B) for each length- I of wire used previously. Eater the
reaulta ip.the table so that an .average • value for /, can be found. -
' . . . . .
5. Remove the wire and measure its dinmeter at three different places -with a
micrometer gauge: at each place take two m'easurementaat right eaglet. Record also
the zero error, if any, ofthe micro-meter gauge. . . :

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