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The effectiveness of TVL-HE strand in skills of

student in Rizwood colleges during school year

2023- 2024.

Charles Michael Purisima

Jennefir R. Pagatpat
Maryjane B.Saballa
Jamaica M.Capus
Christine A.Rago
Eve Gido
Chapter 1

Introduction and it's background of the study The

Economics (HE) strand offers various
specializations that
can lead to livelihood projects at home. This strand
to give you job-ready skills that can help you in
finding the right employment.
Subjects in the Home Economics can also lead to
National certifications based on TESDA
standards TVL-HE Strand is designed to develop
skills that is useful for livelihood and technical
provides a curriculum that is a combination of Core
Courses and specialized hands-on courses
that meets the competency-based assessment of
TESDA,At the end of the course
students will be able to take the TESDA National
Certification assessment,
the TVL-HE Strand offers three specializations
namely Bread and Pastry,Food and Beverage, and
Not all students of the the Philippines are privileged
enough to afford the equipment used by TVL
and that is one of the problems being encountered
by TVL-HE students.
Outputs are the end-product of educational
outcomes and process
those needs to be assessed based on objectives and
Output is the product of educational input and
which must be assessed. Meanwhile in Rizwoods
Colleges Inc.
some of the students experiencing Technological
sufficiency challenges,
social anxiety, household barriers, technology
fatigue, and online multitasking behavior are the
challenges in interactive while self-regulation
challenges, self-learning ability and learning style
lack of immediate support and feedback The
primary goal of this study is to identify factors that
influences the
effectiveness of TVL-HE strand in skills of
students,in order to meet that aim,
the study will focus on the following specific
objectives to gain further information and
and discuss certain information from the
effectiveness of TVL-HE strand curriculum to them
and to inform,
orient and educate people about the advantages of
taking TVL curriculum in senior high.
Significance of the Study

The study has significance along with the following

concerns: To
the Department of Education;This could serve as a
basis for giving
necessary support in terms of additional
trainings/seminars, provide guides,
manuals, textbooks and other instructional materials
as well as educational facilities that would lead to a
better K to 12 implementation.
To my fellow students in Rizwoods Colleges Inc.
With the findings of the study,
they could have a clear picture on what is really
happening in students tasks as facilitators of
learning, thus,
school administrators could be able to provide vital
assistance to the students relevant needs. For the
this will serve as a way for reflecting their own
repertoire and an avenue for professional growth.
To the parents,
community people and other stakeholders. With this
study, they will become fully aware on the needs of
the TVL-HE students,
thus, they can extend their full support and active
cooperation to the school’s
program and project concerning to TVL-HE
students concerning to TVL-HE students need
Statement of the problem

The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of

TVL-HE strand in skills of students in Rizwood
colleges Inc. Cabreros Campus during the school
year 2023-2024.

1.What are the profile of selected students in

Rizwoods Colleges Inc. Cabreros Campus in terms
1.1 Age;
1.2 Sex;
1.3 Strand;
1.4. Grade Level;
2.What are the negative impact of TVL-HE strand
in your skills?
2.1 Time Management
2.2 Having difficulties in expressing and generating
2.3 Lack of communication between members
2.4 Different personalities of members 3.What
program in TVL-HE strand can improve your skill?
3.1 Food and Beverage Services
3.2 Housekeeping
3.3 Bread and Pastry
3.4 Hotel and Restaurant Management
Conceptual Framework


As shown in the
paradigm of the study,
the researcher would like
to evaluate the
. Input respondents' practices
along the mentioned
The researcher areas. From this
conceptualized that if there Process evaluation, the researcher
is a study on the would then propose a
effectiveness of TVL-HE relevant action plan
strand, essential matters Figure 2. intended to uplift the
could be revealed,and this effectiveness of TVL-HE
Conceptual Paradigm of
could be avenue for strand to senior high
the Study
handling solutions,The school (SHS) students at
following figure shows Rizwoods Colleges Inc.
how the study works Cabreros Campus,this
will substantiate the study
from educational point of
Scope of Delimitation

This research study will conduct by the Grade

12 TVL-HE students
to find out the effectiveness of TVL-HE in skills
of the Grade 12 students in Rizwoods Colleges
Cabreros Campus,this study has a scope and
delimitations that will enable the researchers to
catch on the ideas,
further knowledge and deep understanding of
the students regarding the aforementioned
The respondents of this study will be the Grade
12 Senior High School students in Rizwoods
Colleges Inc.
Cabreros Campus and the researchers will
assure outmost confidentiality from their
responses,this study
was limited to the number of students in
Rizwoods Colleges Inc. Cabreros Campus,
the profile group included only those TVL-HE
tudents who will graduate this school year
2023-2024, at Rizwoods Colleges Inc.
Definition of Terms
The following terms are conceptually and
operationally defined for the purposes of
justification and clarification:
K-12 Curriculum It describes how the new
educational system makes the student
enhance their skills and knowledge.
Curriculum can refer to: the courses or
subjects students study in school, the general
learning goals and activities for a course,
set of courses, or grade level, the specific
learning objectives or standards to be
Problems-These are challenges or difficulties
that hinder the effectiveness of TVL-HE in skills
of students
common problems of TVL-HE students are
lack of tools to use in any programs
implemented in school.
Senior high school-It is part of K-12 Curriculum
that adds two years in high school.
A school usually including grades 10 to 12
according Merriam-Webster dictionary.
Solutions-These are actions or strategies that
can be implemented to more effective the
TVL-HE strand in skills of students at
Rizwoods Colleges Inc. Cabreros Campus.
The TVL-HE strand-gives students good
preparation for a career, as graduates of
vocation courses have a higher employment as
compared to other courses.
Relevant skills they will need for employment in
less time,TVL-HE students can gain
the skills and knowledge they need to seek for
employment straight
after senior high school whether that's in the
Philippines or overseas.

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