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Aditya Purohit 2023

Empathy Research
The first recorded typing machine was a typewriter (scrittura tatille)
made in 1575 by Francesco Rampazetto. As typewriters evolved
designers devolved better letter layouts such as the now most
popular QWERTY keyboard layout. Eventually, in 1872, Thomas A.
Edison developed the first electrical typewriter. Typewriters used
cold rolled steel, various plastics, wood, and rubber. Cold rolled steel
was a very reliable material that was long lasting. In 1981, IBM
released the first keyboard that resembled what modern day
keyboards look like. Since then, a major change that occurred was
the widespread switch from mechanical to membrane keyboard.
These keyboards were slimmer, quieter and lighter. They were also
easier and cheaper to produce than the mechanical counterpart.
Although the switch from mechanical to membrane was seen as a
good thing, nowadays mechanical keyboards are seen as better as
they are made from sturdy metals and are more customisable which
means they are better able to suit the users needs. The product
could be more sustainable through the use of sustainable materials
such as bamboo (which is already being implemented). Mechanical
keyboards with appropriate switch options will allow for more user
customisation. This will make it easier to support users needs.
Understanding User Needs and Requirements: Through
observation, designers can discern several critical factors
influencing keyboard design. Comfort and ergonomics play a
pivotal role as users' postures and hand positions reveal whether
the keyboard promotes healthy typing practices. Key layout and
size observations help determine if adjustments are needed to
accommodate different hand sizes and preferences.
Customization features, like adjustable tilt angles or
programmable keys, can be tailored based on user demands.
Additionally, feedback on typing speed and keypress satisfaction
informs the choice of technologies used in production.
Technologies for Sustainable Living: Ergonomic and healthy
keyboards often incorporate innovative technologies to enhance
user comfort while minimizing environmental impact.
Observations can spotlight the importance of sustainable
materials like recycled plastics or bamboo. Energy efficiency is
another key consideration, as users' reliance on wireless
keyboards stresses the need for longer battery life and power-
saving technologies. Furthermore, users' tendencies to repair or
upgrade keyboards emphasize the importance of designs that
facilitate easy maintenance and component replacement.
Contribution of Innovation, Enterprise Skills, and Emerging
Technologies: Observations highlight how innovation and
emerging technologies shape the preference for ergonomic
keyboards. Advanced materials are prized for their durability and
comfort, while smart features like customizable lighting or
integrated touchpads cater to users seeking more versatile
options. By understanding user preferences, entrepreneurs can
identify market trends and innovate accordingly, creating
keyboards that align with consumer needs and desires.
Appropriateness of Technologies for Purpose and Designed
Solutions: Designers can leverage observations to craft tailored
solutions. Customizable keyboards may address users' desires
for personalized key configurations. Sustainable designs,
prompted by a preference for eco-friendly materials, can
prioritize environmentally responsible materials and
manufacturing practices. Health-focused features like adjustable
tilt angles and wrist rests can be incorporated to alleviate
ergonomic concerns. In summary, observing how people interact
with ergonomic and healthy keyboards informs multiple facets of
product development and innovation. This approach ensures that
design decisions prioritize user comfort, sustainability, and
customization. It also highlights the significant role of innovation,
enterprise skills, and emerging technologies in shaping the future
of keyboard design. Ultimately, observations lead to products
that better align with user needs, preferences, and the goal of
sustainable living, fostering a symbiotic relationship between
technology and its users.
Design Problem
Most modern keyboards are designed in a way that, over repetitive
use causes pain and stiffness in the neck, back, forearms and hand
muscles/joints. This all comes under Repetitive Strain Injury
Syndrome (RIS), a commonly reported injury that pertains to the
slow degeneration of tendon tissue as a result of repeated stress or
strain. This is likely because of the ergonomic issues with modern
keyboards. For example, users have reported having problems with
the height of the keyboard. This has caused wrist pain because of the
uncomfortable elevation of the keyboard which forces the hand into a
harmful position. Another issue which could be causing RIS is the
amount of pressure required to push down keys. For example, one
user reported having to apply more pressure with one of the
keyboards compared to their MacBooks keyboard which they
described as, “the perfect keyboard”. This caused a bad experience
for the user when typing. If this problem is not addressed it can lead
to chronic pain, numbness, loss of fine motor skills and even muscle
degeneration. It will take time for these problems to arise but they
could even lead to the incapacity of work. If this problem becomes
more widespread it would be potentially economically dangerous.
Design Brief
With my product I aim to solve or at least reduce the risk of RSI with
keyboard use and to make them more sustainable by implementing more
environmentally friendly materials. Through the user groups it was found
that the balance of aesthetics and functionality was very much valued.
Therefore, the design solution will be required to be aesthetically
pleasing without compromising on the functionality of the product. To
accomplish this the types of materials will need to be sturdy, recycled,
waterproof, etc. this could include but not be limited to steel, bamboo,
brass, etc.
constraints considerations

- Has to function with - Made from sustainable materials

PCs and Laptops such as, bamboo.
- Has to have a way to - Made from sturdy materials such as,
access all keys metals, wood
- Implement aesthetic components
- Allowed by Australian
such as, colours, various finishes, etc
- Could include mechanical switches.
- Must take sustainability
This will give the users the ability to
into consideration as per
customise to personal preference.
task requirements. E.g - Could implement a more efficient
sustainable materials. keyboard layout that will support healthy
- Must use emerging hand and wrist function and typing speed.
technologies. E.g 3d printing, - Could have new keyboard layout.
laser-cutting, etc - Could have new key types.
Success criteria Testing method

Success is measured by users

The keyboard should require minimal
reporting reduced fatigue and less
Ergonomics typing effort, with keys that are easy to
pressure needed to type compared to
conventional keyboards.

No harmful ranges of motion

The keyboard minimises the risk for
Function observed during the user
group testing.

User groups tested with

the new layout in a 30-minute time
design a keyboard that incorporates The participants achieve
ergonomic features comparable or better typing speeds
and layout adjustments to and accuracy on the keyboard with the
significantly reduce the risk of different layout compared to the
Repetitive Strain standard layout.
Injuries (RSI) and related discomfort Participants report a positive
among users during prolonged typing experience and minimal
sessions. difficulties in distinguishing keys
based on their tactile and

Assess the keyboard's ability to be

customized or
keyboard that incorporates adjustable adjusted to fit different hand sizes
features to provide and typing preferences (e.g.,
a highly customizable typing adjustable
experience for users with varying hand key spacing, keycap profiles).
sizes and Success will be indicated if
typing preferences. customization
options effectively cater to a broad
range of user needs.

Conduct a comprehensive Life Cycle

Assessment for the
product. This assessment should
Materials should last very long without consider the environmental impact of
causing harm to the
Environmental Consideration
environment in the process by which it materials' extraction, production,
is produced. transportation, use, and disposal
Successful if keyboard has estimated
life span of about 10 years.
The core of the product is built using the combination of three
essential materials: bamboo, stainless steel, and brass. These
materials collectively contribute to an exceptional product that aids in
an extended lifespan, sustainability, and great damage and break
resistance. Bamboo not only lends durability to the product but also
features the commitment to sustainability. Its rapid growth and
versatility make it an eco-friendly choice that reduces the
environmental footprint. Stainless steel reinforces the product's
structural integrity. It is impervious to corrosion, rust, and staining,
ensuring that the keyboard components remain resilient even in the
face of demanding usage. Moreover, stainless steel can withstand
substantial mechanical forces, reducing the risk of damage or
breakage. Brass adds its unique attributes to the mix. Popular for its
corrosion resistance and distinctive golden appearance, brass elevates
the aesthetic appeal of the product and enhances its longevity. The
synergy of these materials results in a keyboard that not only endures
the test of time but also embodies sustainability and eco-conscious
principles. The bamboo sourcing aligns with eco-friendly
manufacturing practices, demonstrating the dedication to reducing
environmental impact. Meanwhile, stainless steel and brass fortify the
keyboard's durability, making it highly resistant to damage.
This keyboard aimed to make typing easier and kinder to the
environment. Many keyboards today cause discomfort, leading to
Repetitive Strain Injury Syndrome (RSI). This syndrome brings pain and
stiffness in the neck, back, forearms, and hands, which can affect how
people work and feel. To tackle these issues, the design focuses on
making typing more comfortable and eco-friendlier. The materials
chosen were bamboo, stainless steel, and brass for the keyboard.
Bamboo grows quickly and is better for the Earth. Stainless steel and
brass make the keyboard last a long time, so we don't have to throw
them away as often. Thinking about the keyboard's whole life, from when
the materials are sourced to when its use has ended. Most bamboo is
grown and used in an eco-friendly way, and stainless steel and brass
make the keyboard tough. This means it won't need to be replaced as
often, which is better for the environment. The design also lets the user
change how the keyboard feels when they type on it. It can be made just
right, so it's more comfortable. This way, the user is less likely to get RSI
from typing too much. A new keyboard layout and key types for the
keyboard was also implemented. The joystick “keys” are more easily
accessible and make sure that the wrist does not have to go through any
unhealthy and potentially harmful positions. Furthermore, they are
placed in the position in which the hand naturally rests at. This ensure
that the product is ergonomic and is easy to use. In the end, this
keyboard design aims to make typing comfy and eco-friendly. It thinks
about the Earth and comfort, so typing is better for everyone.
How typewriter is made - material, manufacture, making, history, used,
parts, components, dimensions, steps. (n.d.).
Pistorius, J. (2020, November 24). After 150 years, we should finally
redesign the computer keyboard. Medium.
When was the first keyboard invented? (2018).
Who invented the typewriter? A Brief History. (n.d.)., a
Division of Monroe Systems for Business.

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